• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 5,786 Views, 781 Comments

I, Chrysalis - Scarheart

Imprisoned, Queen Chrysalis writes the story of her life, her legacy. But not for those pathetic ponies! Gifted with a daughter, she cherishes what could be the last changeling she will ever interact with...

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Chapter VII

Twilight was flabbergasted, if the horrified look on her face suggested anything. “K-k-kill? Nopony said anything about killing you! What a horrible thing to suggest!” The unicorn had put both her hooves to her mouth.

Chrysalis could almost hear the young mare’s jaw creak in the wind as it hung like a porch swing. She was irrelevant. She did not matter. The Queen’s focus lay upon the alabaster Mistress of the Sun. Luna had remained quiet, her musings suggesting the blue and white mares had a connection. Perhaps telepathy? The odd and subtle movement of lips, the twitch of an ear here and there. Yes, there was some sort of mental connection between the two. Not uncommon for twin sisters. Were they twins? The eyes flicking towards each other as Celestia and Luna both absorbed the words no doubt echoing in their heads. It was possible.

Chrysalis noted Luna had refilled her teacup calmly. What sort of ‘hearing’ was this, anyway? Nothing in those insufferable (and amazingly boring) books even hinted at tea and crumpets. Nor an outdoor setting on a fine summer day. A breeze touched her cheeks and Chrysalis began to re-evaluate the insanity of these ponies.

Finally, Celestia sipped her own tea, her eyes never leaving the Queen. Her movements were delicate, each action beauty in motion. The Princess savored her drink.

Atalanta peeped.

Celestia’s gaze dropped to the pale little face staring fearlessly (and mostly blind) seemingly straight up at the alicorn. From her perspective, Celestia could only see the top of the hatchling’s bare head and her large, luminous eyes.

“No need for dramatics, Queen Chrysalis,” Celestia said firmly. “You are not here to be sentenced. This hearing is to go over the facts and details of what you and your changelings did leading up to the attack. It is rather fortunate we have the mastermind behind the assault here with us to go over the details. We just want the facts. The blame can be mulled over later.” Concern filled her eyes. “Who gave you the idea we wanted to kill you or your daughter? That is not our way.”

Chrysalis flicked an ear, keeping her focus on her forelegs folded neatly on the edge of the table. She pondered on whether it would serve any purpose to remain defiant. Still, the effort and preparation had been an impressive feat for a colony of changelings as small as hers. The hive had thrown itself into the plans she had painstakingly worked on. Everything had been as well as she could have hoped, despite the numerous near disasters.

It was a bittersweet recollection.

“Would it compromise your changelings in any way?” Luna had leaned over, her question professional. “If you do not wish to recount some details, simply inform Celestia you wish to abstain from answering. The idea is to not incriminate yourself while doing what you can to fill in where we are lacking in information. Is that acceptable?”

Chrysalis sighed and pursed her lips. Stubbornly, she glared at Celestia, then at her student before turning slowly to Luna. “Am I allowed to refuse answering questions if I feel my answers will be used against me?”

“That is your right, yes.” Luna nodded. "Remember, the spell can only be defended against if you make a quick denial. There is a delay from the moment the question is asked to when you will be compelled to answer. The duration between the asking and the compelled truth will be ten seconds. Do you understand, Queen Chrysalis?"

"I remember," said the changeling, not at all happy with the circumstances.

“I will be using a truthing spell,” announced Twilight. “Will the council for the defense please advise their client in accordance to the law? This may be an informal hearing, and therefore inadmissible in a court of law, but the truth is needed and the truth will be administered.” She sounded quite proud of herself when she was done speaking.

This whole thing was ridiculous. Celestia was looking to amuse herself and try trapping Chrysalis into admitting something damning. The Queen touched a hoof to the lump that was her daughter, still upset at being denied her first flower. Atalanta quieted and turned into the touch from her mother. A single, louder chirp accompanied the feel of two tiny hooves pushing against the sash feebly to grasp at the larger hoof.

“I understand,” grunted Chrysalis just as Luna was about to ask. “Let’s get this over with. I want to spend some time with my daughter outside after this, should my jailors permit it.” She was a bit snarky with her request. She found a plate of delicately arranged cucumber sandwiches hovering in front of her. They smelled nice with some sort of zesty sauce in the lettuce. Her stomach made her decision for her.

“I see no reason why not,” replied Celestia, who was surprised and pleased with the Queen. “Let us not go further than two hours. I shall keep the time. When I call for an end to the hearing, we can then discuss if we need to go into further discussions at the end of the day. Agreed?”

Luna and Twilight both nodded seriously. Chrysalis huffed and rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath all ponies were insane. The Queen did seem to relax a little, but a small cloud of fear hovered in the back of her mind. Surely this was some sort of trap. A tiny part of her was even disappointed no death sentence was to be doled out in the disguise of justice served.

"This hearing can be cancelled at anytime and the truthing spell removed at the request of the defendant should she wish to terminated the hearing early." Chrysalis' ears perked. She did not know this. This was an unexpected grace from her hostess.

The real question was if she was willing to tell the ponies just how she managed to fool them all. She savored the thought of making Celestia squirm when she was told just how easily the changelings had melded into their chain of command, becoming a part of the important cogs of the government, undermining the defenses and ultimately putting everything under one roof through a carefully manufactured outside threat. It had taken nearly the effort of the entire hive to pull it off. Chrysalis was so proud of them!


“It is the only way I can remember them,” she said softly, gently hugging Atalanta to her bosom. “Ravagers must have found them out by now. Gone. All gone. ” Her voice had dropped to a haunted whisper. She tried to reach through the Bond, but could feel nothing. The Queen had been trying since she stepped hoof outside. There was faint hope it was just a matter of distance preventing her from reaching. She nibbled on her sandwich, completely unaware she had taken a wedge. The Queen blinked and numbly ate.

“I beg your pardon?” Celestia asked.

No, she would not betray them. If there was a remote chance they had managed to get away from those horrible monsters, she would not give them away! “No matter. Ask your questions.”

“Very well. Twilight? You may begin. Keep in mind your questions must remain on topic and you cannot ask the same question the defendant already declined to answer. Am I clear?”

Twilight beamed happily. “Yes, Princess!”

Chrysalis wanted to gag.

“Excellent. Queen Chrysalis, are you ready? Is your council ready?”

“We are ready, sister. Your student may ask her questions.” Luna whispered for the changeling’s ears only, “I will answer for you, as it is rule of law for an informal hearing with such a small group. I act as your shield and your sword. I can only reply with words you use, but I may alter them to prevent you from incriminating yourself.”

Chrysalis stared at her with narrowed eyes. One brow twitched.

“Is something amiss?”

“Your accent. What happened to it?”

“I am trying not to sound… medieval. I have a speech therapist I see on Tuesdays. She says I am improving.” Luna sounded like a student who hated school.

“Ah.” Chrysalis wanted to just start strangling ponies. Scream in their faces. Ask them all why they were so stupid and pursued such stupid things. Instead, she wore her mask of being in control.

“We are ready!” said Luna with a smile to her sister.

“First question!” Twilight glared at the Queen with the effectiveness of a mouse staring down an elephant. “When you were monologuing shortly after you had captured Celestia on the day of the wedding, did you really expect to control all of Equestria?”

Chrysalis growled, reflexively petting the lump that was her daughter.

“My client refuses to answer,” translated Luna diplomatically.

Twilight paused, her ears swiveling up and down in the direction of Chrysalis. “Okay. Next question: How much planning went into the invasion and how long was the planning process from its inception to its initiation?”

Chrysalis began to hiss, managing to do it with a flat, almost bored expression. “Nine months. We made revisions once it was discovered a certain Mi Amore Cadenza was to be wed to Celestia’s Captain of the Guard.”

“Shining Armor?”

“No, I mean—” Chrysalis suddenly felt a powerful compulsion overcome her attempted snark. “Yes.” This made her scowl once she realized what had just happened.

Twilight wore a smug grin. “Why invade Equestria?”

The Queen drew in a slow, steady breath, closing her eyes. She exhaled, irritated, and shook her head. “Why do you think I invaded? Do you need me to explain the obvious to you?”

“For the records, Queen Chrysalis.” Celestia smiled placatingly and sipped her tea. “Everything being said at this table is being recorded for the Royal Archives. Also, in case you were wondering, the truth spell only takes affect when you attempt to answer a question.”

The changeling did wonder. She had reservations against truthing spells. Depending on the variation, they could make an intended target sing like a canary or make all night orgies a terrible idea. It depended upon how the spell was applied and what the user had in mind. Capability played an enormous rule. Any unicorn competent with spell casting could master the single target varieties, but for a group function took something beyond average skill.

“Why did you fail to mention the spell?” Chrysalis hissed at Luna.

The blue alicorn shrugged. “You did ask. Remember?”

In the meantime, the spell tugged and tugged at Chrysalis, compelling her to answer the question. She had deflected it, but it was clear the spell would not allow for her attempts to delay keep her from answering truthfully. The Queen considered the magic behind the spell, only to blurt out, “Love can be stored. With as much love ponies are capable of producing, not only could my hive gorge themselves, but there would be ten, no, a hundred times the love we could store.” She refused to lean on Luna, who was looking at her as though Chrysalis was wasting her availability.

Luna leaned into the Queen's ear. "Remember, you can turn to me if you require help," she reminded her with a whisper.

Chrysalis ignored her.

Twilight was quick to pounce. “What do you use love for?”

Again, the spell did its purpose, much smoother now. “We need love to power our spells. We do not have regenerating mana pools like you unicorns do. We need love to keep the Void from devouring us from the inside out.” To her horror, it was adapting to her mind!

"Chrysalis, what are you doing? 'Tis folly!" Luna was nudging the changeling with a hoof.

Chrysalis batted it away rudely. Luna huffed and gave pleading eyes for help from her sister.

“What is this void you speak of?”

“We call it the Hunger. All changelings are born with the Hunger and the Void.” Panicked eyes bulged as the Queen suddenly found herself unable to move from her seat. Why could she not not answer?

“So, you’re saying this Hunger, as you call it, is actually eating you alive?”

Chrysalis grit her teeth. “Yes.” Murder flared in her eyes as she bore them into Twilight’s soul. Otherwise, she was a mask of indifference. She refused to give these ponies the satisfaction of seeing her act unstately. The unicorn flinched from the changeling, looking to Celestia for support.

“Please refrain from imaginary disembowelments, if you would be so kind, Queen Chrysalis,” said the alicorn. “Or any other form of mayhem upon the person of Twilight Sparkle. Despite what personal agendas might exist, I will have the truth and the facts and nothing else. The questions are important and need to be answered.

“I have grown tired of waiting for you to see reason and this hearing pains me as your will is currently being suppressed. There is much more at stake than your pride. Thousands of lives may very well hang in the balance, be they pony or changeling. I cannot in good conscience allow your selfish desires to overcome the safety and security of my little ponies.” Celestia shook her head sadly.

“You tricked me!” accused Chrysalis. “I knew this was a trap!”

Next to her, Luna was making strangling sounds. "I am here to assist!" she said, again leaning into the Queen's deaf ear.

“I am sorry. You left us no choice. We have tried for weeks to reach you, to connect, to understand. You have rejected us at every turn. Please forgive me. It was my decision to do this.”

Chrysalis wanted to scream, but she would not give them the satisfaction. Furious, she glared at Celestia. “I hate you,” she seethed through clenched teeth. Atalanta squirmed uncomfortably.

“You will not speak to my sister thusly,” said Luna flatly. “I may be your council, but We will not tolerate such words in Our presence! We demand you apologize this instant!”

“I do not want to apologize,” Chrysalis said truthfully. Confounded pony magic!

“Then consider instead your daughter and how your emotions affect her.” The blue alicorn gave her a knowing look.

The Queen’s heart went cold. Her glare wavered. She found she could not look at Celestia. Her hiss was more than enough to convey what she thought of everything.

“Should I continue?” asked Twilight nervously. She was not enjoying the hearing as much as she would have hoped. There was an angry queen always staring at her with soul-devouring eyes and big, nasty teeth.

There was something to be said about terrorizing purple pony prodigies. For Chrysalis, she could not enjoy the moment as she realized she was at the mercy of that insufferable unicorn menace. However, she was able to read into the spell itself and understood it was also indiscriminate. "I will continue," she said, determined and full of pride.

Luna threw up her hooves and rolled her eyes.

“Please do, Twilight. You are doing fine.”

Twilight took in a deep breath, flicked her tail, and continued to question the changeling. “How were you able to infiltrate the guards and get to Princess Cadence?” she asked, narrowing her eyes.

“Do you really want to know?” Chrysalis steeled herself, fighting the compulsion to obey. If changelings had sweat glands, she would be soaked in perspiration. Thankfully, she did not sweat. Twilight was looking at her expectantly. Celestia and Luna were also wanting answers.

The Queen looked at Celestia. “When did you appoint Lovebutt’s personal guards?” Her smile was faint. What little control she had, she used.

“When she came of age,” Celestia responded softly. Her eyes went round. “She chose them herself.”

Chrysalis smiled.

“What did you do with the original guards?” Twilight demanded.

“They were the original guards.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve had changelings gathering intelligence on you ponies for nearly twenty-five years. This included looking out for newborns in hospitals born with a low chance of survival. They were replaced and parents who thought they were losing their children were instead given nymphs as replacements.” Chrysalis sighed, patting Atalanta. “Not an easy thing to do on many levels, I assure you.” For some reason, she found she wanted to tell them everything now. “Sometimes heartbreak is necessary in the name of love.”

Twilight was a mix of outrage and sadness. It took a great deal effort for her to remember what she was there to do. She muttered something under her breath before refocusing. She asked Chrysalis, “You replaced foals? What did you do with the ones you took?”

“They were loved. And their time came. Then they were mourned.” Chrysalis felt a heavy lump in her throat remembering. There had been a lot of weeping. She had personally had a hoof in participating in the decisions she had made. “I have never had anything against the innocent, be they pony or otherwise. Short lives deserve all the love that can be given to them.”

“You foalnapped sick foals?” Chrysalis felt thick pulses of disgust from three distinct ponies in varying degrees. She winced against it despite herself. Celestia glared at her, pushing aside the outrage that made the changeling want to shrivel up and die.

Dying foals, Celestia,” corrected the Queen tiredly. “I wept for them. I wept for the mothers who gave up their nymphs to be raised by ponies. We sacrificed of ourselves so your ponies would have the children they thought they had lost forever. It was decided the best way to protect our future was to put our future in the hooves of your ponies.”

Twilight waved a hoof helplessly. “But you hate us ponies. That doesn’t make any sense!”

Chrysalis considered the unicorn before smirking. “There are some things in this world that makes us see past our hatred when survival hangs in the balance. Did you think you were the only victims in all of this?”

“Are you saying you are a victim? Of what? From who?”

“The world is full of monsters, Twilight Sparkle. You are fortunate your life is here, in Equestria, where even the weather bends to the will of the pegasi.” Chrysalis looked the elder diarch in the eye.

“You mean to tell me you have been embedded among us for years?”

“I am a changeling. I by nature adapt and change to my surroundings. All changelings, with proper training and guidance, can fit into almost any society seamlessly and while still retaining their identity. The Bond allows them this. They always know where their true home is.”

Chrysalis sighed, not from guilt, but from resignation. “In short, yes. Some of my changelings have been your citizens for more than a generation.”

"Why did I even bother?" moaned Luna, shaking her head.

Author's Note:

iakovl looked over the the chapter. If there are any typos, it's his fault. I have a bag of tomatoes at the ready!

...actually, I just had him gloss over it, without giving him the benefit of properly editing this chapter.

I'm so sorry! I blame my excitement! The good news is most of the next chapter is already written and just needs a little bit of machete love! Okay, make it a lot. I had to do a lot of rewriting. This is a turning point as one arc draws to a close. Bear with me. :rainbowwild:
