• Published 16th Aug 2015
  • 34,875 Views, 1,466 Comments

Twilight's Twinlight - Autum Breeze

After his sudden death on his way to school due to an idiot driver, Ken Williams wakes up to find himself as a strange quadruped with wings and a horn.

  • ...

Chapter 15

Chapter 15


“I wonder what Pinkie’s family are like,” I ask as Twilight, Spike and myself ride the train towards Canterlot.

We’re on our way to the castle to meet up with our parents and the princesses.

The princesses invited us all to Canterlot Castle to spend the holiday together, so it’ll be nice to have an excuse to talk with Mum and Dad face to face again without dropping in suddenly.

What holiday is it we are celebrating, you may ask?

It’s called Hearth’s Warming… but is pretty much just the pony version of Christmas, though with a few extra important meanings.

Twilight informed me about it as we were decorating our castle, having originally planned to just celebrate it as the three of us at home, that it’s a very important day in history, connected to the day Equestria was founded.

Well, that’s definitely different from Christmas. Along with everything you’d normally associate with Christmas, i.e. presents, holiday food and being with family, Hearth’s Warming also celebrates when ponies literally first came to Equestria.

That’s definitely one heck of a history point. The start of such a momentous holiday and the founding of an entire kingdom in just one day. Talk about a major historical event.

Twilight and Spike do feel a bit guilty though, as we’d already celebrated their personal little holiday tradition just before the invite had arrived.

As we’d finished decorating, we each opened our presents to each other. Why before the holiday day itself? Well, it turns out, the first year after Spike was brought into the family after Twilight hatched his egg, on the night before Hearth’s Warming, little freshly hatched Spike got so excited about his gifts that he opened them right then and there. So, Twilight and the rest of the family started a personal family tradition of opening presents the night before Hearth’s Warming.

It is quite nice, when you stop and think about it. A personal touch to the holiday, something unique to our family that nopony else has.

“This is so cool!” Spike cheers as he sits between the two of us. “Ken’s first ever Hearth’s Warming as a part of our family and we get to celebrate it in Canterlot Castle!”

I blink, before my body sags, my ears dropping back as a few tears well in my eyes.

Twilight picks it up right away, looking to me with concern. “Ken? Is everything alright?”

“Hmm?” I ask, before noticing my tears and quickly wipe them away with a foreleg, sniffing. “Y-yeah. I’m okay. It’s just… what Spike just said? It… it reminded me of my human family and… and how…”

Their expressions sadden and they both hug me.

“I’m so sorry, Ken,” Twilight says. “I can’t imagine how it feels. I wish I could do more to help but…”

I sniff, giving a sad smile. “It’s okay, Twi. I’m glad I at least have you guys.”

We hold each other for the rest of the ride. Once we arrive at Canterlot Station, we’re driven by carriage to the castle.

I can’t help smiling sadly as I watch all the families milling around, happily talking with friends, the filly and colts running around, playing. It’s just so peaceful. And after the terrors I was put through during Nightmare Night, a peaceful holiday is just what I need.

I chuckle, remembering how many times I had to assure Fluttershy it was my own fault for letting my imagination get the better of me that night, causing me and the girls to be far more scared than she’d actually intended.

It’s not like she could’ve known I’d think a fictional monster from a sci-fi TV show back on Earth was real when she placed that fake skeleton in the tunnel and dressed it like Granny Smith.

Complete and utter coincidence.

“We’re here, Your Highnesses,” one of the guards voices says from outside the carriage as it stops.

The door opens and we get out, being escorted inside, towards the throne room. Upon entering, we see a quartet of familiar ponies.

“Twilight! Ken!” Mum and Dad call out happily, coming over and hugging the both of us.

“Hi, Mum,” I say softly, sinking into the motherly hug.

“And how’s my favourite dragon grandson doing?” Mum asks after letter me go, pulling Spike into a hug.

“Uh, great… grandma,” the little guy replies, before looking to me over her shoulder. “I still dunno if I’m ever going to get used to her calling me that or me calling her that.”

“Well, it only makes sense to me,” I say as Celestia and Luna come over, giving Twilight their greetings. “Twilight did hatch you and, when it comes to hatching, the one who hatches the egg is the mother, making her your mother, and Mum your grandmother by default.”

“Well, yeah, but we never really thought that heavily about it,” he says as he’s let go.

“It is wonderful to see you again, Ken,” I turn at the sound of Luna’s voice and nod to her.

“I’m glad I could come,” I smile. “Thanks for the invite.” I look to Celestia, only to pause. “Celestia, is something wrong?”

Everypony looks to the white Alicorn, who has a sad expression as she looks at me, but it vanishes the moment everypony else is looking at her.

“No, Ken,” she smiles warmly. “Nothing is wrong. Everything is as it should be.”

I cock an eyebrow. O….kay. That was an… odd way of wording her answer.

Twilight looks around, before her expression saddens. “Aren’t Cadance and Shining Armour joining us too? It isn’t really a full family celebration without them.”

Luna shakes her head and I can swear I see a deep sadness in her eyes as she glances at me, before speaking directly to Twilight. “Sadly, they are too held up with the celebrations in the Empire to come. Though they have suggested they might be able to join in future family celebrations once the Empire is completely settled and don’t worry about Cadance leaving on such an important day.”

“Well, let’s all move to somewhere cosier, shall we?” Mum suggests and we head for a large room that has been decorated and set up for multiple ponies to sleep in.

“You… really went out of your way for this, huh?” I ask, looking around at the baubles, tinsel and lights all around the room.

I notice both Royal Sisters glance at each other, sharing a sad look, before nodding, clearly thinking I missed it.

“It is the least we can do, Ken,” Luna says, while Celestia looks away in… shame? “We… we wanted your first Hearth’s Warming with your family to be special. Something you can hold in your heart for many, many years to come.”

I cock an eyebrow slightly. Something’s… off here. The others don’t seem to have notice it yet, but for a day of such celebration, Celestia and Luna seem deeply sad, as if something about this day weighs heavily in their hearts.

We spend the night with everypony talking and exchanging stories from over the year. Mum starts fussing over me like crazy when Spike mentions how I fainted on Nightmare Night and was out for the next two days.

It takes a lot of reassuring from Twilight and myself and a bit of help from Dad, before we finally get her to stop worrying about me and just enjoy the holiday.

Throughout it all, I feel an equal mix of happiness and sadness. I’m celebrating with my new family. We’re all together, minus Cadance and Shining, and we’re all just happy being together.

It makes me happy, but it’s bittersweet, as it does make me feel sad and honestly a bit guilty, whenever thoughts of my human family creep up suddenly.

They’re spending their first December holidays without them, thinking I’m dead, with no idea I’m alive and here.

But, as I watch Dad teasing Twilight by sharing a story from her foalhood with Luna, I can’t help but smile.


As the evening draws to a close and everypony is preparing for bed, I notice Celestia and Luna aren’t around.

I frown. All throughout the evening, though they acted happy, whenever nopony else was looking, or they thought nopony else was looking, I caught them looking at me with such sadness, more so than I think I felt about my other family.

At first, I’d assumed they were sad about the fact I can’t celebrate the holiday with my family back on Earth… but, after a while, it became clear to me this was something else. Something far more personal for the both of them.

But, every time I tried to gently ask them about it, they’d quickly change the subject or bring somepony else into the conversation.

Now, though, maybe I can find them alone in the castle and ask them about it. I want to know what’s wrong, why they’re hurting so much.

“Ken?” I glance to my right to see Twilight next to me. “What’s wrong?”

“Something’s up with Celestia and Luna,” I frown, shaking my head. “I dunno what, but something’s weighing heavily on their hearts and I wanna find out what.”

“Are you sure we should?” she asks nervously. “If it’s personal, maybe we shouldn’t pry.”

“I know, but I just…” I pause, looking to her. “We?”

She gives a wry smile. “You’re not doing this alone, Ken. We’re sticking together. If you’re worried about the princesses, then so am I.”

I smile. “Thanks, Twilight. Come on. Spike, Mum and Dad will be busy for a bit. We can find the princesses, learn what’s going on and get back before anypony notices we’re gone.”

We nod to each other and head out into the castle halls. We ask a few guards and they direct us towards the princesses’ personal studies.

We agree to split up, Twilight to search Celestia’s, while I check on Luna’s.

As I walk on my own through the hall, I suddenly notice the air feels… sad. I try to ignore it, but the air feels like somepony has been grieving for a long time around here and the air has become thick with it.

I reach Luna’s personal study, finding myself raising an eyebrow at the fact there are no guards anywhere in the hallway or standing outside it.

I step towards the deep blue door emblazoned with Luna’s Cutie Mark and knock… only for the door to swing inwards. It was unlocked and open.

“Luna?” I call out, pocking my head inside.

It’s dark, with no light save for a single lit candle next to an open book on a desk.

Frowning, I walk in, looking around. “Luna, are you in here?”

Reaching the desk, I look over the pages the book is open on, my eyes pausing at a single sentence.

I frown at it, trying to read it. Whomever wrote it, they’re writing is really bad. Like, really bad. Even my hand writing isn’t as bad as this.

“For myself… to be seen… who I am, I… leave this behind, to… serve the plan?”

At once, I feel like a wave of... I can’t explain it, understanding or something just washes over me and I see white, while my horn burns hot with my magic.

I think I can faintly hear something, maybe it’s Twilight’s voice? I don’t pay it any attention; I can’t, even if I wanted to.

I see formulas and shapes passing over my eyes, not able to understand them, yet can at the same time.

I feel emotions surging through, powerful feelings I can’t explain. My body is burning, as if magic is surging through the very core of my being.

Do it now, Gusty!

Girls, be careful now.

Tia, don’t be so mean to your sister.

Lulu, that’s brilliant.

Farewell, dear friend. I only wish we had more time.

You fool, Discord! What have you done?!

I’m sorry, my daughters.

So, come on, then. Take mine. Take my memories. But I hope you’ve got a big appetite, because I have lived a long life and I have seen a few things.

I walked away from the great Monster War. I marked the passing of the old era. I was shown the birth of the universe and I watched as time ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained. No time. No space. Just me.

I walked in a universe where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a mad man. I’ve watched countries freeze and cities burn. I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe. I have lost things you will never understand. Futures that never got lived. Days that should have been that never were. Passed on to me. Whole futures that never happened. There are billions and millions of unlived days for every day I’ve lived. An infinity. All the days that never came.

And I know things. Secrets that must never be told. Knowledge that must never be spoken. Knowledge that will make parasites like you blaze. So come on, then.

Hmm? Well, come on then. Eat up. What? You're full? *chuckle* I’d expect so, because there’s quite a difference, isn’t there, between what was and what should have been? There’s an awful lot of one, but there’s an infinity of the other. And infinity’s too much, even for your appetite. And I’ve two of them!

Now, it’s time to take your fill and finish your meal! You started this, so now, let’s end it. Take it! Take it all, you monster! Have it! You. Have it. ALL!

Rage and sadness, triumph and joy. It’s all surging through me. What’s going on?!

Suddenly, as quickly as it began, it suddenly stops and I collapse to the floor, so tired I can’t even move.

What…? What was all that? Who were those voices? Why does that last one sound like Twilight or me? And… why do I feel so happy and sad, as if my world has been ripped from me? I… It feels like when they first told me I could go back to Earth, only a billion times over? Why do I feel this way? What just happened?

“Ken? Ken? Ken!” Twilight’s voice sounds so far away, as if she’s on the other side of the country.

I suddenly notice the feeling of being lifted and glance to my left to see Twilight standing there, her horn glowing.

I feel the softness of her coat as she lays me on her back and I’m again struck with that feeling of joy and relief that I cannot explain.

If I weren't so tired, I’d wrap my forelegs around Twilight and never let go. I don’t want to lose her again.

Wait… Again? What…? What am I even thinking about?

“I was so worried,” I hear her saying. “I sensed an enormous surge of magic, bigger than anything I’ve ever felt and it was coming from Luna’s study. There you were, laying on the floor, unmoving! What happened?!”

“I… dunno,” I murmur, enjoying being so close to her.

I watch, too exhausted to even shift a fraction, as she takes us back to where our family were.

She slams the door open, screaming, “Something’s wrong with Ken!”

Mum, Dad and Spike hurry over, gently taking me off Twilight’s back and moving me over to and gently laying me down on a large bunch of the pillows we’d all been sitting on throughout the night.

“Ken, honey, are you alright?” Mum asks, holding my face and looking at me with deep concern.

“Just… tired,” I say, closing my eyes, but unable to keep the smile from my face or the tears from falling. “And… happy. So, so happy and… I don’t know why.”

“Princesses? What…? What’s wrong?”

The others turn their heads, while I move my eyes to look at the two Royal Sisters, who are standing away… both looking like they’ve just seen a ghost.

“It… but… how…” Celestia is staring at me, her eyes wide.

“We… we must go!” Luna almost slips into the Royal Canterlot Voice, before she lights her horn and the two Alicorns are gone.

“Well… that was weird,” Spike says, before returning to looking at me, his face filled with worry. “Ken, are you sure you’re alright?!”

I give him a small smile. “Yes, Spike. Happier than I can ever remember. I don’t know why, but I am… and tired. So very, very tired.”


The Canterlot Royal Gardens were silent and peaceful, just as they always were on such a night, the non-hibernating animals enjoying the stillness, snug and warm in their barrows and nests.

The peace was suddenly shattered, however, as a blinding flash of light illuminated the area, causing all present to start.

The two Alicorns who appeared in the flash ran through the snow, melting their way with their horns, stopping and scanning any statues they came across, before finally stopping at one in particular.

“I… I don’t understand!” Celestia looked to her younger sister. “You said she entered you’re study. The tome was there, was it not?”

Luna nodded, just as anxious and confused as her sister. “Indeed, it was. And we know the spell was cast, that magical aura could likely be felt by every unicorn all the way to Appleloosa!”

“But… her statue is still here,” Celestia looked to the stone before them. “If… if she is still here, how is it still here.”

“There’s more going on than either of you two know.”

The two mares startled, turning around to find Discord floating in the air above them.

“Discord?” Luna asks, frowning in confusion, glancing back at the statue, then him. “Do you know what is going on? What has happened?”

He shook his head, holding up has claw and paw. “Not my place to tell you, honestly. All I can say is there was more to your mother than meets the eye, even to her own understandings.”

The sisters looked to each other in concerned confusion, before the three of them all turned to look at the statue again.

It was of an Alicorn mare, tall and strong, with her hair lank and her head turned to her left, a warm, sad smile on her face. Her flank bore no Cutie Mark. Underneath her was an inscription.

The First Princess of Equestria.

Author's Note:

And there we go. Not gonna lie, i've been wanting to get part of this done for a LONG time.

Secrets and lies are being uncovered, some intentional, some not.

What happened during that spell? Who were all those voices? Who was giving that speech?

And WHY were Celestia and Luna so stunned to see Ken come back into the room?

You will have to wait and see til the next chapter, because today was far more hectic than i expected, so I was only able to finish this chapter, couldn't start the next. Only got 10 minutes til my time on the library computers for today runs out.

anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this. I hope to at least start the next chapter tomorrow, but we'll have to wait and see what life throws at me regarding that.

til next time, later everybody