• Published 27th May 2012
  • 3,552 Views, 204 Comments

Scarlet Foal - Collins4112

This is the squeal to my other story Gentle Red. I would suggest you read it but you don't have to.

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Beach Bully

A/N; Hello and welcome to the sequel of Gentle Red. If you haven’t read it I would suggest you do, but I think you can make it without reading it. Thank you all coming and I appreciate reviews. I also thank my beta reader BlackRoseRaven. If any of you have ideas for the foal I would love to hear them.

Ditzy yawned as she opened her eyes to the blinding sunlight that crept through the window, the smell of the night before still evident on the sheets. She smiled as she felt her husband's leg holding her tight to him. It was unusual that she woke up before Macintosh, but she enjoyed the feeling of him caressing her. She couldn't break out of his tight hold even if she wanted to. She felt Macintosh's strong heart and steady breathing, it was comforting.

Carrot Top's timeshare was very nice. It was close to the ocean, and it had a lot of things to do and see, although Ditzy had seen how much this timeshare cost Carrot Top, and was glad that she didn't have to pay for it. The timeshare itself was a small beach cabin with a porch and a living area, not that they spent much time in the living area.

Ditzy was surprised at how she suffered a lot less morning sickness and cravings than her second pregnancy, with the unborn Honeydew. Even though it was very early on in the pregnancy, Ditzy worried about the foal all the time, but she didn't let it get in her way.

Macintosh rolled over in his sleep, releasing Ditzy from his tight grasp. Ditzy rolled herself quietly out of bed. She stretched her muscles to get the sleepiness out of them. She opened her wings and gave them a good stretch as well.

She looked over at Macintosh, and smiled. She was glad she had this time to spend with him, alone. Applejack had, surprisingly, taken Dinky in for the week. Macintosh thought it was a good idea, because Applejack and Applebloom were kind of her aunts now. Ditzy still called though, just to make sure everything was okay.

Macintosh yawned, and clicked his mouth a few times. The honeymoon had been great so far. It made her feel a little sad, because as soon as they got back Macintosh would have to go back to work, and so would she.
Ditzy opened the curtains, letting the flood of light come in to the room. Big Macintosh grunted and yawned, as he turned away from the light. She saw his eyes half open, green irises reflecting the morning glow.

"Good morning, Hon." Ditzy greeted her still half-asleep husband. Big Macintosh shook his head, clearing the clouds of sleep from his eyes.

"Mornin', Sugar Cube." He responded with a yawn. He raised his large form from out of the bed. "Ya want to go for breakfast?"

The resort served a very nice free breakfast. Ditzy was partial to the delicious banana-nut muffins they served. Ditzy looked at herself then to Macintosh. "We might want to clean up a bit first."

Big Macintosh nodded in agreement. He walked to the bathroom and started the large bath. It was just the perfect size for Macintosh and Ditzy. Macintosh called to her: "Ya coming?"


Ditzy felt squeaky clean, as they walked to the resort house. Ditzy fluttered onto Big Macintosh's back, happy to let Macintosh carry her to breakfast. He smiled as he felt her weight on his back. She didn't weigh enough to slow him down at all.

The sun was already beating down on the beach with hot rays. Salty sea air blew in from the ocean to cool the ground just a little. It all added to the atmosphere as Ditzy ate her muffin.

She nibbled on it, as Macintosh was still grabbing food of the buffet. He eventually sat down across from her with a plateful of pancakes and toast, and lots of other food.

"Geez. You got enough food there?" Ditzy asked him. He gave her a sly smile, and took a bite of his pancakes.

"Ah worked up a mighty appetite." Macintosh responded. Ditzy felt her cheeks warm up a little. Instead of responding, she just took another bite of her muffin. Macintosh gave a satisfied smile as he continued to eat.

Ditzy was only on her second muffin when Macintosh went up to get a third full plate. Ditzy was still awed at the amount he could eat, and yet he maintained his fit physique. The large red stallion was starting to slow as he ate, a sign, Ditzy knew, that he was starting to get full.

"You are going to explode if you keep eating." She informed him. He looked down at his plate, and then rolled his shoulders, as he leaned back in the chair he was sitting in.

"Ah think Ah might explode now." He groaned. Ditzy gave him a 'told you so' look. He responded with a burp and a sheepish smile. "Excuse me."

"What are we going to do today?" Ditzy inquired. Big Macintosh looked up into the sky as he thought.

"It looks like nice day for a day on the beach." He said. She nodded in agreement; the day was going to be much too hot to go inland. A day of lounging sounded nice to Ditzy… just her and Macintosh relaxing on the beach.


Ditzy laid on her stomach, wings spread, absorbing as much sun as she could. Big Macintosh laid next to her, reading: something that Ditzy didn't enjoy too much, but Macintosh seemed to get enough enjoyment out of it. Ditzy just laid in the sun listening to the sound of the ocean, and little colts and fillies playing in the water. Ditzy thought that Dinky would have loved to come along, but that would have left Macintosh and her little intimate time. That, and the fact that resort would have charged them to have filly along, convinced Ditzy that she would be just fine at the Apple family farm.

Macintosh stood from his prone position. He asked her: "Ah'm goin' for a swim, ya want to come?"

"No thanks, Mac." Ditzy said. She didn't have much taste for swimming in the ocean, her wings always a handicap as the feathers would absorb water like a sponge, making it hard to actually swim, and then they would dry and leave her wings caked with salt. She felt him block the sun for a moment as he passed over her and lumbered on down to the water.

Ditzy sighed as she got back to her day dreaming. After a while a shadow came over her, she thought it was Macintosh for a moment, but opened her eyes to see a large white unicorn stallion. The stallion had to be the largest unicorn she had ever seen. He was about the same height and built as Big Macintosh.

"Hello there, what's a fine mare like you doing out here alone?" He asked. Ditzy knew exactly where this was going.

"Sorry, but I'm married." Ditzy explained without moving from her position. He didn't move.

"Well, that don't affect me any just trying to be friendly." The white unicorn said. Somehow she doubted that. "My name is Glowing Star."

"That's nice." Ditzy said. She hoped the Macintosh would see and come back to see what was going on.

"Yeah, I'm just one of the royal guards on leave is all." Glowing Star seemed impressed with himself.

"Uh-huh." Ditzy tried to ignore him. Luckily, her previous prayer had been answered.

"Howdy there." Big Macintosh’s deep voice greeted the white unicorn. "I see ya meet my wife, Ditzy. Oh, where are my manners, Ah'm Big Macintosh."

The unicorn stallion turned to see Macintosh. He seemed taken aback by Macintosh being slightly taller than him, but Glowing Star regained his confidence. He took the hoof that Macintosh had extended to him.

"I am Glowing Star of the Royal Canterlot Guard." He said proudly.

"Well, nice to meet ya." Macintosh said kindly. Ditzy relax a little. She had been worried that Macintosh would over react to this egotistical unicorn talking to her.

"It is nice to meet some of Equestria’s less intelligent folk, so yes it is nice to meet you hayseed." Glowing Star said confidently.

"Excuse me?" Big Macintosh had a hint of hurt in his voice.

"I was just saying that it is nice to meet the backward back country folk every now and again." Glowing Star mentioned. He was trying to aggravate Macintosh, it was obvious.

"Eeyup. Y’all have seen any 'round here?" Macintosh asked tactfully. By this time Ditzy stood beside her husband, silently wishing that the unicorn would go away.

"I'm looking at him." Glowing Star said frustration in his voice. Ditzy chuckled to herself, as she thought: If he's going get Macintosh angry, he's going to have to do a lot better than that.

"Listen mister. I don't want any trouble." Big Macintosh warned. Glowing Star looked at Ditzy, she didn't like the way he looked at her.

"I don't want any trouble either, so I challenge you to a contest." Glowing Star challenged.

"Well, Ah'm gonna have to decline the offer. Ah'd rather just spend the day with my wife." Big Macintosh said. Glowing Star took a step back, not used to being refused.

"You do not just refuse a member of the Royal Guard." He argued with Macintosh. Big Macintosh started to walk away from the unicorn stallion. Glowing Star was starting to get desperate; he would not be refused by a back country hillbilly. Glowing Star focused and picked up a nearby rock and threw it at Ditzy.

Big Macintosh blocked the rock with his body. Ditzy could see the fire in his eyes, as much as she wanted the unicorn stallion gone, she didn't want Macintosh hurt or him to hurt anypony. She knew that if Macintosh hurt the stallion, he would feel guilty about it later.

"Let's just go, Mac." Ditzy pleaded with her large stallion.

"Challenge accepted." Macintosh said determination burning in his eyes.


Ditzy sat nervously with a small gathered crowd. Macintosh stood across from Glowing Star, rope in their mouths. This seemed similar to the iron pony completion that Ditzy had attended a while ago.

A referee pony stood at the center of the rope, and tied a red cloth around the rope. "Ready, set, go!"

Glowing Star pulled hard on the rope, as Macintosh set his large hooves into the ground. There was an awkward stalemate, before Big Macintosh pulled back. He slowly dragged the other large stallion across the sand. Ditzy could see the sweat form on Macintosh's brow, but he continued to pull Glowing Star across the line, which left Macintosh the victor.

Ditzy cheered at her husband's victory. Macintosh had a satisfied look on his face, while Glowing Star grunted.

The next challenge was a race. Big Macintosh stretched his muscles; he wasn't very fast, not nearly as fast as Applejack could run. Glowing Star had a confident look on his face. The ref stood at the start line that also functioned as the finish line.

"Alright, you two run down the beach, around that palm tree and back here. Ready, set...GO!" The ref yelled, as they both broke off into a gallop. Glowing Star was ahead, but Macintosh was gaining speed though momentum. Ditzy watched as they reached the turn. Glowing Star rounded the turn with ease and quickly surpassed Big Macintosh. He had a large lead on Macintosh, and the lead grew until he reached the finish line. Glowing Star was the victor by a large margin.

To Ditzy's surprise, Macintosh had a smile on his face, even though he lost. Glowing Star had a smug look on his face as he looked at the hayseed. Ditzy could tell this wasn't going to be over quickly.

Through a long series of events, Macintosh and Glowing Star came out even. So Glowing Star decided on a final challenge. An eating contest. At Glowing Star's expense, nearly 25 pies were placed in front of each of them.

Big Macintosh looked hungrily down at the pies. The ref signaled the start and they both began eating at roughly the same pace. One pie down, then two, then three, and so on and so forth. Ditzy watched in awe as the two stallions kept eating, and then eating some more.

They timer ticked down. Ten seconds left. Glowing Star and Big Macintosh had eaten the same number of pies. Five seconds. They dug into the pie. Then it was over, Macintosh had half the pie left, but Glowing Star had eaten the whole pie.

Macintosh frowned. "Ah guess ya win."

"Yes I do, you ignorant, hayseed. I will stand as a testament to unicorn superiority. As I bonus I have humiliated you in front of your mare!" Glowing Star said triumphantly. Macintosh looked at Ditzy. She expected to see needless shame in his eyes, but instead she saw a sly spark.

"The way Ah see it. Ah got some exercise while having a good time, and you bought me some pie, and Ah even have half a pie to share with my love." Macintosh rebutted. He started to chuckle that soon turned into a roaring laugh.

"Don't laugh at me you...you...earth pony!" Glowing Star yelled. Big Macintosh was still laughing; even some of the ponies that gathered to watch started to laugh.

"Ah'm mighty grateful that you bought me this pie." Macintosh chuckled. Ditzy smiled as she walked over to the side of her crimson husband. Ditzy took a bite of the pie.

"Mmmm... Good pie. Not as good as Granny Smith's but it’s still good." Ditzy added on to Macintosh's bit, and that was when the punch came to wallop Macintosh on the side of the head.


Ditzy held the ice pack to Macintosh's face. She smiled gently as she touched the sensitive bruise, which caused him to wince.

"Ah'm mighty sorry Ah ruined the day with my pride, Sugar Cube." Macintosh apologized for about the hundredth time. The punch made quite a hit on Macintosh, which left him unconscious and with a nasty bruise on the side of his face. Ditzy had taken it into her own hooves to kick the unicorn stallion in a male’s sensitive area. She wasn't much of the violent type, but she wasn’t about to let Glowing Star getaway with punching her husband.

"Its fine, Mac." Ditzy assured him, but he didn't look convinced. "Tell you what; if you really feel that bad you can give me a massage when your swelling goes down."

"Deal." He agreed. Big Macintosh took the ice pack and held it to his own face. The swelling had already started to fade.

"Did you really have fun competing with that air-head?" Ditzy asked. Macintosh thought on it a moment.

"Eeyup." He didn't go any further than that. Ditzy shot him a look. Macintosh sheepishly smiled: he knew Ditzy wouldn't accept his one word answers he gave everyone else. "Ah mean it was good exercise. Keeping this physique ain't easy, ya know, and Ah’ve been eatin' a bit too much."

"Oh, you mean going back for thirds was too much?" Ditzy teased. Macintosh smiled at her. "Okay, your swelling has gone down, now get to it, big boy."

Ditzy laid on the nearby bed and spread out her wings. Ditzy sighed as he rubbed his hooves into her back. She felt the release of tension in her back, and she left out a satisfied sigh. Ditzy smiled: if him being prideful meant she'd get rubs, she would let Macintosh be prideful as much as he wanted.

She turned to look up at him. She saw a slightly sad look in his big green eyes. Ditzy said: "Thank you, Mac."

"Fer what?" Macintosh asked, confusion on his face. He kept on rubbing her back; as he moved to her wings he lightened the force he put into the rub, to avoid hurting the sensitive wing tissue.

"For defending my honor." Ditzy said.

"Ah didn't do that well, Ah got my clock cleaned." Macintosh said; he didn't seem too happy about that. "Although, Ah heard that ya gave him quite a kick."

"That's not what I meant. You weren't a sore loser. You didn't embarrass yourself by being grumpy about losing." Ditzy explained to him. She didn't look, but she could almost feel Macintosh smiling at her.

"Ah love ya, Sugar Cube." Macintosh whispered into her ear.

"I love you too." Ditzy whispered back. Macintosh stopped massaging her wings. "Hey! I didn't say you could stop."

Big Macintosh chuckled. He began to rub her lower back, and Ditzy sighed again. "What are we going to do tomorrow?"

"Well, I was thinking maybe we could just relax actually. I would like to go to the spa or something." Ditzy sighed.

"Eeyup. Ah need to make myself look pretty." Macintosh teased. Ditzy laughed. "Ah don't have your natural beauty."

"Not with that bruise on the side your face." Ditzy giggled. Macintosh stopped massaging her back, as she folded her wings in. "I imagine you’re probably not too hungry."

"Nope. Twenty four and a half pies left me full." Macintosh said.

"Well, let's work some of that off." Ditzy said slyly, as she pulled him down to the bed.

A/N: Well, that was a chapter alright. Now, I know this chapter seemed happy-go-lucky, but they deserve it don't you think? Anyway if you have any ideas for the foal, names and such, or any ideas, suggestions, or fixes I'd love to hear them. Also does anyone like the cover art?