• Published 11th Jun 2015
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Celestia's Rocket Adventures - Snake Staff

Celestia winds up in the Pokemon universe. And captured by Team Rocket. Oh dear.

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Welcome to Team Rocket

Ash, Pikachu, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie were, despite the delay of Team Rocket’s attack, continuing northwards along the Kalos region’s Route 14. Their destination was Laverre City and Ash’s sixth gym badge from the region. The sky was blue, the sun was shining brightly overhead, the Fletchlings were singing, and all was right with the world.

Naturally, that didn’t last long.



The small group scattered in all directions as a massive truck came barreling down the road with great speed and somewhat less regard for traffic law. As the quartet of humans dived for the safety of the surrounding swampy forest, it swerved down the road towards Laverre seemingly at random, paying no attention to lanes or pedestrians. Just as it passed by, Ash caught a slight glimpse of two people up front wearing identical bright red suits and sunglasses.

“Geez,” he said from the puddle of murky water he had fallen into. “What was that all about?”


For some time, Celestia simply watched as her new companions repaired their balloon in something close to stoic silence. Every one of them joined in, human and Pokemon alike. Even little floating pumpkin – Pumpkaboo, Inkay had said it was called – was pitching in, managing to lift a needle in some sort of aura without limbs. She resolved to ask it about that when they had a free moment.

It wasn’t long, though, before Meowth glanced up from his work. “Hey!” he yelled, pointing at the princess. “No slackin’ off, newbie!” That caught the attention of the rest easily enough.

“Meowth’s right,” Jessie said. “I don’t care how crazy you are, if you’re going to be part of Team Rocket you’re going to have to pitch in!”

“They do have a point,” James added. “If you’re feeling better, a little sewing shouldn’t be too hard, should it?”

Celestia raised a hoof and an eyebrow. “No hands.”

“So?” Meowth said. “Use a move. You know Psychic, don’t ya?”

She cocked her head. “Pardon?”

“Don’t you remember?” James asked. “The move you used yesterday, in battle?”

“A battle where you didn’t do jack an’ got creamed, I might add,” mumbled Meowth. “’Cause ya spent more time yellin’ at us than you did fightin’.”

Celestia’s expression was less than amused. “I’m afraid that I’m not entirely sure how I did that,” she admitted. “I just… did.”

Meowth shrugged. “So use another move. Ya must have somethin’ in your bag of tricks dat can help.”

“Nothing that I know of.”

“What moves do ya know how to use?”

“Reliably and at this moment? None.”

Meowth’s face sunk. “You’re kiddin’, right?”

“I’m quite serious.”

“What is it, Meowth?” Jessie asked. “What’s it saying?”

A large sweat drop rolled down the back of Meowth’s head. “Dis Pokemon is sayin’ dat it don’t know any moves at all!”

“WHAT?!” Jessie jumped to her feet, clenching her fist. “What good is a crazy Pokemon that doesn’t even know any attacks?! Why would we want to keep such a thing around?!”

“Yeah!” Meowth joined her. “So far you’ve eaten our food, barely even fought in a battle, and used up two of our super potions! You have any idea how much those tings cost?!”

“Now hold on, hold on…” James tried to interject, only to be summarily ignored.

“You were the ones who threw me into battle in the first place!” Celestia retorted. “After you tricked me into imprisonment!”

“Tricked ya? Ya looked like you went into dat Poke Ball pretty willingly ta me!”

“I had no knowledge of what it was!”

“Dat’s Grimer slime! Dere ain’t no Pokemon in the world what don’t know what a Poke Ball does!”

“I told you already: I am not from this world!”

“Dat’s a load a garbage! Ya know what I tink?” Meowth folded his arms across his chest. “I tink you’re just tryin’ ta freeload! And dat just won’t fly around here!”

Celestia’s eye twitched. “After what you have done to me with no provocation, you dare accuse me of taking more than I give back?”

“Yeah, I dare! And another-”


James was standing between the two Pokemon, a hand held up to each. Meowth and Celestia both paused, looking at him.

“Have neither of you considered the condition we found her in?” James asked, after a moment had passed. “The poor dear looked like she was halfway to the netherworld just yesterday morning! And then she took the full force of the twerps’ Pokemon.”

“We already gave it two of our super potions,” Jessie countered. “That should have been more than enough to get it back on its feet.”

“But what if the damage was more than physical?”

“Where are you going with this?”

“I have a theory,” James said. He looked at Celestia, then back at Jessie and Meowth.

“Yeah, what is it?” asked the cat Pokemon.

“I think that whatever injuries this Celestia had before we met her, in combination with Pikachu’s attacks, have caused her to lose her memories,” he put a fist into his palm. “That would explain why she’s so confused, and why she thinks she doesn’t know any moves.”

“And da princess ting?”

“A minor case of amnesiac dementia.”

“Is that even a real thing?” Jessie asked.


Celestia opened her mouth to argue, then closed it again. It was obvious that they weren’t going to believe her story until she had more proof, proof that she yet lacked. And she still didn’t like her chances wandering this world’s wilderness without a native guide or any means of self-defense. She would do Equestria no good if she perished here. Her first priority had to be personal survival.

“Just remember the Psychic she pulled out,” James continued. “With training, patience, and a little love, I’m sure she could make a great addition to our team!” he paused. “And besides, we can’t just let her go back into the wild. In her state, she wouldn’t last a day.”

“I don’t know…”

“Come on, Jess. Have a heart!”

“Well… it would have a hard time out there… and it might have potential…” Jessie closed her eyes, folded her arms, and tapped one foot. “Alright, I suppose it can stay,” she opened her eyes and pointed at Celestia. “But you’d better not make me regret this, got it? Team Rocket isn’t a charity organization.”

“I understand your position,” Celestia nodded. “You feel that you are investing in me, and expect returns.”

“Hmph! You guys are startin’ ta sound like a pair of Chanseys. So what if she has a bit of hard luck out dere? We all gotta go trough dat at times. I still say dat if she ain’t gonna help right now she can hit da r-”

The princess’ already fragile patience abruptly couldn’t take any more of him. More than anything personal, it was the hard-hearted lack of sympathy that drew her ire. There was nothing, so far as she knew, preventing simply storing her in a Poke Ball until she could be released somewhere safe, but he wanted her ejected into the dangerous wilds regardless.


Celestia was as surprised as anyone when a trio of semitransparent blue shockwaves burst out from her mouth, crossed the distance in the blink of an eye, and smashed into Meowth. The cat Pokemon was sent flying back over a dozen yards before crashing into the earth and skidding some distance.

“Uuuuuggggghhhhh…” came the faint sound of his moan.

Jessie looked back and forth between the two, blinking. “Was… Was that Hyper Voice?”

“I… don’t know,” Celestia answered, the language barrier momentarily slipping her mind. “Was it?”

James clenched a fist and smiled at Jessie. “Why I do believe it was! What did I tell you?”

“Maybe you were onto something,” she tapped her chin.

“Celestia,” James walked up to her and met her gaze. “Just so we’re clear: you do want to travel with us, right? To join your cause to ours and become a member of Team Rocket?”

She considered briefly, then nodded.

“Then it’s settled!” James declared, sounding happy.

“I suppose it is,” Jessie remarked.

“For now,” Celestia added, under her breath.

“That’s the way it is,” said Wobbuffet.

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