• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,874 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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When You Invite Someone to Dinner, Take Their Dietary Needs into Account

Dinner was strange that night, both by his own perception and in the eyes of those who saw him in the dining hall. Ted had chosen a bench amongst his followers, seeing as the throne really didn't allow for communal dining. The meal was good, a mix of meats and exotic vegetables he'd come to expect with their locally gathered supplies, the atmosphere was interesting, as the followers were happily chattering away. The only oddity in the scene was the queen, who currently had her nose buried in his shoulder.

He'd almost called her on it, strange as it was to him, but he decided against it. Taking another bite of the latest creation of the resident chef, he looked down at the shape shifter breathing deeply beside him, wings fluttering every now and again. Technically, he'd invited her to dinner, and currently, they were both eating. Her meal merely happened to be the emotions that he radiated. Chewing on the thought as well as his meal, he finished both and decided to start now.

"Would you mind taking your nose out of my shoulder long enough to engage in a dinner conversation?" Ted asked her. His presence at a table usually led to a quieter table as it was, and the odd actions of the queen wasn't helping ease the followers who were sitting with him. "I know you don't actually need to be that close to feed."

The queen opened the eye facing towards the table slowly, almost lazily casting her vision upon those also eating. Her attention left many shifting uncomfortably, most not knowing much about her. "They don't want to talk to me, and besides, what would I say to them? It would be a waste of time and effort." She said, dismissing his request and leaning back into his shoulder.

Ted shook his head in exasperation. Shifting slightly to warn her, he rose and headed back to the buffet, restocking his plate and retrieving a smaller plate with various small portions. Returning to his seat, he set the extra plate in front of the queen and proceeded to take a bit of his second dish of the day, a meat patty of some sort with a vegetable blend. Seeing the queen staring at the plate in confusion, he went forward with the plan.

"Changelings can eat solid foods as well, correct?" He asked her.

"Well, yes. How would changelings keep their cover if they were never seen eating?" The queen asked him, not quite getting where he was going with his idea.

"Then try this." The alicorn said, tapping a fork on her plate. "Tell me what you think of it, what you taste, what you find is better, that kind of thing."

Pandinus stared at the plate for a few moments. "This food doesn't do anything for me, you realize that right? I mean, yes I can taste it, it makes it easier to fit in if you can say things like 'This muffin tastes like strawberries'. It would give us away if we ended up saying something like 'This tastes like happiness and excitement' don't you think?" Seeing Ted raise an eyebrow in response she frowned, before scowling at him. "This is one of those cultural things isn't it?"

"It's not just my people, Din. From what I've seen, most species consider dinner conversations polite." The stallion grinned at her. "Even if you're feeding off of one of your conversation partners. Think of it as training in politics. If you want to your hive to keep having access to easily shared emotion, you need to learn how to make these connections."

The shape shifter scoffed. "If such things were important, my mother would have told me of them, don't you think?"

"So your mother anticipated you coming into the care of an alicorn? Of changelings being allowed to wander a small town undisguised?" Ted asked with a smile. "The world changes around us even as we speak, Din. We adapt to it, or we are left behind. My people adapted to a hostile world, learning to become just as vicious as the world we were born on. When the world changed again, with no real predators to hunt us, we adapted again, doing our best to overcome the aggression that had been part of our survival for so long. Yes there are failures, but we learn more from those than our victories. I mean, Mirage noticed my presence despite my use of the shadows to mask my physical presence, but since I had no trouble with her, I didn't think much of it when I went into your old nest. After you knocked me out, the ability of changelings to see me despite my abilities was slapped in my face." Nudging the queen with a wing he spoke again. "Now try something. Besides, I may need someone to speak with others in my stead, and a changeling queen has much more impact then a fluffy unicorn diplomat."

Still scowling, but now aiming her glare at the plate, the queen lifted a large chunk of some pastry to her face with her magic before taking a large bite of the item before chewing loudly, crumbs flying from her as she ground the hapless snack up in her teeth. Tilting her head as she allowed herself to actually taste the item, the others at the table jumped when she hacked up the mess back onto her plate.

"It wasn't bad, kind of sweet, fluffy. A dessert, correct? Meant to be enjoyed after the meal?" At the alicorn's dumbfounded expression she merely stared back at him. "What?"

"We've got a long way to go..." Ted mumbled to himself with a tired expression, rubbing his muzzle with a hoof.


"I really don't understand what the big deal is." Pandinus said, irritable after the meal/lesson in manners. "It's not like my body can process it, so what's the point of keeping the food inside? I already enjoyed the taste, which is all I can do with it anyway."

"I've told you similar things already, Din. It's about perception. Did you sense the disgust from those around you when you spat the cake back onto your plate? Many species only do such a thing when the food is either rancid or they become sick. As you've seen, we impose our own ideas of what is normal upon those around us. That's why they looked at you like that, and it's why it would be better if you kept the food inside until after your meal. Does it make you uncomfortable?"

"Well, not really, but I can get a bit bloated if I eat too much solid food. That entire experience was strange, and now I feel heavy." The queen said while poking a spot just under where a pony's ribs would end. "I don't think I've ever actually ate things like that just because I could. It was weird."

"I know it was weird, but thanks for sticking with it." Ted said with a smile. "We'll make a proper lady out of you yet."

The shape shifter stopped, looking at him with a confused expression. "Why would I want that?" She asked "How would that help me? Mother never mentioned these 'manners' you seem so obsessed with."

Ted stopped as well, wracking his brain for a way to make this appeal to Din. "It's, manners are about influencing how others perceive you. If you carry yourself higher, if you speak clearly and are polite or don't resort to violence the moment others act in ways you don't like, others will think you are better educated, they'll put more weight behind your words as they think the one speaking knows what they're talking about. I, ah! Think of it as a deceptive ploy. You're pretending to be more important than you are, and it makes others assume you have more power than you actually have. It's a type of bluff."

"A bluff? I suppose that would make sense." She said, raising a hoof to her chin.

"Oh, here's a good chance, when you're introduced, say 'It's a pleasure to meet you.'" Ted whispered to the queen, before turning his full attention to the pair coming down the hallway.

Gleam walked slowly beside the older griffon, both speaking sedately as they walked to the dining hall. Just shy of a collision, the unicorn mare noticed the alicorn and changeling, jumping slightly at the unexpected proximity. "Oh, Father! I was just looking for you. Lady Thrisha here would like a word with you."

"Of course, I trust things are being properly settled for your people?" He said, directing his attention to the griffon.

"Better than I'd hoped after the disaster that had befallen us, Lord Cimmerian." Thrisha replied with a wan smile. Turning her attention to the changeling, she asked "Who might this be? I don't remember ever reading of a changeling of such stature before."

"Ah, allow me to introduce to you Queen Pandinus, a changeling queen." Ted announced, directing a hoof to the queen.

"It, it's a pleasure to m-meet you." Pandinus managed to say, repeating the bow she'd seen the alicorn and griffon give each other earlier.

The elder hen nodded. "The pleasure is mine. If you wouldn't mind, lord, I would like a chance to speak with you when you have the time, as well as a chance to speak with a member of your local hive." Thrisha gave the queen a bright smile. "It sets my mind at ease knowing that I was right in assuming there was more to your people than the mindless creatures that drove us from our homes."

"That's fine, I'd be happy to speak with you. The library is this way." He said, leading the group onwards.

"Father," said Gleam, "I'm going to visit the dining hall and get a meal. I'll be there for a while if you need anything from me." With a bow, the unicorn mare excused herself.

The journey to the library was uneventful, the alicorn and griffon partaking in idle chatter on the way. Upon reaching the library, the group claimed a small table, Pandinus once more claiming a spot by the alicorn's side.

"The first thing I'd like to ask, if it's not too much trouble, is what you were discussing with Queen Pandinus?" Thrisha asked with a grin. "I'd also like to speak with her about the attack."

"That would be up to her." Ted said, a kind smile on his own face. "As for what we were discussing? I could say it wasn't important, but suffice to say we were discussing furthering her education."

"In what, might I ask? Math, Arts, Military movements?"

The alicorn shook his head. "Manners, actually."

Thrisha looked from Ted to Pandinus, then back to Ted before frowning in confusion. "I don't understand, she seems well mannered to me. She held herself well as far as I could tell, and while she sounded a little nervous, I suppose I would be as well after such a formal introduction. Especially if I was used to a more relaxed setting."

Pandinus just stared at the elderly griffon, her jaw hanging open. Ted however started chuckling at the observation, turning to the changeling. "There's an old saying back home, Din. 'Better to remain silent and be thought a fool then open your mouth and remove all doubt.' Silence alone can get you through some strange situations, as it leaves those around you to make their own assumptions about you based only on what they see. If I were to wander through a major city held by the Mad Queen and not interact with anyone, her subjects would make their own assumptions about me based on what they know. Some may call me a monster, based on my eyes and coloration, others may call me a god based on how some ponies seem to deify alicorns. Another good one to keep in mind in strange situations is 'when in doubt, pretend to know what you're doing.'"

The griffon's gaze passed between the two several times. "I don't understand. What am I missing?"

"Pandinus has no education in regards to how to carry herself around others, be they her subordinates, her equals, or her superiors." Ted said. "I ask, of course, that you keep this to yourself, though honestly it shouldn't be surprising to anyone. Can you tell me, Lady Thrisha, the last time any country sent a diplomat to speak to a changeling queen? We were just discussing the subject of manners, starting with table manners. After all, the rules are changing, right Din?"

The queen for her part was still staring at the griffon, still processing the fact that a single phrase had so easily swayed the elder female's opinion. Turning to Ted she spoke surprisingly quietly. "It matters that much?"

Realizing what may have been going through the queens mind, Thrisha responded first. "It does. How we perceive others is very important. The saying 'you don't get a second chance to make a first impression' is not just a silly phrase." She smiled at the changeling. "If you would be willing, I'd be happy to teach you a few things I remember from my time amongst pony nobles, as well as a few griffon customs. It may help you, as I can even explain to you why some things are so important. All I ask is that you entertain this old hen's questions every now and again."

"I was going to ask what your goals with the beings in this temple were, but after your display at the entrance of the Temple, I think my fears in that regard are settled." The hen said to Ted.

Rubbing his right fetlock over his left leg Ted chuckled nervously. "I uh, I'm still not sure where it came from. I'm not one for impromptu songs."

The griffon cackled at his response, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "Oh, trust me, dear, it showed. The lyrics were inspired, as to be expected of a heart-song, but your singing left something to be desired Nevertheless, I was honored to be able to witness such a thing. I think the last heart-song was about fifteen years ago, at least according to what I've heard. There was a mare that easily began them, often expanding them to include her entire village from what I've heard, but she's since gone missing. After so long without hearing of her, I can only assume the worse."

Smiling at the good natured jab, Ted made his way over to a section of the library while the griffon gathered her thoughts in preparation of playing twenty questions with the nervous changeling. Finding the book he was looking for, he pulled it free in his magical grip and brought it to the table.

"Din, do you know how to read?" He asked in a whisper at the mare's ear. At her nod he set the book on the table between the two. "Then I think this will explain some things. Just don't try them on me without warning me first, it's a good way to lose someone's respect, and I'm sure Lady Thrisha would be happy to back me up on this, maybe even explain the times such tactics would be used. I'm going to go visit the children and head to bed. Good night, ladies."

As the alicorn walked out the door, Pandinus just looked at the book he'd left before her.

Politics for Derps: Using Words to Seize the Advantage.

Lady Thrisha took one look at the book and broke into laughter. "Stars help us, an empathic politician! Armageddon truly is upon us."

Author's Note:

So reviews on the song were mixed, but it's understandable. Written word isn't exactly the best medium for such a media, so it looses a bit of the impact. Also, no, they're not done yet. There will be much talks in the future, even if you guys don't get to watch all the weirdness associated with explaining why doing things like licking your own horn in public is considered vulgar, while invading your special someone's mouth with your tongue is fine. Such are the oddities of modern society, Din, sorry.

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