• Published 10th Feb 2015
  • 3,021 Views, 20 Comments

One Last Goodbye - Note Sketch

They say Luna turned into Nightmare Moon soon after she and her sister had taken down the Tyrant King Sombra. What they don't know is that it was more than just a coincidence. He was once the pillar that held her up. She was too much for one to bare.

  • ...


A wave of pain surged through his body. Pain that at one point had been numbed by lack of said physicality. His dark powers forced the shattered pieces of his essence back together. The very same dark power that had taken control of his mind and forced him to commit terrible acts of evil. Yet right now, during the most potent pain he could ever experience, he was free. Free to control his own body and think his own thoughts. The Tyrant King, was once more just the Unicorn Sombra.

Sombra felt a sharp sting of anguish enter his lungs as he gasped for his first breath of fresh air. Organs that had been shut down were forced back into life by ungodly magic and with the reanimation of his entire being; he could do nothing else but endure the pain.

He reached out with his freshly spawned hooves, grasping at what little snow was left in the region. Now that the Crystal Heart was back into its place, the harsh winter was over. The snow, however, had yet to finish melting, serving as a cold bed for Sombra to rest upon as he gathered his bearings.

Powerful grunts of pain escaped him as he struggled time and time again to move. With each wave of pain came a new sense of himself. A new acknowledgement of his being. Though confused at first, he slowly began to understand why he was in such pain.

"It happened again..." He said softly as he managed to roll over onto his back. The stretching of his muscles only brought more shouts from him, but he didn't care. He finally managed to successfully move himself.

He remained silent and still for a time. He wanted to rest the fresh new body, but more so, wanted to try to figure out where he was. Now that he was fully awake and conscious, he needed to know how long he had been under the influence of his dark powers.

His surroundings were of no help. All he could see were trees. None he was familiar with either. He couldn't even tell the month of year due to the strange bright sun and simultaneous snow under him. If anything however, the most bizzare sight was of the sky. Above him stretched an array of lights.

The lights moved slowly back and forth in a slithering motion, hypnotizing Sombra to stare deeply into them. He tried to contemplate what they were, but not long into his observation, he stopped caring. He just wanted to continue his rest and lie in wait of such gorgeous light. It was ironic that the very thing that had almost killed him, was now soothing his body from the anguish it had caused.

"May I join you?" A voice asked, quickly drawing Sombra's attention away from the sky. He weakly smiled at the figure he was so very familiar to him.

"Oh, Princess Luna." Sombra said softly as he did his best to turn and stand, failing at the latter. He helplessly struggled under his own weight as he used all of his might to push himself up.

Luna watched him with a saddened expression. She wanted to help, but she knew that doing so would only hurt Sombra's pride. Instead, she remained still and patiently waited for him to come to his hooves, doing her best to not flinch at the visible pain Sombra was in each attempt.

With time, Sombra was finally able to push upwards enough to lock his knees, keeping himself propped up, if only for a while. With a pained expression and a forced smile, he finally raised his gaze to Luna whom returned the gesture before walking to him.

"I must look terrible, huh?" Sombra said as he battled his limbs to keep balance.

"Like Tartarus." She responded before coming to his side. Extending her wing over him, she wrapped her feathered limb onto him and helped him steady himself before looking at him. "Care to go on a stroll?"

"I doubt I'm in the right condition to do so."

"I'll help you." Luna reassured him with a smile. Unable to reject her request, Sombra nodded and took a step forward before almost immediately losing balance. Had he not had Luna's wing to fall back on, he would have met a quick fall.

"T-Thanks." Sombra said through gritted teeth. His brows furrowed and his eyes squinted. Every muscle in his body was screaming for him to stop moving, but he was not yet ready to do so. He ignored all of that and fought though the pain as he always did.

Luna smiled at him, but her eyes were still sad. Every time she saw him tense up because of the pain she would feel a lump at her throat. She wanted to tell him to stop, tell him he didn't have anything to prove. But after everything that happened, she couldn't. Instead they walked on.

They had no destination. All they did was move one hoof in front of the other. That was all they could do, all they needed to do. But simple movement was no longer enough for Sombra. He had now gotten used to the motions and could not bear the silence any longer.

"How long has it been?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the path ahead.

"Since what?"

"Come now, Luna. I wake up in the middle of the woods half beaten to death. You think I wouldn't suspect that I lost control again?" Sombra said as he finally turned to the mare who was still trying to avoid eye contact. She persevered in her muted demeanor, but after glancing at Sombra and locking eyes with him, she gave in.

"I-It's been about...uh, a month or so?" She lied.

"A month?" Sombra asked as he squinted his eyes at her in suspicion.

"Yes." She answered, her eyes still locked with his to give a convincing reassurance. It worked.

"That long huh?" He asked with a sigh. "That's three times longer than the last one."

"Yes, it's been a...long month."

"What did I do?"

"You...tried to take over an Empire."

"I didn't hurt anypony did I?" Sombra asked as he once again turned to face her. Luna stopped and wrapped her other wing around him in an embrace as soon as she heard the question. How could she answer the question truthfully? He who had never once even raised his hoof in anger, he who had done everything to keep peace, he whom cared for her more than any other pony. How could she tell him what he'd done?

"No, of course not."

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course I am!" Luna shouted as she pushed him away at fore leg's length. The sudden jerk at his shoulders proved painful, but Sombra did little to let that show, instead he stared at the mare who seemed on the brink of tears. "We stopped you. My sister and I stopped you before you could do anything bad."

"So...is that why my body is in such a mess?" Sombra said as he pulled away from her. "You and Celestia fought against me and brought me inches from death?"

"...Yes." Luna lied yet again. Her heart was torn in two. She didn't want to keep secrets from him, but she could not bear telling him what happened. He would not bare it.

Sombra looked back at the path ahead and smiled. He believed her. He had no reason to doubt her words.

"My, you've changed a lot in a month." Sombra said as they continued on their aimless path.

"What do you mean?"

"You used to be so stern and direct. It seems you've softened up a little. Was it cause I was gone?" He asked in a tease. He was prepared to be met with harsh words, maybe even a soft hit for what he had said, but Luna's response surprised him.



"It has been...a very long month." Luna said as she thought about everything she had been through in a 'month'. She had transformed into Nightmare Moon. Been banished to the moon for her crimes. Came back, was restored by the Elements of Harmony. And now, was standing next to her biggest regret of them all.

"That reminds me." Sombra said as he pulled away from Luna. He gritted his teeth as he felt his body fight against him. "You must really need my services."

"What? No!" She shouted back, almost disturbed by the mere thought.

"Why not? It's been a month. I'm supposed to drain you of dark magic every week or else your emotions might turn you into something vile."

"And lose you in the process?!"

"Lose...me?" Sombra asked confused. "I am perfectly capable of storing up a little dark magic. I mean sure, I lost control for a month, but now that I know what to watch out for I should-"

Sombra stopped midsentence as a wave of pain flooded his body. Looking down at himself, he could see Luna wrapping herself around him in a tight embrace. For a second he wanted her to stop due to the pain, but he soon noticed something. She was trembling. It certainly wasn't cold enough to make her shiver. No. Luna was scared. Terrified.

"Luna...What's wrong?" Sombra asked though the pain. Pain that was slowly numbing away as a small purple flicker appeared at his eyes.

"You've...done more than enough." Luna said softly, her voice close to cracking.

"But your magic-"

"I've found a way to keep myself from turning. I am perfectly fine now. You don't have to sacrifice yourself like this!" She shouted as she pull away, her hooves still tightly grasping Sombra's shoulders. As she did, her eyes opened wide at his appearance. His magic was returning.

"You have? We spent years trying to find a way. How could you manage that in a month?" Sombra asked as he tilted his head. The purple flames from his eyes swayed to the side at any small motion he did. Shaking her head to break free from the hypnotized stare she was locked onto, Luna returned her gaze to Sombra.

"I had my sister help me."

"I thought you hated her."

"I did, but after- Things happened and we're better now. Like I said, you don't have to keep straining yourself like this."

"If you're sure..." Sombra said, still worried about what he was being told. Suddenly, he had a reason to doubt.

Their walk continued on, though this time it seemed to be towards a tree nearby. Now that Sombra was walking on his own, he gravitated to something he could lean on. Upon reaching the old bark of the tree, he placed a hoof on it to help stabilize himself while he caught his breath. Luna remained quiet as she looked his way, or rather, looked at the dark magic seeping out of him through his eyes.

"So...what happens now?" Sombra asked as he turned around, placing his back on the tree.

"What do you mean?"

"You've no use for me anymore. You've got everything figured out and my sole purpose was to be a magic dump for your dark emotions. What happens to me now?"

"You were more than that!" Luna shouted as she quickly closed the gap between them. "You were a dear friend. Somepony I could place my trust in and know would be by my side when I needed him...even if I was not by his side when he needed me..."

Luna's loud tone seemed to die down into a hushed whisper as she said the last part of her sentence. A thousand years ago, she had everything she could ever ask for, yet her own greed and jealousy cost her everything. Even her most faithful adviser.

"Is there something you aren't telling me?" Sombra asked as he allowed himself to slide down the tree, finally ending in a sitting position.


Silence was Luna's only response. That was enough of an answer for him and instead of asking for an explanation, sighed and smiled at her. Slowly she kneeled down and sat next to him, his eyes being a ticking timer until he lost himself again.

"You...you don't have to guard my magic anymore."

"You're saying you want your magic back?"

"Yes. I believe...it is the best if you rid yourself of my dark magic."

Sombra grunted as he moved closer to her. Gently planting a small kiss on her cheek, he leaned back just in time to see Luna blush at his actions. She opened her mouth to speak, but was unable to find the right words to say. He didn't wait for a response. Sombra repositioned himself and laid his head into Luna's neck.

"I'm no fool Luna." Sombra said softly as he closed his eyes. "I can tell that things aren't fine. I can also feel myself slipping away from reality. Whatever happened a month ago, or however long it really was, it's happening again. I'm sure giving back your magic will stop me from losing control. However, in the state my body is right now, I won't survive. This is goodbye, isn't it?"

Luna looked at the stallion snuggled onto the furrow of her neck. She didn't argue back, instead she raised a wing and covered him with her feathery embrace. Her warmth brought a peaceful sensation to his body, something he had not had the luxury of feeling in what seemed like an eternity.

"Rest now. You deserve it." Luna said as she leaned and held him close. She felt a tear escape her, slowly sliding down her cheek, trailing her jaw line and to her chin, it broke off and fell onto Sombra.

"Don't weep for me." Sombra said as he opened his eyes slightly. His sclera burned a sickly green. "You were the most important pony in my life. I would have done anything to keep you safe."

"And you did. I'm just so sorry I wasn't there for you in your darkest time..."

Sombra chuckled as he felt Luna begin to drain his magic. The flames that had seeped out of the sides of his eyes began to flicker towards the mare, merging with her horn. With each second that past, he felt his consciousness waver further, only this time, it was through a serene and calm feeling.

"Do not worry. I fell in love with the Princess of the Night. It's impossible for me to be afraid of the dark."

What began as soft whimpers soon broke into loud weeping and heavy breathing as Luna let out a cry of sadness. She let go of any restraint and held onto Sombra as tightly as she could, using both her fore hooves and wings to keep him close. Though it was no use. She had finished taking back her magic, and without the magic keeping him together, Sombra's body began to dissolve into her hooves.

"Take care Luna...I love you." Sombra managed to say before his body had completely broken into shards of light. A soft ringing echoed around Luna as she slowly placed her hooves back on the ground an her wings arced back into place.

She could no longer hold back her tears. They ran down her face like a cascade of emotion. Sluggishly, Luna raised her head to look up at what remained of Sombra. His life, his essence, his light, floated upwards to the sky. To the lights created by the Crystal Heart. There Sombra would rest. In the very light that had killed him, the light that had given him peace. There in the sky he would remain, watching over her.

Standing up and wiping away her tears, Luna looked onward to the beautiful light show. Steadying her breathing, she cleared her throat and opened her mouth to finally speak words that should have been spoken long ago.

"I love you too, Sombra. Goodnight."

Comments ( 20 )

Such a tragic yet sweet relationship between Sombra and Luna.

Good story Note it was very heart warming and romantic.

Sombra nodded and took a step forward before almost immediately looking balance.

This should be losing, just something that I noticed, but otherwise great story.

5609228 Sorry about that, thought I got all my typos out of the way :twilightsheepish: Anway, it's fixed!

*Sobbing in progress...* :fluttercry:

You did a great job at playing with the reader's emotions in this story. Even though I was crying for most of it, I really enjoyed this story. :pinkiesad2: There were a few grammatical errors, but nothing that majorly stood out. Overall, a sorrowful but wonderful story.

As much as I liked this story though, I think I'll stick with SombraPie. This was just too serious for me. :twilightsheepish: I'm still giving you an up vote and favorite though, so don't worry. :twilightsmile:

is it natural to have a waterfall come from your eyes? because that's whats happening to me. *wipes tear* seriously though, the water-works are over flowing, :fluttercry: also, this song by skillet reminds me of this story, or the other way around. (it's called "Lucy")

forward before almost immediately looking balance

It is a very sad story, may he forever sleep in groves of lush greens.

Damn, you handle Sombra x Luna way better than I ever could:twilightblush:
EDIT: just noticed one of my fics in the Also liked box:raritystarry:

And thus another version of Sombra came to be. Sombra of the Sacrifice. This was very nice. And I adore this sad but beautiful Sombra Luna moment

5609277 No problem, besides your work is very good. It makes me wish that Sombra had more of a background in the show.

buck the three ponies who unliked this.

Another unheard of ship? You have my attention.

The final moments of the tyrant , it's bitter sweet to say the least. You You had a strong grip on my emotions the whole time. very well done

Sorry cover art
Still amazing

You did a good job with my emotions in this story.

Hello! Have a review. An interesting idea and commendably free of melodrama. A bit on the uneven side, but if smoothed out a bit this could have been really nice. As it is, still worth a look.

This is a very cool interpretation of Sombra! Despite the sad ending, I love this story!


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