• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 3,828 Views, 426 Comments

Short Flights And Failed Takeoffs - Snakeskin Ducttape

A collection of short stories, stand-alone intros and intros for stories that never made it.

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Equestria, The Land Of Free Love. Vol 1

Author's Note:

In which carnal pleasures comes with zero baggage and the inhabitants of Equestria spend spend half their time loving each other up.

I'm realizing that this is kind of terrible, but I'm hoping that it's terrible in a funny way. Like Commando.

Anyway, here's my defense for jotting this down: Years ago, when watching Avatar: The Last Airbender, I first came across the concept of shipping. My interest piqued, I looked into what this strange thing could be. What I found was one of the most hilarious things I have ever witnessed. The whole notion about getting passionate about which fictional characters you want to hook up and which ones you don't is funny enough in itself. But getting passionate about what others think is outright hilarious.

Anyway, I'm glad I read about everyone's motivations about why this and that character are clearly in love, because from that came one of my favorite pastimes: re-watch shows and try and interpret every single action and sentence, spoken or otherwise, as indicative of romance or lust. Seriously, if you're not already doing this, try it out. Ever watched Sherlock?

Anyway, this story is that, taken to extreme and for teh lulz.

So imagine, for a moment, that everypony can sleep around with anyindividual without any form of consequence. Where a rutting is more casual than a handshake and just about every time that the ponies are off-screen in the show they decide to jump each other, and others.

The segments are short and if the first few doesn't catch your fancy, don't keep reading. It's the same joke over and over.

Twilight Sparkle was a scholar. Applejack was a farmer. The two ponies relied on vastly different amounts of food-intake.

When Applejack first met Twilight about an hour ago she could tell that Twilight's strength was not in physical prowess. She had first assumed that the visitor was some sort of clerk, but Twilight had later clarified that she was Princess Celestia's personal protegé. Either way it explained Twilight's city-slicker behavior to the farm pony.

On the issue of the amount of food they craved, Applejack was at first a bit worried about Twilight's eating habits. She was getting full very early and still seemed to hurry for some reason. Twilight for her part felt that she had made a mistake in treating this hearty meal the way she usually treated meals, as an unfortunately necessary distraction away from her scholarly pursuits.

And so with her tummy having protested loudly on and off for the last fifteen minutes she was surprised when Applejack, who was sitting next to her, asked "Getting a bit full there, miss Sparkle? Would you like another kind of pie?"

Twilight raised her eyebrow's at the farm pony. "More pie? Ugh no thank you, Applejack, my stomach can't take anymore."

Applejack chuckled. "I wasn't talking about the kind of pie you swallow, sugarcube. I think you might like this one. It helps you relax, and that helps your digestion."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked, completely oblivious at what Applejack was insinuating.

Applejack chuckled again and rose slightly from her seat. "You must have a different way of talking over there in Canterlot," she said and gestured to her rear which she jiggled as Twilight looked. "I'm talking about my pie."

Should any individual from a vastly different culture have been sitting at the table at that instance, they might have been more than a little surprised at the conversation so far, especially how utterly unabashed everypony involved was and how uninterested everypony within earshot was. But this was only the beginning.

"Oh," Twilight said. "Yeah, sure, when?"

"Well, you said that you were in a bit of a hurry so don't worry. We can do it fast," Applejack said.

"That's considerate of you," Twilight said and turned to her other side. "Spike? Will you be okay alone for a little while."

Spike, who was involved in a very pleasant discussion with Applejack's younger sister, simply waved his claw and without looking back.

"Alright," Twilight said. "Lead the way."

Applejack started walking away from the big outdoor-table towards the farmhouse. "Let's do it indoors, it's a busy day here and we don't want to get in anypony's way."

Twilight thought this sounded reasonable. They entered the farm house, went into Applejack's room and had a wonderful time together.

Applejack was right, her pie certainly helped Twilight feel all better, but Twilight doesn't always learn from her mistakes and once more overindulged quite a bit.


It was looking bleak for quite a while there but the night was shaping up to be quite wonderful. Twilight was experiencing her first slumber part with two very good friends.

"So... who's up for another slumber party tomorrow night?" Twilight asked.

The resulting, good-humored barrage of pillows she got in her face told her that both of her friends thought it best to do so another time. And Twilight's offer of postponing the event was met with more laughter and pillows.

Twilight would never be upset with her friends for something as simple as declining a slumber party, but it was clear that her friends wouldn't budge and she decided that they had to make the best of the event.

"Oh! I almost forgot since the book neglected to mention it! Do you two want to have sex?" Twilight asked.

Realization dawned on Rarity's face. "Of course, darling. You didn't ask and I was starting to think that I did something wrong last time."

"Oh! No no!" Twilight said. "I just assumed that it would be covered later in the book and forgot when the whole thing with the tree branch happened. So how about it?"

"Well sure we do!" Applejack said. "We were mighty tempted to have a go at each other earlier but we didn't want to keep you up."

"That's a relief," Twilight said. "I was starting to think you didn't want to do it with each other."

Rarity gasped and put her hoof to her barrel dramatically. "Not making love to Applejack? Banish the thought, darling! It's such a pleasant way to solve frustrations concerning her."

Applejack turned to Rarity with a smug look on her face. "Right back at you, sugarcube. I haven't had an argument with you in forever, I was starting to miss this."

"Then I shall have to make something absolutely outrageous sometime soon," Rarity said and shot Applejack a sultry look.

Twilight considered this for a moment. "I wonder if that could be another letter for the princess sometime," she said ."Alright then, let's go."

The trio trotted up the stairs and did what friends in Equestria does best. The more the merrier.


Applejack and Rainbow Dash had finally finished with their work after the Running of The Leaves and were heading to the Apple-family farm.

"You wanna rest up your wing before heading back home?" Applejack asked her friend.

"Yeah. It's still a bit sore," came Rainbow Dash's reply.

"Still sorry about that," Applejack said with a apologetic look on her face.

"Don't worry, It'll pass in no time, I can tell," Rainbow said confidently.

"You wanna use the bathtub? Might help it get better faster."

"Yeah, thanks," Rainbow said and considered something for a moment. "You're gonna freshen up too, right? We could save some water if we do it together."

"Yeah. I'm assuming you wanna roll in the hay while we're at it?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Well, duh!" she said and planted a kiss on Applejack's muzzle.


Ponyville was not a cultural or economic center. So the population of Ponyville considered themselves very fortunate to house such a sophisticated establishment as the town's spa.

Aloe and Vera were attending two of their regulars, Fluttershy and Rarity. Rarity had been talking animatedly about a grand opportunity in her career as a dress maker for quite some time when they approached the part of the spa routine when the four would usually go to a quiet room for the highlight of their physical satisfaction program.

But Rarity had been talking non-stop the entire time and did not look like she was going to stop anytime soon. The sweet Fluttershy listened interestedly to Rarity and her babbling the entire time.

Aloe and Vera looked at each other. Do they keep going like normal or do they interrupt the endless verbal stream to ask for conformation?

After consulting wordlessly with only looks for a few second they decided to keep going like normal. Surely their attendees would complain if they were doing anything inappropriate?

Rarity talked through her pleasure-induced moans and barely let her gasps interrupt her for even a moment. Fluttershy had to use her moans to indicate that she was still listening.

After the whole affair Aloe and Vera were convinced that they had done everything right. This was confirmed when Rarity entered mere seconds after leaving for another round.