• Published 4th May 2012
  • 3,619 Views, 224 Comments

The Other Earth - hunterz263

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Chapter 2: Settling In

After a few minutes, you leave the trance you were fumbling about. Your mind starts to create a few concerns. Wait, mission control never told us where we are supposed to go, they just left us in the dark. Where are we going to-

"Attention everyone!" The sound of someone hollering startles you into a jump. Soon silence fell to whoever was speaking.

"Thank you, my name is Andy, and it has come to my attention that there are a number of concerns that everyone here shares. The first concern is where we are supposed to go now. Before we left Earth, mission control stated to a few of us that we are supposed to stay here and wait for the Royal Guard to guide us to where we are going to live for the time being." A number of people were starting to whisper on what Andy meant by "for the time being".

Andy started to talk again, "Another concern that has been brought up is if Equestria can support a very large population boost like this. Both the Equestrian government and the United Nations ran extensive research while the shuttles were being built. The answer is yes, there is still plenty of land, food, and water to support us." A number of people made a sigh of relief at the news. Then a complete silence came when the Royal Guard arrived.

There were thousands of them, every one of them armed with a spear. You and a majority of the humans started to feel fear. As the guard drew closer, the terror continued to rise. Eventually the guards stopped and a very large stallion came out of the crowd. Everyone in your group recognized this stallion, Shining Armor, captain of the Royal Guard. A few seconds passed and there was only the cold stare from the Royal Guard.

"Welcome humans to our world" Shining Armor said, "I'm sure you know who I am so I’ll cut the introduction and get straight to business. As I am sure you know, we are here to guide you to where you are supposed to live for the time being. Now I am certain a number of you are confused by what I meant on 'for the time being'. The Princesses have come to an agreement that ,quote on quote from Princess Celestia herself, 'humans deserve to have the same rights as us, an equal living'. So yes for some of you, this place may be only a temporary residence. For now, it is your home, but after a week, you are free to go live wherever you want, whether to Canterlot, Fillydelphia, or Ponyville, the choice is yours. Now please follow the guards and me to your residence. For those of you that like names, we named this place 'District 9'."

Suddenly a number of gasps were heard, including yours. Your mind begins to remember vividly the images of the place in the movie District 9. Could the ponies really be that careless about your temporary residence? Would you be living in slums like that for a whole week? The thought of that makes your mind sick, but you weren’t the only one. A number of people started to tear up at the name of your residence, but audible cries were held in. Shining Armor turned around after hearing the gasp. He had a very confused look on his face, but he continued to move on.

Your group starts to follow Shining Armor and his guard to District 9. You start to think of how far this place was, could it really be far? Surely, the ponies built this place close to your landing zone. Your train of thought is put on halt when you see thousands of flying chariots sitting on the ground. The Guard was going to fly you to District 9. You board the flying chariots along with every human that came. The Guard starts to get in position and take off. Immediately you feel very sick to yourself, you never have been in the air before. On Earth, your parents would drive to summer locations, seeing as how they are acrophobic. You begin to feel your insides flow up, but you fight it off.

You look around the landscape, and it was beyond anything you could imagine. This place was beautiful from the air. Seeing around the horizon, you see nothing but green valleys. You look closer to the ground, and notice it's a forest area, however it’s not the Everfree Forest. This forest was brightly lit, completely healthy and inviting. You quickly make a mental note to return to this location after your week in District 9.

. . . . .

After 20 minutes of looking over Equestria's natural beauty, you feel the chariot begin to descend. You look forward and what you see astonishes you. Turns out these ponies were going to treat everyone equally. Rows of thousands of houses, each a fairly good size. They appeared to be made out of concrete, with a hay roof on top, though you suspect the hay is actually a stronger material.

Your chariot along with the others land. After about 30 minutes of flying, you were finally at your new home. Other conversations start to pop up at the amazing surprise that everyone was going to live in a house. You look as far as you can to see if there were any distinct features in District 9, but only saw more houses.

"Attention all residents!" Shining Armor says, beginning another speech. "I see everyone here is surprised that we have built a home for every single human here, but it’s true, we have a house for every last resident here. Now, everyone here has been assigned a house here. As you can see, there is a large amount of houses and it appears to be confusing to navigate, but we have organized them in a very simplistic way. As you can see, we are on the outskirts of the district. Following this road up will lead you to the first row of houses. This row contains houses 1-100. If you take a left, you will see the roads starting with odd numbers in the hundreds place, 101-200, 301-400 and so on. The right side follows the same system except with even numbers, 201-300, 401-500 and so on again. Is there any confusion?”

After a brief moment of silence Shining Armor continues.

"Each person has been assigned a house at random. We will call out an individual at random also. Will Fox M. step forward." You see an individual step forward and stop in front of Shining Armor. It’s then that you notice a long short chest in front of Shining Armor. You see Shining Armor open the chest with his magic and you assume this is where the keys are kept. Turns out you are correct as you see a key fly out of the chest and given to Fox. Shining Armor then ask Fox something that is inaudible to anyone in the crowd. You see Fox shake his head to Shining Armor. "Fox M. will be living in house number 14". From what you have seen, you assume that everyone has an option to keep their houses location a secret to everyone else but to themselves, their neighbors, and the Royal Guard. "Will Zach A. step forward please." This is going to take a while.

After about 5 minutes, you are surprised to hear your named called to come up. You proceed up to Shining Armor and stand still. Shining Armor whispers to you. "You will be living in house 51, do you wish to keep your house’s location disclosed?" After a few moments of thought, you tell Shining Armor to keep your houses location classified from everyone else. You than hear a cling and see your key hovering in mid-air. You grab the key and proceed to your new house.

You arrived at the house to see the exterior. You look at the walls and see they were made of concrete. The roof appears to be made out of the hay stuff, but you are certain it’s stronger than it looks. You than glance at the windows and see they are circles instead of squares. You then walk around the building examining the shape, which turns out to a rectangle. After the quick survey of the building's exterior, you step in front of the wooden door. You pull out the key and put it in the doorknob. You turn your wrist and here the click of the door unlocking. You take a deep breath and open the door.

You look inside and are immediately greeted by the lights in the house. These were the brightest lights you have ever seen, much more powerful than the lights on Earth. You look to a wall in an attempt to find if there was a way to dim the lights. You find the little slider and slide it down to about halfway. Immediately you feel the stress on your eyebrows go away. You finally are able to explore your new house. You look down a hallway to see a fairly large room. On the left, you see a doorway, same thing on the right. You proceed down the hallway and head straight into the large room.

In the room, you see a couch, a table, a mat, a clock on the wall, a piano, and a sketching board. Some of the stuff in this room confused you. First off, why would all the houses have a piano, not everyone that arrived is able to play the piano. Another thing that confused you is the sketching board; again, not everyone here was an artist. You quickly dismiss these thoughts as you remember that the ponies don't have television or computers yet, they must have put this stuff to help keep you entertained in District 9. You leave what you call the living room and head back to the hallway.

You than decide to head to the room on the right. In here you see a table with a notebook, an empty bulletin board, a calendar, and sticky notes. You assume they put this room in for planning things to do. You leave the planning room and proceed to the room across from it.

What you see in this room is a full sized bed, a nightstand, a lamp, a dresser, two closets, and a door leading to what you assume is the bathroom. You wonder why there are two closets in the room. You then head to the bathroom. What you see in here is a toilet, a sink, a bathtub with a shower head on the top, towel rack, and a little closet holding towels in it. You leave the bathroom and head back into the bedroom. You than take off your shoes, lie down on the bed, and slowly drift off to sleep. You love your new house.