• Member Since 25th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago

Titanium Dragon

TD writes and reviews pony fanfiction, and has a serious RariJack addiction. Send help and/or ponies.

Comments ( 110 )

This is neither here nor there, but Fimfiction referred to your username as "New story" in the notice.

(Fimfiction's quirks are cute when they're not sending me to that troll user's profile. You know the one.)


Nice take on the apocalypse, sir. You have a knack for the dark stuff. You should run with it.


I don't write dark stories a whole lot, in part because I have a lot of fluffier ideas, and in part because one of my primary editors doesn't really like them very much. But sometimes I do have an idea and roll with it.

I'm glad you liked it.

New Story, huh? That's an... interesting username. How helpful of it.

Actually it might have been " ". I'll bet what happened is it was notifying me "New story ___ just posted Ruin Value", and by leaving out your name entirely it looked like "New story just posted..."

Yeah, that must have been it. Maybe your name exceeded the width of a data field or something, with all the Titaniuming and Dragoning and such.

Now this is a very interesting little story. I liked it quite a lot. The addition of Celestia, Luna, and I suppose Discord's father was pretty cool, though it also raises so many questions for me. Either way, this was a well-rounded, nicely written story. Great job!

Thanks. I'm glad you liked it!

It was definitely something a little different from what I usually write. Good to hear it was a worthy read.

Weird. Well, I tried looking at it from one of my alts but it showed up okay. Then again, I have a super widescreen monitor, so it is hardly a space crunch. Were you browsing on a phone or tablet or something?

Nope, and I'm using an HD screen (three of them). I mean the pop-up thing at the lower-right said:

New story
just posted Ruin Value

...but then again I'm stoned on painkillers so my memory is, as usual, somewhat suspect.

Oh, I see! Interesting. Huh. I'll keep an eye out for longer user names and see if they get cut off on notifications in the future.

...and I'll have to re-read this at some point given that the large expansion might make supply it with more details.

I still think my original theory is correct, though. If it isn't, I will totally steal it so please don't give it away. :raritywink: I will steal it like a catalytic converter in a not-yet-gentrified urban area in which disadvantaged ponies dwell. The lack of response I received from the comment I made on it led me to believe nopony knew what I was talking about.

(Or maybe my idea is just a dumb idea, or more likely: it's been done to death. Google-fu time.)

Yeah, I expanded it out with significantly more detail (the entire first 2000 words of this are new), and I think the ending makes more sense now given more context.

I'll check it out shortly. :yay:

...and after some Google-fu it appears the story idea is completely open. :pinkiehappy: Now I just have to figure out how to Ponify the whole thing properly, and set it on a mid-range burner... or if I should add it to an existing project. Hmm.

shit. that was...damn. For a second, i thought it was an advanced pony civ, but then i realized it was humans and that they ended. right? otherwise, this is going to need an AU tag

Yup. This is indeed set in the distant past. Bit of a bait and switch. :raritywink:

I'm glad you liked it!

This strange mix of future apocalypse with the world of ponies is really interesting. I enjoyed the tone, and thoroughly enjoyed the many tiny mannerisms in Celestia's exploration through the ruins, as they are what I would do (and sometimes do when observing interesting scenes).

Well done. You have my thumbs up.

Thanks for the compliments! I had fun adding in those little details, the bits of life, and of course those golden signs.

Glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

5554752 Those Golden restaurant signs?

Seriously though, this was quite fascinating. I absolutely adore origin stories with apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic themes.

If you look on Google Maps, you can even figure out which ones.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, d:flutterrage: you! God d:flutterrage: you all to hell!

I also read Father's lines in Morgan Freeman's voice. I think I watch too many movies.

I briefly considered using this as the story image, but thought it would be too much of a spoiler:


And hey, as long as the voice sounds good in your head, it is a good one to use, right? :twilightsmile:

5555071 That was a damn fine little piece, there.


Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. Always nice to hear one of my stories was worth reading. :twilightsmile:

I have to admit, I had to read this one twice to figure out what was going on. Still, this is a solid entry, and I wound up liking it on the whole.

Not Seattle! Anything but Seattle!

For some reason I'm very glad that our world lacks magic.

Ok now make this a two shot with the second chapter describing a young twilight finding a portrait of father and her asking celestia about the strange creature and celestia saying something cryptic as an ending.


The beginning is nice. I like the idea of the florist’s ashen face as Celestia mentions she wants flowers to nosh. That’s was a great catch.

I'm glad you liked it! I'm sorry that the bit with Discord didn't do it for you, but it sounds like the ending helped pull it back for you a bit.

The "snow" in the story is ash blown down from the buildings overhead by the wind; that's why she took to the air to get out of it.

This is one of those The Ending Changes Everything stories, as knowing what happens in the end recontextualizes the rest of the story.

I'm glad you ended up liking it!

Well, if our world did have magic, we may well not call it that; after all, if magic was a natural part of the world, it wouldn't be, well, magic to us, it would just be the way the world worked. Of course, we might, and then have another term for whatever stuff people made up which didn't really exist.

Now that I think about what is magic? How does it work? Is it a fundamental force of the MLP universe in the same way gravity and electromagnetism are in our own? Is it produced naturally? Does it work by temporarily bending physical laws? Is it drawn straight from the fabric of spacetime itself?


Don't feel sorry. It's impossible to satisfy anybody — except by writing slush, maybe. In any case, I'm not a fan of Discord as a fiend, and am still less in love with the reformed Discord. Each time I see this character spring up in a story, I bristle.

Ah, fair enough. I understand that character can rub people the wrong way; he is something of a black hole, in that everything ends up circling around him when he's on-screen.

Of course I won't ask you if you’ve read the 1945 SciFI classics called ‘Ravage’ by René Barjavel; I doubt it was translated (though Wikipedia says it has been under the name ‘Ashes, ashes’ which explains the connexion.

I have not, I'm afraid, though I have heard of its existence now that I'm looking at the Wikipedia page. Maybe I'll give it a whirl sometime.

Hard to say, really; the show never really goes much into the mechanics of how it works. It must function in a fairly unique manner, given that it seems to do a lot of things which would otherwise imply that characters had power equivalent to nuclear weapons (as E = mc^2, and making Spike grow to the size he gained in Cutie Mark Chronicles would require far more power than nuclear weapons unleash) but they don't seem to have so much power when they're battling with monsters, suggesting that whatever magic is, it does not rely on the laws of physics as we know them.


whatever magic is, it does not rely on the laws of physics as we know them.

Instead, it relies on the laws of the narrative.

Pretty much. It is very much a soft magic system.

Very nice! Well written piece, here.

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. :heart:

And to think I was so worried about it this weekend. :facehoof:

You maniac, you wrote another marvelous piece that makes me upvote it. I enjoy doing that. :heart:

What can I say? I've got a green thumb. :moustache:

I'm glad you enjoyed!

I liked this. You did a very good job of having it be loaded with hints of what was actually going on with the story (talking about the flower shop, the train, ect) without it all really coming together until near the end.

One thing bothered me though with Celestia's exchange with Discord. My take away from the story was that they have the same creator, so it seems perfectly natural that Discord would think of them as siblings. At least they both refer to the character as Father (well, Discord doesn't but the way the exchange goes, I was left with the impression that he did, until I went back and looked it over again). Yet Celestia's response does not seem to be dealing with that angle at all (as if it is only things in common that makes her sisters with Luna). I suppose the conversation between the two felt like it was happening because it was convenient for the narrative more than something natural.

Once, again. Good Story.

I didn't really go into why they felt that way about each other, and maybe I should have gone into more detail about it if it is bothering folks. I was leaving it mostly unsaid or implied, but apparently that didn't quite end up panning out.

Though your speculation about them having the same creator was indeed my intent.

I'm glad the rest of the story worked for you, though, and that it was enjoyable overall for you. :twilightsmile:

Eh, not really happy with this one, but I was typing it up on a whim when news of the GHOST breach hit. I'm now just coming off of a 16-hour workday, and if I don't post this then it's never going to happen.

Celestia draped the slipcover back over the magic mirror and curled her neck around her former student's. "Welcome back, Twilight."

"Thanks," Twilight said, but her voice was oddly distant.

"How was your trip?"

Celestia felt Twilight's foreleg shift in a reflexive motion to hoof the ground, but it quickly stopped and resettled. "It was good to see Sunset and Sonata again," Twilight said, "but." A too-long hesitation. "Well, no buts. They're doing well. The other sirens are making wonderful progress in learning about friendship. It's just … I don't think their world will ever stop surprising me."

There it was. "Oh?" Celestia said conversationally.

"Yeah." Twilight let out a breath, then gave Celestia a smile that could charitably be described as being in the same room as reassuring. "You know, I ought to go see Cadance before we go back to Equestria. I'm glad you were here, but I really shouldn't delay you — we'll get to talk for the whole train ride back —"

"Twilight," Celestia said with a gentle smile, "don't worry about it. I understand." Then, because she had a feeling she knew exactly what was behind the haunted expression in the young alicorn's eyes, she added: "In fact, she and Shining Armor just sat down for lunch. Why don't you go join them in the drawing room, and I'll go tell the chefs to make food for three?"

The smile vanished from Twilight's muzzle. "I … ah … I mean, I'm not hungry …"

Celestia locked eyes with Twilight for a moment, subtly sculpting her expression. Her mouth holding its relaxed smile, but with a tiny sag at the corners; a slight downturn in the corners of the eyes; a lateral tightening of the cheeks to suggest wrinkles; a slowdown in the shifting of her hair. A subliminal sympathy, with even deeper hints of worry and weariness.

"Let's take a walk," she said, precisely in the center of the dead zone between suggestion and invitation and order, and turned away, already lighting her horn to open the door.

It took Twilight eighty-seven paces to speak up, which beat Celestia's expectations.

"The first time I looked at what they call a 'burger' … it clearly wasn't the hayburger we eat in Equestria," she said. "I'm not stupid — it was meat between the buns. And I'm no stranger to the idea of meat. I mean, Rarity's cat eats fish, and gryphons even eat land animals."

Celestia nodded silently. Twilight would feel better about it if she could get it all out at her own pace.

"But everyone ate them. Some days, it was the only entrée the cafeteria served! When I learned its full name was a 'hamburger,' I kinda stopped there; once I figured out what the meat was, I didn't want to know more." Twilight exhaled. "That sounds so weird to say. But it's only natural, right?"

"Perfectly so. Thinking like a carnivore is uncomfortable."

"Right," Twilight said. "But I did try one. It was part of the human experience, after all. And then, yesterday, it came up in conversation as we were playing a trivia game —" Twilight whirled to face Celestia, eyes wet — "it's ground-up cows! They call it a ham-burger, but it used to be a bovine, with thoughts, and feelings, and — and — oh, stars, I'm a cannibal, I'll never be able to attend Bessie's poetry readings again —"

Celestia, who had been discreetly casting a silence bubble around them while Twilight talked, interrupted her with the gentle touch of a hoof to her shoulder. She was getting more worked up than Celestia had planned; best, perhaps, to lance the boil.

"And it tasted wonderful," Celestia said conspiratorially, "didn't it?"

Twilight's pupils shrank as she went rigid. "What?!" she managed to squeak.

A smile spread across Celestia's muzzle. "That's what you're not telling me. The secret shame of it is how enjoyable a hamburger is. Trust me, Twilight, I know."

Twilight's cheeks had gone quite an unnatural shade of hot purple before she managed to stammer out, "So you've been through the mirror yourself, then?"

"Let's just say, for the moment, that I've been to the human world."

A glimmer of hope flickered in Twilight's eyes. "Then maybe you can explain," she said. "What bothers me the most is that … well, taste is a physiologically driven response; the body craves foods that meet its dietary needs. And my body most certainly was different in the mirror universe, so it only made sense that it would have tasted good at the time! But last time I returned … even while I was here, back in pony form, with my brain and my senses back to normal … I kept craving meat. How is that even possible?"

Celestia's thoughts flashed back to that row of growth tubes that had decanted the first of the ponies. To the desperate struggle to keep them viable, in that first harsh winter before the grasses grew back. To her explorations of the ruined city, and the raided fast-food freezers. And, finally, to the thin slurry of blended bread and meat that had been poured into the feeding-pumps, in a final desperate gamble after the others had given up the project as hopeless.

Father had understood, but Father was gone. Luna, bless her heart, had been their conscience, voicing her disapproval of the situation early and often, and never quite reconciled with Celestia about it. Discord … the less said of his approval, the better. But now, for the first time in millennia, Celestia's heart stirred: maybe she could finally talk about it with somepony who understood.

Celestia steadied herself with a long, deep breath. "Twilight," she said, "Let me tell you about your earliest ancestors …"

I love you so much, Horizon. :heart:

What is the GHOST breach? Google is finding nothing.

Liked the story, gave me a very '60 sf kind of vibe.

Thanks! I was kind of going for that feeling of desolate beauty I get sometimes looking at post-apocalyptic landscapes. I'm glad it worked for you. :twilightsmile:

Not bad, you do a good job of showing instead of telling using the scenery to paint a desolate scene, while also keeping the big reveal until the very end. All in all, a very good use of the prompt.

However, personally I feel it misses the 'spirit' of the story it is based on. From my perspective, and be aware this is more on a instinctive level than a logical one, the spirit of fallout equestria was more on how ponies and such change when the world goes to ruin and it becomes a lot easier to live off dishonest means than honest.

Personal headcannon aside, I consider you a definite contender. You brought your A game, I wish you the best of luck.

Thank you! I'm glad that you liked it.

However, personally I feel it misses the 'spirit' of the story it is based on. From my perspective, and be aware this is more on a instinctive level than a logical one, the spirit of fallout equestria was more on how ponies and such change when the world goes to ruin and it becomes a lot easier to live off dishonest means than honest.

I've never finished reading Fallout: Equestria; I've only read the first ten chapters of it or so, so I don't know if that's really the case or not, I'm afraid.

(GHOST is this vulnerability. I had half a dozen servers to patch, except half of them are running older distros that aren't receiving patches, so I had to upgrade … and upgrading broke things.)

Yikes. Sounds like "fun". Gotta love security holes.

5560660 Well as an adventure story, it's centered around the conflict Littlepip is going through. However, there's barely any attention paid to the background. It is possible it was just the writer's lack of experience, but I digress.

^^ That's just how 'spirit' changes based on person.

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