Comments ( 108 )

Are you serious, or is this a trollfic?

If you're serious... this character is beyond unbelievable. Thousands of years old, and he talks like a foul-mouthed merc from 20th century Earth? No. All suspension of disbelief is lost. An ancient king does not talk like a grunt in an army.

Ok this story looks interesting. I hope to see more of this.

5353735 Really? You expect him to drop the foul-mouth, just because he became king? It's still him under that crown, no matter what! And it's his call, his kingdom, his rights! Hell, it's his dimension now, you try and do what he does!

5353983 Thank you! Though tell me: what is it you like?

5354230 One the story obviously and two because i refound Carolus Rex in the comments!

Ok. I immediately had to fave this story as soon as you put up the FLLLLOOOOOOORRRR!!!! In the story.

5359728 So you've pretty much figured out the song he played then?

I liked his interaction with Discord so far.

5449661 Thanks, but do you think that I might have committed some form of heresy here? Also which part: the one where he acts slutty, or where he confesses past sins?

5451022 the sin part was interesting because it shows that Discord has matured. On the other hand, his sluttiness towards Rex is hilarious and I'm curious as to whether he is an abhorrent admirer of Rex, slept with Rex, or was originally a girl who slept with Rex but then change gender. With Discord, the possibilities are endless.

5451080 Well...maybe...

But you could be right about the whole gender swapping thing, or he could have split himself into two?

Yeah, the possibilities are endless.

other than rex's very dramatic rage moments, I LOVE IT. can't wait for the next chapter.


miraak #17 · Jan 6th, 2015 · · 1 · Ch.1 ·

Y-you dare to use swedens greatest king's name on a alicorn heresy!!!!

5468924 Uh... Yeah?? But think about it, who do you think literally chose him!? It even says in the description! You try and get picked by God, as his chosen champion!

5485182 Ah!! Naughty thoughts, you! And don't start spoiling the story, you'll ruin it!

More please? :fluttershysad:

5616795 I'm working as fast as I can, just hang in there. Hopefully I'll have it out tomorrow, or on Single Awareness day.

Really like this chapter, especially how Discord acted like a schoolgirl during breakfast and the flashback. Hope the next chapter corms soon. BTW, are you speaking of Carolus and Discord when you refer to the "they" in your notes?

I've loved this chapter.

It was fucking hilarious XD,

"Now if only Rex can have any kind of luck with girls when he is younger or something like that -_-."

Be quiet Chris. We don't need him annoyed!

A few minor spelling errors here and there in all three chapters but not much. Continue the good work.

5618398 Yeah pretty much, because hey, they're immortal! Who's to say they need to be bounded by mortal rules?

need to work on who is saying what had no clue who was talking most of the time

ok so bisexuality is normal among immortals or just the population as a whole?, and what about herds?

5777717 Well, when your immortal, you don't have a lot of boundaries. Because it's trivial and the mortals do that to themselves.

As for herds....possibly so.

5778423 nothing against herds, just curious, keep the good work, only real gripe is red and black alicorn OC seriously?. well the story is good enough to make up for it

5779080 Wait, what's wrong with red and black OC ponies , my lord Kage? Are they not satisfying to you?

5779105 you want the truth or you want to still call me friend?

5779153 Both. I mean, it's just your personal opinion about it. I'm not gonna judge you, or feel offended. So just vent it all out.

5779210 well is such a damn cliche for the red and black or black and red alicorn oc that makes the story lose some of its appeal, at least is not as bad as the OC being THE DAMN SEVENTH ELEMENT OF HARMONY that one grants whoever uses it a spot in hell plus makes ditzy doo cry

5779447 Okay, that is absolutely fucking stupid! Who in the fuckwits would have their OC be the seventh Element? That just doesn't make much sense! The cliche part I can understand, because they would make them mostly either Gothic or Emo. Or something like that.

But out of all of them, tell me: is my one more bearable? Or is he the same as the others from before?

5779653 your is ok so far and the story is good enough to make one forget about it, so no need to sweat the small stuff about it, but let me tell you the seventh thing is far more common than one would like to believe...

5779769 just talking about how common used to be the fics where the oc was the seventh element, i guess it was the thing to write back in the day, nowadays just type red black alicorn oc and see how many images there are

5779956 OK. I get what you mean, there are just too many of them going about now.

And man can that actually get excessively annoying and overused at times. Though how it all started out is beyond me. The only thing I can think of is that they want a sort of anti-hero character, or something connected to that one.

I guess people want more dark, depressing, war fighters. Then the old, goody-goody, hero types. Because that is in the past, and they want something more badassury.

Most of the time, we take things for granted.

5780008 hell yeah i take a badass OC over any gary stu/mary sue any time of the day, although personally i enjoy more an average guy who wins by the skin of his teeth over a deus ex machina

5780127 An average guy winning it by the skin of his teeth? I didn't think teeth had skin! I thought they were mostly bone!?

5780167 and that is why they win, they surprise their enemies and beat em, or maybe is just chicken skin that got stuck. either way is interesting to see

5780180 just gave a new idea on Rex's introduction on how much potential magic has on oneself!

5780187 sounds interesting

5780193 Well, it's going to be somewhat of a rip off from one or two gaming franchises. But you made me remember some of their unique specialties.

These will play a key role in his fight....

Well, wannabe fight.

Great chapter.

5894312 Thanks, though what was it you liked about this chapter?

This is amazing

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