• Published 11th Oct 2014
  • 5,259 Views, 69 Comments

Sonata Loan - RitsuD95

Lost her magic. Kicked out by Aria and Adagio. Going it alone. Not a good week for Sonata Dusk. Lucky for her, a certain someone decides to give her a second chance.

  • ...

CH1: A Chance

"Unbelievable!" Adagio growled as she kicked over a set of trashcans before turning back to Aria and Sonata. "This is on you two idiots! If it was just me, my plan would have been perfect! Now we're stuck here, with no magic and everyone knows who we are! Just great!"

"Excuse ME?!" Aria glared back, "It WAS your plan, and YOU failed! Just saying."

In the next instant, Adagio was right in her face. She had adorned a very irritated look.

"Say that again. See what happens!"

"Oh, so scary. Adagio pissed off. Again." Aria deadpanned.

"Come on, girls. Don't fight..." Sonata said as she tried to keep her fellow Dazzlings from tearing each other apart.

Just a few short hours ago, they had come so close to taking away the Equestrian Magic from Princess Twilight and company. Now, here they were. Arguing in an alley, no power, no fans, nothing. While it certainly was unfortunate for them, Sonata just couldn't see the point of arguing with each other. She decided to try and insert herself right between the two girls about to come to blows.

"Please... Stop it." Sonata said, glancing between Adagio and Aria.

"Oh, and here comes failure number two! Come to think of it, this is all YOUR fault!" Adagio growled.

Sonata blinked. Her fault? "It's not my-"

"YES IT IS!" Adagio shouted, "You're the one who tipped off Sunset Shimmer! You're the one who constantly gets distracted! I bet that's why our spells weren't as powerful as they should have been! You've got to be the most incompetent moron I've ever met!"

"Wha-" Sonata was taken aback, "But-"

"NO BUTS!" Adagio interrupted once more, "This. Is. On. You."

"I... I'm sorry." Sonata apologized, looking at the ground.

"You know what? I'm sorry too..." Adagio began, waiting for Sonata to look her in the eyes, "I'm sorry I ever met you! I'm sorry we ever worked together! I'm sorry you were ever even BORN!" She punctuated that last word with incredible force. By this point, Sonata was practically in tears.

"You... Please don't say that..."

"Why not?" Aria interjected, "I think she's onto something here."

"You too? But... I know it's really bad, but it could be worse..." Sonata tried to argue.

"And how the hell is that?" Aria asked.

"Well..." Sonata began, "At least we're still together."

And that was it. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. The next thing Sonata felt was a hay-maker right to her face. She fell to the ground clutching where her so-called friend had just punched her. She looked up, right into Adagio's rage-filled glare. She didn't even try to hold back her tears.

"You can't be serious. You can't be." Adagio hissed, "Why would I want to be together with you?"

"But... I thought we were a team. No matter what. Right?" Sonata asked through her sobs.

"Team? No. In fact, I can't stand the fact you're breathing my air!"

"You... You don't mean that!" Sonata cried.

"Oh I do. I really do, and right now, I REALLY hate you." Adagio said with no detectable emotion in her voice.

"Please..." Sonata begged, "Please don't say that!" She crawled over to Adagio's feet, "Please! You guys are my only friends!"

"Friends?" Aria chuckled, "Really? Wrong side, dip."

Adagio glanced up to her, before looking back down at Sonata, "Friends. You thought we were FRIENDS?!"

With that, Adagio broke out into a fit of cackles, "Don't be ridiculous! You're nothing to me. Neither of you really."

Aria glanced back to her, "Back atcha, bitch."

"Please..." Sonata sobbed. She didn't even know what she could say. All she knew was that she felt everything inside her breaking.

"Get out of my sight." Adagio ordered, "I never want to see you again. You're nothing but a mistake."

With that, Sonata rose to her feet, before bolting out of the alley, tears flying.

"Woah." Aria commented before a smirk came across her face, "Brutal."

Adagio simply walked past her, "Come on. Maybe without that fool, we can actually accomplish something. It'd be best for us to split town, get as far away as possible, and never look back to this rat hole. But don't be the next fuck up."

Aria paused for a second, glancing to Sonata's retreating form before shrugging and following suit.

Sonata didn't know how long she had ran. She didn't care, there was no reason to stop. Everything she'd ever thought turned out to be false. She never had any friends to begin with, and now she was all alone. What could she do? There was nothing for her, no place for her.

All the work she'd ever done with them. All the time spent together. It meant nothing to them.

They'd been together for such a long time, far longer than any beings normal life span. And it didn't mean a thing to them.

She finally did stop running when her foot found a curb, tripping her face-first into the cement.

Clutching her face, she looked down to see blood in her hands. Her nose was bleeding badly, and she had bruises and cuts all over her face.

"Well, well." A new voice said. Sonata looked up to see two boys she recognized from Canterlot High.

"What do you want?" Sonata asked, rising to her feet.

"Oh, nothing much." The first boy said, before shoving her back down to the ground.

"Ah..." Sonata whimpered as she felt her back hit the cement.

The two boys stood over her, "What's the matter?" The second boy asked. "Where's your friends?"

Sonata looked right into the boys eyes, tears filling hers, "I don't have any."

"Hah! Look at that!" The first boy commented again, "Even her friends left her!"

Without another word, she felt a kick right to her stomach, flattening her again.

"Ow..." Sonata groaned, "What's your problem?"

"Problem?" The second boy asked, "There's no problem."

The first boy licked his lips, "None at all..."

The two began to advance towards her, before a third voice called out.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Everyone turned to see the girl Sonata recognized as the disk jockey for the Rainbooms.

"What?" The first boy laughed, "We're not doing anything, Vinyl. Swear."

The girl identified as Vinyl continued walking, until she was in between the boys and Sonata.

"Fun's over." She deadpanned, "Now scram."

"Aww, come on, Scratchie! We're just gonna have a little fun!" The second boy complained.

"Not. Any. More." Vinyl said very matter-o-factly, somehow making such a neutral tone very imposing.

Sonata couldn't believe what she was seeing. A girl who had just hours earlier helped to defeat the Dazzlings, was now protecting her. As Sonata tried to make sense of what was going on, Vinyl was finishing her point.

"Didn't you two get expelled from Canterlot this morning?" Vinyl asked.

"Maybe." The second boy sneered.

"You two beat up the eco kids!" Vinyl growled.

"Hey! Ain't our fault!" The first boy argued, "You know they got some good green somewhere. If they'd just given it to us, then all of that coulda been avoided!"

Vinyl had just about had enough as she mockingly looked to her wrist, "Well, time for you to get lost. Fancy that."

"Oh yeah?" The second boy challenged.

"Yeah." With that, Vinyl lowered her shades just enough to look both boys in the eyes.

Sonata knew it was a bad time, but why was Vinyl wearing sunglasses at night?

The two boys glanced at each other, before turning to leave.

"Whatever. Good for you."

When the two boys were gone, Vinyl turned around to look at Sonata. She was still on her knees, but could feel Vinyl looking her up and down under the sunglasses. Finally, her rescuer said something.

"You look like crap." Vinyl deadpanned.

Sonata blinked for a moment, staring at the disk jockey.

Finally, Vinyl broke the tension with a smile, "Need some help?" She offered her hand out.

As she was helped up, Sonata finally felt all the pain she was in, and nearly collapsed. Alertly, Vinyl used her own body as support, holding Sonata up.

"Let's go get that looked at. And that. And your bloody nose too." Vinyl chuckled, eliciting a confused look from Sonata.

"Where are we going?" Sonata asked.

"My place. If you don't mind."

"Okay..." Sonata whispered, "... Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

Vinyl turned out to live in an apartment, not too far from the school.

While Vinyl was getting her medical items ready, Sonata decided to glance around. It was an average apartment; two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen that doubled as the living room, and a strange room filled with musical equipment and some strange, spongey stuff on the walls.

Unexpectedly, Sonata felt a sudden sting right on her face.

"Ow!" She shouted in surprise. Looking over, her savior held a cloth that clearly had alcohol on it.

"Stop moving." Vinyl ordered, "It'll hurt a lot more if you don't hold still."

Sonata nodded, biting her lip as she felt more and more stings.

After about five minutes, Vinyl lowered her cloth.

"There. That should do it."

"Uhh... Thanks, I guess." Sonata said quietly.

"No probs. Dig my place?" Vinyl asked, waving her arm towards the rest of the apartment.

"Yeah." Sonata answered, unsure of what else she could have said, "Do you live here alone?"

"I did." Vinyl nodded, "My dad is the lead vocalist for Pierce the Bale, so he's always travelling. But he knows I love Canterlot High, so he rents out this apartment for me."

"That's cool." Sonata replied, not quite sure what that band was.

"Mhm." Vinyl hummed, "Now, spill."

"What?" Sonata blinked.

"You heard me. Tell me everything that must've happened to you in about the last three hours."

"How do you know something happened?" Sonata asked. Vinyl replied with a look of 'really?' that even her large sunglasses couldn't cover.

"Oh yeah..." Sonata realized, mumbling sheepishly.

"And." Vinyl said, before walking over and leaning on the door, "You're not leaving until I hear everything."

"Okay." Sonata nodded.

"Wait." Vinyl stopped, "Really?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Huh. Well that was easy."

And with that, Sonata began to tell Vinyl everything that had happened. The argument among the Dazzlings, her being kicked out and realized how alone she was, and how she'd wound up where Vinyl found her. Throughout the story, Sonata had tried her best not to cry, but it was just too much. By the end, Sonata had tears running down her face.

"Woah. Dude, that's fucked up." Vinyl shook her head.

Sonata nodded, trying to wipe away all the tears flowing down her face. Vinyl hopped off the counter she was sitting on and headed over to Sonata. Before she even knew what happened, she was brought into a hug. Sonata was surprised wordless for a moment.

"Wh- what are you?"

"It's not healthy to hold it in. Come on, I won't tell anyone." Vinyl whispered.

That was all she needed to hear. Her emotional wreck of a night caught up to her, as she sobbed into Vinyl's embrace.

"Shh... It's okay." Vinyl cooed, gently petting Sonata's hair.

After a very long cry, Sonata wiped her eyes, "Thank you. So much."

As Sonata rose to her feet, she headed for the door. However, she felt Vinyl's hand latch onto her wrist.

"Where are you going?" Vinyl asked.

Sonata was about to answer, but she couldn't. She didn't have anyone or anywhere. Vinyl took the silence for what it was.

"Then you can stay here." Vinyl smiled.

"What?" Sonata blinked.

"You heard me."


"But nothing." Vinyl cut her off, you're staying here tonight. It's the weekend, and I'll figure something out. Until then, you're mine."

"Oh... okay?" Sonata replied.

"Good." Vinyl guided Sonata over to the guest room, and flicked on the lights. It was a simple room, a bed, a dresser, and a small television.

Vinyl guided Sonata over to the bed and pulled the covers down. "Here."

Obediently, Sonata climbed into the bed.

"Night." Vinyl said as she made for the door.

"Uhm..." Sonata whispered, but had decided not to say anything. But Vinyl had heard it just fine.

"Yes?" Vinyl asked.

"Uhm... It's nothing..."

"That's not nothing. I know that excuse, what's up?"

"Uhh... Could you... Tuck me in?" Sonata asked, fidgety and blushing.

Vinyl simply chuckled as she pulled the cover up on Sonata.

"Want a goodnight kiss too?" Vinyl asked with a smirk.

After a few moments of silence, both girls broke out into giggles.

"I really don't know how to thank you." Sonata smiled.

"I do." Vinyl answered. "I'm not giving you my kindness, I'm letting you borrow it."

"What?" Sonata asked, confused.

"To keep it simple," Vinyl began, "It's like a loan. You'll have to pay my kindness back. I think you will. Pay it forward or pay it back. Either work for me."

"Oh. Okay." Sonata nodded.

Vinyl turned and made it to the doorway. With one final smile, she flicked off the lights.


"Sleep tight.