• Member Since 25th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Not a serious writer, and occasionally I create or forget about loose ends entire. That being said, I never stop trying to improve.


I keep a pocketwatch. Odd thing for a time-traveler to say. Fortunately, it was enchanted by a friend of mine to tell me the year, along with the relative time. I used to find it odd that if I spent a day in the year 600, a day would pass in the year 2300 and 1000 and...oh, you get the idea.
Of course, I found being here also something to freak out about, much less the ability to travel the time-stream with that Gate Key I ordered. Apparently the thing worked a little too well.
It did, after all, pull me here from home. And while I found the way to go back a while ago...
...I can't leave. Not yet.

...I've seen their future. And I'll be damned if I leave them to it.

Chapters (43)
Comments ( 532 )

Yeah, LoHAV stuff can get a bit tedious, and it's hard to do it well. Glad you aren't just going with "retelling all the episodes with OC added" though. I'm not very familiar with Chrono Trigger, so this should be doubly interesting.

This story has an interesting premise. I'm not that familiar with Chrono Trigger but I do have to ask: is the main character going to be grey, black, or white when it comes to morality?

One nitpick that bugged me. There is an 'H' in 'Chrono'.

This is my favorite game. I have prolly logged more time playing Chrono Trigger than Halo.
So far, it's done very well. Insta fave hoping for more.

Yay! New story to add to my favorites colection! Now that I have good lititure, I may sustain my self on the neural pathways of life. I wish you good luck time stability person who does not own a P.H.D.!

This story seems interesting.

You can never escape LoHAV.:pinkiecrazy:

I'm sorry, Thadius. After reading the first chapter I had to unfavorite your story... ONLY SO I COULD FAVORITE IT AGAIN!!! This thing is amazing and I look forward to, not only new chapters, but also what would happen if Chrono and Nicholas meet.

Thank you for writing this, it's really good and I love it.

Haven't even touched it yet, going to favourite and upvote already.



5110164 THAT is the REASON to give it a shot and read it, not neccessarily to like, fave and all that right off the bat.:ajbemused: But who am I kidding? Let's like, fave and everything else sinse this guy does good work:pinkiecrazy:

5109786 Oh I HOPE not:facehoof: those guys are usually to close to sterile mentalities to be living creatures:pinkiesick:

Wooden Sword? I guess he didn't cosplay as New Game+ Crono. Anywho...really enjoying the story so far. Do keep it up.

Huh, then I retract my nitpick and issue a vote of 'perfect'

Whoa, wait, someone else is doing a Chrono Trigger fic? I noticed that—
>LoHaV comments
Oh. Uh. Right, then.

>>Sees this Story.
>>Sees Chrono Trigger.
>>Sees them both combined.
>>Cries manly tears of joy.

Actually, I shotgunned your story and was inspired by it. However, we're both doing two different things.
You're bringing ponies to the world of Chrono Trigger, whereas I'm bringing Chrono Trigger to the world of ponies.
Semantics are highly important in this case!

*reads title and desc* Chrono Trigger is one of my favorite games of all time. (Still waiting for that sequel, Square!) My reaction to seeing this on the featured list: "YESYESYESYESYEYSYEYSEYSYESYEYSEYSYEYSYEYSYEYSEYSEYESYES"

Never played Chrono Trigger but this explains why you haven't done anything with Vincent recently

Will you have that Crono will have all his learnable spells?

1. Lightning

2. Lightning II

3. Raise

4. Luminaire

5112984 Loosely Speaking Technically Chrono Cross was Squares Sequel to Chrono Trigger. Apparently Cross is based on Timelines that didnt happen due to events in Trigger. Either way I personally think Cross should have been a stand alone game.

On a side note Chrono Trigger is one of my all time favorite RPG's :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

I'm tracking this because it has a nice and helpful Stephen Magnet.

Seriously, I don't think I've ever seen Stephen Magnet be helpful in a fic before.

Mhm... let's see.

Chrono Trigger X MLP... SOLD!!!! :pinkiegasp:

Actually, V and I are writing a crossover. A massive crossover. One that has odd hours for us to be working on.
So I needed something to do, and got inspired...
And thus we have the magics!

Well, it was a goddamn nightmare.

God damn it (huehue), another cliffhanger. Why do you people do this to me? Unless...

..you're not people :trixieshiftright:

V-Oblivion, the guy who writes A New World - A New Game.

I heard and felt the winds howl around me as I was temporally displaced again.
And the place I ended up...
Well, it was a goddamn nightmare.

:facehoof: Let me guess... he ends up arriving right in the middle of the War of the Sun and Moon, doesn't he?! (AKA the battle between Celestia and Nightmare Moon pictured during the episode "Princess Twilight Sparkle.")

Yay another chapter! Good my hunger for time travel was starting to grow to dangerous levals!

"I wonder what i will find here.... ooo chrono trigger. Ive played chrono cross but not trigger this will be interesting." I snatch the book then then dive into the shadows. :derpyderp2:

ONWARD! To the year 2299!

OMG, Chrono Trigger has got to be my favorite RPG of all time! I'm definitely looking forward to how you'll develop the amazing storyline of CT along with ponies.

With as good as your Golden Sun crossover has been, I'd say we're in good hands. :)

So, looks like the Lucca of the group has joined, at least for now. Now he just needs to get ponies who can represent the others...

Why do I have a feeling that Perhaps somepony of the mane 6 will be Marle?

"Now think. Celestia is an, at the very least, ageless alicorn. If I introduce myself to her now, she'll remember me four hundred years later. Who's to say she won't pay me a visit? Who's to say she won't trample all over my time-line?"

Wait, no, that doesn't make any sense. Crono spent a day, at most, in the year "999 After Nightmare Moon". He could introduce himself to Celestia at 599 ANM, hangs out for a year, then head back to 1000 ANM with absolutely no fear of Celestia mucking up his timeline. So far, there's only been one day of timeline to muck up. The odds of Celestia ruining that one day worth of future events are highly unlikely, but even so it wouldn't be a big deal if their memories didn't match up.

Really, his primary concern when it comes to altering the past should be ruining his ability to predict the future based on his knowledge of the show. Now that would be a decent reason to avoid mucking up the timeline where possible, but for some reason that's not the reason he gave.

"Ah yes," the turquoise unicorn commented as he began to pack up his things. "That mysterious mare you said would arrive at some point in the future."
"Yeah," I chuckled as I grabbed a hold of one of his bags. "Let's just say, she'll also be here in one year's time, and it won't be for the same reason we, or rather, you, were."

I'm not entirely familiar with the show. Who is Crono referring to here?

I find it a little odd that "Crono" hasn't said anything about the obvious parallels between the game and his situation. He's in a bad future with robots and mutants, smashed domes, and the energizer machine, he's been levelling up by beating up robots, and, if his estimation is right and that is a flamethrower, the equivalent of Lucca just joined the party.

How the hell has he not noticed any of this? Or if he has, why hasn't he thought about it at all? It's first-person narrative after all, so if he thought it we should have read it.

I think it would be very appropriate for him to speculate that, if all this is paralleling the situation from Chrono Trigger, the devastation might have been caused by Lavos or something similar.

Maybe you could have him worry briefly (but not too briefly) that his appearance as Crono has somehow caused everything he's seen. There weren't any Gates in MLP, after all. Perhaps he could worry that his coming altered the entire story, causing the end of the world as they know it due to the Lavos analogue that wouldn't even have existed if it weren't for the Chrono Trigger influence.

Just food for thought.

I feel like the marle of the party will be a pre-discord era Celestia.

Oh don't worry, he's going to, soon enough. There's a pretty big reason he doesn't want to, though.
Hint: What was Crono's fate in every New Game, if you wanted a realistic chance of beating it?

This is the same Celestia who raised a little filly to such a degree that she knew said filly could become the Element of Magic. And also knew that she would find friends in Ponyville who could become the other Element Bearers.
I think holding on to one memory for four hundred years and popping in on just the right day isn't beyond her!
Hint: First word: Time of day when the sun rises or sets over the horizon. Second word: Glistening, twinkling.

We're gonna be pulling out that OC tag hard for most of the party members! But I will ensure that one notable historic figure gets added!
Probably more! And for that Mane Six, Spike, and Celestia tag, we're going to be showing off time changing around them during notable interlude chapters, when the flow of time itself changes enough.

5118191 What is this crossossovered with

Its Chrono Trigger from the SNES/PS1/DS

If he did trust her enough to tell her, it shouldn't be too hard to say, "Hey, I'm a time traveller. I'll be showing up at a specific place at a specific time, and I'd really like you to not accidentally wipe me from existence or possibly just cause us to have different memories (I'm not entirely sure how that works), so could you avoid that particular location on that particular date? 'Kay thanks."

And now I'm confident you goofed. From the point of view of 499 ANM, Twilight Sparkle will show up not in one year, but in four hundred and one years. It's only one year in the future from the point of view of the other side of the gate, and Crono said nothing to indicate that that's what he was talking about.

I'll give you the second point. But as to the first, I refer you to the entire alternate timeline you end up making in Chrono Trigger if you decide to go after the Rainbow Shell. Not even the king in the present age remembers it.

That has nothing to do with what I said. My biggest problem with Crono's actions is his entirely unwarranted assumption that Celestia wouldn't be reasonable about the situation. Throughout the entire series Celestia has been reasonable and encouraged communication and problem-solving between Twilight and her friends. I strongly doubt that Celestia would ignore a request from Crono that she steer clear of that one location on that one day, so as to avoid possibly wiping him from existence.

This is before Crono starts meddling. Once he does, there's going to be an interesting series of conversations, I'm sure. Possibly not all chronological to anyone else's point of view.
And one or two of the recruits maaaay be cause for concern for even miss sun.

That still doesn't address my complaint. None of that stuff has happened yet, and Crono can't base his decisions on things that haven't happened yet, that he has no way of suspecting will happen.

I'll say it again: There is no reason for Crono to assume Celestia would ignore his request to not meddle in his timeline. It's only proper manners to avoid taking actions that could wipe somebody from existence.

Ah. But for the gentleman, I give him this:
While he knows of MLP, he doesn't know what sort of Equestria he's landed in. Or how this version of Celestia acts. Or what happens in the background, off-screen.
He's currently assuming that things are going to run on the rails. But just a few...small...things...happening, depending on where and when he lands next, will start to break his world view of Equestria...
He's looking at it with rose-colored glasses at the moment and trying to decide how best to approach the sisters, along with when and where. He's about to learn a bit more about that particular shade of red, which will toss his ideas out the damn window...

Feels like a total cop-out to practically mirror the game's events like this, but I still love it. xD The only thing I thought was a bit bs is how some pony can just bring him through their city and no one thinks much of it. It's one thing to bring a strange beast, but a clothe wearing, sword bearing sapient creature is another. Even more so how what I can only assume is the pony fuzz, showing up on this fellow's door to tell him he can't keep some creature longer than time period x. I mean he goes around, talks to ponies, and does chores, why is he still being treated like some manner of wild animal?
5117514 I would think Chrono just decided that, in a situation where your life may be in peril, proceeding with caution is the best course of action.

Looks like this will probably be a Chrono Trigger DS and a Chrono Cross (PS1 Sequel) cross over because of how its killed. Not going to spoil the games for those who haven't played them.

Keep up the good work, can't wait for more chapters.

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