• Member Since 30th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Za Waruldo


A centurion vampire by the name of Dio. This pony's presence will spark the adventure, leading many to seek him out and finally conclude a battle spanning 100 years. Dio will do anything in his power to impede their progress, before he has fully regained all his power.

Twilight will meet one pony currently seeking out this vampire. Hoping to finally end the vampires life and let his Grandpa finally rest in peace. Possessing the Stand Purple Hermit he will not rest until he has completed his crusade.

Over their journey Twilight and her friends will start awaken their own Stands. Having to learn and master their new powers while heading towards Dio . They will have to hurry for the sudden appearance of Stands will bring harm to anypony unprepared for them. And with every day Dio comes one step closer to mastering his true power.

[Jo-Jo's Bizarre Adventure/FiM Crossover]
(Gore tag for blood and some violence in later chapters)

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 7 )

Neptune: I may like Jojo's Bizzarre adventure, but I don't like this fanfic. It's just too similar.
Setsuna: It seems pretty fine mechanically.

stands so far neat original ideas

Ripple is either Jotaro or Joseph... I think.

I honestly thought Ripple Star would be Twilight's granpa, one she hasn't seen in a long time and surprised by his sudden appearance. He is name is obviously based on Ripple=Hamon and Star=Joestar.

Nevermind, Ripple IS Twilight's grandfather, one she has never met. Exactly like Jotaro... Huh.

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