• Member Since 21st Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Doctor Perseus

I'm just a guy who loves to write.



This story is a sequel to Doctor Whooves Episode 21: The Cybermen Invasion of Equestria

Twilight's clone, Thalia, has been born. A converted, human Celestia has been ordered to obtain the Elements of Harmony and destroy anything in her way. An army of wretched creatures has appeared within the Everfree Forest. The Doctor seeks to unravel the mysteries of Discord Whooves's past. Secrets will be revealed, breaking points will be tested, and the impossible will begin.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 46 )

ooooh.....things about to get a bit:coolphoto: CHAOTIC

Wow, already onto part three of the epic season finale. :yay:

I had a feeling it was Discord that they were going to run into in the caves here. :twilightsmile:

Black Sun. Kind of reminds me of Avatar: The Last Airbender.

As always, cue the Doctor Whooves theme.

I hope for much more soon. Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:

this will be needed for this I asoom.

DISCORD?!?!? How in the name of all things holy did he get into Discord Whooves' TARDIS?!?!?


Discord Laboratory, Beneath Rainbow Falls, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

Discord Whooves' secret lair is in Rainbow Falls. :twilightoops:

Thalia glanced at her strange visitor. A part of her brain was repulsed by the words she was hearing. Talk of cannibalism and killing. These were bad things, Thalia was sure. Or, at the very least, a part of her was sure of this. She turned away from the woman with pink hair and focused on the muffin once again. She could decide whether or not she despised the woman later.

This is Thalia. :twilightoops: Two episodes ago, she was teamed up with Jeff the Killer. Well, even the evilest of villains doesn't always start evil. I do see though the beginnings of Thalia's apparent infatuation with Discord Whooves.

With caution, she chose to turn left and proceeded down the hallway.

Tee hee. Turn left. :rainbowlaugh:

"You can call me that. Or you can call me Discord Whooves or Mister or even Discord. But never call me Dr. Whooves."
"Why not, Mr. Whooves?"
"Because I'm not a Doctor. I am so much more."

He doesn't like to be called the Doctor like the War Doctor. I always suspected though that Human Cupcakes Pinkie called him Mr. Whooves because it's kind of like how Harley Quinn from Batman: The Animated Series called The Joker "Mr. J." Although in this case, Thalia would probably be a more apt counterpart to Harley Quinn.

"Susan, Barbara, Ian, Jamie, Zoe, Jo, Sarah Jane, Adric, Tegan, Peri, Ace, Rose, Martha, Donna, AMY!"
Both Thalia and Twilight jumped a bit. "So who's Amy?" asked Rainbow Dash with a snide look. "I don't recall our Doctor mentioning her but she seems to be special to you."

Amy Pond!? I do know a little bit about the Discord Whooves Tumblr and am aware of why Amy would strike a nerve with Discord Whooves.

Well, that was an exciting installment. I can't wait for the rest. Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:

Susan, Barbara, Ian, Jamie, Zoe, Jo, Sarah Jane, Adric, Tegan, Peri, Ace, Rose, Martha, Donna, AMY!

* le sigh * Cpt Jack? Mickey the idiot? CLARA?

4940881 I don't think this doctor met Clara. well, at least not yet.:twilightsmile:

How does Amy tie into this? Wait, is Discord Whooves shortly after 11?


If this Discord Whooves has a similar backstory to the one from tumblr, then I believe that for Discord Whooves, the storyline diverged right after they left Mercy... That backstory comic was a bit... Disturbing.


Yea, he wouldn't have met Clara.

No Doctor at least take someone with you.

Standing in the middle of the room was a creature that looked like a humanoid bat with goat legs and dressed in battle armor.

What the heck is that thing? :rainbowhuh: Is that from something or did you cook it up in your delightfully twisted mind?

The bat produced a large sack, which he then proceeded to turn upside down in order to empty the contents. Out of the sack fell an earth pony mare with a yellow coat, a yellow-red mane, and a cutie mark consisting of a smiley face next to a hammer.

Discord Whooves has Opal!

"But now you do know; and knowing is half the battle." Discord snapped his claws and a voice rang out throughout the console room.
"G. I. JOE!"
Matilda face-hoofed. "Okay. Enough with the 80's cartoon references. Start talking, Discord," she ordered.

Oh my gosh! I remember G.I. Joe. I had a few episodes on tape or something when I was a kid. Knowing is half the battle. :raritywink:

"Pretty much," Discord admitted. "Anyway, after Twilight Sparkle and her friends turned me into stone following my return, I was later revived by a stallion who called himself the Master."

The Master! I am aware the Master pony was featured in the Discord Whooves tumblr that this Discord Whooves is based on. But perhaps this means we will see our Doctor face off with his own Master pony. :pinkiegasp:

"... If I do that, I'm sure you'd be able to access Discord Whooves's history. It's kind of like that memory basin, or whatever the heck it's called, from those Harry Potter books."
"You know about Harry Potter?" asked Matilda with a raised eyebrow.
"I've read a lot of ebooks since I was trapped in here," Discord replied.

This Discord is so pop culture savvy. It's called a pensieve, Discord.

I don't know if this going into darkness thing is a good idea. Despite his confidence, I doubt the Doctor will come out of this unchanged. I do hope as well we won't have to wait as long for the next update with "Season 1" winding down as we speak. I anxiously await the next installment. Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:

Fuckin' finally, I've caught up!


*fangirls and jumps at Doctor Persus, hugging him insanely... Trying not to suffocate him with my hair*

So... Is this this the version of Discord Whooves I think it is... Or one with a similar story?... Cause he seemed pretty sensitive about Amy in either the last chapter or the one before...

*gets popcorn ready*

5504236 Good gosh, you're right. :pinkiegasp: It is a Krillitane!

A very dark chapter, maybe it will need the Dark tag.
But a good story.


After waiting so long of the next exciting installment of Doctor Whooves, this is what I'm treated to.

The horn of Luna the alicorn had been completely driven through the top of human Luna's skull.

Opal was quickly slipping into unconsciousness. A painful cracking sound emanated from her nose and streams of blood trickled out of her nostrils. Discord Whooves continued to attack Opal, his sanity appearing to have left in order to allow him to unleash a full storm of rage from within.

You're sick, you know that. :pinkiecrazy: I tease of course. :raritywink: But that was like... I don't know. :pinkiesick:

"I'm a Cyberman, Rarity. Not an ICU monitor."

He totally Bones McCoy-ed her. You know like on Star Trek. :twilightsmile:

Within the impossibly bright beacon of light, she could see a figure of a different shade of gold staring at her. She wished she could tell what the figure was but it was consistently changing shape at a speed beyond what her eyes could comprehend. It would take the form of a human, then a mare, and then another form which Twi assumed was canine in nature. Possibly even a wolf.

Bad Wolf!

“You think I may know some sort of secret that could help you find the Doctor's Achilles hell, correct?"

I'm sure Achilles hell is a terrible thing, but I'm pretty sure you mean "Achilles heel".

Well, I certainly do hope that the wait for "The Life and Lies of Discord Whooves" isn't as long as for chapter. Things continue to bet progressively more interesting in this "season finale". I await it with baited breath. Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:


You're sick, you know that.

Yep! :pinkiecrazy::trollestia:

I'm sure Achilles hell is a terrible thing, but I'm pretty sure you mean "Achilles heel".

:twilightblush: Thanks again for pointing out yet another one of my idiotic typos. :facehoof:

OMG I'm finaly caught up :heart: . This chapter was something else :rainbowderp:. Is it only me or do I want more derpy :derpytongue2:

I can hardly wait for the next chapter!! I am so excited!!!

Okey, I realy start to fear what you planing in this arc and I'm sure now you needed the Dark tag for the episode.
But it's a very epic story. You are a Briliant writer.

I like it I can hardly wait for more

before reading this:
after reading this:

This is amazing I was a little lost at first because I forgot what was happening but sooner or later I got it.:applejackconfused: The whole Jack,Sheriff guy,Master,Top hat guy,part was confusing but you feel what the character feels:rainbowkiss: The Caverns of Truth, Badlands, Equestria, Gaia, Autumn, 66 P.C.E
I immediately face palmed and said"Whyyyyyy...this again...the pain all over again" implying that I know what your talking about.Good job dude keep it up.

Sorry for confusing you in some areas but I'm glad that you were still able to enjoy the chapter.

This first "season" of my series is littered with plot points and tidbits that are setups for future arcs and events in the series. If you think things are interesting now, just wait and see what I have in store for "Season" 2. :pinkiecrazy::trollestia::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2:

Awsome chapter! Can't wait for more. You are Awsome writer:twilightsmile:

Yes! I finally got to reading this chapter!

Each new peace looked more like wads of fur and flesh than anything else.

I think you mean "piece."

"The didn't sound good," Rory stated.

I think you mean "That didn't sound good..."

The Doctor couldn't help but smile as she saw none other than Derpy Hooves sitting on the couch.

I think you mean “...as he saw…” The Doctor isn’t a woman… yet. :raritywink:

A unicorn stallion with a black coat, purple and black mane, five point star cutie mark, and dressed in black suit, tie, and hat could be seen watching the duo in the background.

A quick search that led me to the Tumblrpony wiki tells me that Warden actually has a six-pointed star cutie mark.

Derpy has jumped in front of the other Doctor.

I think you mean “... had jumped…”

But enough of the word crimes! :twilightsheepish:

"It looks like you've been redecorated," he said. He lowered his shoulders a bit, sighed, and looked down at one of the panels on the main console. "I don't like it."

Just like in “Day of the Doctor” because Doctor Whooves is so much like Ten, he doesn’t like Eleven’s TARDIS control room. But he seems to like it when it becomes Eleven’s second TARDIS control room.

He had long, dark hair and a chin that was a challenge not to take note of.

Ah yes. Eleven’s chin.

The final window showed Derpy talking to a strange earth pony stallion in Sugar Cube Corner. The stallion had an orange coat and a dark brown mane. He was wearing a red velvet shirt, a long black coat, and a large black top hat with a black ribbon tied to it.
"Really?!" asked the excited voice of Derpy. "You know how to help my friend?!"
"Yes," replied the voice of the stallion. "I've traveled to many different worlds. One important piece of information I've picked up along my travels is that true love's kiss can break any curse."

Is that a ponified Rumpelstiltskin with the Mad Hatter’s hat? I’m pleasantly surprised how much Rumpelstiltskin has shown up in what is supposed to be a MLP and Doctor Who crossover. I especially enjoyed his talking about Discord Whooves’ names. That’s some vintage OUAT Season 1 Rumple.

"Your son is still alive. He's in the world the Dark Curse is going to send you. And, remember this. No matter what happens, you will be reunited with him in the end."

Reunited. Yeah, I know how that’s going to work out.

However, he immediately noticed that this Twilight had a pair of wings.
"When did that happen?!" the Doctor asked as he looked at the wings. "I...I'm not sure whether I like that or not."

You and me both, Doctor. At least, I was like two years ago. :twilightsheepish:

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Don't remind me of him. That particular draconequus can remain a statue for all eternity for all I care."

So, Discord was never reformed in Discord Whooves’ Equestria. But then how did Twilight still become a princess? Was he reimprisoned after his betrayal in “Twilight’s Kingdom”? But then how did Twilight still get the key to unleash the Rainbow Power that also gave way to her castle? Am I thinking too hard about this? :applejackconfused:

"Interesting. So what exactly is...Paramae?"
"It's the impure way for somepony to become immortal. Especially because only those with the darkest souls can succeed in performing an act like this." Twilight took an uncomfortable breath as she continued. "Paramae are essentially objects that are used to protect part of one's soul."

Wait a minute! That’s a frickin’ horcrux!

"Why does that sound so familiar?" the Doctor asked aloud with a gulp.

Because it’s a frickin’ horcrux!

The Valeyard looked down at the departed sisters. His face showed no change in emotion. He reached into his coat and pulled something else out. The Doctor instantly recognized it as the video camera which had been used to record one final message from Amy Pond.
"Alright then," the Valeyard said as he knelt down next to the bodies. A dark smile slowly appeared on his face. "Let's get started, shall we?"

So, Discord Whooves turned the camera with Amy’s final message to the Doctor into a horcrux in all but name. Not only that, but human Cupcakes Pinkie and Black Sun are Discord Whooves' horcruxes as well.

So, Discord Whooves originally comes from an alternate Doctor Who universe where Amy and Rory weren’t sent back in time by the Weeping Angel at the end of “The Angels Take Manhattan” only to die when the TARDIS mysterious got pulled into Equestria. And then this alternate Equestria also seems to ponify every humanoid that crosses over into it, unlike the primary Equestria of these stories. Interesting how alternate universes seem to have different rules in this regard.

I see that the Doctor who would become Discord Whooves’ first adventure with Derpy is quite reminiscent to Twelve’s first adventure with Clara.

Ah, finally we go the Master and Jack Harkness in one of these stories! Although, that probably has more to do with their role in the Discord Whooves Tumblr. I wonder if we’ll ever see them again in a future story, especially since Jack ended up falling into a rift.

I've never actually read this Discord Whooves Tumblr. I'm going to assume this is a fair adaptation of it into a part of your story. I admit, as a fan of Dinky as Derpy's kid, I got a little excited seeing her and Sparkler become Derpy's kids here. But apparently that's because of the Discord Whooves Tumblr. This Warden seems pretty interesting. He's kind of a pony parallel of Captain Jack the same way Matilda is pony parallel of River Song. I wonder if we'll see him again in a future story.

Even though you've forsaken having your primary Derpy fall in love with your primary Doctor Whooves, that seems to have been the case with Discord Whooves, but I imagine that has a lot to do with the Discord Whooves Tumblr.

So, Discord Whooves got the name “Discord Whooves” because that’s what the people of the human Equestria called him. But I think they only called him that because that’s what Colgate called him. And Colgate got that name from Edgar Stevens in “Episode 19: The Rifts.” He basically has that name because of the Discord Whooves Tumblr itself. It's kind of meta.

This whole chapter could be a whole story onto itself! Just so much going on here. It was a great installment. I eagerly await the next one. Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:

I'm glad you enjoyed it. And, as always, thank you for pointing out my word crimes. :twilightsheepish:

This whole chapter could be a whole story onto itself! Just so much going on here.

Yeah. I just had a sudden burst of writing inspiration when I started that chapter. I had a ton of fun writing it because of how dark and tragic I could make Discord Whooves's backstory while following along with some main points from the original Tumblr. But, of course, my Discord Whooves is different from the original in many areas (especially following that particular event on the hill).

I have returned to working on the next chapter and I plan to have it out soon.

Man...I just realized that I've been working on this one episode for over a year.


Man...I just realized that I've been working on this one episode for over a year.

Good things do take time. :raritywink:

It didn't take that long to update as soon as I finally got around to reading the last chapter. That's cool. That battle between Celestia and Black Sun was certainly an awesome climax for this chapter! :trollestia: Now the Doctor is on his way to saving the Mane 6. Though now I'm wondering what was up with that spaceship only Twilight and Derpy could see. :twilightoops::derpyderp2: And Luna and Celestia can't really be dead right. They're alive in Episode 2 and that takes place a thousand years in the future. Though I imagine they're being possibly dead has a lot to do with Discord Whooves' paradox machine. I look forward to the next installment as always. Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:

Jenny? JENNY?! JENNY!!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy:
You awesome bastard. That was one of the most epic clifhanger I ever seen. :pinkiecrazy:
Can't for the next chapter!

Another update so soon. Yay! :yay: But it's the last chapter of this story. Uh! :pinkiesad2:

"Weren't any of you listening earlier?! We need to destroy Discord Whooves's Paramae first!"
"I remember that," said Matilda with a smirk. "They're basically an Equestrian version of Horcruxes, right?"
The Doctor's eyes widened. "Yes! That's why they sounded so familiar!"

I know, right!

Matilda rolled her eyes. "And it was bad enough when Voldemort did it. I still have scars from that battle."
"What?" asked Donna.

I’m with Donna on this. What?! Is this further confirmation that Matilda spent time in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter?

Twi brought Flash in for a hug. During the hug, she couldn't help but notice how cold Flash was. "You cold?" she asked as she broke the hug.
Flash rubbed his arms. "It is winter," he replied.

Don’t tell me Flash is actually an evil robot?

"That...that's it!" Derpy exclaimed as she stood back up alongside the others. "That's the spaceship!"
"Yeah!" said Twilight. "The one we saw!"

Indeed, it is the spaceship. Can Twilight and Derpy suddenly anticipate the rifts and what’s in them or something?

The Derpy in the spaceship looked a bit older, had a longer mane, had several scars, was dressed in what could best be described as old explorer clothes, and a simple item sat atop her head: a mailpony hat.
Clockwork slowly stepped forward. "Bright Eyes?!" he asked.

I admit I suspected it would be Bright Eyes. Eventually, she’d have to show up again. Might as well do so by flying a spaceship through a rift.

As if on cue, a young woman appeared in the doorway. She had caucasian skin and blonde hair that stretched just past her shoulders. She was dressed in a simple khaki shirt, black trousers, and black combat boots. In her hands was a big, futuristic gun.
The Doctor froze in place and all time around him seemed to stop.
Donna's jaw dropped. "No. Way," she said with disbelief.
A small smile of wonder began to appear on the Doctor's face. "That...that's not possible!"

My thoughts exactly, Doctor and Donna.

"Doctor, what's wrong?" Twilight asked. "Who is she?"
A huge grin appeared on the Doctor's face and a giddy laugh escaped from his mouth. "She's my daughter!"
Jenny, the Doctor's daughter, cocked the gun and smiled. "Hello, Dad," she said. "Long time no see."

Jenny! Well, this explains why we’ve never seen her again.

Well, that ending was certainly unexpected. It may have taken a good long while, but this was a story worth the wait. We found out all about Discord Whooves. Bright Eyes came back. And now there's Jenny completely out of no where. :pinkiecrazy: Anyway, I very much look forward to the next story, the long awaited final installment of the first "season" of these stories. It's going to be so epic! :rainbowdetermined2: As always, keep up the splendid work! :pinkiehappy:


Can Twilight and Derpy suddenly anticipate the rifts and what’s in them or something?

I shall explain...in the next episode. :trollestia:

It may have taken a good long while, but this was a story worth the wait.

Thank you for being so patient with my terribly slow updates and I'm glad my chapters ended up being worth the wait for you and the rest of my followers. I can't really excuse the month-long breaks aside from just a mixture of school, work, and terrible procrastination. But, fear not. After writing through these past couple chapters, I have a new fire within me to keep on writing. Expect the prologue of the next episode to be up very soon. I'm also really excited about finally writing the final episode of this "season" and then moving on to the exciting plans I have for "Season 2".

And now there's Jenny completely out of no where.

I'll admit that there are some elements in this finale that weren't originally planned when I first started writing this series all the way back in 2012. But this scene is one of those that I really had planned from the start. Jenny was always slated to make her appearance at the cliffhanger ending of this episode. What's going to happen now that she's back? You're just gonna have to wait and see. :trollestia:

It's going to be so epic!

You have no idea! I've definitely saved the best for last. One of my favorite moments that I eagerly look forward to writing involves Donna and...that's as far as I'm getting into it. I'll just say that Donna and several other characters get their badass moment of awesomeness. :rainbowdetermined2:

Discord Whooves x Thalia

"But not enough," said the Doctor. "We still don't understand what makes Discord Whooves tick.

I blame you.

"I'm asking if you really want to fully understand Discord Whooves. If you do, I think I may have a way of helping you do just that." Discord tapped the TARDIS console. "I may be a shell of my former self but I may just have enough energy inside me to connect you to the remnants of this TARDIS's soul. If I do that, I'm sure you'd be able to access Discord Whooves's history. It's kind of like that memory basin, or whatever the heck it's called, from those Harry Potter books."
"You know about Harry Potter?" asked Matilda with a raised eyebrow.
"I've read a lot of ebooks since I was trapped in here," Discord replied.

The TARDIS gets interplanetary Wi-Fi? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat!

"Paramae are essentially objects that are used to protect part of one's soul."
"Part of one's soul?"


"Why does that sound so familiar?" the Doctor asked aloud with a gulp.

You were just talking about Harry Potter with Discord. It's not hard to think about Horcruxes.

Without warning, a huge blast of energy shot from Celestia's horn and smashed into the weapon Black Sun was presenting. It flew into the air and fell apart into dust. "I'LL KILL YOU!" Celestia yelled as she sent another attack at Black Sun.

"You killed my sister! YOU WILL NOT LIVE ANOTHER DAY!" Celestia screamed. She felt a fury unlike any she had ever felt before. A massive heat wave spread out from her, causing Black Sun to lose balance and fall to the ground. Celestia slowly rose into the air. Her coat began to glow and turned pure white like heated metal. Her rainbow mane and tail turned into violent spirals of flame. Her eyes glowed bright red. "FACE THE POWER OF THE SUN!"

Oh fuck.

"I remember that," said Matilda with a smirk. "They're basically an Equestrian version of Horcruxes, right?"
The Doctor's eyes widened. "Yes! That's why they sounded so familiar!"
Matilda rolled her eyes. "And it was bad enough when Voldemort did it. I still have scars from that battle."

There you go!

You know, I was fully expecting you to say it was the voice of Discord Whooves' TARDiS. I did NOT expect Discord himself. Well played.

... Okay, things are starting to make sense now. The Amy the Doctor keeps seeing, it's the one from Discord Whooves' timeline, isn't it? And I have a wild guess that the ones that tried to contact Opal and Monty through the radio was Bright Eyes. Thalia has been created, and Discord Whooves' TARDiS has been turned into a paradox machine. And finally, Discord Whooves needs the Elements of Harmony for something. I suppose now the burning question is... how does this all tie together?

Let's find out.

:facehoof:Why is it that every time I come across a story with war in it (on this site) Luna either dies or loses all her magical abilities?

JENNY!!!! I flipping love this series, please keep up this fantastic ark:pinkiegasp:

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