• Published 13th Apr 2012
  • 7,930 Views, 645 Comments

My Little Heartbreak: Creativi-Tea - Jet_Black1980

It's a week later and Twilight is nagging Heartbreak about her first letter to Celestia.

  • ...

That One Grey Pegasus.

Chapter Seven

That One Grey Pegasus

“Heartbreak, I don’t think that you are a...bubble head?” Twilight begins to explain herself, only to be greeted with a gust of wind and the sound of uneven hoof beats. She looks over her shoulder. Heartbreak is on the run again.


“What?” Spike replies.

“Why did she run off again?!” Twilight asks, confused.

“I-I don’t know!” He replies.

“Argh! Heartbreak! Wait!” Twilight shouts, running after her. Was this like back in Canterlot? “You shouldn’t jump to conclusions. This is only the second time she’s run off. You have no reason to think that this is a recurring theme with her, Twilight.

Suddenly, Heartbreak stopped dead in her tracks. “Where...” She said looking around. Twilight came to a skidding stop.

“Heartbreak! Why in the name of Celestia did you run off like that?!” Twilight shouted.

“Huh?” Heartbreak said, distracted manner. “Um, I’m s- AhHA!” She exclaimed before charging off again.

Great. She doesn’t want me to think she’s a bubblehead, but then she runs off at the drop of a hat without any explanation.” Twilight thinks to herself as she runs off.

“Hey! Hey! Hey you! Um! Derpy!” Heartbreak shouts at a pegasus who is about to fly off. “Or is it Ditzy Doo? Hey! Wait!”

“Heartbreak! That’s not very-”Twilight says catching up.

The grey pegasus stops mid-air and looks around, confused. Her wall eyed expression doesn’t help this matter. “Are you talking to me?” She says slowly.

“Um, yes! Could you come down here for a moment?” Heartbreak asks.

“Um...Ok. Oh hey, Twilight!” Derpy says as she lands. “Is this one of your new friends?”

“She’s more like a pony who I happen to be tutoring...for an extending period of time...” Twilight responded. Heartbreak was awkwardly trying to remove her saddlebags in the same way that some ponies would remove a shirt.

Derpy bends her head down and looks at the struggling pony before her, a pencil or two falls out from the saddle bag in her efforts. “Are you ok?”

“Um, yes, Sorry, there is just something in here that I want to...erf! Show you!” She says before giving up on removing the saddle bag. Sighing, Heartbreak reached back and nuzzled the flap containing the sketch book.

“Um, Twilight, you mind getting my sketchbook for me?” She asked.

Twilight gave her a stern look. This mare needed to learn to do more things on her own. “No.”

“N-no?” Heartbreak asked. “But I..”

“Heartbreak, you can get it yourself, and you know how you can do it.” Twilight said annoyed.

Heartbreak stomped her hoof on the ground sadly. “Fiii-”

“I can get it!” Derpy said, happily trotting over to Heartbreak’s side and pulling out the sketch book. She set it down in front of her. “So your name is Heartbreak?”

“Y-y-yeah.” Heartbreak replied in a horribly off-beat way. “Thank you.”

Twilight eyed Heartbreak, observing that her body and tone had totally changed right in front of this mare. Normally, when other ponies had seen Derpy, their first reactions were to hide anything fragile. Derpy had the reputation for being the Ponyville clutz, and while she could do jobs any other pegasus could do...her clumsiness had caused a bit of property damage once or twice.

“I’m glad that I could help! ”Derpy replied. “So, Heartbreak, what did you want to show me?”

Heartbreak looked kinda panicked for a moment, as if she had forgotten what she was doing. “Um, Yes. Show you. Um...I wanted to show you this brand new sketch book! Yeah! Look, it’s totally blank, and I’m going fill it up with lots of sketches and um, drawings, and...um stuff.”

“Nothing really, really sad I hope...” Derpy replied. “You stopped me just for that?”

“Yeah, I just really, really wanted to show you...my sketchbook.” Heartbreak explained. “Oh...no, not everything will be sad. I’m just going to put things I see...and feel...some writing too!” There was a bit of excitement in her voice.

“Um...Wow, that’s pretty neat.” Derpy said. “Well, I have to go...”

“Hey! Wait! Just two things before you go.” Heartbreak said. “First, can you sign my sketchbook? And second, and don’t take this the wrong way, but..could I draw you?”

Derpy blinked. She then looked a little excited. “Sure! I’m not sure if I have been drawn before.” She picked up a pencil in her mouth. “Noaw...where should I sign?”

Heartbreak just looked like she had found some kind of long lost friend for the first time. The rough, dower and jaded mask she was wearing was almost falling away. She even brushed her mane back and snickered a little at some unseen joke. Twilight couldn’t help but wonder why. Heartbreak attempted to push open the sketchbook to the first page but it opened somewhere near the middle almost on its own.

“Right here in this corner if you’d please...” Heartbreak said pointing at the lower left corner of the page.

“Shur thing, Heartbreak!” Derpy replied, signing the appointed corner. When she was done, she dropped the pencil into the saddlebag. “You have a nice day, Heartbreak!” Heartbreak said nothing and ran her hoof on the page. A small smile managed to creep on her face.

Derpy trotted past Twilight. “She’s pretty strange, Twilight. And I know you said that she was more like a pony you’re tutoring,” Her eye was pointed at the sky, “But she seems like a really nice pony. I hope she fills that sketchbook up with lots of happy things! A lot of happy thoughts!” She said before taking off again.

Twilight looked at Heartbreak, who was sitting at the ground and staring at the page Derpy had signed. “What just happened here?”

Spike casually walked up holding a cup with a straw in it. “Um, sorry I didn’t rush after you there Twilight, but the Custard Creamery is having a fifty percent off on any choice of...” He noticed Heartbreak sitting and looking at her sketch book. There was an odd smile on her face. “Did I miss something?”

Heartbreak dropped to the ground and looked like she was attempting to hug the sketchbook.

“I...think we both missed something, Spike,” Twilight said.

A full smile broke on her face, followed by a, ‘squeeing’ noise. Heartbreak’s eyes opened wide. Like the sun on a cloudy day, the wide smile tragically vanished. Heartbreak pushed herself up and off the ground. “Twilight?” She asked sniffling a bit.

“Yes, H.B.?” Twilight said with a small catch of hope in her voice.

“If I ever make that horrible squeaking noise ever again, you have my permission to smack me hard upside the head.” Heartbreak carefully closed the book without too much difficulty and then did something that neither of them expected. She lifted up the spine of the book using her mouth, and gingerly placed it back in the saddlebag. She then proceeded to do the same with the few pencils that had fallen out in her early attempts to remove the bag.

“Um...Sure...thing..” Twilight said in an astonished manner.

Heartbreak lifted up her hoof and sniffed hard, turning she looked at the two. “So, are you two going to continue gawking and whispering at me all day, or can we find the nearest tea shop, so I can get back to learning how to draw again?”


Inside of me, there is a fanboy or girl that is screaming in joy so loud right now that I can’t even hear my own thoughts. “You. Talked. To. Derpy!” It screams, It’s fighting really hard to break free of the restraints I have been placing on it. I think I failed when that fucking ‘squee’ escaped.

Don’t ever slip like that again. For all you know, Celestia could be watching from her Ivory Tower, horn at the ready to stab your frontal lobes and leave you as a vegetable in some god-forsaken white padded cell. If they have such places in Equestria.” I think to myself. “But...I needed that. I really needed that.

I remember when I first moved out of my parents house and in with my grandmother. She taught me a good number of things. One of them was how to actually smile. Something that was rather hard to do it seemed. Normally, people don’t need to be taught how to smile. Smiling is something that comes naturally to humans, that’s why even blind people can and do smile even if they have never seen an actual smile before. So unused were my facial muscles, that every time I attempted to smile for more than two or three minutes, the corners of my mouth would fight and twitch to come back down. However, my teen years were spent in a great deal of angst. Mom and dad had fallen into this horrible emotional chess game of sorts. Mom was a social butterfly, she had her own emotional baggage to contend with. While my dad, well step-dad, was the jealous type. In many ways we were polar opposites, he and I.

I loved nature and animals. He loved hunting. I loved math and science, he was happy to sit in front of the tube drinking a beer and watching the game. I was a messy collector of papers and oddities, he saw all my papers as a fire hazard. I loved cats and he didn’t trust them for a moment. After the divorce and a few other crunchy events, he told me exactly how he felt about me.

You’re the reason I don’t get along with my own children,” he told me.

I didn’t know how to respond to that when he told me, but later I felt only rage. The man who was supposed to be the adult teaching me how to be a man, to be my own adult, was more of a child than I was at that age. So smiling? It was an emotional luxury that I felt I just couldn't afford.

Ha. If he could see you know, I wonder if he would feel that he failed somewhere along the way.” It doesn’t even bother me that he wouldn’t remember me. However,I feel the need to shake off these memories. “That doesn’t matter right now. Right now what matters is that you have Derpy’s signature, and Twilight is taking you to the tea shop here.

“So...” Twilight began. “Are you going to explain what that was all about, H.B.?”

“Nnnope.” I say.

“I am just to accept that you whispered something under your breath, randomly ran off, stop a random pony out of nowhere, ask for her autograph and suddenly everything is all sunshine and you’ll be alright?”

"Right, and if you saw Daring Doo just walking to get coffee, you wouldn't stop for her autograph either now would you?" I remarked sarcastically.

Just then, a blur of bright colours pops out of a tree we're passing. "Daring Doo!? Here? Where?!"

The three of us jumped back startled. "Gah! Rainbow Dash!" Twilight says catching her breath.

"Yeah?" Rainbow Dash asks.

"What are you doing in that tree?" Twilight asks.

"Most likely what she always does in trees. Napping," I interject. "I didn't say that Daring Doo was here, Rainbow Dash. I was asking Twilight what she would do if she saw Daring Doo walking down the sidewalk."

"Oh. So, no Daring Doo?" Dash asks, disappointed.

"Nope." I reply shrugging.

Twilight gives me a slightly annoyed look and rubs her temples. Rainbow Dash sighs and sinks back into the foliage.

“You know, Heartbreak...that didn’t answer any of my questions and quite frankly...”

My attention wanders for a moment before I spot a rather large teacup shaped sign. “Is that the tea shop, Twilight?” I ask, quickening my pace to the door.

“Um, yes Heartbreak, that’s the tea shop, but I think that-” Knowing that Twilight is about to give me a lecture regarding something I did, I push shop door open. I am greeted with the ringing of a small bell and the warm, rich smells of fine tea. I inhale deeply “Mmmmmm...” I idly wonder if they give samples.