• Published 11th Jul 2014
  • 30,384 Views, 692 Comments

Winds of Change - ClanCrusher

A deal between rulers, a bargain that seems too good to be true, and a unicorn caught in the middle of it all. Between Celestia, Luna, and Chrysalis, how is anypony supposed to stay sane?

  • ...

Chapter 11: Queen's Gambit

For several seconds, I was giving serious thought to teleporting. Dash was brazen and bold in almost every situation (even when she really shouldn't be), but if I hid behind Princess Celestia, I doubt even she would have tried to confront me there. Of course, that was at odds with my title as a Student of Friendship, and provided I came through this with my friendship intact, I could already see the rough draft of my next letter to Celestia forming.

Unfortunately, those few seconds of thought cost me as Rainbow Dash was now in front of me, and I had yet to think of anything to say.

Dash looked tired. It wasn't a state I saw her in very often, but flying to the Badlands at near-supersonic speeds and then flying search patterns over the area looking for the changeling hive had clearly taken a heavy toll on her, although she did a good job of hiding it. Her mood was hard to gauge. At one point, she might have been angry, but overexerting herself had worn her down to mere annoyance with an accusatory look to match.

I spoke first. “You were right,” I blurted out.

Rainbow blinked in confusion. “What?”

“About Chrysalis. She uses pheromones.” I stopped briefly, wondering if she even knew what that meant. “That's, um...a scent thing that can make you more suggestible,” I finished lamely.

“Oh...well, that's good.” Her tone was distinctly neutral. There was a long, awkward pause before she spoke again. “You know, you made a pretty convincing Fluttershy.” I winced, avoiding eye contact. “You even had me convinced that you knew what you were doing with Tank.”

“Hey! I gave Tank a proper checkup!” I protested. “I'm not as good as Fluttershy, but I knew enough!” Well, if she'd had any doubts before, I'd pretty much confirmed everything with that.

Rainbow continued to give me an accusatory look. Was she enjoying watching me squirm, or was she just trying to find the right words? “So...why'd you do it?”

I still didn't have a good excuse. “Field testing,” I mumbled, “I just wanted to try and have a conversation-”

“Cut the crap, Twilight! Why were you asking me all that stuff about who I liked? Were you trying to get something on me?”

“I was embarrassed, alright?” I shouted finally. Rainbow actually seemed taken aback, but I couldn't stop myself now. “I didn't know if there was somepony you liked, I didn't know if you were into mares, and I especially didn't want to make things awkward by asking you directly! How could I even start a conversation like that?”

“Well, maybe you could have just asked Fluttershy instead of impersonating her, did you think of that?”

“How would that have helped? You said you couldn't respect anypony who used another to do their work for them!”

“I was exaggerating! Do I look like Applejack to you? You think I tell Fluttershy all of my secrets? I'm the Element of Loyalty! Did you really think so little of me that you thought I'd avoid you because of an awkward conversation?”

My breath caught in my throat before the next set of words could leave. Rainbow was right, and she had every reason to be upset with me for impersonating her friend and trying to dig up personal information. Hesitantly, I took a step back, staring at the ground.

“I...I'm sorry,” I managed to choke out. “I wanted to try out some new magic and I let my excitement get in the way of my better judgment.” I definitely owed Fluttershy as well...and maybe Angel Bunny. I was starting to make a checklist in my head when Rainbow spoke again.

“Look, Twi...I'm mad at you, but I'm still your friend. You know that, right?” Avoiding her eyes, I nodded weakly. It was clear to me that any chance I might have had with her was hovering at a fraction of a percent, but at least I'd keep her as a friend.

“And I accept your apology, but on two conditions.” Again, I nodded, missing the frustrated look that passed across her face. “First, ya gotta say sorry to Fluttershy. Second, you owe me a meal. Somewhere nice.”

My thoughts screeched to a halt and my head shot up, eyes wide. “Wh...what?”

Now it was Rainbow who was avoiding eye contact as she drew a few circles on the ground with a hoof. “You know, like a restaurant?”

“But I thought you said-”

“-that I didn't tell Fluttershy all my secrets,” she interrupted. “Not Honesty, remember?”

The sound of hooves on stone reached my ears before I could think of a reply. “Miss Sparkle?”

Dash and I turned toward the voice. It was one of the Wonderbolts, though I couldn't place his name. “Yes?”

“Princess Celestia would like you at the command tent. The changelings just sent out their envoy and the hostage.”


Diamond Tiara. Well, I suppose it was something, although a cynical part of me couldn't help but wonder if the changelings knew exactly who would be the most panicked and least helpful in this high-pressure situation.

Opposite her was the Azure Queen's envoy. He was trussed up with bindings and magic, though his own magic was uninhibited and he looked to be deep in thought, no doubt communicating with those outside the shield. He was the first to speak. “It is done. You have our word that the other changelings will not approach or interfere.”

Celestia nodded curtly before her horn flashed and put him under stasis. A pair of pegasi quickly took him away.

“Do you believe him?” I asked immediately.

Celestia gave me a thin smile. “I believe I've impressed upon him how badly things will turn out should the isolated changelings try something daring.”

“But didn't you just give him the chance to communicate with potential allies outside the shield?” asked Chrysalis sarcastically.

“That is a possibility, but consider this: without any warning or explanation, you are cut off quite suddenly from your queen. How long before you gather with those similarly cut off to attempt something desperate?”

“It still seems risky,” I said, but I let the matter drop. Maybe this was Celestia's way of giving those outside a chance to be reasonable. Besides, I doubted that any significant force of changelings would be able to mobilize fast enough to stop the plan I had in mind.

My gaze turned to Diamond and I immediately began to regret my earlier thoughts. She was shaking, her eyes were downcast, and even Celestia's presence seemed to do little to calm her. In fact, she seemed to be shying away from all of us toward a corner of the tent. Considering how well the Cutie Mark Crusaders had bounced back from their previous foalnapping, I guess I'd expected her to be the same.

Glancing at Celestia, I waited for her nod before I began to question the filly. “Diamond? Are you alright?” She hesitated for a brief moment before nodding.

Taking a breath, I gradually turned on my Aura Sight, focusing on Diamond. It didn't take long to see the problem. “Er...Chrysalis, could you and Dusk-”

“Of course.” The Changeling Queen nodded to Dusk before the two of them disappeared outside. Immediately, Diamond’s nervousness and fear diminished.

“Diamond,” I began again, “Are your classmates alright? Were any of them hurt?”

Slowly, Diamond shook her head, a scowl appearing on her face. “They didn't hurt anypony...even when those s-stupid blank flanks fought back.”

Shame clouded her aura and it was easy to guess why, even if freezing in panic would have been a normal response. “Do you know where the others are being held?” I asked.

“It was a long way underground. I-it was completely dark, I couldn't see anything,” she mumbled. “I just remember walking a lot.”

“Was Cheerilee there? The real one, I mean,” I clarified.

Diamond nodded. “She was arguing with the others a lot and looked really tired.”

Probably due to the changelings feeding on her love for her students. I had no doubt she was being fiercely protective of them. “Can you remember anything else?”

“Um...well, that green stuff was really strong. Nopony could break it.” She hesitated once more before finally blurting out what was on her mind. “You're going to rescue them, right? Silver Spoon is going to be okay, isn't she?”

Celestia responded first, leaning down to gently nuzzle the scared filly. “Of course she will. Thank you for all you've done, Diamond Tiara.” There was a flash of golden light from Celestia's horn and Diamond let out a small yawn, her eyes drooping before she curled up on the ground and drifted off to sleep.

When I was certain of her unconsciousness, I let out a sigh. “That doesn't give me a lot to work with, but it's something.”

“And we know that they're alive,” encouraged Celestia as she levitated Diamond over to a corner of the tent. “Are you prepared to go ahead with the second phase of the plan?”

“As soon as Luna arrives,” I said confidently. “I'm as ready as I can possibly be at this point.”

“What of our prisoner?” asked Celestia. I flinched. She must have noticed my reaction too, as she was quick to follow with, “I will not pressure you-”

“I'm positive,” I lied. “I know what to do. Nothing on the list has changed, and nothing he could possibly tell me could change it either.”

“Of course,” said Celestia, brushing off my terse dismissal and thankfully not pressing any further. “Now, let's get you something to eat. I noticed a distinct lack of boxes on that list dedicated to maintaining your energy.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but the summoning of several fruits and leafy greens silenced me as my body made it clear that Celestia knew what it wanted better than I did.


“I don't like it,” said Luna, carefully putting aside the checklist I had drawn up. “Are you certain that Celestia or I couldn't take your place?”

Wearily, I shook my head. “It has to be us. No changeling could fake Celestia's level of power and she'll be expected at the negotiations, and if Crimson and Azure team up, it'll be better if you're there to support Celestia...if she needs it.”

Celestia gave me a small smile that seemed to say 'We shall see' before turning to her sister. “I will be counting on you to lead our forces while I'm distracted by Queen Azure.”

“I see. Then I shall leave this in your hooves.”

Turning, I spoke to the third member of royalty in the tent. “Any word from Dusk and Dash yet?”

Chrysalis lay on the ground with her forehooves crossed and her eyes closed. “They have found three potential targets. All of them are guarded by changeling pairs.”

“As expected,” I murmured. “We'll make our strike against the most distant target. How long until the queen surfaces?”

“Any minute now,” responded Celestia.

“Doubles in place?”


“And you're finished with the Sun Stone?”

A glittering pebble was placed on the makeshift table that Celestia had cleaved from the surrounding rock. “Check,” she said with a hint of a smile.

Levitating the stone with my magic, I placed it carefully in my mouth where it stuck to one of my upper molars. “We're about as ready as we can be, then,” I said with a nod. Slowly, Chrysalis got up, briefly stretching her wings. Her horn glowed along with mine and a perfect image of what Dusk had scouted appeared in my mind.

“One last thing, Twilight,” said Celestia before I could fire up my spell. “If you run into trouble, you are more valuable than the hostages. It will not do anypony good if you are captured.”

With that grim thought to see me off, Chrysalis and I vanished in separate flashes of light.


“So, how did things go with Dash?”

The abrupt question nearly made me bite my tongue. “Really? You're asking this now?” I snapped, my embarrassment clear.

“Why not? All we're doing is waiting.”

“For a very particular split-second chance, and missing it means the whole plan goes up in smoke,” I hissed.

There was a moment of blissful silence, and then, “Not so well, then.”

“It's not any of your business! Drop it!”

Chrysalis mulled that over for a moment. “It might help to get it off your chest.”

“And I'm sure that you learning about my emotional levers is just a happy coincidence.”

“I prefer to think of it as a bonus,” replied Chrysalis smugly. “Well?”

I looked up at the sky, hoping that Celestia's signal would save me, but the skies remained clear. “I don't know how things are,” I admitted. “She seemed okay, but she didn't completely forgive me.”

“Ah, so she's going to use your guilt to her benefit,” said Chrysalis.


“She gets to hold this over your head for a while and compel you to grant anything she might ask,” she explained.

“Dash would never do something like that!” I said defensively. Of course, my traitorous thoughts immediately pointed out my irrational fear of the Element of Loyalty abandoning our friendship over my deception.

“Oh, I doubt she'd do it intentionally. She doesn't seem that bright.”


“Did she ask you for anything?”

I stopped short. She had asked for something, hadn't she?

Before I could respond, the sky was suddenly ablaze with a pillar of sunlight that was almost too painful to look at. “Now!” From our position just behind a large rock, Chrysalis and I teleported, briefly feeling the sensation of Celestia's magic as we passed through the shield, popping in behind two very surprised changelings.

Gripping one with my telekinesis, I slammed him hard into the rock tunnel, dazing him, before following up with a purple beam of magic that rendered him unconscious. Beside me, Chrysalis had easily dispatched her own target with a sharp blast of energy. It was over in a moment.

“Remind me again why we can go through this shield, but we had to make a hole in the shield around my hive?”

“This is a one-way shield,” I explained, concentrating as my pony features disappeared and were replaced by those of the changeling guard I had knocked unconscious. “Certain types of non-destructive magic can go in, but not out. Yours was two-way because they didn't want you sending messages back to your hive while you were meeting with me.”

In a flash of green fire, Chrysalis transformed as well, the two of us looking like the changeling guards. “I think I liked magic more when it was just telekinesis and laser beams,” she grumbled.

“Well it's about to get more complicated. Get ready to shield me,” I said, kneeling down beside the guard and touching my horn to his. It was the work of moments to find the frequency of his connection and attune myself to the Azure Queen's link. A quick surface scan of his thoughts gave me just enough to attune my own mind while Chrysalis shielded my real thoughts through the link I shared with her.

“We're clear.” I breathed a sigh of relief as I listened to the buzz over the link. “Celestia's distraction worked. All the queen is thinking about right now is the display of power.”

“Are you sure these disguises are going to hold up?”

“Just as long as no one focuses too closely on the link, we should be able to pass as them,” I explained, conjuring a simple two-way shield around the unconscious scouts.

Chrysalis watched me work in silence, her eyes looking toward the carved out tunnel. “I'll definitely have to be more careful about making my escape tunnels in the future,” she mused.

“Mental communication only, now,” I cautioned. “And don't touch the Azure Queen's link, we don't want to draw any attention to ourselves.”

The two of us began to concentrate. None of the spells we were using were individually complicated, but maintaining two links, a disguise, and a mental shield was like trying to balance an uneven load. “As you say.”

Taking a breath to calm my nerves, I cast my final spell, the Scent Spectrum that I'd researched just a few days prior. Colors exploded into my vision before I gradually began to filter them out. “Nothing yet. Let's move further into the hive.”


It wasn't hard to notice the nervous tension in the air. It was quite a bit more difficult to prevent that same nervous feeling from bleeding over into my already taxed mind as I scanned the air, trying to pick up a trail and fighting back my own nervous feelings.

“So did you figure out whether or not Dash shared your sexual orientation?”

My growing sense of anxiety was suddenly overshadowed by annoyance as I glared at Chrysalis, barely noticing as we walked past another checkpoint. “I really don't see how that's relevant.”

“Truly? I thought the whole point of your deception was to find such things out. Or did you forget to ask the most relevant questions?”

“It doesn't matter now because I've already ruined my chances.” Part of me wanted to tell her to shut up, but I couldn't help but feel the tension ease a bit as I mentally argued with her.

“Well now that you're part changeling, it doesn't really matter. You could easily become the stallion of Rainbow's dreams. Or mare. Or anything, really. You'd be amazed at just how depraved some ponies can be. There was this one mare who always wanted to be dominated by another mare with a gryphon-”

“I’ve got it!” I interrupted hastily. It was Diamond Tiara's scent trail, still fresh from when they'd brought her up. “Take the tunnel on the right, it should lead further down.”

Another pair of changelings gave us a cursory glance and a brief scan, but pulled back when they noticed our ongoing conversation and our steady gait which implied a task we needed to accomplish that should not be interrupted.

“Don't tell me you haven’t thought about it,” prodded Chrysalis as the tunnel curved downward.

“I'm only interested in the practical uses, not the pleasurable ones,” I lied.

“Finding the ideal form to entice a pony is about as practical as you get for changelings,” came her quick rebuttal. “And just because you don't feed on love doesn't mean you don't desire it.”

That...was actually pretty difficult to counter, so I tried instead to turn the question around on her. “What about you? Do you have any desire for love other than to feed on it?” There was another fork, but the scent trail was clearly leading the way.

For a moment, the Changeling Queen seemed to be caught off guard. “I don't know,” she said thoughtfully. “A week ago I would have said no, but I'll admit that I've grown to enjoy your interest in me.”

I didn't have a response for that, and I was hesitant to look deeper into it. Thankfully there was no need as we came upon the final checkpoint and the makeshift holding cell. A quick peek around the corner told me everything.

The children were behind a thick wall of changeling slime, the figures of Cheerilee and her students huddled together. Thankfully, they weren't restrained, merely sequestered. Burying our conversation in the back of my mind, I quickly communicated the information to Chrysalis.

“Twenty guards? I'd say Azure was expecting us. Can you handle your half, or should I take fifteen?”

“Just try not to destroy the cave,” I snapped, spitting out the Sun Stone into my hoof. Carefully, I infused it with just enough energy to destabilize the delicate construct before grabbing it with my magic and flinging it into the prison room.

There was a blinding flash and a chorus of screeches as the stone detonated, filling the darkened cave with the intense flare of the sun. Hot on the heels of the flash, Chrysalis and I charged into the chaos with our horns ablaze.


Celestia paused in mid-sentence as she felt the magic of her Sun Stone shatter and dissipate. “Ah, there's the signal,” she said, smiling as she stepped through the shield toward the shocked changeling queens. “This is my final offer, Queen Azure. Surrender, and return every one of my ponies, or we will take both by force.”

The Azure Queen's expression changed from surprise to fury instantly. “Your actions have already condemned them to death!” she shouted, blue fire dancing around her form. “I expected no less from the sun tyrant!”

Celestia sighed, her own aura looking subdued by comparison even as it hummed with power. “So be it, then.”

“Sister, do you require my aid?” asked Luna, stepping through the shield beside her, glowing with a deep blue aura of her own.

Celestia gave her sister a warm smile. “Nay, I say it's high time I redeemed myself for throwing that fight with Chrysalis. Besides...” Like lightning, a golden beam arced out from her horn, slamming into the Red Queen and sending her back several dozen feet in a tumble of legs and wings, “Twilight might need your help with the real Crimson Queen.”


I could only imagine the blinding pain that would have resulted from being a creature accustomed to dim light and having been enveloped in near darkness for the past twenty-four hours, only to suddenly have a miniature sun in your face. A second after that, I didn't have to imagine anymore as the cries of pain over the mental link gave me a very clear impression.

More pain was soon coming. The three changelings nearest to me fell to a powerful sleep spell while Chrysalis' energy blasts took out several more. Despite being outnumbered ten-to-one, the advantage was clearly ours. Several changelings were quickly caught in my telekinetic grasp next, a few slamming into each other while the rest were simply thrown in the path of Chrysalis' destruction. A few of my own violet beams joined the maelstrom, picking off a few changelings that had the good sense to hit the deck after being blinded.

At the edge of my hearing, I could hear Cheerilee ordering her students to lay flat on the ground and I admired her quick thinking.

Three quarters of their number were down before the remainder managed to regroup, but thanks to having both Chrysalis' viewpoint and mine, my shield was up even before their energy had been unleashed.

It was hard not to feel sorry for the remaining guards, their terror over the link clear as they faced down an enemy queen who was practically laughing while she chased the last few around the cave with blasts strong enough to shatter the rock each time she missed. Warily, I warned her of a possible collapse and thankfully she reduced her power, though her blasts were still plenty strong enough to take a changeling out of the fight.

And then it was quiet again. No more than a minute could have passed in that fight, but it felt far longer. Quickly, I gathered the downed changelings and piled them against a wall, letting Chrysalis handle the barrier for them while I cast a larger shield to surround the cavern. Just in time, too, as the reinforcements were already at the mouth of the tunnel.

Finally, with a moment to breathe, I turned toward Cheerilee. “Everything alright?”

Cheerilee slowly picked herself up off the ground, giving me a weak smile, but before she could respond a familiar set of voices interrupted.

“That was awesome!”

“I told you Twilight was gonna come rescue us!”

“Wait, isn't that Chrysalis?”

“She's rescuing us too?”

“Does that make her a good mare now?”

I couldn't help but chuckle at the antics of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Twice foalnapped, and they didn't let it dampen their spirits in the slightest. “Um...Miss Sparkle, I'm very grateful for the rescue, but how do you intend to get us out of here?” asked Cheerilee as the class began to argue over whether or not Chrysalis was a hero, or an anti-hero.

From the corner of my eye, I saw one of the changelings outside attack my shield and get a nasty shock for his trouble, his hiss of pain making me smile. “Oh, we're not actually here to rescue you...we're here to protect you.”

Her confused look told me that more explanation was needed. “Walking out of here with twenty foals would be impractical, so we're going to stay here and shield you until Celestia finishes dealing with the queens.” Almost as though Celestia had a sense of dramatic timing, the cave around us shook and a few loose rocks from the ceiling bounced off my shield. “We just had to make sure they couldn’t harm you before then.”

Beside me, Chrysalis grinned evilly at the growing group of changelings outside the shield. “Do you think you could let a few of them through? I promise I won't hurt them too much.”

Rolling my eyes, I did my best to assuage the obvious concern Cheerilee was feeling. “Don't worry, she's on our side. I'm going to leave this barrier up for now; you'll be safer behind it if something happens.”

Unfortunately, I couldn't tap into the Azure link anymore with the shield up, but the increasing tremors told me that the fighting above was intensifying. Even outnumbered, I was confident that Luna's team could take care of themselves, and if Celestia dealt with Queen Azure, the hive was likely to scatter, or at least be demoralized even if they had a second-in-command to take charge.

“Twilight! Incoming!”

I reacted on instinct, strengthening the shield just before a torrent of red energy struck my violet barrier. Through the shimmering wall, I could see her, standing in front of the changelings that were feeding her power, her curved horn dancing with scarlet colors that visibly distorted the air around it. I couldn't sense her power through my shield, but I knew it was immense.

Concentrating, I focused the shield at the point of impact, diluting the edges to reinforce it. I was ready when the second salvo started, but the red energy visibly strained my shield and scorched the walls around it. Ultimately, I held, but only barely.

“Twilight...let it drop.”


“You’re in pain. Drop the shield. I'll deal with her.”

With a start, I realized that Chrysalis had heard my mental cries through our link, even as I'd tried to keep quiet. “There are children here! You can't fight her like this!”

“Shield them. Her attention is going to be on me, and I've got a score to settle.”

Chrysalis was looking at me expectantly, even as the Red Queen began charging another attack. Several of the changelings near her had already passed out as she ruthlessly consumed their energy for another strike, and this one looked even stronger than the previous two.

My thoughts raced. Could Luna make it in time? Could I protect the foals? Could Chrysalis really take her? The only thing I was certain of was that my shield couldn't hold. Coming to a quick decision, I sent my thoughts to Chrysalis and let the shield fall. Moments before the Red Queen was about to release her blast, Chrysalis shot a beam of concentrated energy out first, hitting center of mass, knocking her back, and sending her shot wide.

A few of the changelings that hadn't already collapsed came through the tunnel, charging ahead of the queen, only to be grabbed and thrown back into a heap on top of her. Chrysalis was trying to keep them in the choke point, shooting another green blast of energy down the tunnel, powerful enough to make my fur stand on end.

Before her beam could connect, though, a red shield shimmered into existence, holding off the powerful attack almost effortlessly. Worried, I turned on my Aura Sight and gasped.

“She's absorbing power from the entire hive!”

Chrysalis didn't respond, but when the return blast came, she dodged rather than block it, taking to the air to get a bit of distance, though the ceiling was far too low for proper flight. Behind her, rocks from the cave wall shifted ominously where the blast had struck.

Up in the air now, Chrysalis began to charge another blast to fire down on the Red Queen, who already had another attack prepared. My Aura Sight could already see who the winner was going to be.

“Chrysalis, dodge! She's got over a hundred changelings powering her!”

Chrysalis struck first, forcing the Red Queen to meet her attack. Scarlet energy overpowered green, but Chrysalis was gone before the blast connected. There was a bright flash of light and the grinning queen suddenly appeared next to Crimson, not bothering with a magical attack this time and instead landing a very hard and satisfying kick to her barrel, sending her crashing into the wall.

“Wow, I can see why you like teleporting so much. It's fun!”

“Focus! She's not down yet!”

Raw telekinetic energy seeped into the air and loose stone was pulled upwards, the Red Queen furious now as she sent the projectiles hurtling toward Chrysalis. This time, Chrysalis stood her ground, glaring at her foe as green mixed with crimson, the floating rocks starting to spin haphazardly around the chamber as they battled for control. It would have been the perfect time for me to strike, but the last thing I wanted to do was draw attention to me and the fillies and colts I was protecting. Even now, my shield was extending to the cave walls around us to make sure they wouldn't collapse.

“Your mother should have moved when we'd told her to. We might not have had to destroy her, then. I suppose it's no surprise that her daughter is just as reckless.”

As the magic intensified, boulders began flying through the air, circling the two combatants. Some of them were crushed into dust from the force of Crimson’s hold, but while Chrysalis had better control thanks to the telekinesis basics I'd shown her, all she could do was stalemate the other queen.

“My mother had the right idea. The only thing I'd fault her for was not defying you further. For all the power the elders wield, two of you will fall today. Face it, you've already lost. Your actions now are nothing more than a temper tantrum thrown by a petulant gnat.”

I had to admire Chrysalis' ability to so easily press Queen Crimson’s berserk button. Less admirable was the sudden crushing power that filled the cave, making my legs shake while the children behind me cried out in panic. Desperately, I tried to pull up a shield around us, but it was already too late.

Her black chitinous body glowed a fiery red color, her eyes burning with rage. Her power was enormous and I could only imagine how many changelings had just given their lives for her. Rocks crumbled into dust around her as her power continued to grow. Trying to grip her with my telekinesis sent painful feedback through my horn, and Chrysalis’ green blasts didn't even make her flinch.

And her magic was still building.

“We need to block it!”

“What? Are you insane? We can't-”

“She'll take out the entire cave!”

I could feel a momentary flash of frustration in Chrysalis' mind before she let out a curse and planted her hooves firmly on the ground. Beside her, I did the same.

“Go Chryssy!”

“You can do it!”

“Kick her flank, Twilight!”

“Chryssy is the best foalnapper!”

In the moment of buildup, I heard the Crusaders cheering us on, oblivious to the danger as we stood between them and the Red Queen, their feelings sincere enough to give Chrysalis a quick pick-me-up.


The rocky cave lit up in a brilliant display of magic, red clashing with green and violet as we fought to hold her back. My outer shield had been abandoned, but that mattered little now that the changelings trying to help their queen had all fallen.

Fury and lifeforce powered the queen's attack as Chrysalis and I stood our ground, but I felt like I was trying to stand against a tsunami. Chrysalis was already struggling and I wasn't doing much better, tapping deep into my reserves to merely withstand the onslaught that was getting more powerful by the moment.

Celestia's words came back to me. Chrysalis and I could easily escape from this. We were losing, badly, and Chrysalis knew it too...but she was still standing, drawing on everything she had to fight. Running hadn't even crossed her mind.

No...we weren't beaten yet. There was one last card I had left to play.

“Chrysalis...I never did thank you for doing this...for risking everything to help us.”

“Little busy, Twilight!”

Despite the noise of the energy and the rocks grinding down around us, my thoughts were perfectly clear across the link.

“I was suspicious from the start...even after we linked, I was hesitant to trust anything you said...but you're showing me how much you're really trying to change now.”

“Twilight, if we get out of this alive, I swear I'm going to-”

“And I want to help you change. I want to show you that power I said you couldn't understand. I want to help you find it.”

My reserves were starting to fade as I began to focus on a different kind of magic. Beside me, Chrysalis trembled as she was suddenly forced to take the brunt of the Crimson Queen's attack. “I want to give this to you...please accept it.”

Very gently, I pressed myself against her side and opened my mind. I focused on all the ponies special to me, my love for Celestia as a mentor and parent figure, my love for my friends, my love for Shining and the rest of my family, and my admiration for her as someone who would stand by me in the face of almost certain death to help a group of ponies she had no reason to care about. I gave her everything I could muster...and she took it all.

My eyes had closed but I could feel Chrysalis' energy spike dramatically, in tandem with her feelings of surprise. That surprise turned to glee as she began to tap into the sudden rush of power, pushing back hard against the Red Queen while I slumped to the ground in exhaustion, my eyes opening wearily just in time to see Chrysalis' magic overwhelm her foe.

Queen Crimson staggered, her horn sparking as she tried to rally her magic, reeling under the effects of Chrysalis' sudden surge of power. Chrysalis herself...was laughing, though unlike her evil laughter in the past, this sounded almost mirthful, even if her dulcet tone still made it slightly creepy.

Chrysalis' tongue flicked out as if tasting the air as she briefly closed her eyes, and when she opened them again they were focused on the Red Queen. “Ten. Definitely a ten.”

Chrysalis summoned her full power, now a roaring inferno next to the mere torch of the Crimson Queen. The next few seconds proved to be both disturbing yet somewhat satisfying to watch as the enemy queen was overwhelmed time and again, her power effortlessly pushed back as emerald blasts knocked her about and slammed her into walls. I'd almost thought Chrysalis was toying with her, if it weren't for the brutally efficient way she applied the energy, pounding the Red Queen relentlessly until her bruised and beaten body was left in a crater.

I blinked several times, trying to fight off fatigue and focus my Aura Sight. Faint wisps of energy were just barely visible from the fallen queen. She was still alive.

“And so here we are again, your hive overwhelmed and you at my mercy,” said Chrysalis, her tone almost playful as she walked toward her downed rival, jagged horn still glowing with energy. “Only this time, I know without a doubt that it's really you.”

Wide eyed, the Red Queen tried to struggle to her feet, but a wave of telekinetic energy slammed her back down. “C-Chrysalis...” I said weakly, but she didn't even turn her head.

“How fortunate you are...that you aren't dealing with the same me as before.” Her horn winked out and she chuckled darkly while I let out a sigh of relief.

Feebly, the Red Queen let out a pained chuckle, glaring defiantly at her better. “Heh...knew it...damn ponies made you-”


Before she could even finish her taunt, Chrysalis' hoof lashed out, smacking her hard and knocking her back against the ground.

“Well, almost the same me,” she corrected, nudging the queen’s unconscious form a few times before turning back to where I was laying. I squirmed slightly as her magic grasped me, gently guiding me through the air to land on her back, where I lay limp.

“You thought I was going to kill her?”

“It crossed my mind,” I mumbled.

“I thought I would too, really,” said the queen with a chuckle.

“Why didn't you?”

“Too much love and friendship. Probably couldn't even stomp on a parasprite after everything you gave me.”

I chuckled tiredly, fighting the urge to fall asleep, although it was unlikely that there was any more danger to be wary of. “Was I really a ten?”

“Oh yes, you managed to edge out Cadance. The secret admiration you had for my changeling body certainly helped.”

I let out a small groan. There was no point in denying it now. “I saw some of those fantasies you had, too. Particularly the ones you had about changelings. It’s not filling as love, but lust makes for a decent snack.”

“Chrysalis, there are fillies here,” I said tiredly, although with the tension draining away I was glad to return to our casual banter. Chrysalis glanced behind her and grinned, seeing those faces pressed against the wall of their prison, trying to listen in.

“Good thing I can tease you like this, then.”

“Gah! Get out of here!” All I heard in response was a chuckle.

“And thanks to that wonderful energy of yours, I have an entire checklist of things I can torment you with now!”

Outwardly I groaned, but with no magic and barely any ability to move, all I could hope for at this point was divine intervention.

“Fear not, Twilight! The cavalry hath arrived!”

Well, the 'divine' part was debatable, but I'd take it. In a swirl of deep blue colors, Luna burst into the prison, followed closely by Rainbow Dash and a small contingent of Wonderbolts. Magic burns and bruises across the squad made it clear they'd been fighting.

“Now where is thy nemesis, the Crimson Queen? I shall show her the full fury of the Lunar...” Luna's words stalled and her expression went flat as she saw the Red Queen lying unconscious in her crater. “Oh, she's defeated. Curses, late once more.”

“Your timing couldn't have been better,” I said with a faint smile before my vision was suddenly filled by two magenta eyes.

“I'm okay,” I said quickly before Dash could start worrying. “Just tired.” A yawn left my mouth as I idly observed Luna binding and sealing the Red Queen while another pair of pegasi worked on tearing down the prison wall. “They're fine too.”

To my surprise, Dash suddenly hugged me, a squeak leaving my mouth.

“Thanks, Twi, I knew you wouldn't let them down.”

“Dash!” An orange blur suddenly tackled her from the side, but Scootaloo's petite frame barely even budged her.

“Heya, squirt, you really need to stop getting caught like this.”

“Eh, I knew you'd come and get me again.”

“Yeah, I'm getting pretty good at this whole rescue thing. Could have been worth an awesome cutie mark if I didn't already have the best one.”

“Hey, I helped too,” I protested, smiling at the sight. “Also, shouldn't we be getting out of here?”

Rainbow shook her head, untangling herself from the smaller pegasus. “The whole hive is down. We were fighting our way here when the changelings just started passing out.”

“The Azure Queen has also fallen to my sister's hoof,” said Luna proudly. “Those few still awake are quickly offering their surrender.”

Chrysalis chuckled at the news, clearly amused. “So Celestia has taken yet another hive prisoner, then? Where will she put this one, I wonder?”

Thankfully, that wasn't something I had to worry about. The final box on my list had just been checked and I was ready to fall asleep right on Chrysalis' back.

Dash immediately noticed my fatigue. “I'll take her topside to Celestia,” she offered, but before she could grab hold of me, Chrysalis moved out of the way.

“No need, I'll take her.” I winced slightly as I felt an emotional spark from both of them.

“I can get her out of here faster.”

“She doesn't need fast, she needs delicate,” countered Chrysalis.

“Hey, I can be delicate!”

Inwardly, I groaned and cursed my inability to teleport away.