• Published 3rd Jul 2014
  • 3,725 Views, 218 Comments

Doctor Whooves: Birth of the Doctor - LightOfTriumph

Time Turner is just a watchmaker, until he comes across a Madman with a box.

  • ...

Men of Science

The Doctor, Applejack, and Time Turner were ushered into the cave of the Mirror Pond, a Dalek on each side of them.

The Doctor was terrified by what he saw there.

Hundreds of Daleks, thousands. And their numbers were only growing. Every minute at least ten more would rise from the pool. It almost seemed hopeless now.

In the middle of the crowd sat Davros, a smug satisfaction plastered all over his twisted face. "Ah, Doctor. So good of you to join us. I hope you don't plan on spoiling this reunion, I believe your friends will find it most unpleasant."

"They stay alive Davros, I mean it," the Doctor said, his voice quaking with anger.

"For now," Davros sneered, "If they behave. They may stay in your TARDIS for the time being."

Two Daleks pushed Applejack and Time Turner toward the TARDIS. They both stepped in as the Doctor relaxed a little. They were safe in there, for the time being.

"Now," Davros wheeled his chair to face the Doctor. "Let us speak as we once did at the beginning. Not as captor and prisoner, but as men of science."

Time Turner watched as Applejack rushed to hug her weeping sister.

"It's alright, Sugarcube," Applejack said. "It's gonna be okay."

"We didn't mean to sis!" Apple Bloom sobbed. "It just brought us here. We didn't now it would-"

"Shh, I said it was alright," Applejack said quietly.

"Where's the Doctor?" Sweetie Belle was shaking. "Is he alright?"

"He's having a little chat with Davros," Time Turner said. "As for right now, Davros just seems to want to gloat. And I think that means we're safe."

Scootaloo let out a sharp sniff. She was the tough one of the three, and she was as scared as the rest of them.

"Hey," Turner bent down to meet Scootaloo at eye level. "Don't worry. I promise I'm not going to let anything hurt you three. As long as I'm around, nothing hurts you girls."

"Why would you care?" Scootaloo was still shaking.

"Well," Turner thought about what to say. "I still have to mend your watch! It'd hurt my reputation if something happened to clients of mine."

This made Scootaloo and the others laugh, which made Turner feel better, and won him a soft smile from Applejack.

"Speaking of," Turner caught a glimpse of the silver pocketwatch on the console. "This is a new one, eh? Where did you find it?"

"Just among the Doctor's stuff," Apple Bloom said. "We were kind of rummaging..."

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack scorned.

"Oh, don't be too hard on them," Turner said, examining the watch. "Who doesn't like a good rummage every now and again?"

"It's a piece of junk anyway," Scootaloo said. "We couldn't even get it open."

"Well, I need something to pass the time," Turner said. "I may be useless here, but the one thing I know how to do is mend a-" The watch opened immediately.

A thousand images raced through Turner's mind. Two teachers. Metal men. Stout warriors with dome-like heads. Proud warriors who dwelled on the red planet. Lives that ended too soon. A war that didn't end soon enough. Faces, all of them he could once called him. A man he could once call brother he now called madman.

And then the names. Names that should have meant nothing to Time Turner, but somehow meant everything.

Barbara. Ian. Susan. Victoria. Leftbridge-Stewart. Benton. Yates. Liz. Jo. Sarah Jane. Leela. K9. Romana. Adric. Nyssa. Tegan. Peri. Mel. Ace. Grace. Lucie. Tamsin. Mollie. Rose. Jack. Micky. Martha. Donna.

Daleks. Cybermen. Sontarans. Ice Warriors. Davros. Rani. Valeyard. Master.

And in a blink it was all gone. Time Turner was breathing heavily as the images left his mind. Everything he saw in those brief seconds was fading away.

"Uh," Apple Bloom started. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I..." Turner blinked a few times. "Yeah. Why?"

"The watch opened," Scootaloo said. "You're eyes bulged for a couple of seconds, and now you're breathing like you've just won a marathon."

"Just..." The last vestiges of the strange experience seemed to linger in Turner's mind. "I just seem to have a bit of a headache, that's all."

There was a short silence that was soon broken by Applejack. "I just wish we could see what was goin' on out there."

Somehow, Time turner knew exactly which switch to flip to turn on the view screen.

The buzzing in the Doctor's brain seemed to intensify, but he couldn't worry about that now.

"So," the Doctor began to pace back an forth in front of Davros. "What I can't understand is how you lot managed to get here. How did you survive that nonsense with the Reality Bomb?"

"Oh, Doctor," Davros sneered. "Do you really think I would develop the technology of the emergency temporal shift and not use it myself? Did you honestly think that the Daleks developed only one Void Ship."

"I get it," the Doctor smiled. "That's very clever. You popped yourself back in time, found an old Dalek void ship and went into hiding there."

"Imagine my surprised," Davros wheezed. "Finding millions of my Daleks floating aimlessly in the blackness."

"Well," the Doctor frowned. "That's my fault I'm afraid. They were ruining the scenery and I had to put'em somewhere..."

"Only three were still alive," Davros continued.

"I can guess the rest," the Doctor said. "You showed up here and used the wobbly magical nature of this world to bring your mates over. You stayed in hiding for a few months, finding ways to bring one Dalek at a time through the void into Equestria. During that time you heard an old legend about a puddle that can make copies."

"Very astute, Doctor!" Davros smiled. "I can see that your intelligence hasn't left you.

"One more question, though," the Doctor stopped walking. "Why did the last Dalek turn up in Time Turner's shop? What does he have to do with all of his."

"Nothing," Davros said frankly.

"Oh, come now, Davros," the Doctor scorned. "I'm all but dead, there are no secrets between us."

"The Dalek was pulled to the idiot watchmaker's shop!" Davros shrieked. "He is of no consequence!"

"You never learned that Davros!" the Doctor shouted. "No one is of no consequence! The Daleks could have learned that if you hadn't pulped all the humanity out of them!"

"I made them stronger!" Davros screamed back.

"You made them weak!" The Doctor was growing more aggravated by the second. "Anyone with an ounce of compassion is ten times stronger than any Dalek! You asked me, a long time ago, why do the Daleks fail. That's the reason. Well, that and one other."

"And what was that?!" Davros shot back.

"They cross me" said the Doctor through gritted teeth.

Davros let out a throaty laugh. "Fascinating," Davros sneered. "You claim that the emotions you feel are what give you an advantage over my Daleks. You also claim that all individuals are of equal importance. Let us test these hypotheses!"

Davros wheeled over to the TARDIS. "There are five of your companions in this ship." Davros smiled. "Choose one of them to die. Show me the least important. Do this or the Daleks break down the door and kill them all."

The ponies inside the TARDIS heard the whole conversation. Time Turner knew what he had to do. However, Applejack was already getting up to do it.

'You're not going out there," Turner said.

"Yes I am," Applejack said frankly. "The Doctor's never gonna choose one of us, and I'm not lettin' a Dalek near my sister. End of story."

"You don't get it," Turner walked over and struck her on the back of the head, knocking her out. "You're not going out there."

Turner marched over to the door. "Turner," there were tears dwelling in Scootaloo's eyes. "Don't..."

"Whatever you hear," Turner said firmly. "Whatever you see on that screen. You do not leave the TARDIS."

Time Turner stepped out the door.

"He doesn't have to choose Davros," Time Turner said. "I can't think of anypony less important than me."

"Turner!" the Doctor called out. "What are you doing!"

"You were just wrong about me, Doctor," Time Turner closed his eyes. "I'm just an ordinary watchmaker, nothing important about me, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Time Turner was oddly comforted by the scenario. He thought about time. Marching ever forward. Another moment lost. And, as he knew it would, it brought him to the end. His time was up.

"EXTERMINATE!" screamed a nearby Dalek.

A high ring.

A sharp pain.

Then nothing.

Turner found himself suddenly awake and aware in a black void of nothingness.

He was a little disappointed. He was far from religious, but he expected something. Something to do to pass the eons.

Was this blackness all there was? Was this what it was like to be dead?

"Oh, I shouldn't think that," came a deep eccentric voice.

Time Turner turned in the direction of the voice. It belonged to a man with curly hair, a toothy grin, and wild eyes. He wore a reddish coat over a brown informal suit. Around his neck was a multicolored scarf that almost lowered all the way to his feet.

"I wouldn't know, you see, I've never been dead," the stranger said. "Of course neither have you. Perhaps technically you are now, but you shan't stay that way long..."

"Who are you?" Time Turner asked. "What are we doing here."

The stranger let out a wide smile. "Oh I thought you'd know the answer to that...."

Suddenly the stranger looked familiar. "You're-"

"I'm the Doctor," said the stranger. "As to what we are doing here... Well for now we're simply waiting for the others."

Author's Note:

Dedicated to jidbrony and Mister L.

If you guys were weirded out by THIS chapter, you just wait 'til the next update..... :trollestia:

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