• Member Since 25th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 6th, 2023



After the dead began to rise, Equestria had fallen and the weakest ponies did not survive.
This is the story of Spike and his remaining friends doing all they can to survive against the Walkers and the Bandits who threaten to take away all they have of the world they used to live in, sticking together at a time where they need to more than ever, telling the story of their survival.

Note: Contains Spikebelle
Spike and the CMC will be older in this story, not as children
(inspired by the Walking Dead, and basically any other thing to do with zombies)
This is my first attempt of a Fanfic, and I'm open to any criticism into how I can improve, or where this story should be heading in your opinion, I'm open to any suggestions.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 43 )

First, be sure of the theme you want to convey.

Do you want to convey "ponies are the real monsters" or on the opposite, of the characters managing to overcome despite an impossibly hard situation?

Likewise, have an idea of where you want to bring this story ; what caused the apocalypse? Will the story end up with the characters trying to create a place for the living or bring rest to the dead? Or will the story continue until everyone is dead, with the main question being how they'll go and if they can maintain their dignity and friendship in the face of the end?

How bad is the apocalypse? Likewise, given Equestria is not a setting with guns, how do the different species can cope? Can zombie pegasi fly? Do the zombies decay over time? How smart/dumb are they?

This sounds like it should have a dark tag...

This looks like a promising zombie tale, can't wait for more chapters.

Anyway I think this story can improve by giving the reader a sense of loss, so many stories featuring stuff like an apocalypse always having everyone live happily ever after and it's so cliché it hurts. So don't be scared to kill off a character or several, even the mane 6.

----- Nightwatcher

Disease, Disease
Spreading the disease
With some help from Captain Trips
He'll bring the world down to his knees
Power, yes Power
He'll show them all his power
It pulses through his ice cold blood
A whole world to devour

He's seeing, He's calling
His legacy, He's spawning
He's coming, corrupting
Among the living!

4628990 Trust me, if I'm basing this story anyway like the Walking Dead, then there WILL be characters killed off, not stating who. :twilightsheepish:
Otherwise it wouldn't seem realistic

Also, thank you for the positive feedback :pinkiehappy:

Wow! This is truely awesome, depressing, but awesome.
I just hope Flutters and Pinkie aren't dead.
please please please don't make them dead.
Other than that this is so cool and I hope to see more.n

I wonder what killed the group of twelve supply runners, was it bandits? Was it zombies! Or maybe it was zombie bandits?!?!

Good chapter though, your defiantly better than a lot of first timers and I can't wait for the next one

--------- your follower Nightwatcher

This is really good for your first story. But where is scoots? Again great job I only ask that you make the chapters a little longer but I'm just knit picking. Keep up the good work.

Ps. How are Celestia and Luna dealing with the apocalypse?

4666779 Don't worry, I'm just beginning with this whole writing thing, and I expect as I keep going I could have more to write, therefore making longer chapters :twilightsmile:
Thanks for the feedback :pinkiehappy:

Hmmmm.... Do I sense a Spikebelle ship coming? Please tell me Derpy isn't dead either.

Great chapter by the way you deserve more views and likes. Keep it up bro.

And I thought the zombies were bad enough and now we have hunters?!?! Next thing you know there are gonna be blind zombies with mushrooms growing out of there heads (shudder) the thought

On another note, keep up the good work mate

-----------Not creepy at all Nightwatcher

of how she could lose both her brother

Spike isn't Twilight's brother he's her assistant and friend, I think in the episode were spike meets the other dragons Twilight says she found his egg or something.

Also are there dragon zombies (fire breathing, flying ones) and unicorn ones that can use magic?

Loving this story so far! :D

4677661 I know they aren't biologically related, it's just seeing as they live together and are pretty much family already, I consider them to be like brother and sister, as well as tons of other bronies who would agree with me.
Also, glad to see you are enjoying this fic, new chapter coming soon I promise :twilightsmile:

And so the story begins, *sigh* alright people place your bets, who's gonna be the first to die!? (Personally I think it's sweetie since she's a kid AND a medic, the only thing that could put her in a worse position is if she were a pilot to)

---------- your regular commenter, Nightwatcher

Feels? No.... please not Rarity....DON'T KILL RARITY!!!
YES! Spikebelle!
Btw, Spike has scales to protect against long range attacks.
Also can zombie pegasi fly?

That was awesome!

We all know she runs our camp solo, her so-called partner is just a lackey

Could this be Celestia? Gone nutto from her ponies deaths!?!?! Or it could just be Chrysalis being her usual evil self...

Also is Big Mac going to be the dickhead in the group that everyone wants to be sacrificed? Because I love it! :D

Dang spike, that was one pro brick throw. Have you been taking brick throwing lessons from Joel?

Man that ending was an emotional roller coaster for me, and as much as I hate to say it I don't think fluttershy is alive, and that saddens me greatly.

Great work as always!

-------Anticipating the next chapter, Nightwatcher

4629662 i prefer the greater of two evils version plus this sets the mood.

Yeah, Yeah
Yeah, Yeah
Disease, Disease
Spreading the disease
With some help from Captain Trips
He'll bring the world down to his knees
Power, yes Power
He'll show them all his power
It pulses through his ice cold blood
A whole world to devour

He's seeing, He's calling
His legacy, He's spawning
He's coming, corrupting
Among the living

Murder, Murder
Commit cold blooded murder
Like Nazis during World War Two
They only follow orders
Hatred, Hatred
A crucifix is your bed
Once he turns his eye on you
You'd be better off dead

He's seeing, He's calling
His legacy, He's spawning
He's coming, corrupting
Among the living

I am the walkin' dude
I can see all the world
Twist your minds with fear
I'm the man with power
Among the living
Follow me or die

Man, fights Man
Divided they can't stand
United they can battle back
And make him force his hand
Fear, yes Fear
His end is growing near
He didn't count on man's good faith
And their will to persevere

He's seeing, He's calling
His legacy, He's spawning
He's coming, corrupting
Among the living

I am the walkin' dude
I can see all the world
Twist your minds with fear
I'm the man with power
Among the living
Follow me or die


Fire, hot Fire
Purge the world with fire
Damnation is the price he'll pay
For an evil man's desire
Good, vs. Evil
The stand to vanquish evil
Man can only live one way
That place right in the middle

He's seeing, He's calling
His legacy, He's spawning
He's coming, corrupting
Among the living

I am the walkin' dude
I can see all the world
Twist your minds with fear
I'm the man with power
Among the living
Follow me or die


Ohh, is this gonna be a SpikeBelle ship, that's my favourite. It's a pretty dark story though, I didn't expect Mac to go out like that.

I might be kinda glad that Mac's gone... :derpytongue2:

I really like were this is going :D

OHHHH MAN! Shit just hit the fan yo!!!

Your doing a good job keeping me excited and probably a lot of other people to. Once again, good job

----------I'm running out of ideas, Nightwatcher

And rainbow was no where to be found, dun dun dun!!!!! So she dead or injured, I hope injured but I can only hope

Spike and sweetie belle sleeping on a spongy pad K.I.S.S.I.N.G (I don't give a damn if it doesn't ryhme)

-------hope my comments are still interesting Nightwatcher

she took out the back knees of the walker first with her hooves, and while it was on the ground defenceless, that was when she made the finishing blow with her own knife.

You played the new episode of Walking Dead Game did you? Cause them moves seem very familiar...

Also did Sweetie just ask if Spike was single?

4809100 A lot of inspiration for this story comes from the Walking Dead, both the game and the show :twilightsheepish: I just think they're that awesome.

4809945 There more than awesome there like if Jesus and Budha lived together sorta awesome!!

AND THE PLOT THICKENS!! anyway, one of my favorite chapters so far. I hope you do more chapters like this in the future that show us how life at homes going. (Maybe even switch to pipsqueak and he has a flashback to give us, the reader, more insight on what happened that fate full night, maybe even give us some names of the ponies that died, that would be cool)

I got a baaaaaad feelin about applebloom leaving, she gonna die or be traumatized fo life man.

-----I prefer the fireflies, Nightwatcher

This is amazing so far

every chapter it's pretty good but some how I imagined sweetie bell in Apple blooms situation but you made it work some how

Okay this is gonna be a long one so prepare your selves,

Spike is going crazy. He killed a living being that didn't need to die and that breaks my heart. In these stories it's always the start to your own downfall (if you die or go bat shit insane) when you break your own morals. Such as only killing when it's an absolute necessity and saving everyone you can. (I'm looking at you spike)

On a side note what's the tech level? Because at the start of the story it seemed like good ol' equestria with your Spears and swords and shields, etc... and now we got guns?!?! It would be nice for some clarification so I'm not surprised if missiles show up or something

I wonder who this mysterious leader of the hunters is? I'm gonna guess (horribly mind you) gilda griffon, no particular reason, just a hunch.

-------Not a dolphin, Nightwatcher

The only one unaccounted for is fluttershy, I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say she's the hunter leader. Good story by the way.

4950740 Don't worry, no missiles or anything along those lines, I'm not that far gone. :twilightblush: Pretty much in my head right now, guns are the most technical and modern it's gonna get, and even then they won't be a common occurance, like making it out to be some kind of rare invention that isn't commonly seen in a place like Equestria (in fact I'm probably gonna play out hand/hoof guns are the only types they got, no snipers or AKs like that :unsuresweetie:).
I pretty much introduced guns as some kind of long range defence for like earth ponies other than knives seeing as the unicorns have their magic and I wanted them to have something, without going totally overboard, even at one point considering those old timey guns but then dismissing it when thinking of how long it would take to reload those things.
I promise though it won't get too bad from that, like at some point saying of like nuclear warheads or orbital satellites, at that point you would know I had screwed up this fic by making it too modern and not the 'good ol equestria' I properly made out this setting to be, so summing up that subject, guns are probably the most technological it's gonna get. :pinkiesmile:

On that whole Spike going crazy idea, I like to think I'm making Spike out to be a kinda Joel type character, possibly as well as other characters, looking out for his own family and no-one else, thinking along the lines that the world had ended so nothing else matters anymore, and he was gripping on to all he had left whatever the cost, and I guess, that would make someone a little crazy, as well as aggressive, I'm thinking that could be the case for anyone in the apocalypse.

Okay, I'll stop spamming you now, but I'll say thanks for taking the time to comment whenever I'm writing, I really appreciate the feedback :pinkiehappy:

Am I the only one think the group leader Nightmare Night or Celestia or/and Luna?

Oh wow forgot about this story but glad for the update please continue this.I like how characters emotions are written in this story

Yussss, something to read, I've been waiting a while and I'm glad you got better from your writers block syndrome, make sure to take your meds and stay healthy so you don't catch it again!

Well it's official, the sweetie + spike ship has sailed! I hope it has a grand voyage

------------- hungry for more, Nightwatcher

Who is this group’s leaders, and how much of a threat are they alive? Is Rainbow Dash still alive? Was she captured too? Will we make it in time? Will we make it home? Can he keep Sweetie safe?

Find out next time on! An amazingly written story!

Awesome story. Man those hunters are gonna find out that they're screwing with the wrong ponies and dragon XD

5501904 I can't admit I won't use that as a line :rainbowlaugh:

It was that badass in the show, in my head it would look awesome!
Thanks for the postive feedback, glad to see you are enjoying it! :pinkiehappy:

It could be fluttershy?

Hello people from 2 years ago

If this story's still going I think it would be cool if you make spike like kenny from telltale you know had to become a monster to survive and protect his family

I'm Playing the "I'm the Doctor" Music if the doctor is still alive and play the soundtrack of "I don't wanna go" if he ded

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