• Member Since 14th Jul, 2013
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Nameless Narrator

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  • TTo The Skies!
    An ex-mercenary escapes from Canterlot dungeons, one who truly got dragged into things he had no clue about and paid for it. All he wants is freedom but with blueprints for an airship of power unseen before in Equestria his goal might change.
    Nameless Narrator · 68k words  ·  28  1 · 1.2k views

This story is a sequel to Imbalanced

Side story to Horn And Wings

Luna has been having troubled sleep and blaming herself for the death of Sharp Biscuit, her bodyguard and close friend. The recent invasion from the mirror world troubles her and she wants to make sure nothing ot that sort happens again. That, unfortunately, might involve some rather drastic measures.

Equestria seems to be safe though. With the new peace treaty between queen Chrysalis' hive and Canterlot even the paths through Everfree Forest are safer than they have ever been and the official addition of the fourth princess helped with foreign policy a lot. Still , Celestia is worried about a second hive that came along with the last invasion and their enmity towards Luna that might prove dangerous and she sends Twilight Sparkle to negotiate the terms of peace that would be respected even by Guiding Light and her hive.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 87 )

*grabs notepad*

*Starts scribbling*

Welp... another book lacking any comments... I guess the the honor of the first one to do such is me.

For glory! For pancake! For the T-shiiiiirt!!!

*The janitor looks up from an actually good book he borrowed from a real library.*
"One reader in three weeks? Gee, I can't handle crowds like this."
*Gets back to reading, muttering to himself.*
"Leave him be, Trashie, he'll get bored like everyone else. Just hope he doesn't find the secret door to the T-shirt vault."

The wicked smile on Sharp's face was completely lost on Luna focusing on her next action.

"Why?" the agression in Sharp's voice grew, "It's her fault this entire thing happened. Only thanks to her shoving the evil Elements to the mirror world was Sombra able to gain so much power. Who's to say she's not keeping the Elements just in case YOU become trouble again?"

...I don't like this. There's something wrong with this 'Sharp'.

But if things aren't as they seem... who would have the power and the ability to not only break into Luna's dream dimension... but do so in a way that it would actually fool her...

Scream... maybe one of the gods, Discord perhaps...but I doubt it. Nightmare would be more likely, and I'd doubt it'd be an element, doubly so if it is trying to get the tree of Harmony destroyed...

Speaking of which...

Wasn't it said in Imbalanced that destroying the tree would be nearly impossible? That it would take the whole world joining together and willing the tree to be destroyed... or something?

Okay... Does Luna not know about the element of imprisonment and its effects, or is she just being ignorant, whether consciously or subconsciously wanting someone to blame?

I'm going to read the first chapter of the other story first...

Explaining would be too spoilery.

The following silence annoyed the small purple alicorn and she stomped the floor of her new library, castle or whatever it was now after being transformed by the Tree of Harmony.


...this implies this story takes place after Tirek. So... yeah, and if a giant Demonic Centaur from He- Tatarus rampaging throughout her new home town isn't referenced at all by Choking... yeah... that will make no sense, and I'd be inclined to mark another plot hole...

Well, it could have gone worse.

True words... very true.

Luna was tired, at least mentally. She had spent hours rethinking her ideas on how to prevent another invasion but every single time she'd ended with the same result - failure. Of course they could erect protection spells. Of course they could make the area around the tree a deadly wasteland. None of that would help though. Barriers could be stripped, wasteland could be teleported out of. Magic was the problem all the way.

...put up a barrier around it, and fill it up with deadly acid. Yes, it could be teleported out of, or the barrier could be stripped... but by that time, the invaders should have already been dissolved, so...

"I can't in good conscience order the death of five fillies and one princess. I mean just thinking that is preposterous."

I thought alicorns were immortal...

So he didn't have to find a cellar somewhere. Now he had his own little castle and a real time limit for catching his targets. The cellar looked sturdy enough.

...you probably don't want to know what's in it though...

Even the soft touch of Luna hugging her sister was enough to send fire through Celestia's chest. Despite the wound finally closing and doctors saying she was almost at full health even the brush of fur reminded the older princess how close she'd been to death.

Once again, I remember it being mentioned, multiple times in fact, that alicorns were immortal...

At the moment, I'm just going to let it slide as Luna not knowing as much about her own nature as an alicorn as she thinks she does, which the whole 'being locked away on the moon for a thousand years' couldn't have helped... but if it is confirmed for alicorns to not be immortal, then I may have to declare a plot hole...

A colorful building decorated to look like a sweet pastry appeared after a short walk. Theoretically anything could appear after a short walk in town of this size, especially because Icy was used to massive cities like Manehattan and the city states like Crystal Empire or the griffon ones. The smell hanging around the place proved that this baker was one specializing in sweet treats rather than ninety kinds of bread. Wincing, Icy remembered some of the more boring bakeries in more boring places.

Don't worry... boring will be the last thing on your mind once you meet... the Pink one.

*remembers how 'other side' Luna died*

Right... I guess I should look back into this and find out more myself...

Don't make me read my stuff again to see if I did, it burnsssss...
Gigantic acid traps need to be approved by the Committee for the Preservation of Equestria, and you know how crazy those hippies get if you try to move a single anthill. Luna can barely get a good day's sleep, and screaming protesters would only make it worse.

I thought alicorns were immortal..

Un-aging and nigh impossible to wound using normal means due to high regeneration misunderstood by mortals. Definitely nowhere close to immortal. However, at this point I don't think there has been anyone with enough certain knowledge about it. So unless Void said it, it was from an unreliable, uninformed, or possibly lying source. If Void said it, I messed up. Alicorns being called "immortals" by normies means nothing. It would be like me talking about nuclear physics, or giving writing advice.

...you probably don't want to know what's in it though...

I can't recall and won't read it, but is the Spike and Shiny trapped by Twilight's tentacle plant part there?
Icy shall be surprised by Ponk. Surprised by stabbing, the worst kind of a birthday gift!

"You can't mean... Twilight Sparkle? No, just no. She loves my sister over anything."

She does realize that... you know... Twilight is still in Pine Hills! ...right?

Yeeeaaaah... This "Sharp" is trying to get Luna to selfishly turn her back on everyone... Not unlike when she was possessed by...

Welp, this is bad.

Makes sense though, why one of the Nightmare changeling's auras can be felt around the castle, even though Guiding said that they all followed her to Pine Hills... barring one which stayed in the Crystal empire. Maybe it isn't one of those changelings at all...

"Frosty Stare, temporary assistant librarian. I take care of this place while the princess is away."

For a fake name, he could've been more creative... Yet the fool is making it easy for anyone tracking or hunting him to put two and two together...

For: Murder attempt aimed at princess Celestia.

So much for a call for her to return to Canterlot...

"Holy balls!" Icy couldn't stop himself from cursing.

...couldn't have said it better myself...

With another nod the blue pegasus turned her back at Icy who grinned. Knocking somepony out from behind without seriously injuring them was infinitely easier than doing so against their will. With one blow to the back of her neck, Rainbow Dash was out like a light.

...he could have waited. Walking with her at least halfway there would have been much easier and much less risky than carrying her the full way there...

Fluttershy nodded and looked at Rainbow's face caked with dried blood.

Yeesh! How hard did he hit her?

Right now he still believes he's on the good side of history, I think. Or maybe not anymore? I'm not sure. It certainly breaks at some point.
Things are so harsh for Blaze it unconsciously affects other people involved with him.
She might have asked some silly questions and maybe gotten suspicious. He's not going to risk having to fight an Element bearer, and a quick one to boot.
Don't worry, a little concussion and only make RD smarter.

The drone nodded, it knew what the order meant. Disguising herself as the princess would leave her incapable of changing into anypony else. That in itself wouldn't be a huge problem as the villagers were warming up to the Nightmares more and more but deep down all of them wanted to pair up with somepony and it would have to find a pony interested in the princess or its changeling form.

well... there is one pony...

"Erm," the thestral raised his hoof, "If what you're saying is true then who could do it?"


Having their hind legs glued to the floor with green goo, the guards still had enough freedom to make themselves comfortable as all Nightmares apart from fake Twilight, Guiding herself and one other left.

Legs glued to floor... raises hoof.

Is he a ghost? How did he escape the goo?

"-that part of the body has been dead for few days?" he finished her question.

...I got chiiils down my spiiine.

You know, I was waiting until mention of Gaze finding and sending off Blazing's diary, but since the whole cloudy day at Canterlot bit should have no doubt been mentioned by now, I figure I am already ahead of where I was in Horn and Wings... so back to there, I suppose!

"There is only one of my changelings missing in this town and that one resides still with princess Cadance. There is no way he'd be able to overpower princess Celestia anyway. The assumption I'm behind the attack is basically nonsense because I don't have that kind of power. Yet, the mark of our kind was found in every place an attack has occured and that force stems from one being, Nightmare Moon."

Welp, I called it...

It's Molestia, isn't it?
"hind legs"
And here's where gods themselves get properly involved the first time.

No though.

...heavy immersion gets broken too easily by spelling errors...

No! I have to at least talk to him now. I was wrong! WRONG! WRONG!

Too late for that... it's too fucking late for that, Luna.

•Naaah... a certain guard stationed at a certain anti changeling camp with a certain obsession with a certain purple pony princess.


•in your head, in your head...

•...meh, could've been worse...

I'm sorry. With enough imagination, it can make some sentences a lot more fun, though.
Necromancy solves anything.
Step 1: Find a shovel.
Step 2: Start digging

...meh, could've been worse...

Correction: Will only get worse.
I talk the same way about Red Bulls

"As you MIGHT or might not remember, some of us aren't old, senile changelings," Starlight frowned when Shadowstep kept ignoring her stabs, "It is possible to either kill Nightmare's host or purify it. To do so it's necessary to restrain the host and limit Nightmare's power. Fortunately, after getting my rump kicked by Cromach I spent a lot of time devising a countermeasure."

"One of our... friends used to be a host for the Nightmare and we had no choice but to kill him," Shadowstep explained, "He was a griffon though and he didn't have any natural magic or special abilities. The current host is a very powerful alicorn but the same principles should apply."

This does not bode well for the future of no rest... or would that be the past?



"As you MIGHT or might not remember, some of us aren't old, senile changelings," Starlight frowned when Shadowstep kept ignoring her stabs, "It is possible to either kill Nightmare's host or purify it. To do so it's necessary to restrain the host and limit Nightmare's power. Fortunately, after getting my rump kicked by Cromach I spent a lot of time devising a countermeasure."

"Erm..." Twilight coughed, not understanding much that was being said.

"One of our... friends used to be a host for the Nightmare and we had no choice but to kill him," Shadowstep explained, "He was a griffon though and he didn't have any natural magic or special abilities. The current host is a very powerful alicorn but the same principles should apply."

That says that Cro was possessed by the Nightmare... and since the first time Cross&co. Met him was when the city blew up... Cro had to have survived or been revived somehow for that to happen...

Ohhhh shit. Yeah, one of the alternative paths was that they captured Cromach, but he was possessed by Nightmare and they had to kill him. I must have forgotten to revise that one after I finished No Rest.

Well that's bad.

*P(l)ot holes start filling the library, making the entire place look like a book filled blob of swiss cheese*

Yeah... very bad...


"Talk about an overstatement."
*The janitor wipes his forehead after laying down some wooden planks across the holes.*
"Good work, Worthless Trash. Some basic repairs, and now nopony can spot any difference. A bit bland now, but I can do real repair work once I have the bits."
*Sits back on a chair which wobbles due to one missing leg.*
"Eh, doing the best with what little I've got. Still got further than anypony of my looks or intelligence ever should."
*Lights a vanilla cigarette.*

*Walks back towards the library, shaking off a plot hole eating away at his leg*
*plot hole lands on the rocks, eating away at the ground outside the library*

Meh, that won't be a problem later...

*goes back inside, returning 'No rest for the Traitor, and looks around at the crap used to repair the library.*

Yeesh... plot holes sure did a number here... I'ma just find a new book.

*Starts looking through the library*

... that was the single most stupid thing that any character has done to date.

I see you've gotten to the worst part of the storyline (Once/If I finish Legacy of Light, these three stories are first on the chopping block).
What exactly is the worst thing? Attacking Celestia? Attacking Twi? Mouthing off to a dreamling?
That statement describes everything from me attempting to write a story at all to every action ef every character ever. :rainbowlaugh:

You ever just start reading and, don't stop?

On to heroes and villains

I found this story alot more funny than I probably should have, but the Nightmare steadily gaining power right under Luna's nose, fooling Luna into thinking he/she/it isn't the Nightmare and is, in fact, HELPING is just to rich.

Oh yeah, when I read the story which made me try my hand at writing for the first time, and which I still consider the best thing I've ever read on Fimfic and quite high even when compared to classic books - Hard Reset (and the entire Timeloop trilogy)

Anyway, as for Heroes and Villains, all you need to read is the connecting chapter, nothing else. I tried pure, unrelated comedy, it didn't work too well.

I'll take that as a recommendation.

For me I just have a bad habit of not stopping until I'm done.

... and now he was dead, killed by somepony considered a hero who had betrayed everything he'd stood for and everything he'd saved before, the bronze changeling, bearer of the Element of Betrayal. They had it coming and both she and her sister should have had him watched more closely but they'd believed him to be a friend after stopping the invasion from the mirror world and saving Equestria from king Sombra... by working for him and betraying him.

Look like Luna judge him without all the evidences... again.

"That's correct," Luna had to admit, "It is the only way I can think of right now. I should ask my sister about it."

"Why?" the agression in Sharp's voice grew, "It's her fault this entire thing happened. Only thanks to her shoving the evil Elements to the mirror world was Sombra able to gain so much power. Who's to say she's not keeping the Elements just in case YOU become trouble again?"

I feel Nightmare Moon

Once again, I remember it being mentioned, multiple times in fact, that alicorns were immortal...

I know there no sence to post it, but...
Think about it like the traditional elves. They are immortal? Well, kinda, their lives are eternal. Can you kill them? Easily. Well, that easy that killing human-like creature with hundreds/thousands years of experience.

So... Element bearers. According to the witnesses there had been only one Bearer from the mirror world capable of seriously harming an alicorn and that one had been killed by Blazing Light. Her talk with Void after the invasion when he'd brought the Element of Magic back left her with the information that the other mirror Bearers had no reason or desire to continue and had been only forced to work with Sombra.

So... She supposed to know about every mirror Elements, whats including Fluttershy, and she still think Blaze is traitor?

Well, the evidence was Blaze personally leading the siege of Canterlot, really. She learned about the mind control WAAAAAAY later if I recall correctly. Plus, she was hella pissed for Blaze Killing Sharp Biscuit, which is something she's having to deal with now.
This isn't entirely correct, but it's still the best comparison I've read. I wish I came up with it when I had to explain it.

Well, without the... "reincarnation" this is how I get it. Sorry if it's isn't right.

"How do you how long he was alive?"

know, maybe?

Yep, if you factor in the potential reincarnation then it's correct.

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