• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 17,203 Views, 1,530 Comments

Nightmare Moon's Tiny Adversary - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hardworking student for many years, willingly deciding to stay two hooves tall after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. How will the rest of the mane six and Nightmare Moon react to her?

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Summer Sun Celebration - Rainbow Dash

Nightmare Moon's Tiny Adversary


Chapter 1

Part 2

“Are you sure you don’t want to ride on my head instead?” Spike asked with a raised eyebrow. He was being levitated by Twilight, following closely behind her as she trotted back to Ponyville proper. “We’ve spent nearly an hour sampling their food and playing with those fillies and colts. You should really take a rest, Twilight, and let me get us to our next stop.”

Twilight looked amusedly at Spike as another drop of sweat slid down her nose. “You played with them as much as I did, and young dragons like you are in much more need of a break than I am.”

“Come on, Twilight. Don’t think I don’t know a little bit about your telekinesis. You’ve been levitating me for the past ten minutes. With that spell, you’re just lugging around a small portion of my weight in addition to yours. After that game of tag, you’re already plenty tired, so just rest on my head already,” Spike said with a stern look at the tiny unicorn.

Twilight gave him a deep sigh. “Fine, Spike, you win,” she said, lowering him to the ground and hopping up onto his head as he continued the trek. She wiped off a bit of the sweat clinging to her brow and levitated a small checklist from her saddlebags, looking intently at the next item. “Let’s see… Next is weather. I’m supposed to meet a pony named Rainbow Dash, who’s responsible for clearing the clouds.”

Twilight looked up at the puffy clouds still scattered across the sky and frowned. “Well, she doesn’t seem to be doing a very good job of that, does she?”

“Look out!”

Twilight swiveled around to face the source of the loud warning scream, finding herself right in the path of a giant blue pegasus rocketing uncontrollably in her direction like a bullet. Her eyes opened wide, and time seemed to slow down, the passing seconds extending into minutes.

Out of reflex, Twilight jumped from Spike’s head, pushing the little dragon out of the way with a quick telekinetic burst as she curled up into a ball to brace herself for the coming impact. With her eyes shut tight, she didn’t quite notice Overwatch’s telekinetic field desperately attempting to shove her out of the way of the speeding pegasus, but the effort only barely got the tiny unicorn out of the way.

Though she didn’t take the brunt of the pony projectile, the sudden turbulent gust of wind from the passing pegasus pushed her aside like a fly, causing her to land with an unpleasant splat in a thick liquid. Twilight frowned as she tried to right herself, unsure whether she should be happy that the mud softened her fall or annoyed that she was now suffocating in it.


The cyan pegasus rose from the crater she had created in the ground and began to brush the dirt from her fur and rainbow-coloured mane as she looked around, unsure if she had crashed into that purple lizard-like creature just a moment ago. It wouldn’t be the first close call she’s had, and certainly not the first time she’s lost control when practicing a stunt.

She quickly found the dragon, approaching his sprawled-out body with a sheepish smile. “Hehe... you alright, buddy?”

“Twilight!” Spike shouted, springing quickly to his feet as he ran to crouch in front of a puddle of mud. “Twilight, are you all right?”

Rainbow Dash’s brow knit together into a confused look as she raised her hoof to make a circling motion to the side of her head, wondering just how hard she would have to crash into the creature to make it start talking to random puddles. “Hey there, I didn’t hit you that hard, did I?” she asked, slowly walking towards the baby dragon.

Spike quickly whirled around, glaring daggers at the pegasus. “Look at what you’ve done!” he shouted, pointing a sharp claw at the pool of mud.

Rainbow Dash blinked a few times. “Ummm… I’m sorry for crashing into you, but what‘s that got to do with a puddle of mud?”

Spike slapped his hand against his face with a frustrated groan. “You didn’t crash into me, featherbrain. You crashed into Twilight!”

Dash looked around and next back at him warily as she moved closer. “Dude, it’s just a pool of mud. There’s nopony else here.”

“Then maybe you need to take a closer look!” Spike said, pushing her into the muddy pool in his annoyance before he remembered who was still drowning in it. “Ahh, oops.”

Rainbow Dash yelped, her eyes wide as she tried to get her wings open, but it was too late to stop her from tumbling straight into the puddle. With a groan, the cyan pegasus lifted her head, her feathers and fur covered in muck. “What was that for, you punk!” Dash shouted, giving Spike an angry glare as she tried to advance towards him to return the favor.

She was suddenly restrained by a telekinetic field, and before she could wonder who cast it, her head was suddenly forced to turn back around, bringing her directly face-to-face with a small, mud-covered figure standing right in front of her.

Twilight sat up with a groan, trying to wipe the mud out of her face with her mud-covered forelegs and failing miserably at making her vision any clearer. Landing in a puddle was, perhaps, better than landing on solid ground, but it was only barely so, as evidenced by her aching back and her spinning head. She finally managed to shake out the obstructive mud and was moving on to working out the kinks in her back, only to look up at the sound of a yelp, looking straight at a pegasus in the process of body-slamming her.

The unicorn reflexively lit her horn, but she was a little too late to bring up her barrier or her levitation field. Instead, she took a deep breath, keeping her eyes tightly closed as she was pressed deep into the layer of mud and ooze. The crushing pressure let off after only a moment, simply another small addition to the list of the aches and cramps Twilight was slowly accumulating over the day. With a growl, the tiny unicorn quickly cleared her eyes with a sweep of her forelegs, giving the pegasus an angry glare as she used her magic to bring the culprit straight to her.

“What the hay were you thinking, nearly crashing into us? You could have seriously hurt Spike!” Twilight shouted, using her magic to wipe off the muck that clung to their faces.

The weatherpony blinked a few times in confusion, making a few hesitant attempts to pull away from the levitation field holding her down as her mind tried to comprehend what she was seeing. “You could have seriously injured somepony. Do you have anything to say in your defense?” Twilight asked, crossing her tiny forelegs and looking up at the pegasus sternly.

The pegasus opened her mouth speechlessly, closed it again with a perplexed look on her face, and finally reopened her mouth again to say just one simple sentence. “Wow, you’re small.”

Twilight let out a loud, frustrated groan and, in her growing exasperation, used her magic to punt the pegasus a short distance away before angrily stomping out of the mud puddle towards the downed pony. The tiny unicorn’s eye twitched, and her mane began to trail small wisps of smoke as her anger slowly began to reach ignition temperature.

“Are you not… feeling even a tiny bit… of remorse… about your reckless behavior?” Twilight fumed, speaking between harsh breaths as she approached the weatherpony. The unicorn was almost atop the source of her anger when she finally noticed the tinge of fear in the pegasus’s expression, and she quickly checked herself before she went too far.

With a burst of magic, Twilight used a powerful heat spell to flash-dry the mud on her. She began working her legs a little, shaking off the broken, crusted bits of dirt that still clung to her fur, when she realized that the weatherpony was busy trying to stifle her laughter, tears forming in her eyes.

Twilight frowned at her. “What?”

That small word tipped the pegasus over the edge, and she burst out into uncontrollable laughter, falling backwards in her mirth as she pointed at Twilight’s mane. Spike soon joined the weatherpony in her laughter, and the tiny unicorn finally looked up to find her mane had curled up into a frizzy mess.

Twilight sighed. It was going to be a long day. “Let me guess. You’re Rainbow Dash,” she said firmly, catching the laughing pegasus’s attention.

The one and only,” Rainbow Dash said, launching herself up into the air with her chest out proudly. “Why, you heard of me? By the way, how did you do that stuff earlier?”

Twilight looked up at the excited pegasus, frowning as she squinted up through the sunlight. “Do what?”

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at the tiny unicorn, looking at her as if she was crazy. “Did what? You kidding me?”

Twilight shook her head, and the cyan pegasus rolled her eyes before continuing. “You know: shrinking yourself, nearly bursting into flames, shrugging off being hit by me when I spun out—sorry about that, by the way—and then pushing me away with levitation, duuuh. You’re, like, the size of a mouse!”

“Well,” Twilight began, raising her head self-assuredly as she slipped into lecture-mode, “as for your first question, I didn’t shrink myself; that particular spell is far beyond my current capabilities. It was actually Princess Celestia who shrank me.”

Rainbow Dash quickly thrust her head at Twilight’s, nearly touching nose-to-nose in her eagerness and causing the tiny unicorn to jump back in surprise. “Oh hey, you’ve had a run-in with the princess?”

Twilight reasserted herself, clearing her throat as she lightly, but firmly, pushed the pegasus’s nose away. “I’m her student. I’ve been training under her wing for years.”

Rainbow Dash’s brow knit together as she leveled a suspicious look at Twilight. “So why did she shrink you? Did you break some rules or conspire against her or something?” the pegasus said as she probed the tiny unicorn with her giant hoof. Twilight pushed away the hoof with an annoyed look, and the weather pony simply sat back and crossed her forelegs. “Oh I get it. Did you try to overthrow her and got shrunk as punishment?”

“Hey!” Twilight shouted as she glared at Rainbow Dash angrily, finding the very idea that she would take action against her wise and caring mentor insulting. “No, I did not do such a thing and I would never even think of doing such a thing. The only reason she shrank me is because my magic was too powerful for me when I was younger, and I could have hurt other ponies,” she said, with clear agitation in her voice.

Rainbow Dash hardened her stare at the phrase, ‘hurt other ponies,’ and Twilight took a deep breath before launching into a deeper explanation of what she’d meant. “Look, the princess shrank me because I couldn’t stop my magic surges. She took me in as her student so that I could eventually learn how to control my magic without worrying about collateral damage. Consequently, this also answers one of your other questions. Yes, I may be small, but that doesn’t make me weak. Even at my size I'm more than capable of lifting and flinging ponies away when I wish.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, and she brought her hooves to her mouth with a sharp intake of breath. “Wooow, that is so… awesome!” she said in awe, and before Twilight could react, she was suddenly tossed into the air by the pegasus. The tiny unicorn immediately righted herself with a bit of levitation, and she landed squarely on Rainbow Dash’s nose as the weatherpony flew up into the air to catch her.

“So why didn’t my crash, y’know… flatten you out like a pancake?” the pegasus said, her eyes looking cross-eyed at the pony on her muzzle. “You got some ancient spell that makes you invincible or something?”

Twilight tapped a hoof to her chin as she let out a hum of contemplation. “Well... not quite, Rainbow Dash. Princess Celestia had been casting a protection spell on me for so long that I’m fairly certain it’s become permanent. It effectively doubles my strength, endurance, and magical power to compensate for my size and make me less vulnerable. Since it only works on ponies under the effect of the shrinking spell, while spell itself is pretty much only known to the princess, the protection spell is probably as obscure of a spell as any, I suppose.”

Rainbow Dash’s expression turned to one of disappointment. “Only double? Lame,” she remarked, though she soon looked back at Twilight with renewed intensity. “Wait, if the spell is so weak, how did you survive when I smashed you into the mud?”

“Getting hit by you isn’t that big of a deal. I’ve gone through worse than being tackled by a speeding pegasus,” Twilight said nonchalantly.

“Hey! What do you mean ‘not a big deal?’” Rainbow Dash said with an offended tone. “You were pretty much pile-drived into the ground by the fastest pony in Equestria. What can be a bigger deal than that?”

Twilight gave the weatherpony a smirk, already remembering a little tip somepony told her about dealing with pegasi.

”Spitfire, no offense, but I noticed that a lot of your Wonderbolts are… extremely competitive and self-centered. How do you keep them in line?” Twilight asked from her spot on the captain’s back.

Spitfire turned her head to look at the unicorn. “That’s just the nature of a pegasus. We’re hot-blooded, live for the moment, and love the feel of adrenaline in our veins—something that, I’m happy to admit, you share with us,” she said with a wide grin before turning to look back ahead. “As for how I manage to keep a bunch of hot-blooded ponies in their place, it’s simple.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Could you please elaborate on that?”

“Ha! Of course I can,” Spitfire said confidently. “There are two ways to keep these competitive-type pegasi in their place. The first is to impress them. Gain their respect or defeat them in a competition, and they’ll be hanging onto your every word, if only to try and best you later.”

“The other way...” the Wonderbolts Captain said, flashing a devilish smile back at Twilight, “is to play on their pride. Even the laziest pegasi will do their job if they think you’re casting doubt on them.”

Twilight let out a laugh. “You? The fastest flyer in Equestria?”

“You think I’m joking?” Rainbow Dash said, shooting an annoyed glare at the tiny unicorn balanced on her nose. “I’m practically Wonderbolts material.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “The Wonderbolts?”


“The most talented flyers in all of Equestria?”

“That’s them.”

“Pfffft... please, Spitfire wouldn’t even look at a pegasus who can’t keep the sky clear for one measly day,” Twilight said, pointing a hoof at the cloud-strewn sky.

“Hey! I can clear this sky in ten seconds flat.”

Twilight snorted, leveling a challenging look at the pegasus. “Prove it.”

Without further ado, Rainbow Dash swooped down to the ground and popped Twilight off her nose with a flick of her head, only for the tiny unicorn to teleport back to her neck, tying herself to Rainbow Dash with a swift application of magic ropes. The blue pegasus, meanwhile, was so focused on her current task that she didn’t notice the lightweight now holding onto her neck.

Twilight struggled to stay on her ride, the magic ropes and her grip barely holding her on as Rainbow Dash zipped through the sky, making impossibly sharp turns as she moved directly to each cloud in her path like a pinball. Twilight watched in amazement as the clouds seemed to disintegrate at the touch of the weatherpony, even as she was buffeted by the intense gusts and fluffy leftovers of clouds. Unbelieveable. I haven’t had such a hard time staying on a pegasus since I flew with Spitfire. How strong do her wings have to be to make such hard right angle turns? Could she actually be stronger and faster than the Captain of the Wonderbolts? But how?

Rainbow Dash landed lightly on the ground in front of where she thought she had left Twilight. “What’d I say? Ten. Seconds. Flat,” she said, standing confidently with her head held high.

Spike began clapping lightly, quickly drawing Rainbow Dash’s attention. “That was… amazing,” he said with admiration in his voice.

“Umm… Thanks,” the cyan pegasus said as she looked away from him in search of the tiny unicorn, even checking her hooves to make sure she didn’t accidentally step on her.

Twilight moved her mouth for a moment in stunned speechlessness, before quickly reasserting herself, dispelling her ropes and clearing her throat. “That… was ten seconds.”

Rainbow Dash quickly swiveled her neck to look at the tiny unicorn sitting on her shoulder. “Hey, what are you doing there?”

“Oh, I just wanted to experience your work first hoof,” Twilight said, grinning widely at the astonished pegasus.

“You... rode on me?”

“Yes, I did. I used a few magical ropes so I wouldn’t fall off.”

“You did...” Rainbow Dash said slowly, her gaze trained intently on the tiny unicorn’s fearless smile. “You’ve ridden on a pegasus before?”

“I’ve… ridden on a few pegasi before, yes, and riding on you was, well...”

“Yeeeessss…?” Rainbow Dash said, her ears and wings raised in anticipation of Twilight’s answer.

“Underwhelming. I’ve ridden on better flyers.”

“Huh? Uhh, what?” Rainbow Dash said, running through a multitude of confused and insulted facial expressions as she tried to comprehend how it was possible that she failed to meet the tiny mare’s standards.

The pegasus tried to say something, but she was soon cut off by a little laugh and a weak bump on her nose. “Got you!” Twilight exclaimed as she slid off Rainbow Dash’s back, landing softly on the grass. “That one’s for earlier.”

Dash blinked a few times in confusion before bursting out into laughter. “Ha! Good one, I never took you for that kind of pony! Looks like you’re pretty cool after all. We should hang out more often.”

“Well, thanks, you’re pretty cool too. I haven’t had such a thrill riding a pegasus since that time Spitfire flew me to the Frozen North.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes went wide, and her mouth opened briefly before she let out a hesitant laugh. “G-good one, Twilight. You almost had me there… again.”

”You think that was a joke?” Twilight said, smiling slyly. “Well, maybe that was a joke. Or maybe not. If you manage to talk to Spitfire one day, remember to ask her about a tiny unicorn named Twilight Sparkle. I’m sure she’ll indulge you.”

With that said, Twilight teleported onto Spike’s head. “Let’s go, Spike. We have much to do and little time to do it,” she said, pulling out her checklist as she settled herself comfortably on her perch. “C’mon, we need to check on decorations at the Town Hall.”

Spike nodded, grinning as his hitchhiker pulled out the map again and plotted the shortest path to their destination. The tiny unicorn rolled her neck and stretched out her back. She still had three more ponies to meet, and she wasn’t keen on accumulating any more injuries for the rest of the day.

Twilight looked at her checklist again, and let out a sigh of relief. There was only the music and the desserts to check up on after the decorations, all three of them relatively safe, indoors activities. Then, she’ll finally be free to see what her guards had found about Nightmare Moon at the library.

Rainbow Dash sat down, watching as the baby dragon and the tiny unicorn passed over the bridge and entered Town Hall. “Twilight Sparkle, eh?” she said with a sly smile. “Powerful enough to be the princess’s personal student… and with connections to Spitfire, only the most awesome pony out there! I have to be friends with her, no matter what!”

Overwatch let out a groan. Twilight Sparkle was being more of a magnet for trouble than she had expected, and it was starting to get annoying trying to figure out ways to keep her safe without overtly firing off bolts or subduing the entire local population.

Actually, at the rate this was going, that might not be a half bad idea.

Overwatch hopped over to the next rooftop closer to her charges just as the door to Town Hall closed behind them. The central structure was surrounded by a large ring of open space that separated it from any other buildings, but it still had fairly large windows, so even from her distant vantage point, Overwatch was confident she would be able to intervene if anything serious came about. Sure, Twilight had almost been bucked into paste and tackled into the ground before she could react, but hopefully, things would calm down a bit. Always got to stay optimistic in these situations.

She pulled out a piece of apple pie with a happy grin and took a bite from it as she settled into her spot on the roof. Besides her two charges, there was only one other pony in Town Hall, so Twilight should be fine, and Overwatch could finally take a few deep breaths and calm down a bit. It’s no fun being stressed, after all, and very nearly failing to keep Twilight intact was starting to take its toll on her mental state. It was time for a break, preferably before she had the time to develop a bad attitude and spread it to others. That would not be delicious at all.

Well, hopefully, she’d have time to rest.

She raised the pie up again and opened her mouth again, but she paused just as she was about to take the bite.

Scratch that. It was too much of a long shot to leave Twilight alone and not expect things to immediately escalate. There was a difference between optimism and blind hope. With a sigh, Overwatch looked somberly at her dessert. There was clearly no time to properly enjoy it now, and here she was, just about to revel in the fact that she had snuck past so many ponies to get it.

She quickly scarfed down the rest of the pie before she hopped back down to street level, walking calmly and confidently toward the Town Hall. The easiest way to not look suspicious is to act like nothing’s wrong, and nothing was wrong, right?

It was that exact moment that a high-pitched shriek sounded from inside the building.

Oh sweet Celestia, please no.