• Published 8th Jun 2014
  • 13,752 Views, 839 Comments

Shadowy Love - FinnPony

King Sombra, the tyrant of Crystal Empire is back, only to be imprisoned by princesses and put through reformation with Twilight Sparkle as his teacher. Can somepony with heart as black as night be reformed? Twilight believes so.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Shadowy Love
by FinnPony
Chapter 9

The corridor that lead towards the personal chambers of Twilight Sparkle was well illuminated by many crystal lamps that hung from the ceiling. They shed blue light around them, making the atmosphere calm. Still, one of the guards that stood in guard in front of a door was anything else than calm. He grinded his teeth, earning the attention of the other guard that stood on the other side of the door they were guarding. They knew that it was almost time for princess Twilight Sparkle to wake up. It meant that their shift was about to end, only to continue after three hours of sleep. That wasn’t what made the orange-coated guard so nervous.

Suddenly there was a loud thud heard from behind the door they were guarding.

“You heard that?” white coated guard with blonde mane and tail asked from the orange-coated pegasus with blue mane.

“What?” the orange pegasus asked, arranging his armor so it would feel a bit more comfortable. “I didn’t hear anything.”

“It was like something was being broken back there,” the white stallion said and pointed towards the door behind him.

The orange stallion shrugged and said, “He’s been thrashing back there for who knows how long.”

“Aren’t you worried that he might be doing something back there?” the white stallion asked. His companion gave him a sour look.

“What do you think? The former tyrant of my birthplace living here, this close to Twilight. I am a bit more than just worried,” he said and glanced behind him.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle,” the other one said calmly.

“What are you trying to say?” the orange-coated pegasus hissed from between his teeth. The other one looked a bit troubled, and shifted his weight from hoof to other for a moment.

“Is it true what he said?” the white one suddenly asked.

“What?” his friend asked.

“That you… you know…” the white guard muttered and rubbed his neck. “...love her?”

That question made the orange coated pegasus fall silent. He turned to stare in front of him. That gave him away to his friend.

“Flash…” the white pony said slowly and shook his head slowly. “She’s a princess...”

“So!?” Flash Sentry barked back at him, making him jump backwards a little bit. Flash then returned to stare the wall in front of him, clearly angry about something.

“And you are a guard,” his friend said, sounding almost sad.

Flash Sentry frowned and said, “We don’t have a caste system here in Equestria…”

“But she’s a princess,” his fellow guard said with a consolationing look. Flash Sentry inhaled deeply, before sighing and drooping his head sadly.

"I know…” he said slowly and quietly. “But I can’t help myself.”

“I understand,” his friend said and patted him on the back.

“She is just so…” Flash started, looking towards her bed chambers. “So perfect.”

There was a deep silence between them after that.

They both just stared in front of them for next ten minutes. Then Flash Sentry suddenly sat down and took off his helmet. His friend gave him a strange look.

“You know what Sam?” Flash Sentry asked from his fellow guard. Sam just looked at him in a bit worried way.

“I signed myself to the guard training after Sombra was defeated,” Flash explained quietly and looked at his helmet. He then continued, “Do you know what made me do such a stupid thing like that?”

“I can’t say that I do,” Sam answered.

“When I got to the castle after the battle, I saw the crystal heart on it’s place… Seeing something I had only heard in stories… You know about the curse, right?”

Sam nodded. Then Flash continued, “When I first time saw it, I… I knew that this is how it was supposed to be. Now I can’t even remember how the things were before…”

“Why are you telling me this?” Sam cut in.

“Do you know who saved us?” Flash asked quietly, and Sam realised where he was going. He gave Flash a raised eyebrow.

“So…” Sam started slowly. “Is that why you are…”

“When I saw her as a princess for the first time…” Flash said and fondled his helmet in his hooves. “On that moment I decided that she was something I wanted to protect…”

“That’s way too cheesy for me,” Sam said annoyedly. Flash chuckled and put his helmet back on. He then stood up and continued to stand in silence.

Sam was a considered as an oldtimer amongst the guards. He glanced towards the lovesick stallion… or a colt, depending how you look at things. He felt bad for the boy. A guard of humble beginnings having a crush on a princess. Amusing, but at the same time quite sad story. Sam started to smile a small smile, thinking that at least Flash would be better candidate than the stallion they were guarding right now. Heh… King Sombra and princess Twilight. Like that would never happen.

Suddenly they heard the doors of Twilight Sparkle’s personal chambers open. They both perked up. They heard clattering of hooves coming towards them, and soon they saw princess herself trotting towards them in that blue light that the crystal lamps emitted. Sam grunted when he saw the dreamy look on Flash Sentry’s face.

“Snap out of it kid,” Sam murmured from the corner of his mouth, making Flash perk up again.

“Good morning,” Twilight greeted them as she stopped in front of them. “Has he caused any trouble?”

“Good morning princess,” Sam and Flash greeted in unison and nodded to her. Twilight smiled to them and nodded back. Even though she didn’t demand her guards to greet her so formally, she still liked it.

“He’s been making ruckus all night,” Sam answered to her question. Twilight seemed surprised. Usually Sombra had been still in sleep when she woke up.

“What kind of ruckus?” she asked.
Sam shrugged and said, “He’s been pacing around the whole night, or at least that’s how it sounded like.”

“I wonder what’s up with him…” Twilight pondered out loud, rubbing her chin in thought. She then said, “I better go have a look.”

“Princess!” Flash suddenly said, stepping in front of Twilight, who gave him a confused look. Sam face-hoofed himself when Twilight wasn’t looking and Flash started to smile sheepishly. He then started to stammer, “I-uh… He might be doing… some.. uhh… stuff?”

Twilight looked at him with a confused frown and Sam face-hoofed again.

“Flash… Are you feeling alright?” Twilight asked. Flash looked surprised.

“Excuse me?” he asked.

“You are sweating and your words don’t make any sense. Are you sure that you are feeling alright? Those could be symptoms of a fever,” Twilight lectured and put a hoof on Flash forehead, making him blush like mad.

“Your face is all red, but you don’t feel hot. That could be an indicator to something else than just fever,” Twilight pondered out loud again. She then smiled and said, “I would recommend you to see a doctor.”

“I’m quite alright princess…” Flash said, clearly nervous. “Besides it would mean that Sam here would be left to guard the castle all alone.”

“Oh I can manage,” Sam said with grin. Flash’s eyes went wide and his mouth hung open.

“Oh,” Twilight exclaimed happily. “See Flash? It’s alright. Sam can take care of the castle when you are gone. Tell you what… You can have the day off if it’s okay for Sam.”

Flash glared daggers at his fellow guard, who just shook his head and said, “No problem. You go and rest at the barrack for the day. Get yourself some medicine and clear your head.”

Flash noticed the emphasis on the last part. He knew that it was not worth starting to argue, so he just nodded. Twilight smiled and said, “You have such a good friend. Not everypony is willing to do somepony elses job for free.”

“Tell me about it,” Flash said with a hint of venom in his voice.

Twilight didn’t notice it and said with a smile, “Have a nice day.”

She then opened the door and walked into the guest room. Flash and Sam stared at the door for a moment, before Flash sighed and started to walk away. Sam stopped him by grabbing him from the neck and pulling him closer to himself.

“Pull yourself together boy,” he hissed and shook the youngster a little. “You’re going to make us look bad someday… I just know it.”

“It’s none of your business,” Flash retorted.

Sam shook him a bit more harshly and then said, almost like in a fatherly tone, “Really… get your thoughts settled.”

There was a short, intense silence between them, before Sam shoved Flash to move forward and said, “Now get the buck out of here.”

Author's Note:

Sam is a character in one of the IDW comics, who is seen only once, but I didn't come up with any better name :P