• Published 7th Jun 2014
  • 1,679 Views, 3 Comments

Forbidden - Maddielittle1998

Chrysalis and celestia meet as fillies. Can their friendship grow into something more?

  • ...

The start

"Tia! That's not fair, I definetly beat you!" A black changeling shouted.

"Yeah Tia, I totally came before you!" Came a draquenucus's voice.

"No fair, you are an alicorn, I bet you used wing power to propel you!" A dark unicorn with glowing eyes said.

Princess Celestia of Equestria, held up a white regal hoof.

"Please, my subjects. I can settle this dispute," she said in her most graceful and caring voice.

"Tia, we are not your subjects! I am a princess!"

"Yeah, and I am a prince! A prince of chaos, no one controls me!"

" And one day I will become a king!"

Celestia raised a powerful eyebrow. "I, Princess Celestia of Equestria declare this race.....a draw! Who wants cake?!"

Immediately, the two fillies, changeling, and baby draqueanaucus forgot about the previous argument. Cake was an important matter at hoof.
Discord held up a claw in the air and puffed out his chest in a tough display. "Watch me, as I summon a delightful pastry with my all powerful abilities!"The mismatched baby draqueanaucus tried his best and even bit his tongue in concentration as he held out a paw and claw in front of him. "Come on come on come on come on!"

Celestia clapped her hooves. The rest of the group followed suit.
"Now, everyone gets the same amount Discord." The little alicorn princess with bubblegum pink hair snatched the cake up in her magic and divided it into four pieces for her friends. Her friends did not notice that she gave her changeling friend the biggest piece out of all of them.

Oh, this is the most fun I've had all year! I love the summit of the four tribes! Celestia thought to herself. Every year, the changeling queen, crystal queen and king, and the leaders of the draquenucus's tribe would travel from all across equestria to meet at the castle of the sun and moon raisers. It used to be strictly for business and world affairs but each country ruler had children. All of the kids seemed to hit it off since they met around three years ago. And during the week of the summit each year, they were inseparable. So they turned it into a vacation. The little alicorn felt she had the best friends a filly could ask for.

"One for Chryssi, one for Sombra, one for Discord.... And one for me!!" Each filly had their own slice of cake finally and a calm silence filled the air as they ate. Celestia smiled happily. She was having so much fun!

Of course, the main reason she couldn't wait any longer for this visit was to have a sleepover with her bestest friend ever, Princess Chrysalis. Ever since they were five years old, they started this tradition. Now they were eight and Princess Celestia's mother said that they were allowed to have a sleepover completely unsupervised.
This meant big things were going to happen.
"Why are you grinning deviously as you eat your slice of cake?" Said Discord innocently to Celestia.
Everyone looked at her.

"What? Oh, nothing!" Hehe... Oh the pranks we could pull later... me and Chryssi....

It was sunset in Equestria and all of Canterlot was slowly shutting down, house windows were glowing with the light of candles, and children were getting sleepy. Just like any other normal end of the day.
The only fillies who were feeling refreshed, and energized were the Princesses.

Mainly Luna. Probably because she was the night princess.
She came into Celestia's chamber room and skipped happily up to her big sister.
"Good evening Tia, good evening Chrysalis!"

Chrysalis sat on her best friends bed. She looked to see the grinning blue alicorn and jumped up to greet her.
"Luna!" They hugged excitedly. "You're awake now ! Which means you get to stay up late with us!" Said the changeling.
Celestia shook her head and jumped off of the bed.
"I'm sorry Chryssi but she just can't. Mommy said Luna is still on punishment."
Chrysalis gasped." For what!"
Luna sighed." Ah. Yes. That...well, I. Um... I... Kissed my best friend on the lips when I thought no one was looking. But I guess Mommy was.." Luna's face was beet red.

Her sister and Chrysalis felt sympathy for the little alicorn and Chrysalis wrapped a wing around her. Celestia put a hoof on the fillies shoulder.
"That's ok, I mean... It can't be that bad, everyone kisses boys eventually." She said trying to console the filly.
Celestia cringed." It wasn't a colt. That's why mommy got upset."

Chrysalis gasped." You kissed a mare?" Her surprise showed by her hanging jaw, and widened green eyes. Chrysalis's wing was still wrapped around the night princess as the fillys eyes watered.
"Y- yes."
"On the lips." Celestia restated the fact.
Luna shot a glare at her older sister." I really don't know why I did it..."
Chrysalis comforted the filly by bringing her chin up to meet her gaze. Her insect like wings fluttered back to her side and Chrysalis stood up to her full height.
"Listen, I know that's not how things are done here. But I still like you if it makes any difference."
Luna looked as if her heart was soaring.
Luna threw her arms around her changeling friend and shouted,
"Maybe this will still be a good night! Thank you Chryssi!"
The black mare nodded and smiled as she embraced the younger alicorn.
Celestia nudged her little sister with a hoof." Please, I don t want you to get in trouble anymore. Go back to your room before Mommy comes to find you."
Luna nodded quickly and ran out of the room saying good night.

Celestia's chamber doors shut and she turned back to her changeling friend.
Unfortunately her friend looked downcast and gloomy.
Celestia put a hand on her chin just as Chryssi had done just a moment ago to Luna.

"Don't be gloomy. I don't like to see you sad." Celestia said in her most reassuring voice.
The black mare looked into her white friends magenta eyes and gave a sad look.
"Why won't ponies just accept some ponies are different? Some mares like other mares and some colts like other colts... Back in the changeling kingdom, things are way different. Since us changelings can reproduce asexually, there are mare and mare couples all the time.No one gives them time out because of it."
Celestia didn't understand what some of those words meant, or why reproducing had anything to do with it but she figured it was stuff her parents would talk to her later about. Anyhow, she was just trying to cheer her friend up.
"I- it's different here. It's just considered wrong...to.. Like the opposite gender. It's always been. That's how the nobles like it, that's how my parents like it so I guess that's how it's supposed to be."
Chrysalis stomped her little hoof on the ground." That's stupid!"

Celestia nodded uneasily. She herself had always thought it was wrong. That's how her parents felt. She grew up learning the same. So now she was agreeing to something that said otherwise and she was feeling weird about it.

Lately...she'd been wondering about things. About why she preferred the company of her mare friend rather than her colt friends. And why she couldn't stop getting Chrysalis out of her mind when she thought about crushes and kissing and all that other growned up stuff. And why she blushed every time Chrysalis came close to her, or brushed wings with her.
She didn't want to think of these things because it felt wrong. But now to hear that Chrysalis felt the same way....
"Chryssi?" Celestia moved closer to her best friend. The changeling looked up at her alicorn friend again.

" I guess we are right then. No one should be punished because of the way they were born." Celestia smiled at Chrysalis and hugged her." Whatever happens, you'll always understand Chryssi."
Chrysalis hugged back, and held on a little longer than usual.
"Tia..." She whispered.

Celestia's heart skipped a beat and the hair on her neck stood up on the edge. Chrysalis was so close....
Celestia was being held by Chrysalis's black hooves. She looked into Chrysalis's huge green eyes and said," yes?"
Her voice sounded breathless but it wasn't just because Chrysalis's hold on her was tight.
Chrysalis didn't answer. Not with words anyway.

The changeling brought her mouth to Celestia's own in one quick movement of her head.
The white Princesses eyes widened and her body stiffened. This was new and exciting and definetly not unwelcome. But she didn't know what to do until she sighed and breathed into the kiss, putting pressure into their mouths as they fused together. Chrysalis's mouth was sweet and warm, and reminded her of delicious cake. She wondered if this was how kissing was supposed to be done. Until she felt Chrysalis squeeze her even tighter, making her breathless once more.
I don't want this to end... Thought Celestia.
But soon, too soon for her, Chrysalis drew back. She smiled, her face blushing uncontrollably, and put a hoof up to her mouth."Shhh."
Celestia nodded and pretended to zip her mouth and throw away the key.

The rest of the night was filled with endless laughter from two very excited filly princesses who had just received their first kiss.

Princess Celestia of Equestria woke up before dawn to help her father raise the sun. She checked her hair in the mirror, brushed her teeth and put on her regalia.
Today was a big day.
It was the summit of the four tribes, and the whole castle would soon wake up to her mothers sun and begin preparations for the queens and kings of the other lands to arrive at noon.
This was going to be the most exciting two weeks of her life. She just knew it.
She knew because Chrysalis had gotten her parents to extend her stay. By two whole weeks. Even though it wasn't a long time,
Two weeks was going to have to do for the two eighteen year olds whose hearts belonged to each other. For what was it, nine years now? Celestia thought.This Wednesday was to be their ninth anniversary as a couple. Today was Monday which gave Celestia plenty of time to prepare her gift for Chrysalis.
They were a secret couple,yes. But they were happy anyway. No pony could judge them when they were alone because every pony just assumed that when they were alone, it was as friends. But it was quite a different situation.The two had become official marefriends a year after the first kiss. When Chrysalis came to visit a year after that night, Celestia decided that they were soul mates. And Chryssi agreed. This began a new and beautiful love that only blossomed with each year. First it was tiny kisses, then caresses. Holding hooves came next, and as the years went on became make out sessions.
The year both turned fifteen, their relationship grew serious. Chrysalis and Celestia were having their " sleepover" when Chryssi's hoof slipped during a kiss and hit Celestia's flank. That was the night they both shared their love for each other as best as they could.
Just thinking about the rest of what happened that night made Celestia blush and she had to stop thinking about it before she burned holes in her cheeks.
She still wasn't used to it, even three years after the first time.Chrysalis always teased her that she was too innocent for her own good, but Celestia argued it was because some people preferred not to have their heads In the gutter.
"Oh, my head is in the gutter is it?" Chrysalis answered her, in her smooth, silky voice."Then I guess you won't be surprised if I do this-"
Celestia quickly brought herself out of her daydream. Oh, Celestia get ahold of yourself or someone will notice your darn burning cheeks! No one in this whole castle knew, or suspected, she couldn't risk it now.The only other pony who knew of their love was Luna.
My dear sister Luna....
Celestia smiled and decided she would try to get Luna off the hook with their parents this week so they could spend time with Chrysalis together.
Lately, Luna had been getting in much trouble as she was not very keen on listening to orders. While she had a good heart, she was always a little more rebellious than her older sister. Now at fifteen, the active young teenager would find ways to sneak out of the castle, and meet with her friends to do rebellious teenager things.

Celestia wasn't much into that, she was too busy. Learning how to run a kingdom, meeting nobles. Plus, she had other hobbies to occupy her time.
Like writing letters to Chryssi every chance she got.
The two would send almost twenty letters a day to each other as soon as they figured out how master the spell.
This was Celestia's whole life. Being in love, and being loved back. A forbidden love, but she couldn't imagine being with any other pony. There was no other mare she loved more than her beloved Chrysalis, the changeling Princess.
Not a single colt could turn her head, and her parents noticed that. Luckily, they were so blind to think that it was just because Celestia had high standards.
It was funny sometimes, her parents never assumed Celestia was the one holding back secrets and lies. Whenever something happened, they always assumed Luna was behind it. Celestia didn't try to get her sister in trouble, but somehow her parents always were suspicious of the night princess instead of the day Princess.
Oh if they only knew that everyday I live a lie....while Luna is the one staying true to herself.

Celestia stepped out of her chambers and nodded to the ever faithful guards at her doorway.
"Good morning guards!" She said cheerfully.
The guards bowed respectfully in return. "Your highness."

"Do me a favor and see to it that I have some chocolates and flowers brought up to my room please."
The guard nodded obediently and galloped off in the opposite direction of Celestia.

Celestia headed into her parents bedroom without knocking.
She knew that her parents would be on the grand balcony, ready to change times.
Sure enough, the two monarchs looked back at her and smiled.
Her fathers loving gaze and mothers gentle warm smile filled her with that same pang of guilt she always felt.
I'm not really as good and true as you think....

Luna uncaringly trotted in the room, while chewing on a blueberry muffin that was following her due to a blue magic aura surrounding it. Her tiara was crooked, and her regalia hung sideways on her delicate neck. Celestia wanted to giggle but held her posture perfectly,using all her years of pracitce at hiding her feelings in front of others. Her little sister was so cute when she tried too hard to be cool, keeping a good posture was difficult for Celestia.
Though her parents didn't find it endearing the way Celestia did, their posture stiffened and her mother spoke firmly, " Darling, you cannot have those sweets before bed."
"Like Tartarus I can't!" Said the teen whose voice became muffled from the amount of muffin in her mouth.
Luna stuffed the remains of the pastry into mouth with her hoof and gobbled it quite loudly.
Celestia wanted to shake her head. That pony... And she wonders why she isn't allowed much freedom. Either way, Celestia brought a hoof around her sisters shoulders to try and save her from her parents wrath.
"Sister, why don't we give it a rest for today? You and me can go later when Chyrssi, Sombra, and Discord get here to the lake and run it off."

Her parents smiled at her and her mother spoke up," Great idea, Celsstia. Luna, you will go with your sister and do as she says."
Luna looked at her mother and smirked." Yes mother."
When their parents turned away Luna winked at Celestia.

"Thanks!" She mouthed.

"Whatever," Celestia mouthed back, grinning.

The two sisters nudged each other playfully while their parents honed in on their magical skills. Luna waited until she felt her mother grasp the moon. Then she assisted as she and her mother worked perfectly together to lower the large mass in the sky. Her mother didn't need the help of course, but Celestia knew her parents were training them to one day do this by themselves. So Luna lowered the moon, her tongue sticking out in concentration. After this happened, Luna relit her horn to lower the stars as well.

"Good work my darling!" The queen put a wing over her daughters back. Luna squirmed away , but her mother still held that proud smile.
Celestia moved next to her father. She loved doing this with him. It was a great bonding experience they shared every morning since she turned thirteen. Her father smirked, his deep magenta eyes and white coat shimmered in the beginning sunlight and Celestia watched him, smiling back.

The king made the connection with the sun, and Celestia connected as well. Her horn glowed brightly with her golden colored magic, and her father raised the sun over the horizon. The large mass moved to their will, it's brilliant rays flooding the lands near and far.
Celestia was quite proud of her special talent. The sun and moon were finally in their rightful pattern thanks to the alicorns who set it there, and the task was done.

Her father patted the elder daughter on the back with his large wing just as her mother did to Luna. Only Celestia didn't move away.

"Now that, is how you raise the sun my dear! I didn't even do most of the work this time, that was all you." Celestia pushed her bubblegum pink flowing mane out her her eyes. "Thanks, Father." She said bashfully.

The queen moved to Celestia and hugged her.

" I'm so proud of you, you'll be such a great leader." Her mother stroked her hair." I can't wait until you meet your fiancé!"

Celestia froze as she listened to those last words."I- what!?"

Author's Note:

Yah I- ok bye

Comments ( 3 )

Need some clean up but it an fine work of art

Really needs it. The errors are so thick in the first few lines I can't bring myself to finish.

My dear buck, that was amazing! I don't get why you wouldn't continue it, it's brilliant! I need way more of that than there is for now.

Really, if you can't go on with it, just gimme the baby. ;)

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