• Published 6th Apr 2012
  • 12,610 Views, 551 Comments

Doctor Whooves - The Series: Episode Three - Along Came a Spider - Loyal2Luna

When Zecora falls ill with a deadly sickness, it falls to the Doctor, Twilight, and Fluttershy to find a cure in her ancestral homeland Zebrica. All the while dodging the twisted machinations of an old foe from the Doctor's past.

  • ...

—Coming Soon—


“So, girls... where to next?”

“I think it would be wonderful if we went someplace nopony has ever gone before.”

*Scene opens onto a great Chinese-esque palace within a crystal globe, a wondrous wintery, frozen landscape outside of it.*

“Somewhere... elegant... Regal... Exotic.”

*Scene changes to an oriental courtyard, moving rapidly into a set of large golden and scarlet doors opening.*


*Scene reveals a well-dressed equine, but he is clearly not a pony. He has a pair of curved horns far longer than that of any creature, stiff, wiry hairs that make up a spiky silver mane, and rather than fur, his exposed skin shimmers with sparkling white scales. He carries himself with a regal demeanor, standing over a head taller than the gathered ponies, while sporting an elegantly groomed set of whiskers and a finely combed, wispy tail.*

Lord Kir
“Welcome to Qing, Travelers from the Heavens.”


*A gong sets off a vibrant oriental background music.*

*Scene showing a thriving socialite upper-class existence; a lavish party among the elite to welcome their new guests.*

“Home of the last vestiges of the Quilin. I am Kir, Lord Prince of the Last City. Please, consider yourselves... friends.”

*Kir pauses as his eyes fall on Rarity, then finishes his sentence with a slightly alluring tone. He smiles at her warmly as she is equally taken.*



*Scenes change quickly, to Pinkie dancing on a stage, dressed in a harlequin outfit to the delight of the audience. Then to a scene of Rarity moving in an elegant dance next to Lord Kir.*

Lord Kir
“Ours is a utopian society. Protected from within and without. We have risen above petty needs and concerns, and indulge in the finer things in life.”

*Scene of Rarity, leaning into Lord Kir intimately as they stand in front of a large clear window, looking out onto a glistening frozen landscape. She is fixated on the view, but Kir is focused only on her.*

“It’s so beautiful here. So... perfect.”

Lord Kir
“It is now.”

*Scene shows of the Doctor, who is clearly concerned as several obviously female quilin cut him off from following after Rarity and Lord Kir, who slip out from the party in the distance.*

*Scene changes, Twilight who seems amused and content to stay back and out of the formal affair, accepting a drink from a waiter, a being slightly shorter than the average pony with dull scales and short horns.*

“I’m sorry, what was your name?”


*Scene with the four ponies sharing a meal around a large round table with the Lord and several other quilin who share similar traits to him, all dressed in finery. Focus on Twilight, who’s eyes narrow in concern.*

“Now, I do have some questions about the Sai…”

*Several scenes flash by rapidly, showing more of the smaller beings with short horns, each shown working: In a kitchen, tending to a quilin’s personal grooming, massaging Rarity in a spa, and cleaning up around the city.*

*The inquiry at the meal table seems to draw out some displeasure as an elderly quilin, his wiry mane and whiskers long enough to reach the floor, offers a chastising tone.*

Unnamed Quilin Noble
“Take care, Lady Sparkle...”

*Scene interrupts, Pinkie and Twilight sneaking out of a room, down a darkened corridor.*


*Scene of Rarity standing alone in a room, looking around in wonder at the mountainous piles of gemstones that glitter with an inner warmth.*

“...can be a very dangerous thing.”


*Music drops with a shrill note from the string section.*

*Scene changes to the Doctor, tapping his hoof against his lip thoughtfully.*

“Something’s... not quite right, here.”


*Music comes back with a vengeance, suddenly frantic and dangerous as the oriental instruments take on an urgent edge.*

*Scene changes to a close-up of Pinkie Pie.*

Pinkie Pie

*Scene of a large drill-head chasing after Twilight and Pinkie in a tunnel.*

*Scene of multiple quilin outside the TARDIS, clearly attempting to break in as sparks fly from an unidentified machine near the door.*

*Scene of the Doctor on a snowy bank, frost covering his face as he struggles against the biting subzero cold.*

*Scene of one of the smaller alien creatures from before with the short horns slamming a hoof against a transparent barrier, clearly terrified and attempting to get away from an unseen danger.*

*Scene of Pinkie and Twilight in a dungeon-like cell, a chill air apparent as their breath turns to steam. Twilight wears an expression of defiant agitation while Pinkie Pie, dressed in a red and black harlequin outfit with three diamond shapes on her flank, grins enthusiastically.*

Pinkie Pie
“Don’t worry! I have a plan.”

*All sound stops.*

“Does this plan happen to involve confetti?”

*Pinkie Pie blinks once… twice.*

Pinkie Pie
“Okay, I have a new plan!”

“...We’re doomed.”


*Scene comes to light with Rarity, facing a mirror that is turned away from the audience, a look of pain and anguish in her eyes as her coat seems to have dulled and her mane hangs limply along her neck and back. A shadowy figure moves around behind her, the silhouette obscure but equine in form.*

Unknown Figure
“We have conquered the cruelties of Fate.”

*Scene of Twilight, in obvious pain as she tries to push herself up, gripping onto a railing as tears form in her eyes.*

“We have bested the ravages of Time.”

*The Doctor gritting his teeth as he looks up, his coat smoking and muscles twitching before a burst of silent energy throws him back.*

“Such a flawless gem deserves to be among us...”

*Pinkie Pie is hanging onto a broken railing, her legs kicking as she tries to pull herself up.*

*The unknown figure leans forward, whispering into Rarity’s ear.*

“Our Eternal Princess...”

*Pinkie’s hoof slips as she is jostled.*

“Forever young... and beautiful.”

*The pink mare falls as a brown stallion slides into the scene, reaching over the edge... but a moment too late, as she is beyond his reach, plummeting to a certain doom.*



*Scene opens up with the Doctor standing opposite of the elderly quilin noble, the grey-whiskered, horned equine smirking smugly.*

Unnamed Quilin Noble
“I always win, Doctor.”

*Focus shifts to the Doctor, whose eyes are red and shimmering with suppressed tears, glaring angrily, a hint of terrible sadness clear in his expression as the camera slowly closes in on him.*

“Can you say the same?”


What lies beneath perfection?

Doctor Whooves: The Series - Episode Four
“Only Skin Deep”

Comments ( 74 )

My god.... It's beautiful. I love the way you write these. Very unique. Also patiently awaiting the first chapter.

Looking forward to it!

Edit: Well, that's new. Woo!

Pinkie and Rarity's turn PLUS seemingly off-world? Awesome!:rainbowdetermined2:
Looks like the next instalment shall be another interesting one, just as they always are.:rainbowkiss:

Hmm, I wonder if it will involve something similar to the Ood.

I must read this new story :pinkiegasp: soooo looking forward to it

Do Want:rainbowkiss::pinkiehappy::scootangel:

You never cease to amaze me Loyal2.
Do want!

You are incredible.

...WOAH! Loved this story, and I can't wait for this new one either!

MLP-aliens? This is gonna be good.

but really, I think we already knew that.

Pinkie Pie, dressed in a red and black harlequin outfit with three diamond shapes on her flank, grins enthusiastically.

That's no harlequin outfit. :pinkiehappy: Is it, Mr. J?

And thus, we close the book in yet another amazing tale of our favorite Time Lord and his little pony band of adventurers.

Now to wait five months for the next one. And I brought my tent, too.

Camping trip!

Amazing trailer of the upcoming story, who is following a georgeous one who is succeeding to an awesome one. You are definitely honouring both universes.:twilightsmile:

Brilliant as always. I just wanted to point out one thing though. You called Twilight a he.

Twilight, clearly in pain as he tries

Qilin? Chinese mythology and symbolism? Pinkie PIe? You've piqued my interest again... not that it left.

All the same, I'm really looking forward to when the clock strikes 12 and The Master returns.

Very Nice. Just the right tone that the 'next episode' teaser gives.

I like what you do building the chapters around aspects of the girls personality (Fluttershy's need for bravery, Twilights worship of famous scholars and figures, and now I guess is Rarities vanity if the titles right.)

I have an idea of what will happen (Doctor who teasers doing the same) but thats only in the overall scheme of things. Like knowing your destination without knowing what roads your going to take.

I look foward greatly.

I got goosebumps. :pinkiegasp:

1193970 eheh... well, yeah... a littttttttle over anxious. Anyways, Coming Soon has been 'edited' for full proof-read. Sorry 2d... I was having a bad day at work and needed to post so I could have something to look forward to at the end of the shift. :pinkiesad2: *offers my proof-reader a gem-encrusted apology cookie*

haha when you describe the lord the first thing that pop in my mind was a kirin and I was right ^^. Welp no I can see why on the letter at the end of the epilogue it said that "friendship will fail". Poor Rarity will not be able to resist the temptation of eternal youth. :pinkiehappy: can't wait for the first chapter

I shall now wait patientl-............ MOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR:flutterrage:

1196782 .... Wait? I'm getting PAID for this? :rainbowderp: ... wait, NOPE, still free to read. :trollestia:

it could happen, you've got the talent and someone at BBC might just happen to see these.

I mean *clears throat* *now in a much deeper voice* err.. Riveting tale!

Need moar!


This Quilin Noble person should never do this:


P.S. Stop being soo awesome Loyal2Luna :rainbowkiss:

By Chrysalis's mane, i cant wait!

Every time I read one of these, I can see it playing out in my head exactly like an episode preview from the actual series. That, my dear, is some brilliant writing.

As a long time lurker, who only recently made an account here, I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your work. You keep the spirit of the Doctor Who series as well as the feel of MLP. I adore seeing the nods to continuity you make as well as your devotion to the world Squeak and the crew of PonyinaBox Production formed. For that you deserve kudos and much love, for it shows the love you have for the fandoms.

And Chameleon Circuit FTW. I love their music.

THE EIGHT LEGS AND THE GREAT ONE?! Holy crap I didn't think anybody remembered that episode! You just made my fricken evening! Okay, this episode was just awesome. It plays a lot like the new series Doctor Who which is fine by me. The villain was great and way Fluttershy handled her first adventure was very well done. Zebras were an awesome race and kid Zecora's got quite a mouth.

About the whole "destroyer of worlds thing", I have to admit, putting that this early on in the game seemed to be the right move and to have Zecora know the dark side of the doctor was an interesting twist. I just wonder what the girls will think when they learn of all the Doctor's past mistakes, including the Time War (I'm really interested in when Applejack's "Your lying line from your first episode will play, my guess is during the climax).

Celestia's book thing makes me wonder if this is all chess of the gods like thing were dealing with. It seems the Royal Alicorn family, who seems to know more about the Doctor then let on, has something to play in part with the future and that's to be seen later I guess.

As for the one who the "Mastermind" of all this, I'm wondering if this is a Doctor Who villain or not. If creatures have fallen into the cracks of times, who knows who might appear in the future. I can only think of a few possible Doctor Who villians who might be behind this: Fenric, The Ancient One, The Black Guardian, The Valeyard, Fendahl, and so forth.

Then again, after reading your season preview thing I'm starting to wonder if it's the Master or the Time Lords. I don't know, but I'm very edger to find out.

Hope to see more soon.

When do you expect the first chapter of the new episode to be released, if you do not mind me asking.

1202398 No set date for release just yet. Still working on Mass Effect at the moment, then will see about getting prologue set up.
All good things in time, my dear readers...

Edit: That's Mass Effect: Equestrian Equation. I can't play the new Leviathan DLC for ME3 yet...because SOMEPONY decided to loan out our ENTIRE MASS EFFECT COLLECTION!!! *glares at husband* *ahem* Sorry, just wanted to clear that up.

Thanks for the fast reply, good luck with the ending to ME:EE, which I am looking forward to reading, and I hope that you get to play the new DLC for ME3, it is pretty good.

OH MY EFFING GAWD!!!!! :OOOOOOOOOOOOOO :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:


How about the adoration and excitement of your fans? Does that work?

1201853 Don't forget the Doctor's greatest ever mistake: Not touching the two wires together on Skaro when he was Tom Baker. And yet, even that was the Time Lords' fault, since they sent him there in the first place.

The entire downfall began at that moment, when he decided to have mercy on what he knew to be the most evil race in the universe.

He forgot: All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

Someone must make the tough choice. Someone must pay the emotional price. Someone must live with the guilt of wondering if they did the right thing. Oddly, when you try to avoid that, you often end up finding yourself paying an even worse price and asking harder questions.

That's why I deal with things by smacking them with a big stick! :trollestia:

1201853 Oh, I don't think it'll be the Master anymore. Given that he now knows what Rassilon and the Time Lords did to him to screw up his entire life, I think he's gonna be more pissed at them from now on than he ever was at the Doctor. :raritywink:

Now, the Black Guardian... THERE is one entity to be concerned about. He's never had any final showing in the Doctor Who canon, rather it was made very apparent that he and the White Guardian would be around 'until they were no longer needed' as the White Guardian said. And I must wonder if that's the case with that mysterious black shadow that keeps showing up and seemingly whispering things into their minds, but always avoids the Doctor's sight.

Friendship will fail... if there was any being that I would expect the Elements of Harmony to be useless against, it's the Black Guardian, for like it or not, the White Guardian made clear long ago that both of them were part of the balance of the cosmos. As horrible at is sounds, he is part of Harmony! Which means he can weild a part of it, and turn it against itself. Against him, friendship will fail.

There is also the devil thing from 'before time' cast into the black hole, Omega (still stuck in the antimatter universe, though he's not 'evil'), Tirec and the Power of Darkness, and the Smooze (I know, it's a horrible memory from that movie, but taken to its extreme, it's a most terrible monster, potentially unstoppable).

And there's always Discord, a major wild-card in fanfics. Depending on how he's written, he can be a playful trickster who actually will stop other powerful beings from ruining his 'toys' as he calls the ponies, or a hyper-sadistic manipulative monstrosity who tortures his playthings with increasingly twisted mental games until they're driven to kill other ponies and then themselves. And then turns the world inside out and pasely and makes it explode multiple times, killing and re-killing the denizens in every possible way until he grows bored (at which point I have to intervene, fix everthing, and re-mineralize him in the Canterlot Maze... making sure to send a big flock of pigeons his way...)


If it is a "MLP" villain in the end then it's going to be Tirac or Discord. Smooze doesn't have the power to do all this. I still am willing to believe it's a Doctor Who villain.

1223589 It doesn't feel like Discord's modus oporandi. From the god of chaos I wouldn't expect something thought out so far in advance, and yet clearly there has been planning.

There are only a few villains from Doctor Who who qualify as powerful enough to warrent this level of threat.

However, it may end up being something else entirely. The rocs are an original addition to the pony world, as the bringers of death to the zebra, which demonstrates the author is not unwilling to introduce major original elements into the story canon. The main villain could be something we don't expect.

True, but all the scrolls he's be getting sort of indicates that this being knows the Doctor or at least what he represents.

1223687 Yes, but that could mean it's the worst possible thing: a crazy fanfic writer with god-moding powers. :trollestia:

1223691 *tinker-tinker-tinker's with the world, physics, fate, and fragile emotions of my readers*
*continues to tinker*

1202946 OH! I missed this question. Srry Gamerrick. Allow me to clarify.

Cracks in time as Anasi described were considered by the Doctor to be an impossibility until the events leading up to the Big Bang 2, so as far as the Doctor is concerned, it can 'only' be that anomoly, with the 'great explosion' that Anasi described being the actual moment of the TARDIS' explosion. Since the 'void' is technically outside his home universe, there is no telling what effect the second big bang that 'rebooted' the Doctor's universe would have had on objects and creatures IN the void since time and space are both irrelevant in the emptiness of the Abstract Plane.

In other words, this new information is something the Doctor can not identify, quantify, or predict.

1226344 *grins evily* My emotions are anything but fagile. I'm a research biologist AND a Conservative Tea Party member!! ... Never has there been any greater monster on Earth!

(Alondro is PROUD of his monsterism! For it gives him great power...) I can break cinder blocks with a punch! (GREAT POWER!!! :pinkiegasp: )

(Commander Kruge of the Klingons watches video of this comment) Great power... to con-troll... dominate...

(Maltz) Impressive, he can troll planets.

Coming soon: Star Troll III: The Search for Spam


ah angering the doctor. Not the best thing to do. Look at what he did to the people hunting him and hurt people to get to him. he gave them what they wanted but not in the way they wanted it. And demons run. and the weeping angels with the trap. or the daleks.

You, author are amazing, incredibly talented. I can't even fathom how much effort (not to mention skill) goes into making each of these. You do a great job of making the story EXACTLY like a Doctor Who episode... except you know, with ponies.

I have actually read several "official" doctor who books (like spinoff stories made with the approval of the BBC and marketed) and your stories far exceed those in quality.

My fav part by the way was the Doctor's confrontation with Anasi at the end when she died, that was very true to the franchise


I don't know much more about Doctor Who verse than what is shown in this arc's stories, but seeing Anansi and her clutch got in Equestria, they indeed might have been brought here by one (or more) bad guy(s) from his original verse... but having read the whole arc still leads me to seriously think the future -tyrant- Sparkle from Squeak-Anon's Traveller fic is among those playing behind the scene... suspense is killing me. :twilightsmile:
... and pondering about this makes me want to listen to this for the ambience:

1259607 And then the reveal: it's Saddam Hussein again! :pinkiegasp:


*ponifies -> Saddle Hussy? :derpyderp2:

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