• Published 26th May 2014
  • 74,955 Views, 2,904 Comments

How many friends have you made today?! - Sarcastic Brony

Anon likes to keep to himself, but Celestia thinks he should make friends.

  • ...

Really really

“Anon, please,” Celestia whines in a very unprincessy manner.

Anon is holding tight to the door handle on his house. Celestia is quite literally trying to pull him away with her magic, but his grip is surprisingly strong, and Celestia does not wish to hurt him. Still doesn't stop her from trying to pry him off.

“I said no!” he shouts loud enough for all of Ponyville to hear him. Good thing he is so far out of town.

You’re probably a little confused as to what is happening right now. It’s easy to explain, actually. A few weeks ago, Anon finally accepted the fact that Celestia had become one of his friends. Once that little revelation happened, Celestia decided to spend more time with Anon in more friend-like activities. Such as going to the park, bowling and even having lunch together.

Anon was skeptical at the time, but would’ve been lying if he didn't admit that he enjoyed his time with her. They’ve grown close, and Anon does like how lively Celestia can be. One moment, she has all the wisdom in the world. The next, she is stuffing her face with a cake that is almost half her body size. Anon also gets a kick out of how the other ponies react when they see them together. Anon, the antisocial human, and their lovely matriarch.

So, little by little, Celestia showed Anon around Ponyville and even took him through the Everfree to see the Castle of the Two Sisters. What Celestia found the most interesting is that Anon never showed much concern when they walked through the forest that day, telling Celestia that the Everfree reminded him of home. She knew that deep inside Anon bottled his emotions, and that isn't healthy for anypony. So she dedicated herself to being the bestest friend a pony could be.

So how has Celestia been faring with this friendship you ask? To be honest, she’s loving every moment of it. She is so used to having to act like a princess around all her little ponies. She has longed for a day just like this, to have a friend that looks at her and does not bow. One that greets her with a hug, albeit a little hesitant, but still far better than she ever got from other ponies. With the exception of her sister, of course. Yes, she feels a great sense of ease knowing that Anon is her friend.

Though back in the present, she silently resents him. They’ve been talking about this trip for the past few days. She told him that it was going to happen, and now he is trying to claw his way back into his home.

“Anon, stop it!” Celestia says with irritation.

“No!” Anon squirms around in Celestia's magic.

“Anon, please do this for me. We’ve been all over Ponyville and I want you to see the castle.”

Again, that whining voice. You thought Rarity had a whining voice? Yeah, you haven't heard nothing till you hear Celestia do it. Thousand years of practice. Anon can handle it. He had to put up with Luna before she had her morning coffee. Now that could’ve been considered hell on earth.

“Why can't we just stay here?!” he screams out.

“I want you to see the Castle, to see my room, maybe even Luna’s.”

His grip falls at that as he slams face first into the dirt. Celestia lets go of his lower half that was wrapped in her magic. He quickly turns around to face her.

“Oh hell no! I’m not going to see Luna until I know she’s fully awake!”

Celestia smiles in triumph.

“It’s good to hear that you agree, Anon.”

Anon’s eyes widen as he replays the exact words he said.

“No, wai-”

“I can't believe you hit me in the head with a rock,” Anon says as he rubs the back of his head.

“I told you, I didn't do that,” Celestia says with a sigh. “Pinkie came out of nowhere and hit you with it. Said something about moving the story forward. She disappeared before I could stop her!”

Anon is feeling a little groggy, it felt like he took a boulder to the back of his head. Which is kinda funny, because the rock actually was Boulder. Pinkie put the rock in a box and sent it to her sister, Maud. But that isn't what this story is about. Currently, Anon and Celestia are sitting on a train waiting for it to arrive at Canterlot.

“Why are we on a train anyways?” Anon asks.

Celestia is sitting next to Anon, she has the window seat and he took the isle. She looks over to Anon with a smile and uses a wing to pull him to her side.

“I enjoy the time we share, Anon. Whether it be having lunch or taking a train. I must admit, it’s been a long time since I took the train.”

Anon looks up and watches Celestia as she looks out the window. He finds it rather odd how his friend can take joy in such simple activities. He knows that her life as a princess is hard and so much is expected of her. But does she really not get out that much?

“How long ago would that be?” he asks to break the silence.

Her smile slips some. An action that does not go unnoticed by Anon.

“Many, many years.” Her smile returns as she pulls him closer to her barrel, never turning from the view that pass her by. “It’s good to have a friend to enjoy it with me.”

Anon can say many things about this situation right now. The word that stands out in his mind the most is comfortable. Right now, Anon is pressed firmly to Celestia’s chest as she holds him with her wing. His want, to protest is slowly draining with the soft rocking of the train, the steady and powerful breaths Celestia takes, and the silkiness of her fur and wings.

Celestia can feel her smile grow a little more as she hears the soft snoring of Anon. She pulls him closer as she leans her head against the window. She has never felt so comfortable around any other creature in her life. She allows her eyes to fall closed as she rests alongside her friend.

“Next stop, Canterlot!”

Both Anon and Celestia jump from their positions in shock. They look around, bleary-eyed, until they face each other. Celestia removes her wing that is still wrapped around Anon. They both face away from each other for a bit, but soon regain their composure. So they took a nap together, no biggie.

“We should prepare to depart,” Celestia speaks.

Anon nods. “Makes sense.” He gets up from his seat and points to a few bags that he assumed were his. “So sho-”

In a flash, they are gone. Anon looks to Celestia as she gives him her usual smile.

“They will be waiting for your arrival.” She quickly trots past him as he shakes his head some in bemusement.

Anon and Celestia walk out of the train and look around a bit. Anon must admit that seeing these ponies gawk at their princess using a train is rather enjoyable for him. Celestia on the other hand never shows a change in her demeanor, making it seem she had done this a thousand times. Anon takes his place by her side as she walks toward the streets.

“This place is rather fancy,” Anon says as they walk the streets of Canterlot, a small regiment of guards surrounding them. “Could lose the guards, though.”

“They’re here for our protection,” Celestia answers in her princess voice.

Anon knows what she’s doing. She’s wearing her princess mask. It’s something he rarely sees in private and only a little while in Ponyville. Even with her mask on, he can see how she wants to dismiss her guards or to walk into that cake shop they just passed.

“Do you mind if we stop for a moment?” Anon asks.

Celestia looks to him with a raised brow. “Very well. What is it that you require?”

He shrugs. “Not much. Just wait here.”

Celestia gives him a nod and watches as he walks off toward the cake shop she’s been dying to visit. Anon walks into the shop and quickly finds a young looking mare behind the counter. The mare sees him and can't help but feel a bit flustered. A few moments ago, she watched from the window as this creature walked along side the princess. So he must be someone very important.

“H-How may I he-elp you?” she stutters in fright.

Anon looks around a little until he spots what he is looking for. He points to the chocolate cake.

“Two of those,” he says neutrally.

“Two slices?” she asks nervously.

“No, the entire cake.”

In all of her time working at this shop, Frosty has never seen a pony order that much cake before.

“Are you sure, sir? That is a lot of sugar,” she warns.

“I won't be eating it alone,” he answers.

She gives him a nod and goes to get his order ready. Anon is happy to know that they have more than a few of them already made in the back. He quickly grabs his bag of cakes, pays the mare and is out the door in less than ten minutes. Celestia finds her gaze moving towards the rather large bag Anon is carrying.

“What did you buy?” she asks.

He shrugs again. “Just something we can enjoy while we have our tea.”

Celestia wants to take Anon into a hug at this very moment. If you want to make Celestia a friend for life, remember one simple thing: she loves cake. She can feel her usual motherly princess smile starting to crack at the seams. She needs to get to the castle quickly.

“Very well, I will inform the staff to ready my sitting room.”

With that said, the two of them continue on.

“That will be all, thank you.”

Celestia gives thanks to the maid that brought them their tea. Celestia quickly closes the door to her private sitting room, though it mostly functions as a place where she can eat all the sweets she wants in peace. A pony almost got a picture of her stuffing her face in a cake. Thanks to this room, though, she would never need to worry.

Anon is done setting down the boxes on the table. He pours the both of them a glass of tea and waits patiently for Celestia to send the staff away. Once the door was closed, Celestia practically giggles like a schoolgirl as she flies over to her seat and pulls one of the boxes close to her.

“Oh, Anon... I’ve been waiting for this all day,” Her mouth is watering a good amount as she looks upon the beautifully crafted cake.

“Well, don't just look at it.” Anon chuckles a bit.

While the situation at hand may seem normal for the two of them, it wasn't really the same thing outside. The two guards that are standing outside the door can't help but eavesdrop a little, and from their perspectives, things are getting rather raunchy.

“Come here my little sweetie.”

The two guards shift uncomfortably as they hear their leader speak.

“Will you stop that?! You’re dripping everywhere!” they hear the human scream.

“I can't help it! I’ve been dreaming about this for a long time.”

The two guards look at each other.

“Should we really be standing here?” one asks the other.

“I don't know!? I don't remember training for a situation like this!” they other yells in a whisper.

The one from before stomps a single hoof, which is kinda like a finger snap to a human. “I got it!” He turns to his partner. “We guard each end of the hall. We can't have ponies come walking by and hearing this. Yet we’ll also be too far to hear it ourselves.”

The other pony looks at his partner with a sneer, that turns to a wide grin suddenly. “Genius!”

The two ponies quickly leave in opposite directions as they guard the ends of the hallway.

Back inside the room, Anon just shakes his head in amusement as he looks at Celestia. She is stretched out on her seat, chocolate covering her entire muzzle while she gently rubs the sizable bulge of her tummy. Giving small groans every so often. At least she is smiling now.

“I-I think I ate too much,” she speaks in a labored breath.

Anon looks down to see two empty boxes.

“I can agree to that.” He takes a sip of tea.

She looks down to what she’s done. “I-I’m sorry, Anon. You didn't get any.”

She looks like she is about to cry. Celestia tends to get really emotional after eating too many sweets.

Anon waves it off. “I bought them for you.”

“Really?” she asks.

He nods. “Really. When I saw your eye flicker over to the store, I instantly knew why.”

She lets out a sigh of content as she continues to rub her belly.

“You know me well, Anon.”

He nods some. “That I do.”

“This one is when Luna and I defeated Discord,” Celestia says with pride.

It took a few hours, but eventually, Celestia was back to her perfect figure. It always amazes Anon how she can eat her own weight in cake, but never gain a single pound. Something about an “alicorn metabolism.” At a certain age, an odd thing called an “Alicorn Blueprint” is saved in their biology. That is why they stop aging and that is how they always keep their looks through the ages. It also explains how Luna was a filly before and then quickly grew to her current form. That’s my excuse, and I’m sticking with it.

“So you two defeated the ugly lawn ornament that brought me here?” She nods. “Then you decided to gloat by placing him in the gardens?” She nods again with a smirk. “I think I might love you.”

They both suddenly start laughing aloud. They continue on as Celestia gives Anon a basic breakdown of what each window signifies. Soon they both end with her throne. Before Celestia could take her seat, Anon takes her place upon the throne. Celestia looks at him with a raised brow. Anon points to a guard that is seated next to the throne.

“You!” The guard looks over. “You’re fired!”


Anon points to another guard. “And you! I bet you didn't think I saw you stealing from those orphan foals!”

“I would ne-”

Anon was going to point at another guard, but feels himself lifted out of the throne by Celestia's magic. She brings him over to face her.

He shrugs again. “I got a little power hungry.”

She gives him a bemused look as she takes her seat.

“So you say.” Though she held that bemused look, Anon can see the ends of her lips turning up into a smile.

She sets him down next to her on a pillow she had brought in.

“So what are we going to do today?” he asks.

“I need to talk to a few nobles. If you wish, you may explore the castle a bit.”

Though her voice was even and calm, Anon could hear the slight pleading behind each word.

“Can I be present during these meetings?”

Celestia lets out a sigh of relief. She hates having to meet the nobles on her own. Not that she couldn't handle herself, it’s just really boring.

“Of course.” She then turns to one of her guards. “Who is the first noble?”

The guard pulls out a list with his magic.


Celestia smiles at that. “My nephew, wonderful. Please show him in.”

The guard gives a nod to another over at the doors and he returns the gesture. The door slowly opens as a single stallion comes bolting through.


The stallion stops in place as he spots Anon. He looks at him, then back to Celestia, showing a good level of uncertainty. Celestia gives him a gentle smile and a shallow nod. Blueblood regains his composure and lifts his head high as he approaches the throne.

“Hello, Aunty,” he says in his Canterlot voice.

Celestia rolls her eyes. “Come here and give your aunty a hug, Blue.”

Blueblood looks over to Anon uncertain again, but quickly runs up to Celestia as she wraps him in her wings. Anon isn't really surprised by these actions. Celestia told him about Blueblood before. He actually feels kinda sad for him. It seems that Blueblood has a mental disability, usually causing him to act out at times and be very antisocial to other ponies. Though he does like to spend most of his time with the animals in the garden. It’s one of the main reasons Celestia even has so many.

Also, Blueblood is not actually related to Celestia. He was just found wandering the streets of Canterlot one day, and because of his special needs, most ponies wouldn't adopt him. So Celestia took him in as her own. While magic is a very powerful thing, there are just some things that cannot be helped. He tries to be a really good boy for his aunty, but sometimes he can't control himself.

They both break their embrace as Celestia nudges her head towards me.

“Want to meet my friend?” she asks Blueblood.

His face contorts to disgust. “W-Why would I w-want t-to meet a filt-thy..” He bites his tongue. He didn't want to say those things.

“Remember what we talked about. Take your time and breath.”

Blueblood closes his eyes and takes a few breaths. He then gives a few nods as he mumbles to himself.

After a few minutes he speaks. “I would like to.” A certain strain can be heard in his tone.

Celestia smiles at him as she directs him to face Anon.

“This is Anon. He is one of my bestest friends.” She speaks in a calm motherly tone. As if she was showing a foal his new room..

Blueblood looks to the odd creature that sits beside his aunt. He has never seen any creature like him in the picture books aunty shows him. He’s also never seen one of him in the gardens before. Though he did kinda look like one of the monkeys that he liked to play with.

“H-Hi...” Blueblood says nervously.

Anon gives him a gentle smile and slowly reaches for him. Blueblood freezes up some, but watches as the creature places his claw onto his head and pets him gently. Slowly his nerves start to calm, the creature wasn't so bad if he was petting him. Blueblood loves to pet the animals in the garden after all, and being pet felt rather pleasant.

“Hello, Blueblood,” Anon speaks calmly.

Blueblood can't believe it! He is making a friend right now. Maybe this one won't avoid him like other ponies do. Blueblood then slaps Anon’s hand off his head.

“Don't touch me you mons-” He bites his tongue again as he moves away from Anon. “I‘m sorry, I-I didn't mean to, I didn't mean...”

Celestia wraps Blueblood in her wings as she gently coo’s to him.

“It’s alright, remember the exercise. Breath in and out.”

Blueblood is in tears. He can't believe that just happened, right as he was about to make a new friend. The creature would hate him now and never speak to him. Though it is rather muffled, Anon can hear Blueblood sobbing some.

“Hey.” He calls out gently as Celestia flexes her wing some to show Blueblood’s face buried into her chest. “I’m not mad, honest.”

Blueblood looks over to see the creature doesn't look mad. He doesn't look happy, but he doesn't look sad either. He kinda looks like one of the guards. Blueblood likes the guards. He always wanted to be one.

“R-Really?” he asks.

Anon nods. “Really, really.”

“Are we friends?” he asks next.

Another nod from Anon. “Of course.”

Soon Bluebloods crying comes to a stop as he regains his composure. He looks up to Celestia.

“C-Can I go in the gardens?” he asks.

She nods. “Sure, take a guard with you.”

He nods and shows himself out. Celestia lets out a tired sigh.

“If only I had the power to help him.” She says with a hint of sadness.

She feels something settle onto her withers. She looks over to see Anon giving her a gentle smile.

“You’re helping him. The fact he lives in an awesome castle is proof enough.”

She chuckles some at that. “I guess so. Did he hurt you?”

Anon looks to his hand. It is a little red, but no worse for wear.

“I’m cool. So am I going to get a first hand experience on a princess’ life, or should I head to the infirmary while you deal with the nobles?” Anon asks with a grin.

Celestia looks to Anon, then immediately turns to her guard.

“Next subject!”

Anon collapses onto Celestia’s bed. He doesn't even care that she is lying next to him. He can't believe how mentally exhausting those nobles can be.

“You deal with that every day?!” he yells.

“Want to know the saddest part?” Celestia asks. Anon faces her and gives a small nod. “That was a good day.”

Anon shakes his head some at that.

“You’re really something if you can deal with that.”

Anon feels some shuffling coming from next to him. He opens his eyes and sees Celestia out of bed and walking towards the door.

“Come, it’s time for dinner.”

“Wait, dinner?” Anon looks over to a clock and sees what time it is. “We spent seven hours listening to those stuck ups complain?!”

Celestia chuckled. “That we did. Thank you for enduring with me.”

Anon lets out a grunt as he gets out of the bed and follows after Celestia, mumbling harsh words under his breath.

“Will you stop sulking!” Celestia scolds Anon.

Anon sits in his chair and continues to grumble. Celestia will admit that her meetings with the nobles of Canterlot usually leave her in the same state. However, she grew used to it over the years.

“I can sulk if I want to!” he counters.

They both stop when the doors to the hall come flying open. One rather disheveled looking Luna comes stumbling in. Seems like she just woke up.

“Hello, Tia,” she greets automatically. “Human friend.”

She walks by them both and takes her seat. She then perks up and quickly faces Anon.


Anon’s eyes go wide as she flies out of her seat towards him. They both go tumbling on the ground and land in a heap of legs and forelegs. Anon and Luna have a pretty close friendship. Maybe not as close as Celestia’s but pretty close. They usually talk in Anon’s dreams, or sometimes during her court. She needed someone to practice modern Equestrian on and Anon was perfect for the job. Seeing as he never ran from her in fear.

“Luna, get off me!” Anon yells as he tries to untangle himself from her.

A soft glow of yellow surrounds them both as Celestia helps pry her sister off Anon.

“Luna, what have we talked about?” Celestia scolds some.

“Do not attack the guests,” she says with a sigh.

“You remember what happened last time, don't you?”

Luna looks to her sister aghast. “You know as well as I that we were at war with the Minotaur before my banishment!”

Celestia rubs her face some. “That still did not give you the right to attack the ambassador they sent!”

“Can you put me down?” Anon asks.

Celestia sits him beside her as he continues to grumble to himself. Luna mirroring his mumbles as Celestia lets a tired sigh out. Soon the servants come and place their dishes in front of everyone. Anon isn't too sure, but his nose is picking up something he hadn't smelled in a long time.

“Perhaps this will lighten your mood.” Celestia says just before she pulls the covering away from Anon’s plate.

Anon looks to his plate with wide eyes. Could it be?

“This isn't what I think it is, right?” he asks.

Celestia giggles some. “Sent fresh from Griffus.”

What is set before Anon is one of the biggest hams he has ever seen. If it was any more ham then it would've been a pig on a spit roast! He looks to Celestia in shock.

“Marry me,” he says with stars in his eyes.

She scoffs at him. “Do enjoy it, Anon.”

He doesn't need to be told twice as he takes a long blade in one hand and a fork in the other. As Anon chows down Celestia looks over to Luna.

“How has night court been going?”

Luna doesn't show any interest in Anon eating meat. In fact, before her banishment, it was common for ponies to eat fish. One of her best friends was a griffin as well, so she never felt wrong by seeing another creature eat meat. Though she will admit that it’s still odd to see Anon eat both meat and vegetables. Usually, creatures eat one or the other.

“Fine, the court is starting to pick up,” Luna says with excitement.

“Good for you. Anything noteworthy?”

Luna chuckles a bit. “I got a few noise complaints. A DJ set up a midnight club and forgot to soundproof the walls. Practically kept most ponies up.”

“I heard of her. Isn't her name, Vinyl?” Celestia asks.

Luna nods. “Correct, sister. I had to stay up a little late, but I managed to settle things nicely.”

“Good work, Luna.” Celestia reaches over and nuzzles her gently.

She pulls back and looks over to Anon. She can't help but feel her eye twitch as she spots an empty plate and Anon on the floor holding his stomach.

“Oh god, the pain! The delicious, salty pain!” He cries out.

Celestia gets up and goes to Anon.

“Why did you eat it all!?”

He groans again. “I-I see a white light.” He reaches his hand up and touches Celestia’s chest. “Oh, that’s you.”

“Come, we need to get you to bed.” She says quickly.

“Sleep sounds good.” He says in a drunken voice.

He waves at Luna as Celestia picks him up with her magic and walks out of the dining hall.

“He can be very strange when he wants to be.” Luna says to herself as she returns to her meal.

Celestia quickly sets Anon in bed and wraps him up. He lets out a long yawn and settles in nicely.

“You should really learn to take it easy,” Celestia warns.

“Says the mare who ate two boxes of cake,” he jokes.

Celestia shakes her head. “I knew I could metabolize it all in a few hours. I’m not so sure how humans work on that level.”

He waves it off. “A little rest will help me feel better.” He yawns again.

Celestia can't help but chuckle. “I’ve really had fun today, Anon.”

He chuckles too. “I will admit, it wasn't so bad.”

“How would you feel about visiting here more often?” Celestia asks.

“This might be the ham coma speaking, but I think I’m ok with that.”

Celestia’s smile grows larger as she nuzzles Anon’s cheek. Anon pats her head some just before she pulls away.

“Good night, Anon.”

“Good night, Tia.”

Author's Note:

What the hell.. How did this get here?