• Member Since 20th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago



Everypony believes that Nightmare Moon was some dark demon or a servant of Discord possessing Luna, but the lunar princess can't bear to tell them the truth. What really happened a thousand years ago, and how does it continue to influence Luna's mind? Will the power of friendship be strong enough to help, or will Luna give in to hatred once again?
Come one, come all, and join a great new experiment in the writing of collaboration fanfiction! New or experienced, old or young, all are invited to participate!

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 24 )

Not bad, not bad at all! (claps) :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:
Seriously, you put too much pressure on yourself :twilightsheepish:

So, what I think: your writing is already not bad, much better than a big portion of stuff that I see. It's evident that you're pretty careful :twilightsmile: No stupid spelling mistakes, or obvious grammar ones. That alone gets a pretty high score from me!

410854 Thanks! Now, if only I could figure out how to write scenes with large amounts of dialogue without making myself cringe...

Well, if all goes according to plan, I'll have gotten some practice in that arena by the time this thing is finished. First and last chaps are mine and mine alone, and there will be some very important dialogue-heavy parts in the last chapter. Still, hearing this sort of feedback from an author of your caliber really means a lot to me.:pinkiehappy::yay:

I like your writing style :pinkiehappy: And this seems like an interesting idea, actually. I may take a stab at the second chapter later :twilightsmile:

Im not able to read it right now, but i do find the idea interesting, so whenever im able ill try to comment or send u something.

412383>>412678 All participation is welcome, and I look forward to your input!:twilightsmile:

This is gearing up to be an interesting fan fic. Besides my own take on this particular ship, I've on seen it done once before. I've never seen a open-ended collaborative fic that was just "who ever wants to pick it up from here, feel free!" Granted you gave some very-necessary boundaries, which should help it along nicely.

I want to say I'll contribute, but I honestly don't know when I'd be able to do it, especially since I haven't updated my own fic in so long. Perhaps when I get out for summer.

415639 I haven't seen this sort of open-ended collab fic either, and with a community like ours, that really surprised me! And don't worry about time, that sort of "I'd love to help, but may not have time" attitude is exactly what this type of collab fic is meant to deal with. Just getting your support is enough!:pinkiehappy:

I really like this idea, and I hope that you are able to get plenty of support in writing this. This is an awesome undertaking, and I'd be deeply saddened if it didn't take off (especially considering the helpful nature of this fandom). I'm pretty swamped with school right now, but hopefully I can offer a helping hand in three or four weeks. Again, best of luck!

433164 I understand, and thanks for the support. Even if you guys don't have time to contribute right now, though, I'd really appreciate it if you could help me put the word out about this fic. I'm still relatively new to the brony community, and I haven't a clue where to promote this story outside of FimFiction (plus, I just don't feel comfortable doing too much self-advertising, it makes me feel like an attention whore and I can't seem to rationalize it away). More views means more potential contributors, and more contributors means less chance of the project dying.

And I really don't want to see this project die.

Understandable, and I have to admit that I'm kind of new to the community as well. I mean, I've been lurking around for a while, but I haven't really joined in with anything as of yet. I'll be sure to promote this as much as I can though. As I said before, I'll be very sad if this project falters, but I'll try my hardest to make sure that it doesn't.

434347 Thanks, buddy. That's all I need.:twilightsmile:

Wow, very promising start, I like it so far, the writing was splendid too, by the way.

Ha, you do the same thing as me don't you, I write a very detailed summary of my stories in a little notepad before actually writing it, it helps alot, especially when I forget what I wanted to put at a certain part of the story.

436794 Well, not exactly. When I wrote out summaries for those sections, it was less for remembering and more for elaborating. What I do is I get inspiration for an epic scene, then use the details I included in my vision that "just seemed right" to help inspire me on how the rest of the story goes. The summary thing came from when I tried writing out the story, but kept hitting writer's blocks when I had to write certain scenes that touch upon my authorial weaknesses, so I decided to write whatever I could and come back to them later. They also helped to further define the scenes in my head, thinking them through to get more ideas, but I won't be including most of those ideas in the chapter prompts. I'd prefer to give you guys as much freedom as I can afford.

Alright, I'm finally out of school and have a good amount of free time at the moment. I'll try my hand at writing something this week. Hopefully if this gets a little ways in, people will start to join in and help.

And second chapter is posted! Feedback is appreciated!

Sounds great, I'll give a stab at it later tonight once I actually have some spare time for once. :pinkiecrazy:

Any preference on how long it should be?

668832 I'm trying to have as few limits and as much flexibility as possible, so just write until you feel its finished.

Speaking of flexibility, while I do have the overarching story planned out, don't worry about writing anything that could conflict with it. The last chapter showed me that my plan can still incorporate ideas and additions from the stuff you guys give me, so instead of conflicting with my story plans, you might end up improving them!

"Or do would rather return to your duties back in Ponyville?" :rainbowhuh:

"The setting changed – suddenly they were walking up a flight up steps leading to the ramparts overseeing Canterlot."
"Symmetrically, it would have been more appropriate for the Luna’s chair to be at the end of the table."
"Several ‘hm’s and ‘I see’s sounded from her as she poured over every feature of Orion."

It may just be the proofreader in me speaking, but you should fix these. :derpytongue2:

Other than that, great story so far. :raritywink:

674178 Fixed. Thanks for pointing those out!:twilightsmile:

What have we here? *dons oversized glasses* :coolphoto: I do love seeing how others interpret Luna's massive potential for original character development. If I can spare the time in my hectic schedule, I would love to contribute to this. Will read tonight.:duck:

Glad to see this is still getting notice. Let me know if you start working on something, I'd love to bounce ideas.

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