• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 13,606 Views, 696 Comments

My Little Medic - CommanderX5

Twilight Sparkle, shrunken student of Princess Celestia, becomes the Wonderbolts’ medic one year before Nightmare Moon’s return. What kind of challenges await the tiny but powerful unicorn as she studies and works under Spitfire’s guidance?

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Ch22 - Frenzy at Fancy's - Part 2

My Little Medic


Chapter 22

Frenzy at Fancy's - Part 2

The singing of the birds, a cool breeze, and the charm of a small garden all basked in the rays of her precious sun. Could the princess ask for a better background to relax herself alongside her dear student? It almost made her forget that she was in the middle of one of the most crime-filled city in Equestria, though the air was still fresh enough despite the lack of flora.

Celestia was lying on her side, supporting her head against her left forehoof, while the elbow of her foreleg was sinking slightly into the carpet. In front of her, she saw a little unicorn chewing a half eaten, horseshoe-shaped snack, tiny bits visible on Twilight’s balloon-like cheeks.

After cutting a fragment of apple pie and taking a bite, Celestia gulped and asked, “How is working for the Wonderbolts serving you, my faithful student?”

Twilight wiped her face and responded with a cheerful tone, “It is going great. Not only have I proved myself to the team and gained their respect, but they are actually relying on me, despite my minuscule size. It feels really great to be useful despite all disadvantages."

Celestia nodded while resisting urge to levitate over a napkin to clean her student’s face. Maybe I should ask her about her experience in Fillydelphia. It must have been a terrifying… She shook her head. Scratch that. We are here to enjoy ourselves. “How was the party after the match between the Wonderbolts and your brother’s team?” she asked nonchalantly.

Twilight’s eyes widened as she pointed at the princess accusingly. “You know? How?”

“Let’s just say that Spike was kind enough to send me something to eat with his flames. Quite considerate of him if you ask me.”

The little unicorn chuckled nervously. “S-so you don’t know what happened during it?”

“Has something happened that I am not aware of?” Celestia asked as she shot her student a suspicious glare.

Twilight shook her head in panic. “N-n-no, of course not.”

This is not the time or place to embarrass my student, Celestia thought as she considered changing the topic. Surely she could find out more from Shining Armor or Cadence later on. “I will take your word for it.” She took a slow breath and asked, “I heard that the Wonderbolts cut their show early four days ago. Did something happened?”

“Well…” Twilight started before glancing away evasively.

“Now I am even more curious,” Celestia said as she lowered her head closer to the little mare. “What kind of interesting adventure you got yourself into this time?”

Twilight blushed as she rubbed back of her neck and spoke with closed eyes, “It is kind of a long story… but in short, I tried to heal Lightning Dust’s wing, she was the captain of the opposite team and son—I-I mean daughter of Wh… one of the Wonderbolts.”

Celestia smiled. “Helping those in need is important, even if they are your enemies. It was very kind of you.”

Twilight took a step back before continuing, “Lightning Dust asked if I could spend my break with her. We ate donuts and talked with each other.” Celestia nodded, her ear exposed. “And she was captured by members of… some sort of mafia family.”

Celestia’s head retreated immediately as she looked down at her student with worry.

“I pretended to be a plush toy, and they took me with them. When I found out that they were planning to remove Dust’s wings, I had to interfere. There was some fighting, some talking, Overwatch snuck into the building to rescue us, and Spitfire broke through barriers developed by my family…”

The alicorn could do nothing but listen, dumbfounded as she tried to comprehend her student’s words.

“...and we came to an agreement. They forgave Lightning Dust for all her debts, and we promised to not chase them.”

They wanted to cut off a pegasus’ wings, no doubt as an example? I can’t tolerate such behaviour… but what can I do? If I will appoint more forces to track down one family, another one will use this opportunity to spread their influence. Manehattan is far too big city for me to supervise. With a hint of concern in her voice, Celestia asked, “Did they tried to hurt you?”

“Not at all,” the little mare responded as she shook her head. “To be honest, most of them were really polite and respectful. With help from the Wonderbolts and a bit of diplomacy, we managed to come to a peaceful agreement.”

“It still doesn’t change the fact that they are dangerous criminals,” Celestia stated with more serious tone. Her stare no longer relaxed. “After what you witnessed, would you like to see them behind bars?”

Twilight shook her head. “I gave my word that I wouldn’t try to track them down, and I doubt that capturing a unicorn who mastered his talents can be easy.”

Celestia massaged her forehead. We came here to relax, not to discuss how to deal with a crime. I need to change the topic, but what can we talk about?

“Princess, is something wrong? You look as if something was on your mind,” Twilight asked with concern.

After taking few calming breaths, Celestia asked the first question that popped into her mind, “Do you like me because I am huge?” Her pupils shrunk as she realized what she just said. White Path! she thought before blushing slightly as she tried to hide her embarrassed face behind her colorful mane.

Twilight took a step back and next rubbed top of her head. “What do you mean, Princess?”

Celestia lowered her head and sighed. Since I started it, I might as well go all the way. She spread her large wing towards her student and gestured for Twilight to hop on. The little mare didn’t hesitate to follow her mentor’s suggestion as she now sat, perched comfortably against her mentor’s feathers. “It has been years since you willingly decided to live in a large world, and you showed me more than once how much you respect me and enjoy spending time in my company.”

“Of course I respect you! You are a wise ruler, a great teacher, and a very kind pony,” Twilight said with a firm stomp as her hoof caused the wing to tremble a little.

Celestia chuckled and flapped her wing joyfully, knocking Twilight off balance, back to a sitting position and bouncing her a little on the feathery surface. After giving her student moment to reassert herself, she continued, “The son of Fancy Pants and a friend of yours, White Path, just half an hour ago pointed out that you like when everything is bigger than you.”

“I would be lying if I said I didn’t. According to books, it must be because I’m in my comfort zone.”

Celestia nodded and continued, “I still remember how terrified you were of me in the past, back when you were a tiny filly, but you surpassed those fears, and even forgave me when I stepped on you.” She paused before continuing in embarrassment, “White Path suggested that you like me because I am so big. Is that true?”

“Well... “ Twilight rubbed back of her neck. “You are so big on your long, strong and gentle legs. When you tower over me, I feel like a little and insignificant pony in front of a mighty giant, but I like this feeling; I like to admire you and work hard to be as great as you, Princess.” She grabbed a few feathers and pressed them against her cheek. “And your wings are so soft and warm. I really love to sleep on or under them. And they look amazing when you spread them in a display of power, especially after I preen them to the smallest detail.”

Twilight paused and released the feathers before hiding blush behind her own tail. “N-not that… it’s the only reason I like spending time in your company… You are very wise, kind, fun to be with... talk to... learn from…” She curled slightly. “Admiring your large features… is just a small… insignificant…” she gulped, “part.”

Celestia closed her eyes. She knew that a strong bond that formed between her and her student during past twelve years, but she never considered this sort of affection. I’m starting to suspect that my student developed an inferiority complex. This discussion can’t possibly get any more awkward.

“Twilight!” White Path shouted before jumping from Blaze’s back, landing with a weak thump on the grass next to the carpet. “I just heard a cool story. Is that true that you alongside Spitfire not only captured some foalnappers in the frozen north, but also saved a pegasus and forced a mafia boss to retreat. Another worthy achievement under your superhero belt?” He took a deep breath before looking between the speechless mare and surprised princess. “Oooh… I see how it is.” He smirked. “Chilling out and relaxing yourself on the comfy and huge wing of your large mentor.”

As Twilight pressed her face into Celestia’s feathers in attempt to hide, the princess rolled her eyes. I stand corrected. With a forced smile, she said calmly, “I am just having a friendly conversation with my littlest… dearest student.”

“You called Twilight your littlest. Totally nailed this one.”

Celestia cleared her throat with a cough. “While I wish to get to know you better, White Path. I am trying to have a private conversation with my student. I would like to ask you to respect our privacy and wait until we are done. I am sure you will have much more fun talking or playing with the Wonderbolts.”

White Path sat on a free space on the carpet and shook his head. “Not really. I wanted to play a wargame with them inside the residence, but my mom forbade me from using water balloons filled with paint.” He pointed at Fleur, who was now surrounded by a few Wonderbolts as she stood on a stone on tip of her forehoof. Next to her stood Lighthoof in similar position. “Furthermore, my mom doesn’t have any work to do for few days, so she switched to her adventurous mode. She challenged the Wonderbolts to various agility related competitions, and a wargame needs more than two ponies to play.”

“And I was looking forward to play it,” Blaze said in disappointed tone. “I like spending time with my younger fans, and it would be a nice change to throw balloons with paint at each other just for fun rather than to train our reflex.”

“Tell me about it,” White Path responded before eating a hoof-shaped cookie. “I am sure a talk between the all mighty ruler and super heroine in training can be far more entertaining. Just act as if I wasn’t here at all.”

Celestia closed her eyes as an honest smile replaced her forced one. I don’t remember the last time anypony dared to act so carefree around me. Even Twilight. It actually feels nice…

“White Path…” Twilight said hesitantly as she sat, no longer hiding her face.

"Yes, Twilight?”

“Would you please stop being disrespectful towards the princess?”

“Disrespectful?” White Path responded as his neck tilted backward. “What do you mean?”

Twilight stood on her rear hooves and pointed at face of her mentor. “Princess Celestia asked for some privacy, and you are disobeying her. I understand that we are guests in your father’s residence, but you shouldn’t overwhelm the princess like that.”

White Path raised his forehoof up to his mouth. “Oh… sorry. I just can’t help it.” His ears curled.

Twilight held her forelegs together in pleading gesture. “Would you please calm down and act your age when you are around the princess? Please.”

White Path looked around and spoke with panic. “How can I calm down? My dad organized a outdoor party. You came to visit me. The almighty ruler is lying in front of me on a carpet.” He pointed at Fleetfoot, who was now racing against Fleur through an obstacle course that he often used as his own playground. “The Wonderbolts are competing against my mother. Even your guard and Spike seems to have a conversation with my dad.” He spread his forelegs and asked, “How can I not be excited?!”

“Pretty please, with sugar on top,” Twilight begged as she shot White Path her puppy stare.

The grown up colt bit his lips as his ears curled again. He closed his eyes and pressed a forehoof against his chest. Slowly, he moved his forehoof closer and further away from as his hyperactive breathing slowed down. After few seconds of sudden silence. He opened his eyes and raised his muzzle. “I… promise to try.”

Celestia looked at White Path, her stare filled with disappointment. And here I was getting used to ponies acting casually around me. Easy come, easy go.

“I suppose you both wish to enjoy your time together, so I will take my leave,” White Path said before half bowing his head. “My apologies for the inconvenience.” He stood up and was about to go, when suddenly a thought crossed his mind. “However I would like to ask for one little thing before I go. Can I speak up, Your Highness?”

“Please, by all means do,” Celestia responded.

“Can we go to the frozen north and build a snowpony?”

“Oh, come on!” Fleetfoot said as a plate and teacup that fell a moment ago from her nose and nearly crashed into ground was now levitating, captured within a white aura of magic. She looked to the side, her attention now focused on Fleur, who stood, balanced precariously on her left foreleg and right hind leg. The unicorn’s right foreleg was straightened forward as four empty plates were being expertly balanced across it. Her left hind leg was raised as well, while one plate was located on Fleur’s rear hoof, a house of cards still standing on the plate. On the unicorn’s raised muzzle was one more plate with a teacup nestled atop it.

With the help of her magic, Fleur levitated the plates from herself and Fleetfoot before placing them on a nearby table as both mares slowly lowered their legs.

Fleetfoot stretched her tensed muscle moment later and said, “First Twilight proves herself with her skills and magic, and now this… How can a unicorn rival athletic pegasi in agility contests? Much less win five times in a row.”

Fleur shook her head. “To be honest, the race on the obstacle course was more of a draw, so I wouldn’t call it five wins in a row,” she commented.

Fleetfoot stomped her forehoof against the grass as few of the Wonderbolts took a step back. “How can a unicorn noble be more agile than a Wonderbolt? It makes no sense.”

Fleur wiped few drops of sweat from her forehead before fixing her mane. She observed the pegasus who stared at her impatiently. “Do not judge a pony by their appearance, it can be deceiving.” Upon hearing another frown, she raised her forehoof in lecturing gesture and continued, “I may be a model, but it does not change the fact that I enjoy extreme sports during my free time. I also exercise and train my balance and flexibility whenever I can.” She pointed at the spread wings of the Wonderbolt in front of her and asked, “How often you train your agility, balance and concentration without using your wings?”

Fleetfoot rubbed top of her head. “To be honest, our activities and trainings focus mainly on our flying skills. We’re agile, but we’re not exactly used to ground exercises…” She sighed and shook her head in defeat before looking at Blueblood. “As hard as it is to admit, it seems that unicorns aren’t so bad in sports after all, nobility or not, and considering the streaks of events that have been taking place lately, I bet that Blueblood is some sort of commando under his clumsy appearance.”

Fleur laughed cheerfully, nearly losing her balance before taking few slow breaths to calm herself. “How much are you willing to bet?“

Lighthoof stepped over and puffed her own chest. “I like to practice both on and above the ground, but I underestimated you.” She pointed at Fleur and challenged, “How about more serious competitions like: Evading lightning and blizzards, racing on ice, and—with the help of a cloud walking spell— cloud jumping games.” She smirked and turned her head to the side before saying in mocking tone, “Unless you are afraid that a bit of cold and electricity will ruin your perfect figure.”

Fleur fixed her mane. “A bit of lightning may shock me a little, but it will not ruin my natural beauty, I assure you.” She spread her legs and said, “Challenge accepted.” Her eyes filled with determination. Both unicorn and pegasus stared at each other for several seconds, but Fleur’s attention suddenly shifted towards the princess. “However before we start, I will need to speak with my son, please, excuse me.”

With graceful steps, she approached the carpet where a sitting alicorn was under heavy mental assault. White Path sat with his forelegs curled under his neck and eyes open widely as he performed his puppy stare, Twilight on his head in exact same position. The princess sighed in defeat and nodded in agreement.

“Forgive my interruption,” Fleur said as she got attention for the group. “Is my son a bother to you, Princess Celestia?”

“Not at all.”

White Path looked at his mom with exact same stare and said, “The princess agreed to take us to the frozen north so we can play in the snow, but only with yours or dad’s permission.”

Soarin’ flew over and landed on Fleur’s left side. His wings still spread, “Can I tag along? Please?”

Steel Blade landed on Fleur’s right side, his tail flapped left and right. “Me too!”

Fleur rolled her eyes. Stallions in body, colts in mind. She looked at the princess with warm smile and said, “If you are willing to look over my son’s safety, I have nothing against such trip… though I must warn you–”

Celestia shook her foreleg. “I already know, but I believe that I can handle your son’s vigorous personality.”

Twilight poked White Path’s horn. “And don’t forget your promise that you would behave in front of the princess.”

Fleur blinked in surprise. “He promised?”

White Path nodded hesitantly, forcing Twilight to grab his horn to not fall off. “I promised to try.”

Fleur smiled proudly before pointing towards the residence behind her. “If you are going to play in snow, please take a scarf and something warm to wear.” She continued in a motherly tone, “You don’t want to catch cold. Right, Sweetheart?”

White Path opened his mouth, but closed moment later as he resisted the urge to disagree. He cleared his throat and said with the most mature tone he could muster, “As you wish, Mom. I will put on something warm right away.” He pointed at pony on his head and next at the princess. “Should I look for something warm for our guests too?”

Fleur shook her head as her horn lit. An ornate purse levitated over in an instant. “I already have it covered.” She opened the purse as several tiny uniforms levitated out and started circling around the little mare. “Ever since Twilight’s hats became popular, I decided to arrange production of dolls in your size. Tiny size clothes included.”

Twilight hid behind White Path’s horn from embarrassment as she examined each of the clothes, from formal dress to uniform of a battle mage. She quickly picked up two specific ones. “Medic uniform?” Twilight said as she pointed at white medic’s coat rimmed with a blue stripe and a white nurse’s cap with the bright red medical cross.

“Correct. If you are going to work for the Wonderbolts, I thought that you deserve a proper uniform,” Fleur said before pointing at another one. “I also prepared a dark blue uniform similar to those that the Wonderbolts are wearing. Only four yellow lightning bolts rounding each leg as additional decoration. This one will keep you warm during your trip.”

Twilight nodded as said uniform was levitated over to her. Not wasting a moment, she put it on.

“It sure suits you, Twilight,” Soarin’ said with a cheerful smile.

“I think she’d look much cuter in medic’s uniform,” Steel Blade stated.

“Maybe we can one day play a dress up game,” Celestia said with a chuckle. “I am sure Cadence would love to play too.”

“W-whatever y-you s-say, P-pprincess…” Twilight responded with a sheepish smile.

White Path levitated Twilight from his head and examined her from many angles. “Wow, you look aweso… I mean, I must say, you look really impressive in this outfit.” He placed Twilight back on his head and continued, “With your permission, I would like to bring my plane model to see if it fits your new image.”

“Model of a plane? You make them?” Twilight responded.

“Just a small activity I entertain myself from time to time. Just a month ago, I made a model of gyrocopter, and unlike planes that run on a unicorn’s magic and are never used, gyrocopters are more popular among earth ponies,” White Path responded while raising his muzzle a little. Forcing Twilight to grab his horn for support. “It is just a mere toy, however, with help of your magic, I’m more than sure it could fly.”

Fleur looked at the giggling princess and said, “I can equip you with something warm as well, Princess Celestia.”

The alicorn looked back at Fleur with a warm smile and responded, “There is no need. My fur and a bit of magic is all I need to keep myself warm.”

“I insist,” Fleur said before levitating over pair of long white socks with small suns decorating it. Celestia blushed and refused with a shake of her forehoof while a weak laughter erupted in the background. Fleur levitated the legs warming socks back into her purse before pointing at her own forehoof. “Would it be too much of a problem if I would ask you for a little magical assistance? A cloud walking spell to be precise.”

“I am more than happy to help,” Celestia responded with sheepish smile, slowly recovering from her embarrassment.

Spike, who approached the group stopped under Fleur’s watchful stare. “And for you, Spike, I have a very lovely scarf and hat. Perfect for your trip.”

“Trip?” Spike asked cluelessly.

Fancy Pants waved towards the leaving guests, who, according to his wife, were flying towards the frozen north to build a snowpony… and some sort of snow fortress. His son was comfortably perched against the princess’s back and escorted by two pegasi. Spike was sitting on Steel Blade’s back, while Soarin’ flew side by side with Twilight, who was piloting a miniature plane while wearing a blue uniform, turning the propeller with the help of her magic.

He lowered his head and approached the dining table, when, suddenly, a suspicious figure gestured towards him from behind the right wing of his residence. After fixing his monocle, he recognized the pony. “Tombstone?” With slow steps, he approached, doing his best to act as natural as possible.

The moment both stallions were out of sight behind the residence, Fancy Pants asked, “What brings you to my property? Tombstone Del Gambino. I have already refused to participate in any kind of illegal gambling activity your family has to offer.”

Tombstone took off his hat and shook his head. “I am afraid this is not the reason why I visited you today, Mister Fancy Pants. I am here to warn you about our opposition.”

Fancy Pants raised his eyebrow. “Opposition? Are they planning to capture my wife for ransom once again? I was sure they learned their lesson.”

“Oh, they did, and I must say that you are a very lucky stallion to have such a brave and resourceful lady as your loyal wife,” Tombstone responded before continuing in more sorrowful tone. “This time they are planning to capture your son instead.”

“They are targeting White Path?”

“Correct, and considering that the Del Gambino family still owes you a very big debt, it is only proper of us to warn you and provide any assistance possible.”

Fancy Pants half bowed. “Thank you for your quick warning, but my son is in the very good hooves of a powerful friend of mine. He is safer in her company than he could ever be.”

“Do you mean Lady Twilight?” Tombstone asked.

“Not really, though I do not doubt that she would protect my son with her life. I was referring to the princess herself. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to ensure that Miss Spitfire and Prince Blueblood are not going to tear each other apart. Farewell.”

Tombstone observed as the master of this residence disappeared behind the corner. He placed a forehoof under his chin and said to himself, “My, my, I should’ve known. Where there is a princess’ student, there no doubt will also be her mentor. Such a pity I can’t spend time with such mighty mares.” He turned around and ran towards the wall. With one solid jump, he bypassed the large obstacle.

Fancy Pants kept walking as if nothing happened, slowly approaching Blueblood, who was now lying on the carpet with forelegs supporting his head, while Spitfire kept massaging his flank with a forced smile “Enjoying each other’s company, I see.”

“Very much,” Blueblood responded. Fancy Pants looked at Spitfire, waiting for words of anger, but to his shock, they never came.

“I am happy that my massage relaxed all your stress,” Spitfire said, but her eyes begged Fancy Pants to save her from this cruel fate.

“It did indeed,” Blueblood responded in satisfied tone. “Carry on.”

Feeling pity towards the mare while still shocked by her self control, Fancy spoke, “While I would hate to interrupt your very relaxing activity, I would like to ask you Miss Spitfire to assist me with transporting a few tables. If this is not to much of a trouble.”

“Not at all,” Spitfire responded hastily. “My deepest apologies, My Prince, but I am needed elsewhere.”

“Alright, but do not take too long,” Blueblood said and closed his eyes. “My hooves could use a massage as well.”

Fancy Pants walked away from the napping prince with Spitfire by his side. She sighed in relief before looking at the noble with a grateful smile. “Thanks, you really got me out of the pickle.”

“There is no need to thank me, though I am very curious as to why are you doing everything he asks of you without a single complaint?”

Spitfire looked down at the grass and said with depressed tone. “It’s a long story… one I can’t share.”

“I understand…”

Noticing that the group of Wonderbolts were talking with each other while a few still had drops of sweat still present on their heads, and small marks left by lightning on their fur, she asked, “What did I miss?”

“My wife faced your team in various agility related competitions.”

“She did?” Spitfire asked, surprised.

“And she won most of them,” Fancy added.

Spitfire's eyes opened widely and her mouth went agape. “She did!?”


Blaze stared at the elegant and graceful unicorn, whose beauty, despite messed hair and few burned marks on her white soft fur, was still irresistible. The very look of how she took a sip of cold lemonade made him feel thirsty.

“Excuse me, Miss Fleur. May I ask you a question?”

“Please do,” she responded and levitated half empty cup onto the table.

”How did you manage to perform such amazing feats?” Blaze asked. “Your gracefulness, speed and agility were unmatched. How did you gain attain such skills?”

“Thank you for the complements,” Fleur said with a warm smile as she wiped dirt from her cheek. “While I love my line of work and enjoy a quiet and calm life by Fancy’s side, it gets really boring over time. Ballet, practice, and a very extreme training I go through from time to time keeps me in great shape and provide thrills.”

“Extreme? What kind of ‘extreme training regimen’ you go through?” Blaze asked as his ears perked upward.

"Imagine a small sealed room, and me, trapped inside with thirty cobras, and a butler waiting outside with an antidote and stopwatch."

The face of the wonderbolt turned pale. "S-s-seriously?"

Fleur chuckled and next poked him in the nose while saying, "Got you." She stood from the table and walked away as Blaze quickly followed.

“Wow. You really got me there, I almost believed in your every word.”

Fleur giggled as she approached a reinforced door and levitated three keys from her purse. One key at a time, she unlocked the door and deactivated the magical seals protecting it. She pushed the heavy door open and lit her horn, proving light in the darkened room. Blaze followed her and looked around nervously. He stopped immediately as his entire body turned pale, his attention focused on a glass wall and the many snakes behind it.

“I was joking about the thirty cobras. To be honest, I usually practice with only twenty five and don’t use magic for additional difficulty.” She levitated one more key and opened the door slightly before levitating one of the snakes and placing on her raised forehoof. The snake anchored himself against Fleur’s foreleg and hissed towards the pegasus.

“Would you like to hold one? They are very nice once you train them,” Fleur said, but the pegasus in front of her had fainted, now lying on his back. "So much for the famous Wonderbolt bravado.”