• Published 22nd Mar 2014
  • 18,489 Views, 240 Comments

Overcoming The Day - Spacecowboy

Who would have known that the pony Twilight viewed as a second mom was actually her birth-mother? Now the secret is out, relations are strained, and life is about to get extremely complicated for Twilight. At least she has Luna, right?

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Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Hopefully this conveys how I want it to. Enjoy folks, not too much to say here.

“Twilight…” a multitude of voices rang out, summoning the young mare from her dreamless sleep into a realm of pure magic. As her eyes opened, she found herself amidst a starfield, thousands of twinkling stars breaking up the monotonous void of space. Each one lent its voice to a cacophony of sounds, a wordless tune somehow emerging from the chaos with a melody that penetrated to a pony’s soul.

She could not help but shiver as each note reached her ears, causing them to slightly splay backwards as she turned and looked around. She was standing on nothing, yet it felt like solid ground. Hesitantly, she took a step forward, her hooves finding purchase although nothing was there. A chorus of laughter swarmed around her, causing her to halt in her hesitant steps.

“You will find that your hooves shall have purchase wherever you will them to, our Keeper,” the stars rang out after the laughter had diminished. “We know that our former keeper briefly spoke to you of us, but let us welcome you to our domain, young one.” The voices briefly lingered in the air as Twilight attempted to deconstruct them into their individual counterparts.

Giving up as the last of the lingering voices faded, Twilight turned her attention towards the matter at hoof. Just yesterday she found herself here in this domain, although the only voice she heard then had been that of its former keeper, the alicorn Astralia who passed away long ago. Twilight was frightened at first when she had appeared as her image was nearly a mirror of Nightmare Moon. It was no mere coincidence, however, as when Luna went mad she ripped the extra power from the stars, those that had been her mother’s to safeguard. The remnants of Astralia’s power had warped her daughter into the twisted form of Nightmare Moon.

“Umm… thanks?” Twilight hesitantly replied, uncertainty filling her. “So, umm… is Astralia around?” she asked, uncertain what exactly she was supposed to do. After all, Astralia had barely mentioned what exactly her role as the Keeper of the Stars entailed during their extremely brief talk yesterday.

“Yes and no, young one. It takes time and effort for one of us to form as she did, and she was waiting for many, many years… in time, she will be able to do so once more,” they gently replied, the sound soothing to Twilight’s ears. She forced down her uneasiness as she took a deep breath.

“So, is there a guide or anything I need for all of… this?” Twilight asked, sweeping her hoof in a circle in the air in front of her. A peal of laughter rang out in reply, causing her ears to splay backwards as her cheeks flushed crimson from embarrassment. Twilight abhorred going into anything without a solid foundation of knowledge; this situation truly epitomized one of her worst nightmares.

The laughter finally died down as Twilight felt that she could die simply from the embarrassment she felt. It was intensified as the stars seemingly began to talk amongst themselves, the remarks coming out so quickly as to nearly overlap each other.

“Oh, she is so young.”

“Indeed, to think there would be a guide for ones such as us!”

“Just give her time, I’m sure all will be well.”

“Just how much time?”

“What does it matter to us?”

The chatter abruptly came to a halt as Twilight wished that she had some obstacle to hide within or behind. She felt completely exposed and just wished they would be quiet long enough for her to think and recover from the embarrassment.

“Ah, forgive us, young Keeper, we sometimes get carried away.” The voices seemed to be getting distant as the void began to lighten, the black slowly turning lighter shades as time progressed. “It is our time to leave now, we shall hopefully talk with you tomorrow. We now leave you to your rest, farewell.”

The last of their voices barely reached her ears, as if they were no more than mere whispers carried upon the slightest wind. The area went from grey, to white, and then at last to a golden hue as Twilight felt her mind drifting once more back into slumber.

Luna quietly walked into the room, letting out a small chuckle at the sight before her. In the short time she was downstairs, Twilight had managed to become thoroughly wrapped up in the bedsheets, limbs splayed at every which angle as her muzzle lay on its side, mouth partially open. She walked to the side of the bed, gently nudging Twilight with a forehoof as she leaned down towards an ear.

“Wake up, Twilight,” she spoke into an ear, chuckling as it wiggled from the sudden noise mixed with the faint breeze that tickled the hairs within. Twilight mumbled something underneath her breath and turned slightly, eyes still soundly closed. Luna reached with a hoof and gently shook Twilight’s shoulder, gradually increasing the intensity before at last being greeted with a pair of lavender orbs blearily meeting her eyes.

“Luna?” Twilight slurred, mouth opening widely as she let out a massive yawn. She blearily blinked as she attempted to stretch out her hooves, however being entangled in the bedsheets resulted in Twilight finding herself thoroughly restricted. Luna could not help but chuckle as the sight of Twilight struggling to free herself, and she soon turned into full blown laughter as Twilight went off the edge of the bed.

“Good morning, Twilight!” Luna managed to say between bouts of laughter. Twilight stopped in her struggle, looking up directly at her marefriend’s eyes before her horn began to glow. Moments later Twilight landed on top of Luna, the laughing mare letting out an oomph noise at the sudden weight on her back.

After a brief struggle Luna managed to dislodge Twilight from her back and back onto the bed. “You seem surprisingly well, considering yesterday’s events,” Luna remarked, not noticing the slight twitch of Twilight’s left eye. “Spike mentioned something about making ‘special pick-me-up’ pancakes for breakfast, I believe he is nearly done now. Would you like to come on downstairs for breakfast?”

As soon as the words ‘special pick-me-up pancakes’ left Luna’s mouth, Twilight hurried out of the room, rushing for the kitchen. Luna was left in the bedroom, a blank expression on her face. After a few moments coherent thought returned, and she turned around to leave the room. “Well, that was exceptionally easy.”

Entering the kitchen, Luna took in the sight of Spike flipping a partially cooked pancake in the air, cooking the raw side with his dragon fire. It landed in the pan, where he immediately removed it and set it on top of a pile of already cooked ones. Twilight already had her nostrils hovering the edge of a cup of coffee, steam rising from the hot liquid contained within.

Luna took a seat at the table as Spike brought the large plate to the table, setting it down triumphantly in between the three of them. “One pile of pick-me-up pancakes, served!” Spike exclaimed, putting his hands to his waist and posing triumphantly, eliciting chuckles from both ponies.

“Thanks, Spike, you’re the best cook a pony could ever ask for,” Twilight warmly said, picking up the top three pancakes in her magic and gently setting them down on her plate. Her mouth nearly salivated at the sight of the amazingly fluffy pancakes speckled with blueberries and topped with a small amount of powdered sugar.

“No problem at all, Twi,” Spike began, moving some food to his plate. “So, how are you doing this morning?” He noticed Twilight’s left eye begin to twitch and quickly changed the subject to something else. “It didn’t take Luna long at all to get you up, although I heard a bunch of thumping sounds… what were you two doing?”

Twilight let out a weak laugh. “Well, it seems I got wrapped up in the sheets again,” she directed a quick glare at Luna as she continued, “and somepony decided to laugh at me once I fell on the floor. So, I just teleported on top of her.” Twilight smugly smiled, briefly sticking her tongue out at Luna before returning her attention back to her breakfast.

Luna waited to swallow the bite she currently had before chiming in herself. “Well, you have to admit, it was quite the comical sight seeing you so tightly bound in your sheets. Quite ingenious of yourself to teleport out of them, too, although I question the need to use me as your target!” Luna mockingly harrumphed at Twilight, who simply took a moment to offer a condescending smile before returning back to her pancakes.

The breakfast passed in relative silence, the consumption of Spike’s cooking proving too important to be interrupted by such mere things as speech. The large pile quickly disappeared, each pancake finding itself a casualty in the war called breakfast. The battle was concluded as the trio slouched back in their seats, stomachs full, the pancakes the undisputed losers.

Spike slowly got down from his chair, using it to balance himself as he landed on his feet. “Is it time for a nap yet?” he jokingly asked, widely grinning as snickers reached his ears. He grabbed the dishes and quickly brought them to the sink to be dealt with later before turning to Luna. “You said you had something you wanted to ask me earlier?” he questioned, attempting to jerk his head slightly towards the door.

Twilight was too caught up in her post-pancake daze to notice his rather obvious motions, however Luna clearly understood them. “Ah, yes. Let me explain on the way to the door.” She focused on Twilight, who was still oblivious to them. “Twilight, I’ll be borrowing Spike for a moment, I have a question I want to ask him.”

Luna waited a moment, receiving no outward sign that Twilight had even heard her. Chuckling, she followed Spike downstairs to the front door, which was still securely locked. Luckily the library was not scheduled to be open for a few more hours, ensuring that nopony would think anything about it.

“So, go out and find my friends and family and bring them here, or?” Spike asked, one hand on the doorknob. He stifled a small belch, looking up at Luna with a sheepish grin.

“Yes please, and also let Cadance or Shining Armor know that I would like to speak with them privately at some point. I did promise my sister to pass along a message, once I do that it will be in their hooves.” Luna muttered the latter half underneath her breath.

“Oh, Luna,” Spike began, removing his hand from the door and turning around, looking around the library to ensure Twilight had not followed them down. “You’re going to have to be really careful with Twi.” When he received a questioning look from Luna, he facepalmed before elaborating further. “Well, you recall the whole incident with the ‘Want-It, Need-It’ spell, right?”

“Of course, I read most, if not all of Twilight’s Friendship Reports to my sister. That was the one where she created quite a mess simply because she had nothing to write about to Celestia… not the best of the lot, but quite humorous nonetheless,” Luna chuckled briefly as Spike rolled his eyes.

“It wasn’t so humorous being in the middle of it…” Spike muttered, pausing a moment before raising his voice and continuing. “Well, after that whole incident, Twilight realized that sometimes its better to ignore a problem and let it resolve itself, rather than potentially making it worse by trying to deal with it.” He raised a hand as Luna started to speak, an odd look on her face. “Yeah, I know… this is definitely something big. But, unless she’s cornered and forced to confront it, she’ll ignore it… it’s just how she is, you know? So, please, be careful with my sister, okay?” Spike pleaded with Luna, concern filling his eyes.

Luna sighed, raising her forehoof to rest on Spike’s shoulder. “I promise to do my best, but I will make her confront this. Hopefully you can quickly find your friends and family, they will be able to help in ways I cannot, I believe.” She lowered her hoof back to the floor, pausing a moment before wishing Spike well.

She turned around, the sound of the door closing reaching her ears as she made for the stairs. Every hoofstep took her closer to the confrontation she would have to force, and she did not look forward to it. Memories from a time long past surged to the forefront of her mind, bitterness overwhelming her senses for a moment as she recalled similar, yet different confrontations with Celestia. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts and refocus on the present, she hoofed her way upstairs.

“Ah, that was amazing. Spike sure knows how to cook!” Twilight exclaimed as Luna came into view with a somewhat somber look on her face. “What’s wrong, Luna? I’ve got some stuff in mind that can help turn that frown around, it’s really nice to have you in Ponyville for more than a day or two, you know?”

Luna sighed, her mood lifting slightly at the sight of her marefriend, yet she remained determined in her course. “Twilight, can we talk for awhile, somewhere a bit more comfortable… perhaps your bedroom?” She motioned with a hoof in the direction of the room, thinking that the bed would make a nice surface to rest on while they talked, or a blanket on the ground failing that.

“Or course!” Twilight hopped down from the chair, eying her cup of coffee and the remainder still in the pot. “Want me to bring the coffee with us, Luna?” she asked as her cup was surrounded by the telltale lavender glow of her magic.

Luna shook her head, a small smile forming at the sight of Twilight’s mug levitating next to her. “No, I believe that I am wide awake, at least as well as one accustomed to the night can be. Shall we?” Both ponies left behind the kitchen and the lingering smell of pancakes, making their way to the bedroom.

As they entered the bedroom, Luna pulled open the drapes blocking the sunlight from streaming in, fully illuminating the room. Hopping up onto the bed, she motioned with hoof next to her. “Come and sit with me for awhile, Twilight, what I want to talk about shall take some time. We might as well get as comfortable as possible.”

Twilight finished off her coffee, setting the mug down on the nightstand next to the pendant, making a point of blatantly ignoring its existence. She jumped up onto her bed and nestled herself against Luna’s side. “So, what is it that you want to talk about? I’m all ears.”

She giggled at her remark as Luna chuckled for a moment before getting right to the point. “I talked with Spike this morning. He informed me that you have a way of ignoring certain things rather than deal with them.” Luna spread her wing over Twilight, hugging her closely to her side as she brought the necklace and pendant from the nightstand. She brought it to a stop in front of Twilight, the chain outspread to be draped around her neck. “You really should keep this close to you, My Star.”

At the sight of the necklace in front of her, Twilight closed her eyes and put up a token struggle against Luna, the large wing keeping her securely in place. “No, I don’t want to, Luna! It means…” she trailed off, tears beginning to form at the corners of her closed eyes.

Luna let the necklace fall to the surface of the bed, focusing on comforting Twilight for the moment. “It means accepting what Celestia said, correct?” Luna knowingly questioned, noticing how Twilight flinched at the mention of Celestia. “While denial is one way to deal with something, I’m afraid this is something that is best faced now, Twilight… otherwise, who knows what may happen instead?”

Twilight shook her head, openly crying. “B-But I don’t want to deal with this right now, Luna! I thought that nopony listening to me during Shiny’s wedding was bad, but this… I’m scared that everything will change now, and that there’s nothing I’ll be able to do about it…” She opened her eyes, reaching out with a hoof and poking the pendant. “I never asked for this, why do I have to deal with it?”

“I’m afraid that life is excellent at sending us twists we never expect, nor want, Twilight…” Luna quietly spoke, more memories lending personal experience to the words. She held Twilight close, calmingly running a hoof through her mane in an attempt to help soothe the troubled mare.

Silence reigned in the room, broken only by the small sobs from Twilight and the soothing noises Luna whispered to her in return. Finally Twilight wiped her eyes with her hooves, her gaze turned down towards the bed. “But I didn’t want this…” she quietly spoke again, her words hollow this time.

“Trust me, Twilight, one needs to adapt. Otherwise, disaster will occur,” Luna paused, taking a deep breath as she forged on with a story she had never spoken about to another, not even Celestia. “It’s how I became Nightmare Moon… would you like to hear that tale, Twilight?”

An awkward pause filled the room as Twilight’s gaze jerked up to meet Luna, her eyes widely opened in shock. If it had not been for Celestia herself briefly mentioning a part of it, the episode of Luna’s time as Nightmare Moon would have remained a complete mystery. As it was, the academic curiosity coupled with Twilight’s own feelings for Luna drove her to the answer she gave. “Yes, Luna… I would like to hear it, if you are truly willing to tell me.”

Luna wryly chuckled, mussing with Twilight’s mane briefly before letting out a long, drawn-out sigh. “I may not feel entirely comfortable sharing the circumstances behind it, but it might help you see why you cannot ignore the situation you are currently in…” Luna sighed again before launching into her narrative.

“As you know, Celestia and I were friends growing up. The earth pony and the alicorn, best friends forever as you might say, I believe.” Luna chuckled, letting her thoughts drift backwards through time. “She became family after her parents died and mine saved her life, turning her into the alicorn she is today. For a time, everything was great between the two of us. After all, what is not to love when your best friend ends up becoming your sister?”

Twilight was attentively listening, drinking in each and every word Luna spoke. “Even before our mother and father passed though, things began to change, small things at first. Controlling the moon was quite the feat, but once Celestia was able to move the sun, well… suddenly I was the one in the shadows. But, it mattered not to me, as I had my sister and my parents, and we lived happily together, much like any family could dream of doing.

“Of course, you know that not much later, both of our parents were taken during the downfall of the alicorns. The loss of both parents hit us both extremely hard, because by this time, I truly was the one in the shadows. Nopony seemed to care about the night or my moon, none cared that I had started keeping their dreams freed of nightmares…” Luna trailed off, her voice filling with bitterness as she spoke each word.

Twilight quietly coughed, drawing attention to Luna’s changing mood. A faint blush filled her cheeks as this time Twilight was the pony offering support with a comforting nuzzle to Luna’s neck. They rested together for a few minutes before she felt comfortable continuing the story.

“As time marched on, we found ourselves aiding in the ruling of Equestria. You’re already well aware of the Hearth’s Warming Tale, after all of that took place we officially became Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to the ponies around us. I was happy for a time, helping others, preventing the same needless loss of life that claimed my parents.

“Of course as the time wore on, not many ponies saw me, as my duties were best performed during the night. When Celestia’s sun left the sky, everypony went to sleep, none remained awake to bear witness to my work. Celestia wrote off my concerns; her head was so firmly wrapped around Equestria’s issues that she completely ignored our personal problems,” Luna noticed Twilight looking at her questioningly. “Yes, she had more than her fair share of issues back then… remind me to tell you about the earth pony Iron Saddle… on second thought, you might not want to hear that one.”

Luna briefly chuckled at the memory, and the awkward position it had put Celestia in. “So,” Twilight began, refocusing Luna’s attention once more. “This all seems to line up with you simply wanting somepony to acknowledge your work, and the fact you too played a large role in their lives, right?”

“Very much so. It started with them always referring to us with Celestia first, and then me. Eventually, ponies began to drop me from their minds completely, seeing my sister as the only ‘true’ Princess of Equestria.” Luna snorted at the recollection, a hint of anger intermingled with pain in the sound. “It was at that point that I reached out to my last refuge, the stars. Every time I reached out to them, I was reminded of my mother.

“I no longer recall just how much time passed, my mind was left quite muddled during that time. The important thing is that because my sister ignored our problems for ‘the greater good of Equestria’ and I was left on my own, I somehow thought that if the ponies would not show me the respect due their ruler, I would make them do so with my own power. I ripped as much power as I could from the stars as well to ensure I could stop Celestia if she decided to interfere, and from there, well… you know the rest.”

The pair sat in silence for awhile, both content to simply hold each other close as they took in the words. Twilight was feeling overwhelmed at how such a simple thing turned into a major problem, blushing slightly from embarrassment as a few parts of her experience with the Want-It Need-It spell drew similar parallels to Luna’s story.

Luna, on the other hoof, felt as if a massive burden had been lifted from her shoulders. She still felt quite bitter and angry over the whole experience, but no longer as keenly as she had just minutes prior during its recollection. She relaxed her body, gently sighing when Twilight’s hooves found their way around her neck.

“So… because Celestia ignored the problems you two had, you ended up as Nightmare Moon and she ended up banishing you? That seems… to be kind of too simplified, really,” Twilight stated, a dubious undertone lining her words. Luna simply shrugged, nodding her head slightly.

“Yes, it is somewhat of a simplification, but I believe it serves to show why ignoring an issue is the worst way to approach something. I doubt you would turn into a pony bent on forcing ponies to enjoy whatever you do, but I could see you trying to brainwash them all to ignore the fact you have wings, once the time comes.” Luna playfully quipped, glancing at the forgotten necklace.

“Hey now, brainwash?!” Twilight replied incredulously. “I think that I’d only… strongly suggest, not brainwash!” she shot back, before noticing where Luna’s gaze had strayed to. The necklace became surrounded in a lavender glow as Twilight picked it up. As her hoof connected with it, a warmth began to suffuse her body, causing her to let out a content sigh.

“So, how did you ever forgive her for it all, Luna? That seems like something that would be hard to overcome…” Twilight asked, mindlessly toying with the pendant in her hoof, running it over the different textures.

“Truthfully? I still have not fully forgiven her… how could I, when one simple action on her part might have averted what occurred?” Twilight’s eyes widened at Luna’s statement, and she quickly continued her reply. “However, she is still family to me, and family is extremely important, especially when they are all one has left in the world…” Luna trailed off, a far-off expression in her eyes.

The next words from Luna’s mouth completely stunned Twilight. “Did you know that the biggest hesitation after you asked me out was that you eerily looked just like her? Celestia, I mean. I had to get you out of my sight and use magic to recollect all of the time spent together. Now I know why you look so much like her… it is quite disconcerting, really, and makes me a little angry.”

“What?!” Twilight exclaimed, speechless at the revelation Luna dropped on her. She began violently shaking, prompting Luna to throw her hooves around Twilight.

“Shh, calm down, My Star, I did not mean it like that. I do not regret my choice, and you should not question it either.” Luna calmly placed a hoof underneath Twilight’s chin, bringing their lips together for a brief kiss. After they pulled apart, Luna ran her hoof along different parts of Twilight’s face. “Here, you have her cheeks.” She punctuated it with another quick kiss before moving on. “Your eyes are extremely similar, and your face… it is just like hers was at your age. I harbor no ill will towards you, my bitterness is entirely directed towards my sister, and her alone. I shall never hold such feelings towards you. After all, you are my savior, in more ways than one.”

Twilight’s thoughts fled for an entirely different reason as Luna peppered her with attention, washing away the absurd amounts of fear that had been present moments before. “So, how do you deal with it then? It still seems so overwhelming, as if I’m a leaf trying to direct the flow of the wind…”

Luna sighed, glad that she had managed to avert a near-crisis situation. “Honestly, you try your best to accept that which you cannot change. In this instance, wings are in your future, and you are an alicorn. Beyond that, you take each day one at a time, cautiously, and hope for the best yet prepare for the worst.” she paused, a small grin coming to her face. “At least I’ll be able to teach you how to fly. You have to find the good in the bad as well.”

“I see…” Twilight trailed off, deep in thought. Luna patiently remained quiet, allowing Twilight as much time as she needed. Finally, she spoke up as she began toying with the necklace again. “Still, who would have thought one of my dreams coming true was so painful… Before yesterday, I wished that she were my second mom. Heh.” Twilight let out a dry chuckle, forcing it.

“I am not saying to forgive Celestia, either. That is in your control. What she did was wrong, and truthfully time is probably the only remedy you will find to that problem. However, keep in mind that you have wonderful friends and an amazing family to support you, as well as me.”

“Thank you, Luna,” Twilight replied, carefully picking up the necklace. “For everything… I’m not fine now, but I suppose give it time and I will be?” she chuckled at Luna’s expression. “I suppose I should start accepting what I can’t change.” Twilight slipped the necklace over her neck, the cold metal resting against her chest.

“Speaking of family...”