• Published 27th Mar 2012
  • 2,974 Views, 38 Comments

Erika Gefallen: Atlantean Unicorn - Legionary

A Sci-Fi Fantasy following a unicorn named Erika Gefallen as she deals with her past life and world.

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Chapter 1 : Adoption RW

The Multi-verse is a big place. Many people who actually manage to breach the walls of reality to see it often misinterpret just how big. In this place of stars and void infinity can be used as a unit of distance. But then… distance, even time, is only a product of universes. To the Multi-verse nothing is true yet nothing is wrong, that mile could be inches in length, or it could be several trillion light years. That one moment could have been a fraction of an instant, or it could have been several billion years. Nothing is constant in this place of void and flickering stars but sometimes it is.

In the Multi-verse there is no limit to what realities can exist. Even the tiniest probability of a universe potentially existing is true. Whole worlds persist as small stars, flickering in the eternal darkness… until they die. Then in that moment of universal death there is life, for this normally cataclysmic event starts with barely a whimper and ends with the birth of several other universes.

The Multi-verse is timeless, it is endless and it is beyond even the mightiest of the omnipotent. All possibilities are realities, like a violet unicorn suddenly coming flying out of her home universe at light speeds.

Strangely it is possible for a living being to exist here in this everlasting void without dying. While no air exists here, neither does the concept of suffocation.

The unicorn soared through the Multi-verse, mouth open in an unheard agonized scream. Her form seemed to warp and twist, slowly becoming smaller with time.

All things come to an end and so did the unicorn’s flight through the void. Though truth be told the unicorn would have continued to fly for who knows how many trillions of light years had she not suddenly and inexplicably changed course to a nearby universe. Disappearing anticlimactically upon contact with the flickering star like form of an entire universe.


A compound hovered in place, surrounded by a perfect sphere of clouds, a few cracks in the cloud barrier allowed shafts of sunlight to illuminate the complex. The compound was massive in size, easily a dozen miles around and with extremely tall spires, the tallest of which was almost half a mile.

The compound was undeniably beautiful, seemingly made of sand stone bricks that were covered in decorative carvings. Hanging gardens covered the massive walls of the compound, giving the impression of something grandly ancient. Waterfalls flowed from large culverts on the spires, draining into great artificial lakes. The compound had many large courtyards as well, each filled with immaculate vibrant gardens.

All was peaceful as the coloring of the clouds turned copper, signaling the arrival of the evening and more cracks appeared in the cloud layer, allowing a small peak of the star filled sky that lay beyond.

In one of the many garden filled courtyards the trend of peace continued. But in a small clearing surrounded by concealing hedges and large flower bushes, a box with writing on the side suddenly appeared in midair a foot over the ground and fell with a thud as gravity asserted itself.

Silence reigned for a moment before a soft whimpering filled the air and the box rocked back forth briefly. The whimpering began again and was followed by the box rocking back and forth a bit more rapidly.

Suddenly a rustling noise came from one of the flower bushes and a man appeared, followed shortly by a young woman.

The man wore a long dark gray hooded cloak made of a harsh tough cloth, a buttoned up thigh length gray coat made of the same material, a pair of dark gray pants also made of the same material and a pair of hardy boots. Flowing out of the man’s hood was a long pink silk scarf that was wrapped around the lower half of his face and hid his features, though it did nothing to hide his ashen gray skin and bright pink eyes that glowed softly in the shadow of his hood.

The woman was more normal looking. She was fair skinned with chocolate brown hair and large brown eyes. She wore a long green sleeveless dress with a white tough apron that had a few pockets on it. On her hands were a pair of tough brown leather gloves and a pair of boots were worn on her feet. Finally atop her head was a wide brimmed straw hat that kept the sun out of her eyes.

“A box? How did that-Oh!” The woman said in a language faintly reminiscent of Greek before being surprised by the box moving. “There’s something in it!”

The man hummed in thought and approached the box with a little wariness, the woman close behind him. He crouched next to the box and studied it with the woman looking curiously over his shoulder.

“Give to a good home?” The man said as he read the writing on the box just as more whimpering issued from the box. “A pet? One of my family abandoned their pet? That is incredibly irresponsible but why did they write that in English?”

“That is so sad, I wonder what kind of pet it is?” The woman said disappointedly before asking.

“Let’s see.” The man replied before opening the top of the box and revealing the being inside.

“Oh my gosh… Ezekiel she’s adorable!” The woman gushed as she removed her straw hat, revealing her long pointed ears.

“Indeed…” ‘Ezekiel’ absently agreed as he studied the creature looking up at them curiously.

It looked like a dwarf purple unicorn but… the proportions were all wrong. The face was too expressive for an equine, more so was that it had soft facial feature that made Ezekiel and the woman as well immediate assume it was female. The size and positioning of the eyes were off as well, making the little unicorn’s expression seem… human.

“Hmm…” Ezekiel hummed curiously before slowly and carefully picking up the small unicorn. The little unicorn didn’t change its curious expression but it utterly beamed at him when he held her gently but tightly in his arms.

“Ooooooooh she’s sooooooo cute!” Squealed the elf as she reached out and stroked the tiny’s unicorn’s mane.

Ezekiel smiled as the small unicorn giggled in delight at the attention she was receiving, sounding very much like a little girl when she did so. He then pulled down both his hood and scarf, revealing his features before poking the unicorn with his finger to get her attention. The very moment the unicorn met his gaze his eyes glowed brightly, making her gasp in surprise and wonder.

“Are you going to keep her Ezekiel?” The elf woman asked as she continued to lavish the unicorn with attention. “Because if you aren’t…”

“Well, well.” Ezekiel began with some surprise. “I think you may want to hold back on getting her a rhinestone collar Emilia.”

“Huh, why?” Emilia asked.

“Because she is not an animal, she is a person instead.” Ezekiel said as he smiled softly at the little unicorn in his arms.

“What really?” Emilia asked as she looked intently at the little unicorn. “I know unicorns are rather smart but in the end they are still magical animals. Is she some sort of chimera?”

“If she is someone didn’t want anything more to do with her and abandoned her here.” Ezekiel replied with a frown. “Likely knowing she would almost certainly be immediately discovered.”

“What are you going to do with her?” Emilia asked. “I mean if you plan on taking her to someone who would take care I would be glad to.”

“Really Emilia?” Ezekiel asked with a raised brow. “This isn’t an animal like you at first thought, she is going to grow up to be a child who would need to be given a room, varied diet, education and overall a lot of tender love and care.”

“And you think I can’t do all that?” Emilia asked with a sad pout.

“None of the sort.” Ezekiel replied gently. “I am merely stating what you would most definitely find yourself needing to do eventually. And I know you Emilia, you love to spend your off hours chatting and having fun with your coworkers, all that could go out the window with a child thrown into the mix. Believe me Emilia I know all about children and balancing a social life, a job and their needs is not at all easy for those with their very first.”

“Well I… okay I can see your point.” Emilia sighed sadly and stoked the unicorn’s mane. “Darling little thing too…”

“Don’t worry Emilia I’ll make sure to find her a good home.” Ezekiel said with a smile. “And I’ll be sure to ensure you can visit the little one here.”

“Thank you Ezekiel.” The elf replied a little sadly and replaced her hat on her head. “Well I better get back to gardening. See you later.”

“Goodbye Emilia.” Ezekiel said as the both of them went their separate ways. The unicorn in his arms shifted herself until she was looking over Ezekiel’s shoulder at the elf and waved her little hoof goodbye.

‘Smart little girl.’ Ezekiel thought with a smile. ‘I do wonder how old you are exactly. It’s very likely you are not much more than a toddler, yes very likely since I didn’t hear you try to say anything.’

Ezekiel continued down a stonework path with the unicorn in his arms, said unicorn was twisting her head this way and that trying to take in every sight that passed of the grandiose gardens around her.

Suddenly the sounds of heavy padded feet came from around the corner of a tall hedge and a massive almost near white maneless lion appeared. The little unicorn gave a shout of fear and immediately buried her head in Ezekiel’s shirt.

The lion was around eight feet tall at its shoulders and had icy blue eyes, it had the air of something very old and had a look in its eyes that bespoke of many, many years of life. A sleeping little girl was being carried around by the lion by the back of her dress collar, slumbering peacefully despite being held aloft by the large predator.

“Shhh, it’s okay.” Ezekiel said as he soothed the little unicorn in his arms and stroked her mane. “This is Geoffrey; he is a liger and wouldn’t hurt anyone that didn’t deserve it.”

“Hello Geoffrey.” Ezekiel greeted the massive liger and motioned to the little girl he had. “Tire herself out playing?”

Geoffrey gave a nod and rumbled lowly as he shot the unicorn in Ezekiel’s arms a wondering look.

“I don’t really know where she came from.” Ezekiel said, giving the unicorn another comforting pet. “I and Emilia just found her in a box in the garden.”

“Now, now just calm down.” Ezekiel said softly to the little unicorn and stepped closer to Geoffrey and placed his hand on the liger’s snout. “See? Everything is just fine.”

At first the unicorn looked at Geoffrey fearfully out of the corner of her eye but after a few moments she looked at him fully. Giving an uncertain frown she reached out with her tiny hoof and after a moment’s hesitation placed on Geoffrey’s nose.

The massive liger gave a deep soothing purr at the unicorn’s touch, prompting her to smile and pat his nose a bit more. Guessing he was going to be seeing more of the little creature around the compound Geoffrey slowly closed in and nuzzled her with his massive nose and took in her scent for memory making her give a squeaking laugh.

With that Geoffrey rumbled deeply and padded away with his charge to bring her home.

“See you later Geoffrey.” Ezekiel said with a small wave which the unicorn mirrored with a wave of her own.

Continuing on the two eventually arrived at the apparent destination, a small pond lined with lily pads and flowers and a little blond haired boy wearing sandals, a pair of yellow shorts and a dark blue t-shirt sitting by its edge.

“Daddy!” The little boy exclaimed happily and ran over to Ezekiel. “What’s that?”

She is a rather unique unicorn, Conrad.” Ezekiel replied as he placed said unicorn on the ground before Conrad. “What do you think of her?”

Conrad stepped in close to the unicorn and started looking over her curiously, an action the unicorn mirrored with perhaps even more curiosity. Conrad reached over and flicked the unicorn’s ear curiously and she returned the action by poking at his belly, slightly pudgy with baby fat. Conrad giggled happily and wrapped up the unicorn in a hug which said unicorn was only too happy to return with a large smile.

“She’s the awesomest thing ever!” Conrad said happily. “What’s her name?”

“She doesn’t have one.” Ezekiel replied. “I just found her abandoned off in the gardens here.”

“Aww, everyone should have a name…” Conrad said and twisted up his little face into something he called his thinking look and stuck out his tongue out of the corner of his mouth. The little unicorn was delighted by this and squealed with laughter.

“I think… her name should be Erika.” Conrad said after a long moment of critical thinking.

“And why is that?” Ezekiel asked his son.

“Cause she looks like an Erika!” Conrad replied with a toothy smile.

“A good reason as any other to be sure.” Ezekiel replied with a small amused smile and bent down onto one knee. “I see no reason why she shouldn’t be called that. Very well, from now on you are called Erika.”

‘Erika’ only looked at Ezekiel quizzically for a moment before suddenly letting out a loud yawn. Ezekiel smiled as Conrad followed suit and released a yawn of his own. Glancing up at the sky above Ezekiel saw that more and more of the coppery clouds were giving way to night sky.

“Well it’s getting close to bedtime.” Ezekiel stated as he got back up. “Let’s get inside; I’ll tuck you into bed.”

“kay daddy…” Conrad said as he rubbed one of his eyes. “Daddy?”

“Yes Conrad?” Ezekiel said as he lead the way inside, Conrad and Erika trailing after him.

“Can we keep her?” Conrad asked with a hopeful smile, pointing at Erika.

“She isn’t a pet Conrad.” Ezekiel replied but looked rather intrigued by the idea. “She is a person and likely she is going to be learning how to talk in a short while.”

“Oh…” Conrad said, looking rather disappointed before his face lit up with another idea. “Can she stay with us then?”

“… Let me speak to your mother before making a decision.” Ezekiel replied after a moment. “I’ll do it tonight and tell you our answer tomorrow.”

“Kay…” Conrad said with another yawn that Erika mirrored.

After walking inside, and taking an elevator that had made Erika wake up with excitement at seeing the world from high up, the group arrived at a long hallway. A few sets of double doors lined the hallway but Ezekiel seemed to be leading the two down to the very end of the hall. As they walked Erika suddenly looked out one of the windows and gasped at the sight it showed.

Ezekiel turned around when he heard the gasp and saw her gazing out a window at the lit up night side of an entire planet.

“Why she staring at Atlantis for?” Conrad asked curiously.

“She likely never saw a planet from orbit before.” Ezekiel answered before stepping over laying his hand atop Erika’s head. “Come on now, it’s an even grander sight during the day and it’s late.”

Not understanding the words but getting the meaning Erika continued following after Ezekiel, shooting glances at the windows all the while.

Opening the doors revealed large bedroom with a fairly large bed, toys covering the floor and various posters covering the walls. Conrad ran inside and jumped on his bed, turning around he patted the spot next to him and called out.

“Come here Erika!” Conrad said. “We can share a bed until you get your own room.”

Not knowing Erika was her new name the unicorn none the less was able to understand Conrad’s gesture and quickly trotted over to scramble onto the bed. Conrad then started moving about his large bed shifting his blankets and pillows in search for something. Eventually he found it and presented it to Erika, a dark brown teddy bear.

“This is Mogwai.” Conrad said cheerfully and presented the bear to Erika. “I’ve had him for the longest time but I think I’m getting too old for teddies. You can have him if you want.”

Again Erika didn’t understand what Conrad said but she did understand that he was presenting her with a gift. She reached out with her forelegs and took Mogwai from Conrad and stared at it for a moment, then she wrapped it up with a tight hug smile as bright as the sun.

Ezekiel smiled at the sight of the two getting along fantastically. The more he saw Erika interact with Conrad the more he was certain adopting the little unicorn was going to be a wonderful and rewarding experience. Conrad already acting like a good big brother also made Ezekiel think that deciding to have only child this time was perhaps a mistake.

“Well you two, time for bed.” Ezekiel said and stepped over to the side of the bed. “Conrad do you mind if Erika shares a room with you a while? At least until we can be sure she’ll be fine sleeping by herself.”

“Sure thing daddy.” Conrad said as he crawled under the blankets, lifting them up so Erika could have an easier time of getting under them as well. “I don’t mind if she says in here for years!”

“We’ll see about that.” Ezekiel said as he magically moved the blankets and tucked Conrad and Erika in. “She is a girl after all and may want her own room after a while.”

“She can stay here till then.” Conrad said as he snuggled in close to Erika making the little unicorn beam happily as she tightly clutched Mogwai to her.

“Have a good night you two.” Ezekiel said with a warm smile and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Ezekiel walked down the hallway for a few moments when there was a pink flash and suddenly in his place was a bolt of pink lightning disappearing into a power socket. The bolt surged through the wiring of the massive palace for a near instant before exiting out of another outlet located near the very top of the main spire of the massive complex. The bolt reformed into Ezekiel in an instant hadn’t paused in the slightest from the development before walking towards a pair of beautifully carved wooden doors.

Inside was a rather modest room in comparison to the one Ezekiel had tucked Conrad and Erika in, granted this seemed more like a living room and had a massive window in place of one wall. Everywhere was signs of modern technology, a holographic clock showed the time, ready to appear before someone with but a single command, glass tabletops floated legless in the air, innumerable devices darted the room as Atlantis hung silently in the night sky. Ezekiel couldn’t help but sigh at the mess really.

In a couch lying down before what could possibly be the only archaic in the room, a fireplace covered with equally old looking knick knacks, was a woman. She had long black straight hair and deep blue eyes and wore a dark gray t-shirt with a pair of dark blue soft looking pants with little ravens on them. She was reading a tablet like device, the fireplace crackling with a healthy fire.

Ezekiel walked towards her, a sudden surge of pink sparks and electricity flowed over him and he was wearing something very much like the woman’s clothes as well. Unlike her his feet had a pair of black socks on them with an equally black pair of plain black pants and a gray t-shirt, instead of wrapped around his neck his scarf simply hung off the back of his neck and descended down his front.

Once in front of the couch Ezekiel simply turned around and began to sit, heedless of the reading woman on the couch. Before he even got close to sitting on her though she suddenly exploded into a cloud of ice and snow swirling about the air as Ezekiel took his seat. Once ashen skinned man had done so the woman reformed back lying on his lap but leaning contentedly against his chest.

“So how was your day?” She asked Ezekiel as she swiped another page.

“It was fairly good Su Li.” Ezekiel answered his wife. “There was a riot on a developing frontier world and after a lot of the local citizenry decided violence would be better than peaceful protest. The local governor handled it fairly well, had the minds of suspected ring leaders plunged for info executed the guilty. The Keller Royal Remnants are raising another pirates and mercs to raid and basically be a nuisance towards us.”

“I know the details about that one.” Su Li replied. “The pirates are fodder for the legions but the mercs are the real issue, there are three companies in total and all of them and all of them are rich and very good at what they do.”

“How rich exactly?” Ezekiel asked.

“Enough to charter a freighter and escort for the galactic core and bring back core tech and gear.” Su Li answered and put the tablet down on her chest to look up at Ezekiel seriously. “It’s not going to be the simple minded thugs with something to prove anymore, it’s going to be an actual professional elite force with not only the skill but now the gear needed to fight us. We may have to expect some War Mage casualties in this.”

“Hmm… at least core tech has some fierce copy protection on it otherwise we would have to hunt it all done lest it proliferates.” Ezekiel sighed.

“Even if it did no one would be able to build it or manage it in such a way they’d want it anywhere other than the home world.” Su Li scoffed and started reading her tablet again. “There are some good production centers in this part of the arm but nothing that can handle core tech.”

“True but even so…” Ezekiel replied and had a thoughtful frown on his face. “The Kellers still have a very successful shipping industry despite our near annihilation of them.”

“And our very enthusiastic disruption of said industry.”

“Yes, but they shouldn’t be able to throw away money for mercs of this caliber.” Ezekiel muttered. “Vengeance or not they still have a good sense for business in that family of theirs. Someone has to be helping them, taking the brunt of the cost for… a distraction?”

“And you say you aren’t good at politics.” Su Li smiled up at him. “Remember those religious fanatics the Vor’Shans? They’re trying to get us to redirect our best forces on a different border so they can hit us and establish a foothold.”

“It would never work, even if they did take a world we would take it back near instantly.” Ezekiel said.

“Yes and just like everyone else they know that and are only after one thing.” Su Li said with a nod.

“Atlanteans for tests and experiments.” Ezekiel said with a sigh. “Well things are going to get a bit lively in the next few years, maybe even decades.”

“Nothing we can’t handle though.” Su Li said, snuggling close to her husband.

“Of course.” Ezekiel said with a firm nod, wrapping an arm around her. “Serious matters aside I have something much less dire to share with you.”


“I found this little purple unicorn in the compound gardens.” Ezekiel said. “She is fairly small for a unicorn, even for a foal, and has the potential to grow up to be as intelligent and talkative as anyone else.”

“Can I see?” Su Li asked.

“Of course.” Ezekiel answered and his wife’s eyes glowed a bright blue as she plunged into his mind.

“Oh she’s adorable!” Su Li practically squealed. “And I saw your idea, I for one support it whole heartedly! Just look at the way she and Conrad bonded, it was like it was meant to be. I know we wanted to just have a single child this time but just looking at Conrad already acting like a big brother is just too much.”

“It’s settled then.” Ezekiel said with a nod. “Tomorrow we tell Conrad he now has a little sister, tell the rest of the family and we go about trying to teach her some basic Atlantean, We’ll go from there.”

“I look forward to meeting her in person.” Su Li and then looked up at Ezekiel with wide pleading eyes. “Carry me to bed?”

“I don’t see why not.” Ezekiel said with a small smile and stood up with her in his arms. “It’s about time for the both of us to be sleeping as well.”

“Well… we don’t have to go to sleep right away now don’t we?” Su Li said looking up at him faux coyly.

“No we don’t have to.” Ezekiel answered with a smile opening and then closing the bedroom door behind him magically.


Author's Note:

Chapter 1 rewritten! The first of many. I hope everyone enjoys this improved and expanded revision of beginning of the story.