• Member Since 7th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 20 hours ago

Art Inspired

8000 soldiers!


It was a normal day for Twilight. Spike had just finished everything she assigned him to do for the day, and was upstairs relaxing. She hardly expected to get a visitor, but she got one anyway...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 39 )


... No really, what?

I am so confused...

~Skeeter The Lurker

I love you and your stories, nuff said:moustache:

3761611 Ooh, thanks! You seem familiar... I've definitely seen you around, maybe in threads.

Yeah I been in a lot of threads in the writers group:moustache: cause I am an attention whore I'm afraid:trollestia:

3761633 Such forwardness... Curse my love for competent, social people who can probably make a damn good story.:ajsleepy:/):heart:

Thanks for the watch you sexy you!:rainbowkiss::heart:

Oh sure, make the creepy guy sound British, how dare you, my father was an owl stuffer...

Wait, that came out wrong...

Do I seem familiar? :rainbowkiss:

3761718 Maybe I've seen you, maybe I haven't. I think this is the first time you've faved one of my stories, though.:trixieshiftleft:

3761423 You and me both. I have no idea what the hell I just read.

Not the first one, but I guess it has been a while, and it might have been under a different name all the way back then...

Do you remember saying you'd proofread, edit and promote my next personal fic of 4k or more words? And then I proceeded to let my writing lapse over the months since then, even now having written only around 3k for my next fic... whoops...

Point is, you were one of the fist writers I encountered on here, and the fact you're still going strong is really cool. So yeah, put that in your trophy cabinet next to all the butts.

3761922 I'm pleased to hear that.:heart:

I'm pleased to hear you...

:pinkiesick: ok that's enough of that now.

So that was a thing. I have no idea what to say about that. I guess I'll just leave it at "What in the neon green hell..?"

That butt for your picture has not enough butt.


Aw, crap! Look what you've done!


Do you know what I have to go through to calm that girl down?

i do believe thats the wierdest short ive read all day. :pinkiecrazy: anywho, keep up the good work

3762184 Thank you! Will do.:rainbowdetermined2:



Was a rather good read, I thought.

~Skeeter The Lurker

3762378 It was also a good write, I thought.:derpyderp2:


At a dead even 1k, I'd have hoped so.

Now the big question:

Did you have fun writing it?

~Skeeter The Lurker

3762462 I had fun writing it, sure! I had even more fun writing it while listening to this, though.



That tune is so you.

~Skeeter The Lurker

I really expected to see him leave in a flurry of feathers and pecked lumps. :rainbowlaugh:

Now that's what I call Awkward. Heavily Stuffed should get a name change and call himself Full of Himself.

Eheh. Not my best joke.

There seems to be critics for everything these days.
Kinda hard not to be judged.

3764668 They even have critics for critics!:pinkiecrazy:

Odd but amusing. I think it perhaps needed a it more to it though. Perhaps more back and forth between Twi and Owlicous or her and Stuffed.

Light-hearted fun, and there's nothing wrong with that. :twilightsmile: It could have done with being a little longer (dead on 1,000 words? Hmm) and there's the odd typo (eg "Own" for "Owl") but I was still fairly amused. Twilight's "You don't look it" line... okay, a little out of character, but it still cracked me up. Not sure what "a hint of british" might be, though: Scottish and London accents are both British and sound nothing like each other. :rainbowwild:

After putting this off, I thoroughly enjoyed it. More of the Owl Critic!

sorry about the start the sound bugged out for a moment

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