• Member Since 4th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Tuesday


I like writing ponies. And violent explosions. For some reason, that's not a problem here.


Discord's just gotten back from hopping around reality in a bad state. Near death, he is wheeled into the Canterlot hospital, barely clinging to his last shreds of life. And his day has only started getting complicated.

Written for The Discord/Celestia Group's massive, group-wide writer's collab, which can be found here. So go there for more Sun Goddess/Chaos God action, or maybe even join up and contribute! The story has a link to the thread!

My prompt was "Children." I wanted to do something besides the usual "Slice of Life" images that prompt might summon, and this is what popped up.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

If you continue this, and we get to know more about the adorabley chaotic children of these two, I'll worship the ground you walk upon. Dislestia in general needs more love, but if they have kids, forget about it - I'm all over that shit like white on rice, it desperately needs to be more of a thing. Daddy Discord and Momlestia are seriously some of my favorite things in this fandom.


I second this, but don't want to see more of "child of Discord and Celestia gets all emo and has a sad because mean ponies are mean to a half-draconequus." I can't help but think that any child Discord has a hand in raising would start from the premise "I am awesome because I am different from everyone else, and anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot." I'd think the bigger problem with "child of Discord and Celestia is perceived negatively by pompous pony nobility" would be keeping said child from being a total asshat to pompous pony nobility. Also, no one would dare being *openly* cruel to the child of the Princess... or within the hearing of said child's daddy, ever.

Actually, you know what would be hilarious and really different, is if *Blueblood* is all like "Shut your traitorous mouths, that is the child of the Princess you speak of and I will not have such slander spoken of my royal cousin!" Like, his logic is, I am awesome because I am related to Celestia, Celestia's child is therefore awesome for being related to me, Celestia's child is half draconequus, therefore being half draconequus is awesome because if that isn't true it throws into question how awesome I am, therefore I am going to use all of my formidable being-an-asshole skills in the service of protecting my little cousin from nobles who are not as awesome as we are because *they* aren't related to Celestia.


I second this, but don't want to see more of "child of Discord and Celestia gets all emo and has a sad because mean ponies are mean to a half-draconequus."

*awkward cough* I'm totally not writing one of those stories... :twilightblush:

Seven eldritch abominations, huh? That's pretty good. In one of my fanfics Q got his ass kicked by just one (that being said, you should see the other guy.)

I actually really like the notion of Discord running around picking fights with things of close to his own weight class because he's bored and there are no threats on Equestria he can go all-out against. In fact I wish in general there was more fanfic about Discord going up against villains that are worse than he is and in his own weight class or better. (Villains, because when Discord goes up against heroes of his own weight class, the writer usually puts a finger on the scale so that Discord gets his ass handed to him way too easily, as it's usually about a Gary Stu power fantasy about beating on or killing Discord, whereas when Discord goes up against villains or possessed evil former heroes, the fights are usually fairer.)


It's a personal preference on my part. I was an incredibly arrogant genius small child with unbelievably bad teeth that took eight years of braces to fix, so I grew up believing a, I am awesome, b, I am hideous, c, therefore who gives a damn what I look like because I am so much smarter than you... and I tend to project that attitude onto Discord, who's kind of the ultimate "I am weird, you are not, this makes me SUPERIOR" dude. So it just hits me wrong when either Discord or his kids are all "I'm so sad because ponies think I'm ugly", because I've *been* there, and while it hurts, it usually doesn't result in "I'm so sad" so much as "I despise you all".

That being said, if I had a nickel for every time one of my *own* kids had a belief or attitude I find incomprehensible that I couldn't talk them out of... hell, I got into an argument with my seven year old today because she is a pale-skinned redhead who looks awesome in black. No. "This is ugly. I look terrible in black." No you don't, you look awesome. "No, I look ugly." So there's no guarantee that Discord could successfully convince his kid to not care what other ponies think.

3760396 If you really like the idea, you might want to check out my other fic. Discord takes on a demigod bent on turning Equestria into his dominion. He loses, but he does go out like a badass.



I've been reading it, yes. That was one of the best death scenes I've seen for him, and the part where he zaps the hero who's going to go sacrifice himself so that he can do it instead was pretty epic. :-)

3760785 Oh, well, thank you! :pinkiehappy:

3760086 I do have another Dislestia fic planned, and I do plan on expanding on the pairing, but I really have nothing more planned for this other than a little surprise at the end of some fic. You know...

Discord: "Well, I'm just glad things can go back to normal abnormality around..."

Celestia: "Dissy, I'm pregnant, and you're the father."

Discord: "Oh, arse."


3760383 I would totally read that fic.

D'awww, I wanna see more of this!

Yo I found you on fimfiction!!! :D

Yo what up man!
My da account was banned because I was underage :T
I just accidentally put in the wrong year
Anyway is it ok if I still continue the story on film fiction?


can you continue this? It's really good. I'd love to see more

This is all I had planned, mate. Sorry.

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