• Member Since 11th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Okay, I admit it, I'm probably not your mom. But odds are I'm old enough to be. Now with Patreon account (under alarajrogers) and short stories on Amazon (under Alara Rogers).


This story is a sequel to The Last Draconequus

During the Dragon War, Princess Celestia, crowned leader after her father's death though she would not call herself Queen, sent her lover Discord to the dragon lands to break Equestria's terrifying enemies with chaos and madness, in an operation codenamed Cry Havoc. Princess Luna, young but not as innocent as her sister thinks, has learned about it, and has gone to Discord to demand that he teach her how to help, so she can ensure the dragons cannot escape chaos even in their dreams.

This is what I call a "warmup", a small story snippet intended to help me figure out character interactions. It's probably going to end up as part of The Last Draconequus eventually, but for right now, it turned out to be long enough to stand on its own, unlike most of my snippets.

Because it's a snippet, it's labeled "complete". I won't be adding more to it directly, though when I fold it into "Last Draconequus" it will probably get expanded.

Has been added to the series page: The Last Draconequus

Cover art is "The Discord Theory" by Elkerae.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 10 )

Very interesting ideas, although I can't see Discord following orders, particularly to stop war, one of the most chaotic things to exist.

However, all other characterisation I agree with, and I love the story. Faved.

He hasn't completely lost his shit yet; he's fighting the war because Celestia's family took him in and gave him a home, so they're his adopted family and Equestria his home... and the dragons ate his father figure. He's not fighting to stop the war, but to win it. The detachment from pony affairs he develops later where they're his toys and watching them fight is great fun... that comes later. Right now, this war is personal for him.

Also being told "Go use your chaos powers to totally fuck someone up" is probably an order he has very little trouble taking. :-)

you're like the biggest discord fan it seems

War is not chaotic, because war never changes.

What happens in war is chaotic based on the perspective. For the observer, it never changes. For the soldier, it constantly changes. For Discord, it is a very yummy meal.

Not really a yummy meal, for my version of Discord. A very filling meal and nutritious, but kind of like eating bowls of super spicy chili when you don't like spicy food. It's food, but the taste burns. He doesn't much like the chaos caused by pain and death; he much prefers emotional suffering to physical.

Your words strike true. I have never seen a better written version of Discord than yours. Truly, I will say that you ahve captured the essence of Discord.

I don't understand why this has so few comments! I love your stories. I don't mean to push you, but it wouol bring me great satisfaction if you keep writing Discord for as long as you are able!

Keep up the good work! :heart:

4559732 Oh but it does! War is one of the most intense and quick instruments of change in all of the history!

Well... that and asteroid impacts. Those are quite the to-do, let me tell you! But asteroids flatten and wipe out so much that it takes eons for the new things to really get moving.

But war, ho-ho-ho, the face of the world is re-written by the slashing penstrokes of conflict! Entire nations burned to ash while others rise over them in dominance!

Destruction is the tool of change and transformation! No life would exist had not generations of starts burst asunder and spewed their very innards across the cosmos!

For those who foolishly embrace change for the sake of change, there is naught but to lead them to war; thus they shall learn that what they sought was never change at all, but stability in their own blissful little bubble; and that being a myth as nonexistent as the nowhere that is Utopia.

*Alondro and his allies the Shadows are currently fighting against the Vorlons... because he's now evil... until tomorrow, or the day after, who knows! CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE!!!*


I cannot help but see this through a very familiar lens. When creatures of darkness and chaos speak of what they can do and a being of light cannot, card games come all too easily to mind. Black and red are allies with white as their shared philosophical opponent. Working together, they can wreak havoc like nothing else... but with little if any regard for the consequences of their actions.

In any case, a fascinating taste of what is to come in this continuity. Thank you for it.

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