• Published 8th Dec 2013
  • 2,212 Views, 96 Comments

The Forgotten Memory - Feather Note

A mysterious being is sent to a place where he has no knowledge of. Can he make it or is something going to happen that changes the destiny of all of those around him.

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Chapter II: The Day of Beginning

"Well Xaniel it is very nice to meet you, I have to say though, out of all the names I've heard before, yours takes the cake for being so...different." Twilight said, hoping she didn't offend him in any sort.

"I never would have heard a name like yours either, from my memory, names were certainly different from someone like you." He said, still very confused of what was going on here.

All Xaniel could do was just stare at this new kind of being, the first different life form that he had seen on another world happened to be a pony, but he couldn't complain, knowing it could've been worse. For all he, knew, his first life form could've been one that would try and eat him.

"I have to ask Twilight... where am I exactly?" He said with a questioning gaze.

"Oh, well, for starters you are under the library right now, I had to keep you here because... well, lets just say that if anypony saw something like you walking around, it wouldn't be good." She said.

"So how long have I been down here?" Xaniel said with a worried gaze.

"Oh for about three days now, I do have to say, you worried me there for a moment, you looked like you were never going wake up again." She said, in a nervous tone.

That's what made him question something.

"What do you mean when you said, that I looked like I wouldn't make it?" He said, even more worried than before.

"Well, how do I put this, you were in a really bad coma when I got you here, I seriously thought you weren't ever going come out of it." Twilight said.

What Xaniel didn't understand was how he got here, or why he was even brought to this place. Things just didn't seem right."Hey Twilight, I can guess your probably wondering what I am, but how about over breakfast, I really feel empty." He said smiling.

"Sure thing Xaniel, just be quiet alright, I don't need you waking Spike, what he would do if he saw you, I can imagine it wouldn't end well for him."She said in a hushed voice.

Xaniel simply nodded and followed her upstairs.

When they reached the main room, Xaniel saw what her place looked like. There were a few rooms, one led to another part of the library, one into the kitchen and the other to the bathroom. For a house shaped like this and seeing shelves of books, he wonder how all of this was kept so clean.

He sat down at the table while Twilight went into the kitchen to make something, giving Xaniel some time to gather his thoughts.('Well, things seem normal enough for a place like this, but how, why such a world like this?')That question was all too wrapped up in his mind.

Twilight came back with a couple of plates that had fruit pancakes, she set the one with blueberry's down for him, while she had raspberry."So Xaniel, is this alright for you, I mean do you eat stuff like this?" She asked, being nervous as always.

"Yeah, this is alright, I ate stuff like this at home before, oh and thank you for making me this."He said.

They sat down and ate for a bit, before Twilight began asking questions."So uhh, Xaniel, I was just wondering but uhh, what does your species call yourselves?"

"Well, we are known as Humans, beings that can walk upright, and have the ability to grasp items or objects with ease, like how you see me now." He said as he picked up the fork with ease.

"Well that's very neat, oh and what do you eat, are you a herbivore or carnivore?" She asked with excitement as she jotted down notes.

"Actually, its both for us."

"Wait, so you eat plant life and animals, that's amazing, I mean seeing your teeth, I thought you were just a herbivore, okay what else, do you have a family?"

Xaniel brought his fork away from his mouth and thought about that question.

"I... well truth be told, I don't remember having any family." He sadly said.

"Oh I didn't mean-"

"No, its okay, I just never thought about it like that, from what I can remember, there was no one like that in my life." He said. Sadly it was true, all he remembers was darkness, except for the people he saw, but even there names where hidden away.

"I'm sorry about that, its just, I really want to know everything about you, your kind, what they do, all those kind of questions, just let me know if any of the questions I ask are a bit too personal for you." She reassuringly said.

"Alright, so who-"

"Gahh, what is that thing Twilight!"

She and Xaniel turned around and saw Spike standing there, terrified and scared.

"Okay Spike, I know how this looks but-"

"Seriously Twilight what is that thing, when were you gonna tell me about this... this monster!"

"SPIKE, would you calm down!" She said, annoyed at Spike for is outburst.

Xaniel feels put down after hearing him being called a monster, so he gets up and heads back downstairs.

"Xaniel wait, now look at what you did Spike, he was alright till you had to go shout like that!"

A new pony walks out of the Twilight's bedroom "Hey mom, whats going on, why is everypony yelling down here?" She was just a little filly, showing a ebony coat, Mane color that almost resembled Rarity's, and one thing that threw off her look was that she also was a Alicorn, but with slitted eyes.

"Oh don't worry sweety, just trying to get Spike to calm down here." She said annoyed with his reaction.

"Didn't you see it Nyx, it was right there, what are you hiding Twilight." He said, still nervous of coming down.

"Uhh, fine follow me, just don't talk." She said.

They followed her downstairs, except Spike shielding himself with Nyx, afraid that whatever this was, is gonna cause trouble. Everyone gets to the door of the basement, Twilight then adds,"Okay, so a couple of things I have to tell you two before we go through this door, one, be nice, two, be calm, and three, don't scream okay." She said in a firm voice.

Spike just shook his head while Nyx was still confused about what was going on. Twilight opened the door and led them inside. They walked down the stairs to find Xaniel, just sitting on his bed, looking up at the ceiling.

She saw that his face held an expression of sadness and nervousness, but he just kept looking up."Hey, Xaniel, sorry about that, its just somepony can't keep himself calm in a situation like this."She said, glaring at Spike.

"Woah, what is this thing Twilight, where did you find something like this." Nyx said very curious about the creature she was seeing.

Xaniel just kept staring up at the ceiling, not paying attention at all to what they were saying."Uhh, are you alright Xaniel?"Twilight asked worryingly

"Huh, oh, I guess, just being called a monster like that isn't what I would call a very good compliment." He said, sounding sad.

"Well, I'm sorry for the way things have gone this morning, Spike here is just a little hasty when it comes to seeing something new, so Spike apologize to Xaniel here."

"But I did-"

"Spike." She said glaring at him.

"Oh alright." He said.

Walking over to Xaniel he said,"Hey, um, I'm sorry for calling you a monster, I didn't really mean it, it's just that your so completely different from anything I've seen before." Spike said.

"It's alright, beside, I would've reacted the same way, if I was in your place, I mean, seeing a dragon, is kinda difficult to comprehend somewhat." Xaniel said smiling.

Spike then smiled too, feeling more comfortable around him."I just wanna say that, this is the coolest thing ever, I can't believe that you found this... um."

"Human." Twilight said, helping Nyx out.

"Yeah, what was your name again?" Nyx asked.

"My name is Xaniel, and from what I've heard so far, your Nyx, uhh, I just have to ask, why is a young filly here Twilight?" He asked.

"Oh, well, where should I start."


"Wow, that's... well I don't even know what to say." Xaniel just got done listening to Twilight's long story about where Nyx had come from, even he was surprised that she was just a being from something more sinister.

"Yeah, it was a very long process of having to deal with all that, but anyway, everything has calmed down and so far nothing else bad has happened, I plan to keep it that way as long as she behaves."

"But I have gotten better, right mom?" Nyx asked, putting a smile on her face.

"Of course sweety, now then was there anything else you would like to ask Xaniel?"

"Well, I just have to wonder, how will we go about introducing me to everyone else around here, I mean, I can't just go walking around out there, hoping no one would notice me." He said.

"Hmm, I could turn you into a pony, but having you adjust to everything would take quite a while, how about this, I'll introduce you to my friends one at a time, see how that works."

"That could work, but who would you start out with, I mean is there anyone more understanding other than your friends."

"Your right about that Xaniel, I'll send a letter to Princess Celestia, hopefully she'll be available to come here, in fact I should've contacted them earlier, but I don't think it's that bad."

At the castle, a Pony stood there, looking out her balcony, trying to figure out what that energy was that she sensed at Twilight's Library. She was much taller than the average pony being a Alicorn, her coat white, but her mane was ethereal, colored with blue, pink, and green, staring out to the city with her Magenta eyes.

"Sister, I have a message from Twilight Sparkle." Said the other pony who came walking into the room. She also like her sister, was an Alicorn, her coat was a Dark Sapphire Blue, her ethereal mane a mixture of Dark Blue colors.

"Thank you Luna, I was hoping she went to investigate whatever that energy surge was."

Whatever type of power she felt, it was very unfamiliar to her, it wasn't strong, but she never felt anything like it. She opened the letter and read what Twilight had to tell her.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I wrote you this letter for many good reasons, but I just need you to come down to see what I have found, a little warning though, what you will see, will shock you.

Your most Faithful Student
Twilight Sparkle

"Sister, come with me, I think we'll find out what we felt earlier yesterday."

Twilight was hurringly trying to clean up the Library for the arrival of Princess Celestia and Luna, for an occasion like this, things were about to get interesting.

"Spike did you clean the upstairs?"

"Sure did Twilight."

"What about the basement Nyx, is it good?"

"Yep, its perfect Mom."

She had Xaniel wait downstairs, she thought that if he was just standing there, the Princesses would freak out ,so she thought of just bringing them downstairs.

"Ohh, I hope were ready." Twilight said. This was really nerve wracking for her, she didn't know what to expect when they got here.

Minutes go by and the Princesses arrive, they knock on the door, and sure enough, Twilight opens the door.
"Greetings Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, how was your flight."

"Wonderful Twilight, but I was wondering, why did you summon us to your Library?" Celestia asked.

"Well, about that, I just need you to promise me, that this remains a secret, no other pony needs to know about this for right now."

"What is with all of this secrecy Twilight?" Luna asked, a bit nervous at what Twilight was about to show them.

"Well, lets just head down into the basement, basically what you'll see is completely... well lets just go downstairs."

Twilight takes the princesses down to the lab, hoping that they wouldn't freak out seeing Xaniel."Okay, what I am about to show you is... well strange to say the least, be ready." Twilight say's, warning the Princesses.

She slowly pulls away the curtains, revealing the figure sitting down on the bed. Both Princesses gasp as they see the new creature that has been revealed to them.

In all her life, Princess Celestia has never seen a creature like this before. It was completely different, and made her shiver at what this being was capable of."Uhh, Twilight, I would like to say, what is this new creature that you discovered." She asked, hoping not to sound too nervous.

"Well Celestia, Luna, what you see before you is... well, allow him to explain all of this."

Xaniel gets up from the bed, and nervously walks over to both Princesses."Ahem, umm, hi, My name is...umm, my name." It felt like Xaniel couldn't talk at all.

Both princesses looked to him then each other, then they began to giggle. Then Luna spoke up,"Sorry about that, me and my sister were just surprised to see you so, nervous in front of us. In fact it should be us who are nervous to you, we are sorry if we worried you so, please come upstairs with us, it might be more relaxing up there." She said, hoping to calm Xaniel.

He began to relax a little more as he followed them upstairs.

"So, tell us, what is your name." Luna asked in a more kinder tone.

"Well, my name is Xaniel, it is an honor to meet royalty like yourselves, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."

"The pleasure is ours Xaniel, but you don't have to be so formal. So do you mind telling us what you are.?"

"Well Celestia, I am a human, as you can guess, I am not from around here, like Twilight said to me earlier, but tell me, where exactly am I?"

Both princesses looked at each other,"So you don't know where you are, I thought Twilight would tell you." Said Celestia.

"Well, for one, Twilight told me that where I was, was in the towns Library, I don't have much more information other that that."

"Alright since this is your first time here, I shall let you know right now that you are in Equestria, and currently where your at now is a place called Ponyville."

Xaniel at least knew now where he was at, but still couldn't shake off the feeling of being the only human here."Am...am I really the only one here of my kind in this world?"

Luna and Celestia looked at Twilight again, seeing that she was nervous."You really haven't told him much have you Twilight." Asked Celestia.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I haven't really gotten around to that, I was so caught up in learning everything he knew that I kinda forgot to tell him about where he was at, ah heh heh."

"Celestia, about that power you mentioned."

"Oh, your right sister, well Xaniel it is good to meet you, but I do have to ask you about your power."


Xaniel had no idea what she was asking about, he didn't remember any power that he could wield, then again, could he use anything like that.

"What do you mean, I mean, I don't remember ever having power before...wait, you can sense my strength?"

"Yes dear, me and Luna, not too long ago felt your energy at Twilight's house, we were somewhat worried because I have never felt anything like that before."

"Wait, are you saying my energy is, really strong?"He said. Xaniel had a very hard time taking all of this in, for one, knowing that you have a power that strong is really something unlike anything he ever felt.

"No its not that, your energy is very weak for you, I thought that your strength was strong, but it doesn't seem like that."

('Well that figures'), he thought. Knowing that you were weaker than even them, but he began to feel their energy, and it felt strong, really strong. Even Twilight was about as strong as these two, which made him worry even more.

"No, what me and Luna felt Xaniel was a power that felt different from a Unicorn's, you have energy, I just don't think you know how to use it yet from the sound of it." She said.

Energy having different feelings from others, all of this was completely unknown to him, he somehow sensed all three princesses powers, all being very strong, then another caught his attention."Hey, um Twilight, do you feel Nyx's energy?"

"Of course I have, why do you ask?" Twilight said, very confused why he asked.

"Well, its just that, I feel like, I know that energy feeling from before, I don't know how I'm able to tell, but her power feels similar to someone I still don't know from my memories." He looked at Nyx again."Yeah, it definitely feels familiar."

"Who do I make you remember Xaniel?" Nyx asked, curious of who he was talking about.

"Well, from what I can tell, he is like me, a boy, about my age, I can't really see him though." As Xaniel pondered through his mind.

"Maybe if you focus harder?" Twilight inclined, as she got closer, hoping he could describe this other mysterious person.

"Hmm, uhh, well, everything's so dark, I can't seem to get a clear picture of anything." He tries thinking harder."Ah, no, nothing."

"Do not worry, in time your memory will come back to you, as of for what me and Celestia should do, I think that as of now, you shall remain here at the library with Twilight, its not that we don't trust you, its just having a creature like you roaming around freely would likely panic many of the Citizens here in Ponyville." Luna said, hoping not to offend him.

"Yeah, I can agree on that, besides, Twilight's been really nice so far, I mean, I can tell all of you don't trust me all too well, but no matter what, I won't argue." He said, smiling as if nothing bad was wrong."I mean, I would probably feel the same way if any of you showed up."

Everyone smiled, realizing that Xaniel was far better than they thought he would be."It's very nice to know that our first ever contact with something, new is going smoothly."Celestia said, very happy with how things were going, turning to Luna,"We should head back, its time we got back to our duties, from now on Twilight, if anything ever comes up, we'll be there to help in anyway we can." She said, smiling to her former student. With that, both princesses walk back out and teleport back to Canterlot.

"Well that went far better than I hoped for, again thank you for sharing with us Xaniel, I know how hard it is to answer some of these questions, but you've helped us out extremely well, now if we could-" She stopped talking as she heard knocking on her door.

"Twilight, are you in there dear, its me Rarity, Fluttershy we saw the Princesses come out and teleport from a couple of houses away, is everything alright?"

Twilight quickly began to panic, everything was gonna get ugly here in a minute.

Author's Note:

Welp, thats chapter II for yah, Celestia and Luna know now about Xaniel, but will Rarity and Fluttershy find out, will Twilight figure out what to do, Is Pinkie gonna ever get out of my-wait Pinkie don't touch that.Pinkie don't-

Edited by Mekapix

P.S. I know how this looks, being that Nyx is here and all, but I did say Alternate Universe, also I give credit to the very awesome creator of Nyx, Pen Stroke, he is very awesome. Oh and Nyx will have a certain meaning to be in this story, if you got the hint with the person Xaniel was trying to remember.