• Published 30th Nov 2013
  • 10,248 Views, 312 Comments

Apple Family Values - Lapis-Lazuli and Stitch

They say you can’t miss what you’ve never had. And Scootaloo would be inclined to agree with them. Except, she did have all a little filly would want from a home, and she does miss what she lost. Not that anypony would help her get it ba

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Chapter 3 - New Family, Old Problems

~~~~Ponyville Schoolhouse~~~~

Scootaloo was having a very hard time believing that today had been anything but a very nice dream that was just bound to end any minute. She had woken up next to Apple Bloom, but that was nothing new or unique. What had been new and unique was the morning that had followed. Big Mac had decided to call her ‘Scoots’ while Applejack and Applebloom were still calling her ‘Sis’, a word that caused her to repeatedly try to clean out her ears - certain she’d misheard them.

Breakfast had been yet more marvelous. Granny Smith’s oatmeal and clean spring water followed by the sight of Granny fixing up not one lunch box…. but two. Where Granny had found a tin Wonderbolts lunchbox on such short notice, Scootaloo did not know. But she had packed it with carrot sticks and celery, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich - crusts on, just like Scootaloo liked them. A juice box and a fresh red apple had finished stuffing the thing, and Granny had presented it to her with the kind of smile that put a grip firmly around the pegasus filly’s heart. Sweetie Belle had met them outside, and it had been off to school as though this morning was no different than the rest.

But it was so very, very different.

The comforting weight of lunch in her backpack was one she hadn’t felt in a long time - having preferred to nick her lunch on the fly at recess instead of trying to pack something. There was a solid sense of something that Scootaloo just couldn’t put her hoof on as she sped down the road on her scooter alongside Applebloom. A warmth that hadn’t been there yesterday and that confused Scoots for quite some minutes as she tried to chase down the feeling but found herself stymied.

So she shook it off and focused on the day ahead. There was no way in heck that Twilight hadn’t already been to see Ms. Cheerilee, which meant that there was no way that half the town didn’t also already know about her situation. But it doesn’t matter how rough it might make things… You’ve got a home to go back to, now. A safe place to hide that nopony can take away from you, no matter what the stupids might say. And even better, she had a backup too in case things got too hot at the Apple household. Nopony in town - not even Diamond Tiara - messed with Rarity on her own turf.

Still, it wasn’t going to be easy. There was going to be a lot of heads in need of smacking and a lot of bullies with fresh new crap to throw at her. Get your head out of the clouds, Scootaloo, she thought with one final headshake as the schoolhouse finally came into view. As always, Cheerilee met each student as they came into class. And as always, the Crusaders were amongst the first to arrive thanks to how close the Apple farm was to the schoolhouse. Unfortunately, that meant… “Scootaloo, could I have a word?” That was Ms. Cheerilee, and the emotions she was feeling couldn’t have been plainer if she’d have been holding a sign. Her eyes were teary, and she was clutching a piece of parchment to her chest like it was a winning Cloudsdale Lotto ticket.

Scootaloo sighed and nodded to her friends before hopping off the scooter and trotting it over to her teacher. And here we go… Scootaloo thought somewhat glumly as she watched Sweetie and Applebloom trot inside with sympathetic looks. “Scootaloo… I… Twilight came to see me last night and I…” It wasn’t like Ms. Cheerilee to trip over her words like that, but she was obviously pretty emotional. Like, worse than the love poison emotional. Urk.

There was only one solution to this - she had to play up the poor-me-but-i’m-tough part. An old jibe for somepony like her, but always a favorite. So she scrunched up her eyes and put on her best brave-face smile, trying to focus on the warmth and emotion that had been flooding into her life for the past day. “S’okay, Miss Cheerilee. I didn’t want anypony to know, so don’t beat yourself up over it.” The last thing she needed was Miss Cheerilee getting into a tizzy because she hadn’t caught on to things.

Cheerilee gave a little sniffle and produced as broad and proud a smile as Scootaloo had ever seen on her face. “Well, I’m afraid word’s already gotten around but… if there is anything I can do for you, Scootaloo…” she said softly, gently tousling the pegasus’ mane. “With anything about school, you let me know. I know you’re not terribly fond of learning in a classroom.” And at that, Miss Cheerilee gave off a wry grin. “Which makes a whole lot more sense now, actually. But I promise you I will work extra hard to keep things interesting and work with you to get past those issues if you’re willing to put in a little more effort.”

That was… one of the strangest things Miss Cheerilee had ever said, but Scootaloo caught on pretty fast. Cheerilee was sure Scootaloo didn’t value her education because she didn’t see it being worth her time, given her background. That wasn’t terribly far from the truth if Scoots was being honest with herself, but she really did try to pay attention. Sometimes. Still, she felt a need to try to keep things peaceful and fair between them… especially now that there might be a consequence or two to having lousy grades. “I’ll try, Miss Cheerilee,” Scootaloo said softly, and was relieved to see Miss Cheerilee’s usual chipper mood return.

Her teacher beamed at her for a moment before her features softened. “I know you’re not the kind of pony who likes others fussing over you, Scootaloo. Just… know we’re doing it because we care.” Cheerilee gently touched her shoulder for a moment before trotting into the classroom ahead of her. Scootaloo shook her head slowly and carefully parked her scooter in the shed next to the door. She’d deal with the implications of what Miss Cheerilee had said later. Right now, she had bigger problems to deal with.

Namely, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

By the time she was in her seat, Scootaloo was already formulating a plan for the day. It was Friday, which meant that there would be no school tomorrow. That would give her two whole days to come up with a strategy on how to deal with the entire town treating her like a sob story, but more importantly, it would give her time to figure out how to deal with the school bullies and whatever new insults, put downs, and abuses they might try to level at her. Whatever they had in mind, she wasn’t about to give them any satisfaction. Not today, anyway.

Sure enough, the prissy pair waltzed in mere moments before class was supposed to start and got in on their usual routine of holding everything up. As usual, Cheerilee sort of just let it all slide past - word had it that the one time she’d tried to convince their parents of their misbehavior, it had been about as effective as trying to tell Pinkie Pie to lay off the sugar. So instead, Miss Cheerilee just worked the delay into her usual morning routine by taking that time to do a quick headcount.

Scootaloo silently sighed and tried her best not to look too bored, dragging out her much-overused notebook and idly scribbling in it until Miss Cheerilee came to her name. She raised her hoof dutifully and went back to ignoring the universe spinning around her, silently counting down the seconds before they inevitably…

“Heya,” came the attempt at a conspiratorial whisper from Diamond Tiara. She was terrible at it. Scoots knew what a real secret whisper sounded like. This wasn’t going to be good. “Heard you moved in with those loony country ponies. Not sure if I’d take poor as dirt over… ha, well, poor as dirt. Even if I were you, which I’m glad I’m not.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes a little at that one as Cheerilee barely missed a beat in her morning routine while moving right on to her topic for the day: math. Money hadn’t ever really been important to her in the first place, but… Why is that line irritating me? she thought, somewhat confused. Money taunts were usually the easiest to shrug off, given how little she cared about it. But today, something was different. Applebloom shot her a worried look, and she subtly waved it off. If money was all Diamond Tiara had under her prissy hair-do today, this was gonna be easier than she thought. Of course, jerk number two had yet to chime in.

“I don’t know Diamond,” Silver Spoon added, though the sneer in her voice made it quite clear she was not talking to her friend. “At least the orphan fillies get greul. I bet she has to eat mashed up apples all the time now.” The two of them snickered, putting hooves up to their mouths as if they were trying to hide it.

Scootaloo felt her hoof twitch for a moment, and took in a deep and silent breath. That was a common tactic for them, setting it up with something lame and kicking it hard with something sharper, and she never could get used to it. But… No. I’m not going to give them the satisfaction. Cheerilee wasn’t obviously watching her, but Scootaloo was nopony’s fool. Miss Cheerilee heard and saw everything that went on in her class, no matter what someponies thought. She doesn’t just think you’re some slacker anymore, Scoots. As Rainbow Dash would say - you gotta step it up.

So she closed her eyes for a moment, tuning out the easy-peasy times tables to try to focus on the memories still fresh from last night. After a few more silent moments, she mentally braced for the next one as now that the preliminaries were over, they’d really dig into her.

“Oooooh,” Diamond drew out the weak exclamation, and Scootaloo raced through her mind to find what about her was about to come under borish comments next. “So you like living on a mud-filled, yucky farm with stupid earth ponies. If all pegasi loved the ground as much as you do, their wings would fall off. You’re worse than Fluttershy. Not good enough to live with pegasi, and can’t fly.”

“Embarrassing,” Silver Spoon chimed in. Scootaloo bit her lip for a moment to keep from making her habitual snappy comeback in spite of every instinct that screamed at her to do so. No. Not in front of… And then it hit her: why this was hurting more than it usually did. They were digging at her family. Not just her friends, both of whom could defend themselves and knew how to do so. But her family. Worse still, they were hitting one of the softest targets in town, Fluttershy, like it was some kind of tough filly thing to do. Dash wouldn’t have stood for that.

But Dash wasn’t here, and Cheerilee had discarded her usual subtlety and was watching her with enough concern to make Applebloom look positively disinterested. Any other day, she probably would have gone off on those two by now, but… Applejack doesn’t let anypony get under her skin, ever. She had a big sister now, and if she’d learned anything from hanging with the Crusaders, that meant she had a standard to live up to.

So she decided that if she couldn’t get mad at them, she’d get even. She pointedly ignored them, turning to Applebloom with a half smile. “Least I got a pair of the best sisters a filly could ask for,” she said, almost too softly to be heard, and was rewarded with a brilliant smile from Applebloom and a sly grin from Sweetie Belle. Even Miss Cheerilee seemed to like that one, segueing back into her lesson without a further glance backwards, apparently satisfied that Scootaloo could handle herself.

“Yeah? You think you’ve got great sisters?” Diamond snapped at her, the usual veneer gone. “Huh, I guess I can see why you think you’d fit in. None of you have any damn parents, so you can all mope in front of some stupid fire together.” Scootaloo’s head whipped around at that, and the sound of chalk clattering to the floor emphasized the sudden dead silence.

“Did your parents kick the bucket too?” Diamond blazed on, seemingly unaffected by the shell-shocked classroom around her. Even Silver Spoon was now edging away from her. “Probably were sick to their stomachs having to deal with a flightless pegasus. I bet they did it themselves they were so ashamed. ‘Course, that’s almost too perfect since those ass-hole Apples probably hung themselves on their own trees - ”

Scootaloo was moving before she knew what her body was doing. Training with Rainbow Dash had taught her a lot about muscle memory and instinct and how you were never faster than when you were doing something without thinking about it. She grabbed her school chair, even as she vaguely heard Miss Cheerilee saying something in the background, but she was far beyond thought now.

Her hooves braced into the ground as she threw the chair with an impossible strength, barely missing Diamond Tiara’s head as the earth pony ducked under the blow instinctually… but the chair did catch her stupid tiara, smashing it against the wall behind her along with the chair. Scootaloo herself kept moving, her peripheral vision catching the sight of Sweetie Belle tackling an enraged Applebloom to the ground as she vaulted Diamond Tiara’s desk with an agility born of years of scooter tricks and stunts.

Diamond Tiara swung clumsily up at her, the blow not strong enough to even slow Scootaloo down as it smacked upside her shoulder. Diamond Tiara was a soft homebody. Scootaloo was an athlete, even if only a young one. There was quite literally no contest when it came to comparative strength, earth pony and pegasus or not.

Her hindhooves hit Diamond Tiara square in the chest and sent her, and her chair, crashing into the ground with Scootaloo atop her. What came next was nothing but a blur of red hazed vision and raw anger. She rained long dreamed of blows down upon her tormentor, utterly incapable of restraint in that moment. All she could think of were the visions of her mother in the hospital bed as she faded away. Of the night before, when a pony who didn’t have a single damn reason in the entire world to do so took her in and gave her a home. If she wouldn’t stand up for that home... If she wouldn’t defend it with all of her strength, then what right did she have to live as part of it?

Scootaloo didn’t know how long it went on. It was only the merest chance, and perhaps desperation, that saw Diamond Tiara overturning her superior position and tumbling Scootaloo to the floor that put a stop to it. She rolled to her hooves, only to see her foe fleeing out of the door at a stumbling top speed. More voices were yelling at her. Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, Cheerilee. But none of them registered with her as she bolted towards the door in pursuit.

She had just cleared the threshold of the door when massive red limbs caught her up, bodily lifting her off of the ground and shocking her momentarily out of her rage. Her vision cleared enough to see the soft gaze of Big Macintosh looking down on her as her limbs flailed and struggled against him for a few moments before finally giving up.

The pure adrenalin of the moment drained away, and her body felt aching and exhausted all at once. “It’s okay, li’l sis,” Big Macintosh rumbled softly, and a moment later blackness closed in around her, robbing her of consciousness and tumbling her down into a world of warmth and silence.


Voices drifted out of the darkness, at first indistinct then slowly turning clear, like a radio being tuned to the proper station. “... gonna be alright?” That was the husky voice of Big Macintosh, sounding incredibly worried in a way Scootaloo had never heard before.

“... should be fine. Stress, overexertion can do that to young ponies.” That was a voice she didn’t immediately recognize - female, gently caring and concerned in a professional sort of way. “Ah… see? She’s coming to already. Her body just needed to process the adrenalin crash. Miss Scootaloo?” Scootaloo’s vision began to clear up, blurry at first then much more clear. Given the position of the sun in the sky, she couldn’t have been out more than a couple hours. The pony speaking to her was…

“Oh… Hi, Nurse Redheart,” Scootaloo muttered, lifting a sore limb and rubbing at her forehead as she tried to process what had just happened. For a few moments, nothing came to her. It was all too jumbled and confused, but… “Uh oh,” she half whispered as she began to remember. The details were still incredibly fuzzy, but the content was clear enough. All of her self control had been for absolutely nothing, and she’d finally snapped and gone hardcore on Diamond Tiara.

While on the one hoof, it was gratifying to have finally gotten her licks in, on the other hoof… Applejack’s gonna kill me. She’s gonna ship me back to the orphanage, and they’re gonna lock me up, and I’ll never see Sweetie or Applebloom again and... Her thoughts were quickly running out of control, and she began to curl up into a painful ball right on the spot. She might very well have burst into tears there and then, if not…

If not for those big, gentle hooves that picked her up and held her close. “Nope. Ain’t gonna let you go, li’l sis. Yer an Apple, an that’s the end of it, eeyup,” rumbled the powerful and deep voice of Big Mac. Scootaloo had never had cause to notice before, but his coat was surprisingly soft now that she was pressed up against it. She belatedly realized her thoughts had turned into words, and her cheeks burned with shame. So she did the only thing she could think of… and hid her face in Big Mac’s shoulders.

She was crying, and she hated crying. She hated anypony seeing her cry, and she really hated anypony knowing why she was crying. But there was no stopping these tears for some reason, so the best she could do was minimize the damage. Fortunately, Big Mac didn’t seem to feel the need to speak much more than he already had, and Scootaloo was one hundred percent okay with that.

She ignored any other sounds around her, waiting for the tears to dry up and stop so she could get back to class. So she could have the wonderful lunch that had been packed for her and try to pretend none of this had happened. Life wasn’t going to accommodate her of course, but the thought was nice. “There ya are, Big Mac,” came Applejack’s sweet and twangy voice from the distance, and Scootaloo did her best to burrow into Big Mac’s forehooves and try to hide. The sound of hooves approaching penetrated through the sobs, but the voice softened as it got closer. “Ah, ponyfeathers… Hey, sis.” Applejack said softly, a smaller but no less gentle hoof touching her shoulder.

Scootaloo jerked it out of the touch and tried to strangle the words in her throat, but wasn’t able to do so completely. “Go ‘way,” she muttered into Big Mac’s coat, and immediately regretted the words. The last thing she needed to do was antagonize Applejack more than she already had. Of course, what she really wanted more than anything was someplace to hide away from everyone for a while until she could get these stupid tears under control.

Unfortunately, it seemed Applejack wasn’t having it. “Scoots… It’s alright. I talked to Cheerilee. I’m not mad at’cha.” That was a shock enough to make Scootaloo look up from Big Mac’s shoulders, suddenly forgetting her own tears. Applejack had a smile on her face that seemed to be fighting between proud and worried. “Shoot, darlin. Can’t hardly get mad at you for actin’ like an Apple, even if it weren’t precisely the smartest thing t’do.”

Scootaloo couldn’t help herself. She stared dumbly at Applejack, watching her mouth twitch up into a grin before she spoke again. “Which when I think ‘bout it, is also actin’ just like an Apple anyways.” She chuckled softly, and Scootaloo couldn’t help the little smile that twitched across her face. She sniffled, trying to fight back the feeling of a stuffy nose and sore eyes, not to mention the entire rest of her that still felt like she’d been run over by the cart from her crash the other day.

Scootaloo didn’t know what to say. She didn’t even know how to process what’d happened, except… “Is Applebloom okay?” she asked quietly, wondering a moment later what had driven her to ask that question. The answer came a heartbeat after the question - because she was worried about her friend and her sister that had been forced to hear the same insult she had.

Applejack’s smile turned from wryly humorous to incredibly proud in the space of a heartbeat. She spoke in a warm voice that felt like it was seeping in through Scootaloo’s coat and easing the pain in her body, “She’s jes’ fine, Scootaloo, but y’all better go on and see her anyway. I got a lotta work to get done today, an we can talk ‘bout the rest when y’all get home.” Applejack nodded firmly, her tone making it clear she saw that as the end of it.

Scootaloo watched her trot off into the distance, with Big Macintosh gently setting her down onto the ground. She turned to the bulky stallion and tried not to sniffle too hard. "Say... what were you doin' here, Big Mac?" She asked quietly as her emotions slowly stabilized. It was hard enough keeping things on an even keel, and so she tried to focus on something other than the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Big Mac turned his head away for a moment while he muttered, "Was comin' t' see Miss Cheerilee fer lunch." Scootaloo felt a little surge of happiness at that statement, and felt her heart lighten a bit as he turned back to give her a searching look, “You gonna be alright, li’l sis?” he asked her quietly, his massive bulk a surprisingly comforting presence at that moment. Scootaloo took in a deep breath and blew it out a moment later, then nodded once. The tears had come to a stop, and she was in control of herself again. Big Mac nodded once. “Keep yer chin up Scootaloo, and things’ll turn out okay, eeyup.” He smiled briefly and followed in Applejack’s wake.

And now she stood alone in front of the schoolhouse, the murmured sounds of recess going on in the near distance. Unable to think of anything more productive to do, she took that moment to sit down in the dirt and force herself to take deep breaths. None of this made any sense. None of it was logical or fit into any of her past experiences. She had never, never gotten that mad before. She’d never lashed out like that in her entire life. Worse still, no one had said a word about Diamond Tiara or what she might’ve done to her.

But the mere memory of those hateful, despicable words was enough to set her blood to boiling again. Enough that she had to mentally stomp on the emotions, wrestle them mentally to the ground, and stuff them into a box. The very thought of anyone, anyone talking about her family like that… Scootaloo’s train of thought derailed a moment later, as one thought lead into another. Each crashing into the other with reckless abandon and causing a massive mess of emotions in her head.

Everything was already falling apart in her life - in a single day she’d gone from being the tolerated wild child to an object of both scorn and pity. Her past had been laid bare for anypony to see and everypony to judge. And yet, Scootaloo could not deny the happiness that merrily glowed away within her heart was a real thing that wasn’t going to go away. It wasn’t a dream or an illusion or some kind of trick.

In short, she felt so incredibly confused that all she really wanted to do was go hide in the clubhouse for a few days until the world started to make sense again. But a good friend didn’t run and hide when they were needed, and if Scootaloo was feeling this crappy she could only imagine what Applebloom was going through right now. So she scrubbed her eyes as clean as she could, shoved her way back up to her hooves, and went looking for her friends.

It wasn’t hard to find them - they were on the same bench they always were around lunch time. Applebloom’s eyes were red and there were signs of her having cried quite a bit, but she looked… sorta okay at least. Sweetie Belle had a fantastic looking set of bruises on her sides and a beauty of a shiner on her right eye, but she was smiling as cheerfully as ever as she held an ice pack to the eye bruise with one hoof and munched on her carrots with the other.

Scootaloo’s walk slowed considerably as she approached, and she tried desperately to think of some way to explain herself - especially given her utterly uncharacteristic behavior. But Applebloom looked up, and a massive grin sprouted onto her face. “Gotta say, Scoots… that was just about the coolest thing anypony in the family’s ever done fer me,” she proclaimed in a bright and triumphant voice.

She stared at Applebloom in astonishment as she blithely continued on, leaning down to pick up Scootaloo’s lunch box from the ground and setting it alongside her while she spoke, “Now git over here sis, an’ quit lookin’ like a stuffed hog.” Applebloom cocked her head to one side with a grin. “We oughter be celebratin’. Miss Cheerilee an’ the adults can’t ignore what Diamond Tiara gets up to anymore, an ya’ll delivered one of th’ finest rumbles Ponyville’s ever seen.”

Scootaloo sat her flank down on the bench, having not even considered today’s events in that particular light. She paused as she gave Sweetie Belle a more thorough examination, feeling her lips tug into a little frown. "You okay, Sweetie?" She asked in a quiet voice, wondering just how she'd managed to restrain an earth pony like Applebloom.

Sweetie grinned at her, nodding and giving her shiner a little rub. "Yeah, Nurse Redheart healed the worst of it. It's okay, Scootaloo. Miss Cheerilee didn't even look twice at the two of us given what an exit you had." Sweetie giggled softly and bit into her own celery stalk with a smile. "But seriously, Scoots! I didn't know you had that in you! Everypony in the school is talkin' about it!" There was a note of awe and surprise in Sweetie's voice, and no small amount of admiration.

“Course, you’ll probably end up suspended fer a week or two,” Applebloom said nonchalantly in a follow up to Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo immediately felt the temporary triumph get buried in a wince of pain at that one. “But hey! Jus’ means ya’ll will get ta’ learn how life is on th’ farm a lot sooner! An you’ll get t’ spend all day with Applejack!” Applebloom’s voice immediately dipped into jealousy at that particular ‘treat’, and she giggled softly. A sound which Sweetie Belle echoed.

She considered this bit of information very carefully, then decided in all of her considerable wisdom that the only thing she could do was make the best of it. So she giggled right along with the rest of them and popped open her lunchbox. Within, the treasure trove of food beckoned her aching body, and she bit into the sweet carrot stick with a faint feeling of relish.

She’d wrestle with the more complex emotions she was feeling later, when she could sit down with Applejack and… and talk about them. For now, she had carrots and juice and a delicious sandwich.

Everything else could wait for tomorrow.

Author's Note:

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara played here by the incredible Inky Jay - Go give him some love, guys.