• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 1,787 Views, 33 Comments

Starcraft: The Equestrian Resistance - NeutralParasite

The lands of equestria are corrupted when an unidentified object falls from places unknown.

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Prologue: Awakening

As most nights were in Ponyville, everypony was quiet and settled in their homes, and the town was filled with peace.

From orbit, a small, meteor, practically the size of a colt, could be seen hurling towards the planet at an alarmingly fast rate. This meteor had a very peculiar look to it; rather than having a hard, rugged exterior, it had looked like it was covered in flesh. Tentacles were visible, flailing in the rear of the object as it continued on its path towards Equestria.

When the meteors long course had finally come to an end and crashed on the pony filled planet, it was deep in the heart of the Everfree forest, making a somewhat audible sound in the surrounding area. It mimicked a fleshy sound, almost as if a slab of meat had hurled downwards towards Equestria with a force to challenge the gods. A small crater circled the impact zone, but even with all of the chaos caused by this one small meteorite, one could immediately notice the materials that had detached from the fleshy meteor upon its contact with the massive planet - it seemed to be an insignificantly small area of grass unlike any flora in all of Equestria. Creep, a grass that consumes the land around it starting from its source, the Creep Tumor.

Along with the Creep was a small egg and a group larvae with abnormally large size. Strong shells surrounding their body gave them protection from power difficult to match. They have small fangs, but vicious intent; they could tear through the most durable of bone, though the larvae were not yet intelligent enough to know how to actually use them effectively.

And the last thing was the egg, it was like a cyst; cold, soft to the touch. Almost like a balloon, it looked as if one could pop it with a simple pin.There appeared to be an organism inside of the odd formation, which looked like a parasite crawling inside of it, with dark and evil intentions to lash out pain with great prejudice. It was undoubtedly a site to behold - though none were around to see it - it was the beginning of a society for an unknown life form. Such an amazing site, yet none were there to see.

When Princess Celestia was just beginning the sun’s rise, all the way in Canterlot with no idea of what was happening just outside of Ponyville, the cyst had finally exploded. It made a sound so vile, it could make the strongest stomach shudder. It had erected an obscure structure, that possessed the shape of a pentagon. Every side had a sharp, rugged claw pointing roughly at a ninety degree angle. The base of the structure had a small hole, in which there was the shape of a circle. The sides were infested with bubbles oozing from the flesh like structure, as well as undefinable markings. Everyone in Ponyville, though not knowing the source, was cringing over the intolerable smell that had carried all the way from deep in the forest. The whole building had a sickly purple color, like a bruise from a generously painful beating.

Out of the base came three more of the disgustingly large larvae, nearly identical to those that had appeared previously. Cocoons began to form around the sickening larvae, which had a similar framework to that of the larvae shell. The cocoon’s lime green exterior had made it difficult to see the inside of the egg, to see what they were transforming into, but that didn’t matter. Not even the sickening smell disturbing everpony in Ponyville was a problem that day compared to the beginning of a new Era for all of Equestria, for ALL of the known world.

A new era, of danger and despair.


Author's Note

Many thanks to my friends for proof reading & proof editing. For the most part, I think it's coming along nicely, although constructing a smooth story for this kind of subject can be a bit tough. So far the experience has been exhilarating and I am definitely looking forward to creating a hopefully flawless plot to this fanfic.
