• Published 13th Nov 2013
  • 2,943 Views, 95 Comments

Of the Valley - archonix

Sooner or later, everyone finds their way to Roseluck's flower stall. And then they leave.

  • ...

Chapter 1

The same time, every Saturday morning, Roseluck would set up her stall of flowers and wait for the first of what would always be a steady stream of customers.

They always came one at a time, no matter how many there were. Always hungry, always a little confused, and always looking for something only she could bring them.

She always took time to speak to them, and to listen, because what a pony wanted more than anything wasn't someone to speak with, but someone who would take the time to listen to what they had to say.

On this day, she had that time.

The rest of the week in flower season was mundane, repetitive. A never-ending torrent of hungry ponies looking for bulk satisfaction at low prices. Food to fill, if not necessarily to tantalise. They would come and be gone, and her stall would be a little emptier, and her bit bag a little heavier, and someone else would listen to their words and hear their stories.

Saturday she was alone. Li and Daisy didn't work today; they were curled up in bed until noon most weekends, sometimes alone, sometimes with others, but always resting. They deserved it. One bright Saturday morning they would come to Roseluck's stall – sooner or later every pony came to her stall – but she was content to let that day linger in the future. Saturday was Roseluck's time, and to be honest the thought of seeing either of her co-workers meandering toward her personal space was... undesirable.

She glanced up at the sun, hovering uncertainly above the horizon as if unsure of whether to continue rising, and smiled as her first customer arrived. A stallion. She knew his name, in that vague sort of way that she knew the names of most of the ponies that visited the flower stand more than once during the week. He seemed a little surprised at the choice of fare presented, but a few suggestions from Roseluck set him at ease. They spoke for a while, and as he walked away into the faint morning mist he had a smile on his face.

And so it went for a while. A mare here, a stallion there. A young colt who seemed a little too pleased with himself. After listening to him wax lyrical about his plan to prank his friends at the lake, Roseluck gave him a candied hyacinth and sent him on his way.

And then she looked up, and saw a pony she had not expected striding toward her from the shade of the surrounding buildings. As the sun fell on her back, the mare's pace faltered and she looked around, but then her face brightened when she saw Roseluck at her stall, and she quickened her pace.

"Good morning to you, Roseluck," Twilight Sparkle called, grinning broadly at the sight of so many flowers. A frown crossed her face for a moment as she took in the sight, and then she looked over her shoulder at the shaded edge of the square. When she looked back at Roseluck she frowned again.

Roseluck took a breath and forced a smile to her face. "Good morning to you as well, Twilight. Can I interest you in anything?"

"Oh, um." Twilight glanced at the flowers again. "I—I hadn't really thought..."

Her eyes roved over the flowers, finally settling on a bunch of lilies. Roseluck smiled just a little as she saw Twilight pondering their broad white petals. She reached forward and tapped the display.

"Try one while you're deciding," she said quietly, and smiled again at Twilight's surprised glance. "On the house."

"Sure, thanks."

The flower lifted up in a pale aura and drifted slowly through the air, turning slowly as Twilight examined it. With a hesitant stretch, she tugged a petal free and chewed it slowly as she turned back to examining the rest of Roseluck's stock.

After a moment her jaw slowed, and then ground to a halt. Twilight looked around the deserted square, then up at the sky, and finally at Roseluck. "What day is it?"

"Saturday," Roseluck replied, and quickly turned her attention to fixing up a bunch of carnations that had fallen into an untidy mess. She could hear Twilight humming a tune quietly as she pondered Roseluck's answer, and then:

"I could have sworn it was Wednesday."

"Unexpected days have a habit of catching up on us," Roseluck said.

To which Twilight nodded slowly, as she chewed at another of her lily petals. She spun the half-eaten flower in her magic and stared at it, then glanced at Roseluck again.

"Celestia said something similar to me a little while back."

"Is that so?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "Something about wanting to spend more time with me. She seemed so upset, too. I told her it was okay, every moment I'd spent with her was... was the best I'd ever known, and it's true. She smiled when I said it."

"I'm sure it helped," Roseluck said, not quite looking Twilight in the eye as she spoke.

"Are you alright? You seem a little..." Twilight's eyes roved as she searched for a word. Roseluck shook her head and smiled again.

"I just hadn't expected to see you so soon," Roseluck replied, turning her attention back to her stall.

"How do you mean?"

"Oh, well." Roseluck let her work lapse again and tilted her head to one side. "You're one of my favourite customers, but I know for a fact you usually spend your Saturdays sleeping in, just like Lily and Daisy."

"Oh that reminds me, I'm a little short of daisies again." Twilight reached forward to touch the flowers, and looked up at Roseluck with a hopeful expression. "I'll take twenty, if that's okay?"

"How about something else while you're here? I've got some lovely Rosemaries today."

Roseluck waved a hoof at a bunch of purple-blue flowers that seemed to glow in the early sunlight. Twilight's eyes widened as they came to rest on the flowers, and she nodded forcefully.

"And some daffodils," she added, licking her lips. "I don't know why, but suddenly I feel like I could eat nothing but daffodils for the rest of my life."

Roseluck lowered her eyes and nodded, reaching for the flowers Twilight had requested. Slowly, though. As she bagged the purchases she looked down at Twilight, watching as the unicorn's eyes widened again, as she took another bite of her lily. And then she frowned, and lifted the flower up to look at it.

"You know, I was sure it was Wednesday." Her brow lowered and she looked around the square again. "Wasn't I in Canterlot? How did I get back to Ponyville?"

"That'll be fifteen bits, Twilight," Roseluck said, keeping her voice low. She reached across the stall and waved her hoof at the reluctant mare. "It was nice seeing you again."

"Sure, just..."

Twilight frowned and shook her head, smiling uncertainly as she tugged a bit bag from wherever unicorns kept their money. Her frown faded as she counted out the coins, and by the time she handed the money across to Roseluck, Twilight was smiling again.

"I never realised you spent your time out here like this," she said, with another appreciative glance at the stall. "If I'd known, I'd be here every week. You're always sold out of the good stuff by the time I get to you on the weekdays."

"Everypony finds their way to my stall sooner or later."

"And now I have too!"

Roseluck nodded and bit her lip. She found herself looking at her own flowers, and sighed quietly.

"Rose? Is there something..." Twilight tilted her head.

"I'm fine. Have another freebie if you like," Roseluck replied. Twilight glanced at the flowers and shook her head.

"I'm good. Still have to finish this one."

She held up the half-chewed lily and chuckled. Roseluck found herself laughing along too, but despite Twilight's objections she tugged another flower free and held it out.

"A sunflower? A little heavy on the symbolism there, don't you think?" Twilight held up the flower and stared at it, then laid it down on the cart. Her hoof waved across a few bunches as she hummed again. "I think I'll take something a little more... this one."

Roseluck leaned over to peek at the flower Twilight indicated. She nodded. "The Iris, good choice!"

Roseluck plucked a pair of the flowers and handed them to Twilight with another smile.

"Faith, hope, wisdom, compassion and valor if my memory serves," Roseluck said, noting Twilight's curious frown. The unicorn nodded slowly, turning her eyes to the flowers, and then the rosemaries and daffodils in turn. " I have to be aware of the symbolism some of my customers associate with their purchases. Just in case."

"Anything else?"

"One or two things, but they aren't important."

Roseluck nodded, settling the matter in her mind, and Twilight turned to leave. But then she hesitated at her first step, her forehoof hovering in the air and her eyes staring away into nothing.

"She was crying," Twilight said. She looked up at Roseluck. "It feels like I—do you think I upset her? Did I do something wrong?"

Roseluck smiled again and shook her head. "I haven't spent much time with Princess Celestia, but she doesn't seem the sort that would be upset at anything a pony who she loves might do. Especially not you, Twilight. You're very special to her."

"But she seemed so..." Twilight frowned again as she turned away. "I never told her how much I love her. I hope she remembers I do."

"I'm certain she does." Roseluck nodded to the mist. "Don't forget which way to go."

"I can find the way. Thanks." Twilight smiled and nodded at Roseluck. She hefted her bag and turned to face the thickening mist at the far end of the square. "I'll see you again."

Roseluck waited until the mist had swallowed Twilight before shaking her head. She touched a hoof to her cheek, and was unsurprised to find it damp when she took it away again.

When she looked up at the sky, the sun had begun to set.

Author's Note:

Blame Arcshod for coming up with the idea and Alamais for not stopping me when he had the chance.

Comments ( 95 )


No way.

It took me a minute or two of thinking, but I think I get what you just did with this.

I think.

I dunno. It's cool, but I think it must've gone over my head slightly.


Um. Is this...? Did you just make Roseluck into...?

...Wow. Just... Wow.

~Skeeter The Lurker



... ... Fancy... ... I like it.

Wow, I can't believe you really took it and ran with it. It's beautiful.:twilightsmile:


Roseluck is a phsychopomp? That's pretty dark, especially the way she handles it. Still, beautiful, in a way; one last stop at the florist's before you go.



If I'm interpreting it correctly, that is. I'm not sure. Stuff like this goes over my head a lot.

Well. That was . . . unexpected. In a good sort of way.

I did a bit of research the moment Roseluck said "One or two things, but they aren't important." And I found this.

Exquisitely done, with just enough information to help us figure it out... assuming that I figured it out correctly. A rather interesting role for a member of the Ponyville Panic Promulgators. Maybe she's just worried about the weekend rush...

In any case, thank you for this. :twilightsmile:
...damn emoticons, with their contextual irony.

This was amazingly well done. You wrote with an intriguing style, delivered a satisfying story, and laid on the symbols beautifully.

Well done.

without that link this story would have gone right over my head.
with it...:fluttercry:

I want to say I know what this means but I'm not entirely sure. No one else is saying so I wont, but if it is what I think it is then damn this is good.


It took me a few reads but I think I figured out what's going on here. Great story, pretty sad when you think of it though.

Very beautiful. Quite sad once you recognize the symbolism, yet still beautiful.

I like to think at the ending that Celestia lowered the sun a bit early on that day.

Whoa. I'm suddenly glad that my mother taught me what flowers mean, this is probably one of the best things I've read here on fimfiction, and I've read a lot fics.

Beautiful story, don't usually read that many sad fics but this one was good.

I had to read this story five time before I understood it as well as look up flower meanings. I'm rather dense sometimes but...:raritycry: This story is beautiful and sad. I think you owe me a new heart cause you just broke mine.

Her brow lowered and he looked around the square again.

TWILIGHT GREW A DICK?! She is far to powerful to die now, gender changing powers ho!

Least it wasn't Luna, you would have died by lead pipe Arch. Though, just wondering, what flower would you choose? Not that I would kill you with a bat, that would just be silly.

... I choose to disbelieve. :fluttercry:

I didn't get it, so I read the comments. That made things worse.

For those who like to work for their plot, I suppose it was a good story, but I've never been the type. Ah well, same reason I didn't like Flashes on the Horizon.

I don't get it. Could someone explain?

I was checking all the flower symbols against a webpage I found a while ago, but it was a comment saying she was a phsychopomp that make it all clear, especially after revisiting the description.

Wow man. All the subtleties everywhere. Very nice job with all the symbolism!

Wow, beautifully done. Sweet and quite sad.

Good, but I don't get it.


For any that don't understand, here's a hint. The flowers that Twilight picked, aside from the sunflower, are common funeral flowers. Now, reread the story and cry like men.


exquisite job good sir, very well done :twilightsmile:

Wonderfully done. Had to read it twice for the full impact, but I suspect that's all part of the story. After the first reading, you know something's not quite right, and it's not until you read it again with the correct frame of mind that the story finishes.

That was interesting.

Jesus Christ, this was amazing. It took me a bit to get it, but wow . . .

That was a mental trip that left me feeling so satisfied as a reader, but emotionally scarred as well. The idea was subtle, too. You didn't try too hard to make it obvious, but with research, the symbolism can be found.

This is one of those literary masterpieces that exceed all of my expectations, and it is always an honour to be able to read something like this. Thank you, good sir, for writing this fantastic story. And a bright future lay ahead of you if you continue to do things like this.

Also, Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.

I read, read the comments, read linked webpages, re-read, re-re-read, and I have one thing to say.
That must make me the most girly woman ever because I didn't even sniffle. Still well done though.

Puts "say it with flowers" in a whole new context, and importantly, -doesn't- say just the right things to keep from distracting the reader. Two thumbs up.

Having a pet reminds us of of these things.

Think about it.

It took me a second reading to figure it out, but this is truly beautiful; an elegant masterpiece in style and execution of concept.

Have an upvote and a favourite. I eagerly await the featuring this story richly deserves.

Got it in six paragraphs. It's not exactly subtle, especially when it says that her friends visiting would be undesirable.


Woah what the fuck

Are those spoilers

...Oh my. :pinkiesad2:

A very nice bit of redirection. I was certain the whole thing was a unrequited love story right up to the end.

Excellent work.

That took me a while to figure out. Very impressive

And I'ma put this in the Leroverse (or at least give it some twidash background) in my head so the following linky makes more sense.


Go ahead, play the song and read the fic at the same time, I dares ya.


No, Twilight did. That's why Celestia was crying.


Oh, that makes sense. So they come to her stand when they die? :fluttercry: THIS IS NOT SLICE OF LIFE! THIS IS TRAGEDY! YOU DON'T DIE EVERY DAY! :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

3485547 Glad to help :twilightsmile:


3488092 It's a slice from the life of the psychopomp.


3483566 Yours is the reaction I wanted.

3483582 Yep!

3483608>>3483619>>3483627 :pinkiehappy:

3483623 Considering the way it was spawned I think we should all be impressed at how well it's done. :twilightsmile: Thanks for letting me steal it anyway.

3483674 That sort of thing, yep! I'm pleasantly surprised at how many people got it, and also equally pleased at how many people didn't quite figure it out at first. Seems I struck some sort of balance there.

3488106 ... and I did wonder if that tag might be just a teensy bit ironic. :rainbowwild:

3483718 Oh yeah :twilightoops: Quick, find a substitute! :trixieshiftright:

Oh never mind... :trixieshiftleft:

Yes the symbolism of the flowers is important. Everyone seems to have missed one in particular, though. I wonder if they'll figure it out. :raritywink:

3483677 Good!

3483751 Thanks!

3484556 Roses, to remind me that even thorns come with flowers. :twilightsmile:

Also because Roseluck has one on her butt. :heart:

3484930 Sorreh... :fluttercry:

3485547>>3486091>>3487537 Flowers are very good at talking. :raritywink:

3487940 :duck:

3486468 One day I'll write something that people keep coming back to read again and again. :twilightsmile: Nice to see you around too!

3487073 High praise indeed!

3487078 mhm! Nicely spotted. :twilightsmile:

3487757 I have had many cats. It is an interesting perspective to view it from.

3488025 Verreh nice, verreh nice... :twilightsmile:

3483998 She dropped it.


3487979 Now that's an interesting reaction and I quite like that you had it. It could be seen that way, couldn't it? :twilightsmile:

Thanks all for your comments, and if I missed anyone don't be upset - I'm not ignoring you, I just can't count. :derpytongue2:

Well. That was. . . Fuck.

I have never really bothered with or cared about the meanings of flowers. I did not even know the term "psychopomp" before this. I opened up the story page and read the description, and then curious, read a few comments. After getting the gist of it, I read the stoy. It still hasn't hit me with how deep this is with all the subtleties. You have given me something to ponder for the rest of the day, archonix. Bravo.

Kinda resulted in an updated headcanon, too.

EDIT: just found this, and now, I have to reread the story with a comprehensive list of the meanings included. Already checked one, and man. . . That colt. . . :raritycry:


It was a good story. It just didn't come as a twist.

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