• Published 18th Nov 2013
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An Earth Pony Orphan In The Unicorn Court - Benman

In the time before the three pony tribes became one, a rampaging monster tears apart a noble caravan. Now the baron’s shattered family must put itself back together—with one remarkable addition.

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Chapter 2

“Sounds like everything went well enough while we were out,” Diamond Edge was saying. Rushlights in iron holders illuminated his craggy gray face and the stump of his horn, amputated before Bastion’s birth. The window, barely more than an arrowslit, let in little sunlight. “Triumph did a good job of playing seneschal. Jasper wanted the baron to settle some sort of dispute when he got back, I didn’t catch the details. They were gonna meet with Sheen tomorrow.”

“They should be meeting me.” Bastion frowned, or started to. The movement pulled at the stitches in her face. She forced her cheeks to keep still.

Diamond shrugged. “Sheen said you’re too wounded for that.”

“You know what that will look like.” Bastion shifted in her bed. It wasn’t where she wanted to be, but at least Comfort hadn’t tried to stick her in his infirmary. “Ponies are watching to see who will rule.” It was hard to believe her brother was dead. For two decades, Bounty had been the baron of Tintagelding and the guiding star of Bastion’s life. There was no time for any of that now. “She’s maneuvering for the regency. And you just let her get away with that?”

“Can I be blunt?”

“Always. You know you’ve earned that.”

“Stand up,” Diamond said. “Get out of bed. Go for a walk.”

Bastion was more than strong enough, she was sure. She’d been down and out for two days on the road, then semiconscious for two more after their safe return. By now she was, if not recovered, then at least fit enough to attend court. Beneath the bandage that covered her eye and half her muzzle, Bastion’s face was fire, but that was only pain. Still…

“Sure,” she said. “You get to explain it to my husband.”

Diamond Edge snorted. “No thanks.”

“Well, then,” said Bastion.

“Well, then,” echoed Diamond. “Petty maneuvering or no, Mirror Sheen has a point. You can’t hold court in your bedchamber.”

She shouldn’t hold court at all. That had been Bounty’s role. “Thank you, Diamond. You may go.”

“One other thing. About that dirt pony your husband picked up.”

Bastion suppressed a groan. She was tired, and all this talking was pulling on the stitches. Whatever this was, it didn’t sound urgent. “Can it wait?”

“As you say.” He gave a perfunctory bow and backed out of the room.

Bastion sighed and settled back against her cushions. After weeks on the road, it was good to be in a real bed, under a real roof. She pulled the peryton-down duvet tight about herself. Bounty had given it to her when she returned from quelling Sir Prancelot’s rebellion. Had she ever thanked him for it?

She drifted in and out of consciousness, wandering between sharp memories and vague plans, chasing her thoughts in circles. It wasn’t until the door opened again that she snapped back to lucidity.

Comfort Glow marched to the bedside, summoning his magic even before he stopped moving. Bastion sat up straighter. Since the manticores, this was the first time she had been fully awake in his presence. His magic pulled the bandage off her face, gently but inexorably. She hissed in pain.

“How bad is it?” said Comfort.

“Not so bad. Hurts.”

“Less than it did?”

“About the same.”

Comfort took a rushlight in his mouth and held the smoldering reed close to the wound. Bastion stayed still while he made his examination. Finally he spat out the light. “It’s healing slower than I’d hoped.” His horn glowed, picking jars of herbs and his favorite pestle from the shelves surrounding them. “No sign of infection, though, and that’s the important thing.”

“How long until I recover?”

Comfort looked up at her and blinked. “Recover?”

“Until I can see again. How bad is the eye?”

He set down his implements and pulled himself atop their bed, draping a foreleg around her. “My love. Your eye is gone. The flesh will close again, but that’s all. I’m sorry.”

“It’s gone.” She carefully brushed the tip of a hoof against the socket. A short, sharp shock of pain. “I guess I got off easy, compared to the rest.” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “It should’ve been me, not him.”

“Don’t,” said Comfort. “Don’t do this.”

“Why not? He was the elder! Serving him is… that’s why I was born! He took me along to protect him. I failed.”

“He took you along to defend the innocent,” said Comfort. “You saved the life of a child.”

“That earth pony.” Bastion leaped on the new topic. “Diamond wanted to talk about him.”

“He would, wouldn’t he?” Comfort didn’t leave her side, but his horn glowed and the poultice resumed assembling itself. “You know how Diamond Edge feels about rules. He doesn’t like how I’ve put an earth pony in the infirmary.”

“You did what?”

“It’s a stupid tradition! Bounty would’ve done the same in a heartbeat.”

“Maybe.” It was the sort of sentimental thing he did. Had done. “But he was the baron. It was his right. I’m just…” What was she, with Bounty gone?

“You’ll be the regent, now. You can do the right thing.”

“The regent.” That was something she could do. A way to stay loyal to her brother, even now. “My job will be to keep Tintagelding stable until Beauty Blue finds her mark. Not to go overturning edicts.”

Comfort’s expression hardened. “The kid’s hurt and alone. I’m not going to stick him in some drafty serf’s cottage where I can’t care for him.”

“Then don’t. There are other places in the keep. But find somewhere else.”

“If you say so.”

He laid the finished poultice against her face. She clenched her teeth, but did not cry out.

Busybright moved fast, trying to keep up with the grown-ups. Beauty Blue was next to him, but she never even looked at him. She’d been like that ever since Mom got hurt.

“It will be hard here without the baron,” old Battlement was saying. “Very hard indeed.” His horn glowed yellow as he magicked open the big door to the Noon Tower. He held it open for Mirror Sheen and the children before he went in. “Rumor has it that Discord’s hordes are on the move. We need your strong horn here, now more than ever.”

Mirror Sheen went first up the tower’s spiral stairs. “What’s this about Discord?”

“Ah,” said Battlement. “Wild tales from travelers and merchants. Nothing reliable. Yet even still, even still…”

“Even still what?” said Mirror Sheen.

“Rumors, only rumors. All from the Earth Pony Republic. There are sightings of hydras and chimeras. Skirmishes with timberwolves. Some even say Queen Mandible is testing the border, with all her swarm beside her. I am a practical pony and I put no faith in such talk, but in these times, who can say?”

“Is any of this close to us?”

“No, thank the stars. But there have been refugees from the Republic.”

“I know,” said Mirror Sheen, and she got a funny look on her face. Busybright didn’t like it at all.

They reached the top of the stairs, the tower’s fourth floor, and stepped into the corridor. His room was here, and everyone else’s, too. “Okay, children, I’ll see you soon. We need to talk to Bastion.” Mirror Sheen turned right, towards Mom and Dad’s chamber, with Battlement close behind. Beauty Blue instantly turned left, straight for her own room. Busybright started to follow her, but the way she stared at him stopped him in his tracks. After a moment, he went down the corridor straight ahead. The big door at the end went to the room he shared with Bonfire.

He made it halfway to his door before he heard the sound. It was coming from the Doll Room, through the crumbly wood door on his left. He liked the Doll Room, but Mom got angry if he went in.

He went in.

Stuffed ponies filled the bedroom, as ever. There was the dancer with her cape and the duchess with her tin lance and the wizard with his one button eye. There were lots of dolls everywhere. It was a moment before Busybright noticed the pony in the bed.

It was the strange colt from the wain, but now he was awake. One foreleg held a toy knight with plush armor while the other wiped at his eyes. “Go away.” His voice was faint and hoarse.

Busybright moved closer. The bed was too high for him to easily climb on top. He reared up and reached, stretching his forelegs towards the colt. His shoulders just cleared the top of the mattress. “Up!” he said. “Help me up!”

The colt scowled. He reached out a hoof and pressed it against Busybright's breast. After a moment of hesitation, he shoved.

Busybright tumbled backwards. He hit the carpet in a tangle of flailing legs. His rump stung, but he was more surprised than hurt. Busybright sorted himself out and climbed back to his hooves. A high-pitched whine forced its way from his throat.

That set off the colt. “I said go away!” He clamped his muzzle on the stuffed knight and whipped his neck, flinging the doll at Busybright. It glanced harmlessly off his withers.

Busybright's cry grew to an all-out shriek. He fled.

Comfort Glow made his way down the length of the Grand Hall, eyeing the empty dais where Bounty no longer stood. Banners drooped from the ceiling’s crossbeams, displaying the cornucopia that had been the baron’s mark. The Grand Hall was mostly empty tonight, with only half a dozen ponies clustered at the base of the wooden dais. Diamond Edge, Triumph, and Battlement all wore coats sewn with metal scales, but carried no weapons in this place. Harvest Moon and Legacy were clad in jewels and bright cloth. At their head, Mirror Sheen wore only a black shawl.

“—see that they’re sent away,” she was saying. “If word gets out that we let them in, there’s no telling how many will follow.”

Comfort frowned. “You’re talking about that band of refugees the patrol found?”

“Yes,” said Triumph, stepping aside to make room for him. She was a young knight, built like an ox, with a stub where a bandit’s spurs had shortened her left ear. “Eight of them, all earth ponies. Their camp is a quarter day’s march from here, and we’ve got two guards keeping watch on them.”

Comfort nodded gratefully, as though he hadn’t already known the details. “Bastion had some thoughts on that. She sent me to speak in her place.” His wife had been hoping to force a confrontation with Mirror Sheen, but Comfort Glow just wanted to help as many of the foreigners as he could justify.

“Indeed?” said Battlement. “And what did my niece bid you say?”

“She wants to find out whether any of these refugees knows a trade. We’re to welcome any who do, along with their families.”

Mirror Sheen shook her head. “This is no time to add to our burdens. Winter isn’t far off, and our granaries aren’t as full as I’d like.”

“Skilled labor is too rare and too valuable to pass up,” said Comfort Glow. “We’ve all talked about how we need another carpenter, and we’ve been without an herbalist since Weeping Willow died. One of these ponies could be the answer to our prayers.”

“Too true,” said Battlement, “too true. But let us remember that these are earth ponies. I would sooner not see such as them practicing a trade in Tintagelding. Certain of the serfs might get… ideas.”

“That was not Bastion’s judgment,” Comfort said carefully.

“But it is my judgment,” said Mirror Sheen. “I’m grateful for your counsel, but taking in refugees would be too dangerous.” Her tone brooked no argument.

“With respect,” he said, “that’s not your decision.” That tone never worked on him when Bastion tried it, either.

“Oh?” Mirror Sheen arched one eyebrow. “Beauty Blue is Bounty’s child and heir, and I am her mother. Who better to serve as regent until she finds her mark?”

“You’re her mother,” said Comfort Glow, “but your parents weren’t noble. I’m afraid you can’t hold the barony.”

“Your own lineage is no more noble,” Battlement said instantly. “It’s unimportant.”

Comfort Glow frowned. Battlement wasn’t such a quick thinker. Mirror Sheen must have anticipated the challenge and coached him.

“I claim no authority,” Comfort Glow said. “I’m here as a messenger from my wife. She was Bounty’s only sibling, and she’s the only adult with any claim to the regency. Even leaving that aside, she’s still the captain of guards.”

Diamond Edge cleared his throat. “As fascinating as this is, we don’t need to settle a succession crisis here. We just need to figure out what to do with these dirt ponies. For all we know, they could be a bunch of farmers who none of us want.”

“Right,” said Triumph. “I’ll head over tomorrow and talk to them.”

“Good,” said Diamond Edge. “If they’re farmers, send them on their way. Gently, if you can, but take enough ponies to get it done. If they’re worth our time, report back so this lot can finish bickering.”

Comfort Glow stayed quiet. He, at least, would’ve liked to take them in regardless, but saying so would help no one.

“You put him where?” said Bastion.

“Bauble’s old room.” Comfort Glow kept his voice calm. “It’s close, and it’s not the infirmary. Everyone wins.”

Bastion glared. Even bedridden, she made an imposing show that would have intimidated anyone else. “You gave our daughter’s room to an earth pony.”

“It’s been almost a year,” he said gently. “It’s time we used that space to care for living ponies.”

“Maybe. But not that pony. Find space in the servants’ quarters or some such.”

Comfort shook his head. “Everything he ever knew is gone. He needs stability. I’ve already uprooted him once, and I’m not about to do it again.”

“Fine. If you won’t, then I will.” Bastion started to rise.

Comfort restrained her with a gentle hoof. “You should stay in bed.”

She brushed him off. “I’ve stayed here too long already. Ponies are talking.” She stood, wavering, and set off.

Comfort Glow led the way, staying close, ready to help if she stumbled. Minutes later, they arrived, Bastion sweating with exertion. Comfort knocked twice, then pushed open the door. “Bramble Berry,” he said, “there’s a pony I’d like you to meet. This is my wife, Bastion.”

Bramble Berry looked up, mouth half-open. He was crouched beneath the narrow window, surrounded by half a dozen of Bauble Bounce’s stuffed dolls. He met Bastion’s eyes without blinking.

Comfort Glow went to him and peered over the dolls. “What’s this?” Behind him, Bastion watched silently. She had always been uncomfortable around kids, excepting their own, and her hesitation would give him the time he needed. Bramble Berry was a child, not some abstract problem in need of a solution, and she just needed to see that.

“This is a monster.” Bramble Berry pointed to the biggest doll, a misshapen gray thing. Two more dolls lay on their sides beside it. “This is me.” That was a stuffed knight, half a pace away, standing beside two brightly colored dolls. “My brother and sister.”

Comfort Glow nodded solemnly. “What’s happening?”

“Watch.” Bramble Berry pushed the monster closer to the toy knight. He bonked the two against each other, making fighting noises and unchildlike screams as he nudged them across the stone floor.

He stood and picked up his proxy siblings in his mouth, then carefully deposited them atop the bed. “They’re running,” he said to no one in particular. “They’re safe now.” Returning to the duel, he reached out a hoof and toppled over the knight. He looked up at Comfort Glow.

“You died,” Comfort Glow said. “The monster killed you.”

Bramble Berry nodded. “But they got away this time.”

They both looked up at the sound of Bastion slamming the door behind her.

Later, when Comfort Glow left the bedroom, he found his wife waiting just outside. Her face was like iron, brittle and unyielding. Bramble Berry had hit her harder than Comfort had planned. But of course he couldn’t say so aloud.

“I think he should stay where he is,” Comfort Glow said instead. “It’s a good place for him, and the boys could use a companion.”

“Damn you,” she whispered.

He touched her shoulder. “It wasn’t your fault. No more than it was his.”

“Damn it all.” She crumpled against him, burying her face in his mane. “Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn.”

He held her for long minutes, saying nothing.

Finally she looked up, wiping tears from her remaining eye. “I need to do something.”

Comfort Glow blinked. “Do what?”

“I don’t know,” she said through clenched teeth. “Anything.”