• Member Since 28th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen May 31st



Twilight Sparkle was almost ready to take her place with Celestia as a princess of Equestria, but everything went wrong; the spell she used ended up blinding her. Never again will she see out of those eyes, once a beautiful violet; now dull, grey, and lifeless. How will Twilight adapt to her new life and deal with her new disability?

Editor: Bringer of the Ends
Image: it was suggested by my editor so I Photoshop the image to look more Like Star child

I am in need of a proof reader, if anyone would want to apply for that position give me a PM, just know that these chapters sometimes slow down because of numerous things, university, other stories and yada yada.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 133 )

I could see this as a possible Moonlight romance fic (Luna/Twilight.)

Some errors in it, but I like your idea. Just proofread it, and fix some of the errors.


I will need to find a proofreader and editor soon, I have signed onto a couple of the groups but normaly never get replys to my requests but I will try my best to get somepony to help :scootangel:
thanks for the feedback :twilightblush::heart:

3431388 You know there's a Flutterlight fic similar to yours titled Blind by DarqFox you should give it a read.

It has its issues and errors... But it has potential. I'll be watching this to see where it goes.

3431414 I'd totally do it if you need one!!! :pinkiehappy:

I just don't know how to insert the preread password, though, so if you could copy paste it onto google drive, that'd be great. :twilightsmile:

I will do, Il go have a look and put it on my list :heart::heart:
thank you for the read :raritywink:

Your short and long descriptions are both run-on sentences

this is where I struggled to set the scenes as it was meant to be fast past and in one room, its in Twilights view so time isn't accounted for meaning that the conversations she receives yes have numerous hours between but she doesn't know the time thus I made it fast paced, in further chapters I will layer out what happens. Thank you for the criticism :scootangel::heart:

"See you soon hunny"

Not the best choice of words to say...


now its present day, off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of what?


1. shes his daughter, it ain't that bad unless you think of it that way
2. I was just being random
3. I love your criticism

3447815 Well, it wasn't really criticism, I was just joking :twilightsheepish:

Uhhh :rainbowhuh:... Is there supposed to be another chapter?

yeah but I have a big uni submission so I am trying ti write around it, it wont be long until it comes out

Woah buddy, you might wanna edit that description. It's basically one great big run-on sentence. Now for the actual story...

I only read the first chapter, but from what I read, the concept has great potential. The thing that kills my immersion is the grammar and sentence structure. Now, reading a crapton of books certainly helps you get a feel for that, as does reading whatever you wrote aloud to get a feel for the "flow," so to speak. I love the concept, and would hate for this story to go down the crapper because of something as trivial as grammar. Get yourself an editor that is an uber-perfectionist with flow, grammar, and sentence structure. I might be able to do it if my free time doesn't get sucked away by overdue schoolwork.

HEHEHE I love the way you worded that, It is true though my grammar is far from the greatest and would be happy if you could edit this, I've been told numerous times that I have a problem with my wording so it would be a great help, thank you for the criticism. If you are ever interested in being the editor for this give me a PM, also when the first chapter came about I had a set story in my head but then I saw more potential for the story so some of the Genre's have changed, lastly this will be my first shot at a romance type story, sure it will be about how Twilight adjusts to new abilities but I want more character depth in chapters to come. If you do become the Editor feel free to put Ideas forward :raritywink::heart:.
Thank You, Sera.:twilightsheepish:

The paragraph describing what Luna does at Night Court suffers from a massive tumor of Comma Cancer

There we go! Another chapter! Also (like what WillieNelson said) I can help you with grammar if you'd like (That is if he is too busy). Also I have a few idea to pitch at the story in case you're interested :raritywink:. Good chapter by the way! :pinkiehappy: (Oh also I know this comment is a bit late from when the chapter was posted)

I am open to any Ideas, just give me a PM, I'll have chapter three up very soon. As for the help, I would love it, if you email me some mistakes and then after my editor has run through the story I will alter and update, Thank you for the comment, Sera:heart::raritywink:

" Oh, right," spike looked at the case and realized what she was talking about. "
Spike stumbled through a pile of books until he came across a sizable black hardback book, nearly as big as him, Twilight grasped the book in her magic and levitated it in front of her.

hardcover book

Telekinesis is the ability to move things with the mind.
Does it make sense here?

a sharp breathe came from Twilights body “Twilight!"
Good story, I would like to read more.
Apologies if this is offensive.

There is no need for an apology, it helps greatly when people comment the mistakes so thank you, I am currently busy but I am working on a few chapters and will soon upload them as it has been a few weeks since I have put any on FIM Fiction. Thanks for the comment :heart::raritywink:.

..I had high hopes..but then, you just seemed to die when it came to grammar.

"But my horn its broke"

Twilight said that? Seriously?

Hahahaha, I really need to get a Proof reader and Editor, plus it was rather rushed too, I loved the comment it made me giggle, I will after new years sift through the chapter and re-word and edit th chapters so that they don't seem so robotic

Q wouldn't happen to be played by John De Lancy, would she? :derpyderp2:


magic that surrounds us all,"

The magic of friendship! I call it right now! :raritywink:

HEHEHEHE, you never know, theres time yet, by the way good one getting that :pinkiehappy:

holy shit i cant wait to see where you go from here

first i was like :fluttershysad:...but that last bit makes me go :raritystarry:. I have to see where this goes! :pinkiehappy:

HEHE thats an awesome comment :rainbowdetermined2:
I'm sorry about the feels, its funny really I had to stop to get a tissue to carry on writing haha :raritydespair:

Chapter five is on its way, writing as we message :pinkiehappy:


Never actually explored this ship particularly though, but I think that it would be interesting. Now, if you'll excuse me~
*turns and marches to next chapter while twitching and painfully ignoring basic grammar nazi instinct*

I know what you mean on that fact, I do need a proofreader and editor and will be finding one soon, Sorry about it being Iffy on the grammar but hopefully it is still okay :fluttershysad:

I read the chapter thinking: DOCTOR WHO. STAR TREK. AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER (the meditation to feel the magic was like the meditation to feel the fire in book three)

THEM REFERENCES THO (although im not sure on the avatar one)

OMG SERIOUSLY, you weren't supposed to pick up on that one until next chapter :pinkiegasp:

3687655 hey sometimes the iffy grammar makes a story quite interesting

3687941 I like you, :pinkiehappy: you make me happy :pinkiecrazy:

YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy: MUS HAVE MOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

3687985 I must have a sacrifice, one chocolate chip Muffin must walk the plank then we will negotiate this "MOAR!"

3687996 There will be no negotiating. You will take 2 chocolate chip muffins and a cookie cake, AND YOU WILL LIKE THEM!!!!!

Yes you please me with this offering :trollestia:
you will be glad to know that withing around six hours the next chapter should be done, PLOT TWIST CENTRAL :pinkiecrazy:
I hope you enjoy :trollestia:
Twilight: Damnit Celestia I thaught you stopped with the muffins :facehoof:
Muffin :derpyderp2:

3688256 It is not an offering. IT IS A DEMAND!! FOR I AM EQUESTRIA AND I WILL NOT BE DENIED!!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously am though. I curled up to take a quick million year nap and next thing I know I'm covered in dirt, plants, and magical creatures!!! WTF!?!?!?

well now, that just means il have to do ah couple of chapter'z :ajsmug:

3688284 I believe that will do.................FOR NOW!! :pinkiehappy:

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