• Member Since 17th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


loves tiaras.


This story is a sequel to Heretical Fictions

Following the events of "Heretical Fictions", Princess Celestia tries to get dinner, fails, and learns an important lesson about loss and love and the healing power of vegetable kebabs.

Now with a Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 82 )

This was lovely.

I really like your Celestia and the lessons she's learning. And your Luna is simply adorable.

Maybe more to come later; I'd intended to sleep and then saw you'd posted this, so there went that plan.

Well that was rather emotionally rollercoastery wasn't it?

Poignant message and portrayal though.
An immortal finds something they truly desire with all their heart, more so because they will outlast it by default, but the only way to allow this thing to be what it was meant to is to detach and remove themself from the equation.

It's actually a lesson I already acknowledged, myself, and also a great metaphor for... a lot of things.

I especially liked the concept of the crossbred Asian dragon/ponies as well as the references to "boons" from Observatory Hill.
My biggest problem would be, I guess, that I have great difficulty reconciling the characters with their canon versions. Makes me feel detached, kind of like I'm not really reading a pony fic.

One question I do have, however: If you are going to use Moonbeam from Laurence Brown's series as Luna's "meta" disguise, why would you have Celestia pick a random OC when there is already an established "meta" alter ego for her in PhantomFox's Sunny Skies? (It would have been oh so sweet meta irony considering the contrasts in personality.):trollestia:

That was a wonderful read. The part where Celestia was getting insulted was lulzy, though her reasons for responding in that manner is vague.

however, the pedant in me calls me to voice a trivial objection.

"chromatically-reduced minor seventh" = Diminished 7th

You're welcome. :pinkiecrazy:

Are you planning to write more of these? It's very enjoyable. :rainbowwild:

Lovely indeed :ajsmug:

Rather silly on how tia got very possessive on Beloved

"If you are going to use Moonbeam from Laurence Brown's series as Luna's "meta" disguise, why would you have Celestia pick a random OC when there is already an established "meta" alter ego for her in PhantomFox's Sunny Skies?"

My total lack of familiarity with that story! I realize this might be a major gaffe, but I'm pretty new to this thing. May hafta do some more reading...

""chromatically-reduced minor seventh" = Diminished 7th"
OBVIOUSLY MORE WORDS ARE BETTER THAN FEWER WORDS. Seriously, I should probably change that.

I'm quite liking these stories, you write a pretty good Celestia. Would love to see more from this series! :twilightsmile:

Oh, and...

"...though her reasons for responding in that manner is vague."

Clarified a bit more with one additional line of dialogue.

"Are you planning to write more of these? It's very enjoyable."

Thanks! Barring some weird inspiration particle, I think that's it for this arc; while it's fun writing Celestia as an angsty old war-queen with serious daddy issues, that's only one tiny piece of her, and any attempt to extend the events of this night will just start spiraling further and further away from the "real" Celestia, who has, I think, a much greater sense of perspective than the one you see above.

@Skywriter: OBVIOUSLY MORE WORDS ARE BETTER THAN FEWER WORDS. Seriously, I should probably change that.

Glad you did. It sounds very silly to anyone who's been through Grade 4 music theory. xD

while it's fun writing Celestia as an angsty old war-queen with serious daddy issues, that's only one tiny piece of her, and any attempt to extend the events of this night will just start spiraling further and further away from the "real" Celestia, who has, I think, a much greater sense of perspective than the one you see above.

Nothing is impossible, friend. Think of it as a challenge to you as a writer! It would be awesome if you pulled it off. :twilightsmile: I've yet to see a portrayal of Celestia that truly reflects the wisdom one would attain at her age.

You could always write a sequel that doesn't start immediately after this one you know :ajsmug:
'course, then you'd have to come up with an entirely new story beginning.

In any case, brilliant as always. You have a gift for first-person perspective.

Thank you. It's my favorite perspective to work in, probably because it allows me to be more indulgent with internal monologues. Possibly too indulgent, at times.

Lovely story, in every which way. Your Celestia is a true treat to read about. :trollestia:

Thanks! As I implied earlier, I'm not sure it's accurate, but I love the picture of Celly as an old warhorse who's gradually learning, albeit at a glacial pace, to actually love rather than just care.

More please?

Hm. The only thing left that night is probably some exceptionally chaste Twiluna, and I'm not sure it's noteworthy enough to devote a whole story to. But... maybe something different happens after midnight than I expect? I've been thinking about this one and trying to keep my mind open. Thanks for your interest, in any case!

I ment the storyline in general, but continuing the night's events would also be good. Keep up the good work.

This was absolutely delicious! I love your version of Celestia and the lessons you've been having her learn. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! :twilightsmile:

Your ability to present new concepts into FiM canon flows much better than most of the writing in the show proper. Time to continue reading...

Dammit, now you got me jonesing to listen to Rite of Spring again. All of it. I can't decide if I loathe or adore you.

This whole thing came about over the course of listening to, like, a thirty-six hour orchestral music appreciation crash course on audiobook. I was pretty impressed by "Rite of Spring", and wanted to include it in the piece, even though what few details we get of the "Adoration" in the final version don't really match the inspiration work at all.

Incidentally, the fact that I had a whole mess of music history mashed together in my brain like this leads to the odd juxtaposition of Chanticleer, a ponified Vivaldi (with Mercy Stable standing in for the Pieta) commenting on his appreciation for the music of a composer who wouldn't be born for several hundred years. But, I guess for a show that features armed centurions with spears guarding a steam locomotive security checkpoint, that's pretty much par.

Once you name him, I can't stop myself from picturing him as 'that' Chanticleer, which makes thing quite silly. Then you add in his stereotypes comment and I love him more.

Oh, dear, did I evoke some other cultural reference with that name?


Well considering his cutie mark, I thought his naming was intentional. Was he not to be named after Rock-a-Doodle's leading rooster?

Nope! It's just an iconic and fancied-up word for "rooster", from Olden Times. Wikipedia tells me that it's derived from the "Reynard the Fox" cycle of folktales, which I would probably know without Wikipedia's help if I'd been an English major back in college. Pony Vivaldi, like regular-flavor real-world Vivaldi, has shocking red hair, so that's what I was going for. Never really watched that movie, is it any good?


It's decent to be, but I also have nostalgia working against me. It's a 90's Don Bluth movie about what amounts to rooster Elvis getting discouraged and dooming the world to eternal night. It's also got a kid who gets turned into a cat who has to save the world, meh, the doom part is more fun.

Clearly, all that mucking about with the Elements of Harmony was unnecessary, then. What we really needed for Nightmare Moon was a Don Bluth cartoon rooster.

I have the worst crossover fic ideas.


What are the Elements of Harmony but a huge rainbow flashlight?

You write a better humorous Luna than anyone I've ever read.

Thank you! Now all I need to do is write a credible emotional Luna. Romance is a far weaker thing from my pen than comedy is...

This made me smile.


"It was the fluid catalytic cracking unit. It made shoes for orphans."
I probably would not have caught this had you not mentioned there was a Portal reference to be found here, in the comments on Heretical Fictions. :P

283754 To find Sunny Skies All Day Long: Go to the top of the fimfiction home page. Mouse over 'Browse'. Click on 'Top Rated'. Click on the one at the top.

This is very funny, and a wonderful character study/development story. It's two stories for the price of one. (Or I could say that my comedies are each only half a story.) I see no deviation from canon, but a filling in of details around the edges, in the shadows. Yet another Skywriter story for my favorites list.

"Surpassing only her sister, the noble Princess Luna" - I think you didn't mean for Luna to say that Celestia is the second-least-important pony in Equestria, and Luna the least-important.

Do I have to give Stravinsky another chance now? I feel obligated to hate his music, and even derive some self-righteous satisfaction from doing so, because of its impact on later "composers" like Schoenberg and Berg.

I have since found and read "Sunny Skies..."! Thanks for the location tip, though! By virtue of general good quality and non-offending content, I guess it became the top-rated story on FiMFiction, huh? It's sort of funny, I mean, it's a very good story and I love it to death, but it's so unassuming. It's kind of like learning that an Eagles "Greatest Hits" album is the best-selling record of all time. (Though it looks as though Thriller has finally surpassed it.)

Re: my bad grammar... yes, I've always hated that line, but I couldn't get it to work in production and then I stopped thinking about it. I think I fixed it now, though. Thank you for nudging me to fix it, finally. And thank you also for the kind words!

The Adoration as described here, while stealing its title from one act of "The Rite of Spring", does not really resemble Stravinsky; inasmuch as there's not much resemblance between ol' Igor and his pony namesake here, you don't have to give him another chance. That having been said, I kind of like the interesting complexity of his music, but I'm something of a musical masochist. I have willingly listened to all three hours of Glass's "Einstein on the Beach" (at least, the only three hours that have ever been put to disc; the whole thing lasts like five hours in live production.) I do not recommend this to the casual listener. "Einstein on the Beach" is a real brain-destroyer.

Incredible writing, story, characters, etc. Just brilliant.

:rainbowlaugh: Also, "fluid catalytic cracking process". Oh my god, I see what you did there! I didn't realise straight away, I was in the shower about 10 minutes after reading when it just twigged and I burst out giggling.

Achievement: HEY I PLAYED THAT TOO unlocked!

and then they kissed ...


Made me happy, made me sad, but in an entirely different way than Heretical Fictions did last night. I think that one hit me a bit harder, which isn't a great surprise to me considering how much I love to read (I suspect the comment I left was mildly incoherent, but I haven't gone back to check yet), but this is very good as well. Your characterizations are so well done.

Thanks so much! :pinkiehappy: I don't always respond to every comment, and some are kinda late (like this one), but I felt like tossing you a thanks on this one as well.

I enjoyed this thoroughly when I first read it, and I enjoyed it even more this time. This time, I thumbed it up and favorited it.

I long to see, and shudder at the thought of, this particular Celestia's attempts to cope with the sudden alicornification of Twilight, especially in light of the canon origin of Cadance.

Celly in this this arc is a bit of a wreck. The Cadance stories I'm doing have a slightly similar, but more composed and with-it, version. Neither seems 100% show-accurate to me.

Well, Celestia in the show is a very difficult character to write about as a protagonist due to her general personality qualities. She isn't a Mary Sue because she isn't the protagonist of the show, the center of the story.

When she is the center of the story people have to try to keep things interesting with her, which is probably why she is such a mess in most fics that focus on her.

Celly says exactly this in another story of mine.

Friendshp was, in fact, magic, I supposed.

"Friendshp" should probably be "Friendship".

Ah! Thanks for the good eye!

Author Interviewer

While I liked this, I felt Celestia's voice was way off. I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, so it could very well just be me.

You're not the only one! War-Queen Celestia in "Beloved" and "Heretical Fictions" is somewhat removed from a good canon Celestia. "...Hates Tea" has one that's a little better, but not by much, and the one in the Cadance stories is viewed through the lens of that character and is thus distorted slightly there as well. The only evidence that I even can write something close to a fair Celly is in "A Short Story by Twilight Sparkle."

584394 Rock-A-Doodle is very, very, very very veryveryveryveryveryvery loosely based on an old story from a collection of french folktales.

Yes I know it's been over a year. I don't care.


Still good to know.

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