• Published 20th Sep 2013
  • 5,966 Views, 31 Comments

Greed and Generosity - LuminoZero

Ambition and greed share a lot of similarities, including their tendency to feed off of themselves.

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Greed and Generosity

Boredom was not something the young dragon was accustomed to. Twilight was always busy with some project or another, and since he was her 'Number One Assistant', that usually translated to him being very busy as well. Sometimes, he would resent it, walking after her all day with some huge list to check off, but oddly enough he now found that he missed the activity. After she'd become the latest Alicorn Princess, she'd been busy in many ways Spike could not help.

It started simply enough, she'd be going on flying lessons with Rainbow Dash, learning how to control her new wings. Twilight was the type who put their all into everything they did, and so she pursued flight practice with all the fervor of reorganizing the library. Of course, she trusted Spike to keep the library running while she was busy, and the little dragon had no qualms about doing this. After all, he couldn't help her with flying practice, so he'd help her with her other duties.

And then Princess Celestia and Luna began calling on her to Canterlot more and more. Discussing the duties of a princess, the rules of what she had to do, and teaching her what she had to know to grow into her new role. She'd often stay there for weeks at a time, leaving Spike to take care of the library and Ponyville in her absence. Her returns were always lauded affairs, gathering all of their friends together to go have a party, and she would of course spend a lot of time with Spike just catching up. It was clear she missed his companionship as much as the young dragon missed hers. But it was to be understood, she had responsibilities now beyond her own flights of fancy, and Spike would be happy for whatever time he could have with his 'sister'.

Still, Spike was nowhere near as obsessive as Twilight was. He didn't feel the need to tear down the library every week to re shelve everything. He didn't need to write up two dozen item long 'To-Do' lists to go out and buy more quills. He still kept the library clean, and in pristine order, so that when Twilight came home she would always feel comfortable, but that wasn't anywhere as difficult of a job as it used to be. It was barely past noon, and Twilight wasn't due for a visit for another few days. Rainbow Dash was off training with the Wonderbolts, Fluttershy was spending all day fluffing the tails and brushing the fur of her many friends, Pinkie Pie was anypony's guess.

Rarity had been almost as rare a sight as Twilight lately. Spike was sure to go and help her whenever he had the time, but she had been so busy lately. Twilight had mentioned to a few ponies that asked, that her coronation gown came from the most talented designer in Ponyville, and that had brought some major attention down on the Boutique. Rarity was delighted, of course, but that was months ago. Since then, she'd had an endless supply of incredibly high profile deadlines to meet, and she'd almost become a shut in. Fancy Pants had, as always, been quick to change the view of the Canterlot 'elite' to promote Rarity. He seemed the only decent high class pony the dragon had ever met. Well... there was Shining Armor, and the Princesses, but they hardly acted like high society ponies. Still, the amount of custom orders had been driving the unicorn up the wall lately. Photo Finish had recently placed an order for her to make sets for her latest fashion show, and had stressed how important it was since Hoity Toity was to be covering it! Just last month Sapphire Shoes had asked for a six dress set for another of her fabulous tours! Rarity seemed to finally have all the fame and recognition she'd ever wanted.

But still, it would be nice to see her again. It just seemed like she went from one crisis to another lately. She needed to take a break, at least a small one. Spike snapped his clawed fingers, of course! This was harvest season, which meant Applejack would be selling some delicious treats! Maybe he'd go grab a few apple fritters and swing by the Boutique to say hi and maybe offer her some lunch! The idea restored some vigor the young and bored dragon, as he made sure to flip the 'Open' sign on the library as he ducked out.


"Well howdy there stranger!" Came the familiar drawl from the earth pony. Spike waved happily as he came over the hill towards Sweet Apple Acres, bouncing up to Applejack, who was busy bucking a tree. "What brings ya over here now?" She asks, sliding the barrel of apples up onto her head expertly. Spike walked up to her, grabbing an apple that had fallen by the wayside, and slipping it into the basket as he walked with her. "Ah, thank ya kindly Spike, you've been a stranger round here lately. Twilight leave ya enough chores while she's off in Canterlot with the Princesses?"

Spike grinned nervously. He knew he should have visited A.J. more often, but harvest season was a busy time for the Apple family, and he really didn't want to get in their way. They had their own ways of doing things, and he wasn't large or strong enough to really offer much help. "Oh nothing the 'Number One Assistant' can't handle, of course. I was just coming by cause... well, I was thinking I might bring Rarity some lunch. She's been really busy lately, I thought she could use a break."

Applejack smiled knowingly and rolled her eyes slightly. "I swear, that mare's gonna work herself to tha bone. Now, we Apples ain't 'fraid of a lil hard work, but I don't reckon I've seen her in ages. I think Granny just finished up a batch o' fritters. I'll get ya a few to go take to yer marefriend."

And Spike nearly choked on his response as A.J. kept walking on towards the main house. "S..She's not my marefriend..." Spike said, the words tasting horrible to him. A.J just laughed, setting the basket down by the barn as she moved towards the house.

"Well then, ya better get a move on that, lil dragon!" She called energetically. Spike just groaned, palming his face. This had been so much easier when nopony acknowledged his crush on the white unicorn. Pinkie had her promise to keep, and Spike knew she'd never break that. Fluttershy would never speak loud enough about a secret for anypony being able to hear it, though Spike was sure she thought it was adorable. Rainbow Dash and Applejack though, they always loved teasing him. A.J. was more calm about it, like it was the most obvious thing in the whole world, but Rainbow Dash. Whoooa boy, her teasing was merciless. Still, she knew when to back off from it, thankfully before the object of his affection could walk up.

It was a few moments when A.J. returned with a tightly tied box, string held in her teeth, as she passed it off to the dragon. "An here ya go. Take em and tell her she better get her tail down here to visit some time or I'm gonna come to her after a nice muddy rainstorm!" The earth pony threatened with a smile. Spike just laughed as he accepted the gift.

"Hahaha! Thanks Applejack, I'm sure she'll be terrified and thankful!" He called with a wave as he began heading back into Ponyville proper.


It didn't take Spike long to arrive back at the Boutique. Ponyville was busy, but it felt empty. Without seeing his friends around, it just didn't feel right. They all had their obligations, their dreams and goals, but was it really going to go back to the way it was? He wasn't sure, and he wasn't sure he really wanted to know. The concept of the seven of them growing apart was too dark of a thought to be in his mind when he was bringing a gift to Rarity. He banished it and instead imagined the smile on her face when he brought her the delicious fritters. He walked up to the door and examined the Boutique. Well, the sign said 'Open', that was a good sign. He pushed the door open with his tail, calling into the shop.

"Hey Rarity! We haven't seen you in a while, I thought I'd bring you some lunch!" He said, his voice moving through the home. There was no response. Spike turned, looking into the shop. There was no sign of Rarity, though he did see a piece of fabric half finished on her sewing table. In fact, it was still in her sewing machine. Rarity never left something she was working on is such a precarious position, it was like she just got up and left in the middle of working on it, and that was not like her at all. Spike was worried now, and walked into the Boutique, letting the door close behind him as his eyes scanned over the room. "Rarity? Are you here?" He called, the beginnings of concern working it's way into his voice.

The concern was well founded, as his eyes settled on the collapsed body by the base of the sewing table. "Rarity!" He shouted, dropping the box and running through the shop to her side.

The unicorn stirred almost instantly, and Spike watched her intently as her eyes seemed trying to focus. Her mane was pristine, as usual, he coat shimmering, and her body the very picture of health. And as Spike ran one of his hands by her face, guiding her to look at him, he felt something coming off. Makeup...lots of it. The state of her skin under the disguise shocked the dragon to the core, she looked pale... almost sickly. "Oooh... Spike? I... I must have slipped while I was working... nothing to be alarmed at dear..." She stated, none of the usual energy or vigor in her voice that Spike had grown accustomed to. She started to get up, her legs shaking as she worked herself to her hooves. "I was just working on this... lovely design for... er... ah yes, for the fashion show."

She shook her mane out, trying to put on a confident look for her friend. "There is so much work to do, I've got three more dresses to finish! Oh such is the price of fame." She said in her usual over dramatic lament, turning towards him. She expected to see him worried, maybe slightly relieved by her recovery, but was shocked at what she saw in Spike's face. She couldn't recall ever seeing him look this angry, and she certainly never expected this anger directed at her. His small hands clenched into fists as his entire body seemed to shake.

"Rarity...." He spoke calmly, clearly in contrast to how he felt. "You need rest, this has gone on too long already." Rarity eyed the upset dragon, and lifted her hoof to pat him on his head.

"Oh Spike, I know you are worried, but I am a full grown mare. I know what I can handle." She said with all the confidence and poise of a true fashionista. Spike slammed his foot down on the ground, furious with himself. How had he let it get this bad, how had he let her go this far and not seen the warning signs earlier? Well, he would make up for it, this ended now.

"Rarity, you are going to rest." He said, there was no play in his voice. No happy-go-lucky love sick little dragon, no. This was some incredible determination, and he was not going to move out of her way.

"Honestly Spike." She said, looking down at the little dragon. "I'm fine, I can handle this. It's nothing, really." She finished, channeling power into her horn to lift the little dragon and place him off to the side. The horn glowed, sparked and fizzled away, the light fading almost as soon as it came. She sheepishly looked at him, blocking the way to her sewing table. "Spikey-Wikey, would you kindly move? I simply must finish this dress." She said with a bright, and faked, smile to her friend.

That she used her pet name for him just set him off even further. "Don't you 'Spikey-Wikey' me!" He shouted, causing her to step back in shock. Little Spike...shouting? At her?! She wasn't even able to respond, just to stand there in shock with her mouth agape. "Look what you're doing to yourself Rarity! What would have happened if I didn't find you? You are going to get some rest, and if I have to carry you and tie you into your bed I swear to Celestia I will!" He finished, causing Rarity's shocked expression to fade. She slowly resigned herself, Spike was not the little dragon he was before, and he was not going to be pushed aside.

"All right Spike, you win." She said defeated, turning to head towards the stairs, her head drooping as she did so. Spike remained behind for a moment looking around the shop.

"I'm going to put away your work so it doesn't get damaged. I'll be careful." He said, his voice much calmer then it had been just moments before. Rarity found that climbing the steps was much more difficult then she remembered, her legs feeling like jelly. Still, she made it to her bed, still made from the last time she'd slept in it. When was that again? Hmmm, she better not tell Spike about that. She collapsed onto the sheets, no concern to removing her make up, her eye mask, or any other part of her vanity as her exhausted body finally collapsed into the rest she'd been denied.

When she next opened her eyes, she only saw darkness. Where was she? What had happened? Thoughts raced through her mind until her brain caught up with her. Right... Spike had insisted she get some rest... but dark? She looked out the window, seeing the moon high in the sky. Sweet Celestia, how long had she been out?! She jumped up, noticing instantly that she took none of her pre-sleep preparations. Well, maybe Spike was right. She did need that rest, but now it was time to get back to work! She stepped out of the bed, her hoof clacking on the floor, when she heard another voice from the side of the room, through a stifled yawn.

"Feeling any better Rarity?" The familiar voice asked, and the unicorn nearly jumped in her surprise.

"Spike! It is very rude to be in a ladies room while she sleeps!" She reprimanded him. The dragon looked up at her, clearly still carrying something from their argument earlier.

"I wanted to make sure you were all right, and that you wouldn't be over exerting yourself so soon." He responded, standing up from the corner where he'd been laying. Had he... just been by her bedside all night? Watching over her...

"I appreciate your concern Spike, but I am all right now. I've lost a lot of time, but I must get back to work." She stated, stretching out her hooves as her body still responded sluggishly. She was rested, but she still felt very weak.

"Why?" Was the single word response from her young friend, and Rarity didn't understand why he would ask at first. He knew all about her deadlines, all of her friends did. It wasn't like she'd hid the fact from them. "You could probably use something to eat. I have some fritters from A.J. They might be a little cold now, but why don't we talk about it for a few minutes? Just take a little break from it all." He suggested.

Rarity was about to say that she had taken enough of a break, but she saw that now familiar ferocity in Spike's eyes, and knew it would be pointless. Besides, at the mention of Applejack's delicious fritters, Rarity's stomach decided to reminder her how long it had been since she'd eaten anything of substance, in a very unladylike manner. She blushed profusely, nodding to him.

"Well... I suppose I am quite hungry. Oh all right, but we're not staying here. I don't want crumbs all over my room." She spoke, flipping her mane with her usual dignity. She may be in the process of being strong armed by a baby dragon, but she would still keep some dignity in her situation. She walked towards the door, heading down towards her kitchen. It was late, but she was awake now, so she might as well. Besides, she had some of her best flashes of inspiration at night.


Rarity had only just realized how hungry she had been. She had to struggle to maintain her lady-like pacing and style, her body craving the fresh food desperately. Spike watched her, an odd smile forming on his lips to see the contentment spreading across her face. He was the one who broke the silence first.

"So... why do you need to do all of this?" He asked her, and to Rarity it sounded like the most absurd thing that dragon had ever uttered. Her look said as much.

"You know the answer to that Spike, I want to spread my fashion all across Equestria. I want to be the pony that everypony should know. I need these connections to make me a star, to catapult me into the highest echelons of fashion in the land!" She finished, the reminder making her giddy, and renewing her desire to get back to work on those dresses.

"Oh I know that." The dragon answered. "You love doing this, we all know that. But it's just, when is it enough?"

Rarity swallowed a bit of the fritter and paused, as if the question took her totally by surprise. "Beg pardon?" She asked.

Spike continued. "You remember Twilight's last letter, she's seeing your face all over Canterlot! Your designs, your shows, your name. You already have the fashionista fame you wanted! Why are you killing yourself now?"

Rarity waved her hoof dismissively. "Honestly, Spike. I think you are being a bit melodramatic. Yes, I overworked myself, and I thank you for being such a good friend to be that worried about me. But it's just a few jobs, it's nothing out of the ordinary."

"And then? When bigger and more important jobs come in? From Manehatten? The Crystal Empire? Fillydelphia? When will it be enough Rarity? With all the books from Twilight, the apples from Sweet Apple Acres, all of Sugar Cube Corner?" He questioned, causing Rarity to blink in total confusion.

"Wha-? Spike you aren't making any sense at all, why would I want any of those things?" She asked, her exhaustion addled mind not able to make the connection.

"Because I, of all ponies, know the dangers that come from greed." He said, making her eyes shoot open as she realized what he was trying to say. She wanted more...more popularity, more exposure, more fame. Maybe she really could handle it now, but Spike was right, it would never be enough. It was a hard realization... depressing even. She wouldn't grow into a giant monster like Spike would, but ponies were just as able to become ruled by greed as a dragon was.

"I just want... to share my gifts with everyone. I have so much I can give to people, to make them look and feel beautiful." She spoke, looking down at her plate in depression. Spike walked around to her side, with a warm smile for his friend.

"Your friends don't want you to kill yourself for them Rarity. They like you for who you are, the most considerate and generous pony. A true pony that everypony should know. Ambition isn't wrong, neither is desire... but if you let it run your life, there won't be anything except desire." He said to her, and Rarity forced back a tear as the words washed over her.

"Where... when did my little Spikey-Wikey get so smart?" She asked, wiping a tear off with her hoof. Spike smiled bashfully, rubbing the back of his head.

"From all of you." He said. "You all taught me everything I know... I just think it's right to pass those lessons back when we forget." He offered his hand to her, trying to comfort her. She placed her hoof into his paw, rising from the table and walking back towards the main room.

"Well then, you are absolutely right. I'd gotten so invested in the next big thing, I forgot what really matters. But still, I gave my word. I must finish these dresses..." Spike's smile faded for a moment. "...However, I think I will not take any more orders for some time. I have been ignoring my friends, and worrying them too." She said nuzzling Spike slowly.

Oh what the hell? She thought, leaning in and placing a kiss on the young dragon's cheek. Spike blushed a bit, but was getting much better at accepting her gentle kisses. She still wasn't sure what, if anything, should come from that, but they were both mature enough to make that decision when the time came. He certainly cared more about her then anypony that she wasn't already related to. "Spike darling, could I ask you a favor?"

Spike was still reeling from the kiss, but nodded wordlessly to her request. She smiled. "Excellent! Please take down a letter to Princess Celestia for me. I believe I have a report to make." She said happily, pacing back and forth in her dark work room.

"Dear Princess Celestia;

Today I found out that greed and ambition are very close to the same thing, and both very dangerous to become blinded by. Even when pursuing our dreams, we must never lose sight of everypony that supports and helps us, nor our own true desires, no matter how small they may be. Worth isn't measure by how many ponies know your name, but on how those who do know your name know you. And I will never take my friends for granted again.



PS: Please tell Twilight that Spike and I cannot wait to see her when she returns."

Author's Note:

And a second story so soon! This idea actually came from 'Suited for Success', when you see Rarity running around like her mane is on fire. I figured, with her drive, something like this wouldn't be too far off. And of course, who would be better to talk some sense into her then someone who understands the perils of greed?

Hope you enjoyed! Comments and critiques are always welcome!

Comments ( 30 )

Short and sweet. I enjoyed it. :raritywink:


Glad to hear so! Thanks for your comment and it is always nice to know your work is appreciated.


"From all of you." He said. "You all taught me everything I know...I just think it's right to pass those lessons back when we forget."

I love this line for two reasons. The first is that it reminds me of what I think Spike's link to the Elements of Harmony is. By being a good friend to all six of them, he is the recipient of their best qualities, and in this way has a place in Equestria's mythology rather than just being a character that some folks (believe it or not) consider dispensable. The second reason is that there is truth in what he says. People are born to learn, but sometimes we forget lessons, sometimes even what our own experiences have taught us. It's not extremely uncommon that someone needs to learn a lesson multiple times before it sticks.

EDIT: In my headcanon, if the Element artifacts were to be destroyed, Spike could forge new ones from his magic dragon fire.

Thanks so much for the review! Honestly, I often feel very bad for Spike. It seems the Mane Six often forget he exists unless it is a 'Day In The Limelight' episode. Recall in the end of the 'True, True Friend' song, Spike is with Twilight the whole way, but at the end when she pulls all her friends into a levitation hug, no Spike. The hell Twilight?

I think the biggest break he ever got was in the Nightmare Rarity arc of the comics, but what can you do? Still the little guy will get all the recognition he deserves by me, he's a horribly under rated character. That and I really liked Spike understanding the dangers of greed and desire better then anyone else.

So thanks once again! Glad you enjoyed it!

This was exceptionally well done. It's interesting how closely you've tied Rarity's generosity and greed as two sides of the same coin. And it's nice seeing Spike be the one to deal with the problem. This shows quite a bit of depth to Rarity's character, and a fair bit in Spike's as well.

Thanks again for your review!

With Rarity, I find it being a huge part of her character that a lot of people over look, which leads to a lot of people just looking at her first layer and thinking she is a bitch. I'm just trying to inspire people to look a little deeper, and see that real strength comes from overcoming temptation, not a lack of having it.

That was beautiful man. Beautiful.

Thanks! I am glad you enjoyed it!

Man, I really like this! I could never decide if Rarity's desire to be popular bordered on vanity or greed. However, the latter makes sense in relatable terms to Spike. That connection is absolutely fantastic!


Ambition isn't wrong, neither is desire...but if you let it run your life, there won't be anything except desire.

There is so much truth in those words!

3237099 Much appreciated! And yeah, Rarity is a really three dimensional pony. It's why I write about her, because I think that a lot of people don't appreciate the qualities she has. She tries, it isn't easy for her, but she really tries her hardest.

Thanks again for the comment, glad you enjoyed it!

3237114 Yeah, many people don't appreciate the hidden qualities exhibited in Rarity's character which is why I like her so much, too. There's a lot more to her assuming one is willing to look beyond the surface.

I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks for writing it!


From the mouths of drakes.......perfectly said!! Well done, I could not have said it any better. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Edit: You know, it's funny. It seems like the writers apparently try so hard to make Twilight Sparkle into this relatable character that has all of her strengths and weaknesses, her triumps and folibles. And real talk, it's a beautiful thing, though sometimes, it seems like they try too hard. Yet the irony is that it comes so easily for Rarity to be completely the most complex character in our fandom, and that's saying something, considering some of our more complex characters tend to be Rainbow Dash, Spike, hell even Discord.

This is one of those times. Beautifully done and executed. I do hope that this actually is a lesson that could show up on the show itself (I understand that it probably wouldn't happen, but hey, dare to dream).

Glad to see that you enjoyed the story and the insight it provided! Thanks very much for your review.


Edit to account for YOUR edit :P

It's odd isn't it? Someone here said that Rarity is the exact opposite of the other Element Holders. They are defined by their good traits (RD could be an exception), but made three dimensional by their flaws. The first thing you see about Rarity is her flaws, but the good is still there. It's just not so obvious, which is what makes it an absolute joy for me to write her. So much exploring to do into her growth.

Do me two favors? Put a space after your ellipses... like this. Furthermore, treat the word "anypony" like the word "anybody". You wouldn't write "anybodies". Use "anybody's", a possessive pronoun.

A pleasant little fic! I see a lot of improvement from Chains. Well done!:twilightsmile:


I don't want to sound like I am fanboying TOO much, but it really means a lot for my stories to have caught your attention. I've noticed you around, and since I heard your name dropped on the Seattle's Angels podcast tonight as a really dedicated author, it does do wonders for my self esteem!

Ok, fanboying done. I really appreciate the advice, and I'll make sure to fix em up and keep an eye on that in the future.

Thanks again for the critique!

Heh, really, I was mentioned on Seattle's podcast? Neat! Thanks for letting me know!:pinkiesmile:

Yeah, I try to read as much as I can. I'm not very good at Faving, but I do Upvote and try to leave comments. I'm just a guy readin' pony fics and writing a few, nothing big. I'm glad that you value my input.:twilightsheepish:

Yes yes I am late with this comment. I know. Full time job, wife and a 5 year old will do that. (No, my gaming habit has absolutely nothing to do with it. And shame on you for suggesting it. I am perfectly innocent in that regard :scootangel:)

As someone else has stated before, though I often forget who and where, most of the Element Bearers are positive archetypes with flaws to give them more depth. Rarity, with a possible exception for RD, is the opposite. A negative archetype, (the snobbish, over-dramatic, greedy noble) with a positive side that gives her true depth. This, in some ways, actually gives her more depth than most of the other Mane 6, in my opinion anyway. In fact, this is something she shares with Spike. Both of them are greedy by nature. Always wanting something, and always wanting even more when they get it. But they are both very loyal and generous. And just like how the truly brave are not fearless, but rather those who are terrified and continue on anyway; they can (at times) overcome their greedy natures and give freely of themselves.

This is also why I am a fan of this pairing. Because they are both greedy by nature, they can truly understand each other. And this understanding is something that would allow them to help each other more another could. They are the only ones who know what it is like to face such greed every day and thus what it takes to overcome it.

PS: Chains has been read, and I really will comment on why its faved... After all, would I lie to you?

3273701 Better late then never, eh? I don't mind, it means a lot to see that people like my stories so much. You pretty much echoed my views on Rarity to a T. I love her because she fails, because she falls short, and she is a great inspiration to keep trying to do the right thing, even if you make mistakes.

Take your time with reading and reviewing, these stories aren't going anywhere!

Heh... I dunno! I guess that you could say that I don't "feel" like I'm popular or well-known. I'm just glad that folks are enjoying my stuff.:twilightblush:

I like the concept more that the Crystal Heart one, through the payoff was a bit off. It was built up pretty good, but I think Rarity learned the lesson too quickly.

3279192 Yeah, I noticed that on one of my later readings of it. The pacing kind of tripped up at the end. I wanted the line from Spike to have the effect of being a 'Wham Line' that really struck deep within her, but I screwed up in the delivery of it.

Oh well, live and learn. Thanks for another helpful review.

Yeah, the Wham Line can be hard to use successfully... as can any trope really.


Another awesome story. For me, this is part of the reason why I like Sparity shipping. The dynamic between them. Both are capable of being selfish and yet at the core, both are selfless. Greed and Generosity are based associated with the two.


Thanks very much! It always feels nice to get comments on my earlier stories, because they were by far my weaker stories as far as editing goes, but apparently they were my best as far as storytelling goes.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Nice. Spike does it again, A good simple reading,:twilightblush:

A very apt title "Greed and Generosity".

Story wise i think Spike and Rarity were portrayed very well in this story :twilightsmile:

Oh wow this is lovely. It seems like something that could perfectly fit in the show with on the spot characterization, a realistic lesson, some humor

She spoke, flipping her mane with her usual dignity. She may be in the process of being strong armed by a baby dragon, but she would still keep some dignity in her situation.

oh my gosh I'm still dying over this:pinkiehappy:. Even with over 100 likes and 200 views I believe this deserves more. Just so sweet and cute, I can't get over it :rainbowkiss:

Well bravo! I was pleasantly surprised. This is way better than what I thought! Seriously, this was great! :pinkiehappy: :yay:

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