• Published 22nd Nov 2013
  • 1,556 Views, 8 Comments

The Temnokt Empire - ladyanaconda

Twilight and her friends are sent as emissaries to the Temnokt Empire, but are caught in the middle of a complot to overthrow the Temnokt King and conquer both Krussia and Equestria.

  • ...


Commander Whiptail



Spike ran through the snow-covered streets after witnessing Screwball's almost first kiss. He had to tell a passing by Krussian that Stormfly was carrying a 'dangerous, mortal, incurable plague' to stop them from kissing. Scales, why did he even agree to follow the pair at all? Why couldn't Discord stop making such a mess just because they went out for a walk? It's not like it was against the law to kiss in public, was it? The baby dragon had been getting strange looks by the adult Temnokt, like he was born with a genetic mutation or something. He wondered if it was because of his coloration, and the fact he was running on two legs instead of four, like the other dragons around.

Just then, he turned around a corner leading to... wait, hadn't he already passed through here? He couldn't tell, for all the streets looked alike; every corner and pavement, every adorning tree and every door looked alike, for Celestia's sake! How did these guys ever manage to point out a particular house? Spike gulped. He didn't wish to spend the night out in the cold, especially after the little encounter with Fenrir the wolf. What if there were more like him, or other types of animals, roaming the streets at night? The memory of Fenrir's snapping white teeth and bristled black fur like Opal's when she was on a bad mood brought chills down the baby dragon's spine.

A sound behind him made Spike jump (literally, he jumped up a light post and prayed to Celestia he wouldn't slip back down), until he realized the sound had been nothing more than a sneeze from a hatchling. Five hatchlings were surrounding the light post Spike had climbed unto, their little curious irises set on him. All of them had mohawks for hair, but their underbellies and horns were of different colors. One of the hatchlings, a young drake with purple underbelly and hair, walked up to the light post.

"He's funny." he said.

The other hatchlings followed suit.

"What happened to your hair?"

"Did you do it on purpose?"

"Why don't you have any horns or wings?"

"Where are your black scales?"

Spike's eyes widened, his head shaking 'No', praying these curious little dragons would lose interest and walk away soon, but he was a foreigner in a strange land, and the least thing he needed was to make them cry and provoke their parents' rage. As minutes passed, it became clear that the hatchlings would not go away; a drady with mint underbelly had climbed upon the purple hatchling's head and was trying to get to him; Spike tried to climb even higher, but his arms were starting to hurt in protest.

"Hey, little ones, what do you have there?" Spike was relieved when he heard sometemnokt approaching to help, but his relieved feeling disappeared when Spike noticed that the help he was expecting came in the form of two soldiers.

Glacial Fire and Rock Dust were on their way back to Commander Whiptail when they saw a rather funny scene. A baby dragon with purple scales holding unto a light post, trying to escape the five hatchlings surrounding him. The terrified look on his face made them realize he did not know hatchlings were harmless (unless they were throwing a tantrum).

"Hehe, this is something you don't see everyday." Rock Dust snickered as they saw Spike panicking when the small drady momentarily bite into his tail, nearly bringing him down before she slipped back unto the ground, unto her friend.

"Come on, Rock Dust! We're already very late, and you know the Commander doesn't like to wait!" Glacial Fire snapped, attempting to drag his friend away, but the bulkier drake simply ignored him.

"Oh, come on, Glacial! I don't think he will mind if we get ten minutes late."

"You know he doesn't like anykuros getting ten seconds late!"

"Yeah, yeah, as you say." Rock Dust ignored his protests once more and walked to the hatchlings, feigning surprise. "Well, what do you have there, little ones?"

The five hatchlings turned to look at him and the baby dragon gave a look of utter desperation.

A hatchling with red underbelly and mohawk, piped up. "There's a strange lizard on the light post!"

Another little one, this one with silver underbelly, countered his friend with, "He can't be a lizard! He's too big and clumsy to be one!"

The drake with purple coloration continued to focus on Spike. "Down! Down! Wanna play!"

Spike seemed to want to climb higher after hearing those words. Glacial Fire sighed and told the hatchlings. "How about you five go there?" he pointed to a tree in the middle of the sidewalk with a claw. "I think there's a pigeon nesting there."

The hatchlings chirped in excitement and ran towards said tree, the drady having to drag the purple-haired hatchling along. Spike slid down the light post while letting out a sigh of relief. "Thanks for the help...."

"Lake Wave," the blue-haired soldier introduced himself before motioning towards his friend. "And this is Rock Dust."

Rock Dust gave the baby dragon a toothy grin. "Hi there."

"How did you do that? I was afraid of making them cry."

"Please, kiddo! If there's something hatchlings love it's scaring off pigeons. They find it funny."

"Rock Dust! We have to go!" Glacial Fire hissed. He was starting to sweat of anxiety and nervousness, he did not want to face Whiptail's wrath.

"Alright, alright!"

Before they could walk away, Spike called out one more time. "Wait a second, guys!"

"What now, kid?!" Glacial Fire snapped at him in frustration, in a tone that made Spike step back.

"Well, it's just..." Spike gulped. "I'm kind of lost, and I don't know which way to go. Can I stick with you for a while?"

"No!/Yes!" Both soldiers turned to see the other's faces.

"What are you nuts?! We're already in hot water, and you want to go from the frying pan into the fire?!" Glacial snapped.

"Commander Whiptail cannot punish us in the presence of an outsider, remember? It'll delay whatever embarrassing task the Commander has prepared for us." Rock replied with a sly grin, then turned to Spike. "Very well, kid! You can come with us at least until we find your..." he tried to find a tasteful word so not to offend the youngling. "... group."

Glacial Fire flapped his wings and started cursing in Krussian, which Spike was grateful for. He did not need to know how Krussian insults were, but by the way he was stomping his paws on the ground and snapping his teeth, it was not pretty.

After putting Blade Kiss to bed, Cadence decided to go downstairs for a little while on insistence of Shining Armor. Foals liked to be near their mothers all the time, and they wailed nonstop if they noticed they were not around. This could make the first medical checkups a complete headache; they cried, wailed their legs, wings or had outbursts of unfocused magic, doing their utmost best to run and hide beside their mothers. When she was passing by the room Fluttershy had locked herself into, she heard giggling. She had never been one to eavesdrop into others' conversations, but she couldn't help but lean in closer to the door to listen.

"Wow! That was scary!" she recognized Lightfire's voice, her voice drenched in both fright and laughter.

"I only use it for emergencies when someone is really, really, really mean or when our lives are in danger." Fluttershy replied from behind the door.

"I bet even Commander Whiptail would flinch... No, I don't think he would, he has a similar strategy to intimidate his lazy soldiers. Just that his is much worse, believe me, I have seen him use it on various occasions.

Fluttershy gasped. "Is he that bad?"

"Nyet (Lit.meanint 'No'). He is not bad, he is simply very stern, that's all."

Cadence giggled in a low voice, but trotted away from the door, the least thing she needed was Fluttershy and Lightfire realizing she was evasdroping. Upon trotting down the stairs, she found Twilight and a stallion who seemed to be in the last of his years conversing, Tinder no longer there, but Catseye was back. Maybe she had gotten bored and went outside to play in the snow, while Catseye may have been freezing out there and decided to come in for a little hot cocoa... if they had cocoa, that is.. Meteoric Sun was pacing around the living room, apparently fuming about something (literally, Cadence could see a little smoke from his nostrils).

"I can't believe it! I've been trying to get an audience with King Bittercold for twenty years, Commander Whiptail never let me have a single glance of him, but he invites you to dine in the palace after one day?" Meteoric growled. "Unbelieavable! What do I have to do to make that winged lizard they have as a Commander respect me?!"

"Maybe he's just trying to do his job." Twilight felt rather awkward at trying to defend sometemnokt she did not know, but on the other hoof, maybe the ambassador was being too hard on him. "I mean, being charged with the safety of the Royal Family can't be easy."

"You have no idea, Lady Sparkle." Catseye sighed, trembling as he took a sip from his hot cocoa (just as Cadence had guessed). "Even the soldiers fear him. There's not a single drake in this country that is able to look at him in the eyes with any trace of fear, I think that's what he wants, anyway."

"Has anytemnokt tried to befriend him? Maybe that would be a good place to start, you can't judge a book for its cover." Twilight smiled upon remembering the time she had learned that lesson, when she and her friends had been victims of Poison Joke flowers, and had to turn for Zecora, who had been seen as an evil witch by the citizens of Ponyville at the time, for help.

Catseye sadly shook his head. "It's not like we haven't tried, Lady Sparkle. He just... No one has gotten anywhere with him, it's like he doesn't want to be befriended. I assume that after his accident all those years ago, he doesn't see himself as worth of having friends. I think it's because after his face was scarred, some of the other Temnokt kept staring at the burn-scarred half of his face."

Twilight frowned. "That shouldn't matter to them."

"It does, Twilight." Meteoric replied, having overheard the conversation. " It's not just his scar, it's his eye as well. I think part of his eyelid was burned off, he can't blink on that eye, not to mention that his pupil lost all coloration, and it enlarged to a certain degree. There's only one Temnokt in this whole country that has been able to see past his brutish exterior and worm her way into his heart, even after the accident."

"And who would that be?"

Before Meteoric could reply, there was a knock at the door. Cadence opted to go and open the door herself, she wanted to be a helping guest, instead of simply loafing around without doing nothing at all, like she had seen a few ponies do in her life. Cadence trotted to the door and, with a great effort and magic, managed to turn the heavy knob and pull the door open. "Good evening, how can I-?"

She stopped in mid-sentence when her purple eyes encountered deep forest eyes, equally surprised and ecstastic. The stallion had amberish gold skin, with a short, wavy mane of brilliant ruby red and yellow, with a matching long tail almost dripping its tiip on the floor. On his flank lay a Cutie Mark with the shape of a roaring fire, giving away his talent at handling fire spells.

"Cadence?" The stallion was the first to recover from surprise and speak, with a voice similar to that of a little colt being reunited with a long-lost sister. "Caddie? Is that you?"

Cadence's lips twisted into an ecstastic smile. "Sunset? Sunset Glare?"

"Caddie!" the stallion whose name was Sunset Glare wrapped his hooves around Cadence's thin frame, and the Alicorn corresponded the embrace. "I can't believe it! I never thought I would see you again!"

"Me neither!" Cadence replied, breaking away from the embrace. "I thought you had moved back to Equestria!"

"I wanted to, but father said he needed my help here, so I had no other choice but to remain here." Sunset Glare frowned lightly. "I do not understand what the Krussians have against us, really!

"What am I doing? Come in! You must be freezing, and Velvet doesn't like when there's snow in the doorway! Come on! Besides, there are ponies I want you to meet!" Cadence said, pulling the unicorn inside and closing the door, making sure there was no snow on the velvety carpet.

Twilight was surprised when Cadence came into the living room accompanied by a golden-coated unicorn, making a bell ring in the back of her brain. She had seen him before, but there she could not remember where she had seen him last. Catseye was equally surprised, but not by the presence of the golden unicorn, but to the fact Cadence had been able to close and open the door so easily, especially with her rather frail-looking body.

When Meteoric sensed the presence of one more pony in the room, his pacing temporally stopped and he turned around to face the young stallion. "Ah, son! Good timing! We were just talking about the letter Lady Sparkle just received!

"Twilight, Catseye, this is Sunset Glare." Cadence smiled as she introduced her old friend to the lavender Unicorn and the purple-haired Kuros. "He was my best friend when we were foals."

"Nice to meet you." Sunset Glare extended out his hoof to shake Twilight's, and the lavender unicorn complied, although with some hesitation drawn on her features. However, Sunset Glare did not bother to extend it to Catseye, knowing that shaking hooves -or claws- was not part of their customs.

"You received a letter, you say?"

"Y-y-yes. King Bittercold invited us to dinner in the castle to d-d-discuss matters of the treaty." Twilight stuttered, feeling a knot in her throat at being so close to Sunser Glare.

"He did?" Cadence repeated. "Is everypony else aware of this?"

Catseye shook his head. "Nyet. They have not returned still. But if you want King Bittercold to like you, follow this warning." Catseye leaned his lips to Twilight's ear. "Do not take that... pink madmare with the crazy hair with you-"

"Pinkie Pie?" Twilight frowned at the Temnokt's way of referring to her friend. "What does everytemnokt have against Pinkie Pie?! Even Fukkuteru freaks out when she's near him! What does she have that you don't like!"

"I do not know her personally, Lady Sparkle," Meteoric joined in the topic to diminish the growing tension. "How is she like?"

"She's smiling all the time, she pops out of nowhere and she freaks me out!" Catseye replied, wrapping himself in his wings. "She's evil, I tell you!"

Twilight stomped her hoof on the table. "Excuse me?!"

"I get it, now. Lady Sparkle." Meteoric nearly trembled when Twilight's angry eyes were fixed on him. "Is your friend extremely... cheerful, hyperactive and excitable?"

"Yes. She loves to make everypony laugh, is that a problem?"

"Well, how do I put this lightly... In this country, there is nodrake who has those traits, their stereotype of 'fun and laughter' is very different from ours. In other words, in their eyes, Miss Pinkie is..." Meteoric was reluctant to say it, but there was no other word he could think of. "... Mentally disturbed."

The 'WHAT?!' Twilight exclaimed at the top of her lung capacity would have made the one she let out back at Greva for the price of a chocolate bar sound like a mere tantrum.

But how right his words were.

Lake Wave was not happy.

The ridiculously-optimistic mare named Pinkie was embarasssing him to no end. While everypony else decided to return home to rest a bit (not to mention it was getting dark), Pinkie Pie decided to stick out a little longer, and much to the Drake's annoyance, Velvet and Fukkuteru insisted that he accompany her, just in case so she wouldn't get arrested.

"Hello there, my name is Pinkie Pie!"

Lake Wave resisted the urge to wrap himself in his wings to keep anytemnokt from seeing he was with her. The mare hopped in front of a passing by drake or drady and happily extended out her hoof to shake, making them skip away with disturbed expressions. He thanked whoever deity inhabited the heavens the Royal Guard had not come to her to arrest her for public disturbance; perhaps they were freaked out by her as well.

"What's wrong with everytemnokt here?" Pinkie Pie extended out her hooves into the air, looking at the sky in a rather exaggerated manner of dismay. "I try to become friends but they walk away looking like I was scary! I'm not scary! Well, maybe I am, I'm from another country, after all! But hey, Stormfly looks much more scarier than me and they don't act like this when he's around!"

Lake's hair bristled and his teeth started clanching in anger and frustration.

"Is it my hair, Lakey? Do I have to dress my hair like you guys do? But I don't like it, it looks spiky and makes me look like a meanie! Don't take it bad, you are not meanie, but you gotta admit those hairstyles are rather punky! At least I'm not Rarity, I bet she would give you a whole lecture about fashion and even funnier-looking hairstyles, but hey, she's the expert, not me!"

The drake could swear he was feeling his dark magic reacting to his conflicted emotions, cackling in his horns.

"Do you know what a cupcake is? Maybe if I offer them cupcakes they'll like me! Wait, I don't think I have any cupcakes right now, I left them in my luggage and-"

"ENOUGH!!" Lake Wave let out his anger out in a that single word, using the Krussian Roaring Cry, a practice usually only used by the Krussian Royal Family. The Cry made the snow from the rooftops and leafless trees collapse ot the ground, falling on top of those unfortunate enough to be on its way. "You're driving me crazy! Pochemu ty tak mnogo govoryat, kobylu?!"

Pinkie Pie just tilted her head. "Could you speak in Equestrian, please? I can't respond if I don't know what you're saying! But wait a minute, I do have a cupcake!"

Lake Wave stared in shock as the pink mare searched through her puffy hair with her hooves, throwing away objects such as an apple friter, a cannon, a party hat... What was wrong with this mare?! "Here it is!" Pinkie Pie held out the strangest-looking dessert he had ever seen. A small pastry with colorful paper wrapped on it and bright green frosting mixed with pink sprinkles. This was what she called a cupcake, and it seemed gross.

"Do it!" Pinkie pleaded now.

He gave her the cheesiest, most awkward glance he could muster and bent down towards the cupcake. He levitated it and pulled off the paper wrapping, slid his tongue underneath the pastry and pulled the whole thing into his mouth, chewing it in uneven chomps. Pinkie was waiting beaming to his reaction, but the Temnokt was trying his best not to gag. This thing was just too sweet! It burned his throat and and put a foul aftertaste in his mouth, sweeter than the sweetest bird's milk cake he ever tasted!

He looked at her, felt like vomiting, but instead he gave her an awkward grin to falsely show her he enjoyed the treat. Pinkie Pie smiled excitedly. "Oh, you liked it!" When she turned, he quickly spat the overly-sweet contents of his mouth and buried it under the snow at his paws. She might be extremely annoying, but she was still a guest in his house, and she appeared to be the sensible type. The least thing he needed right now was Pinkie Pie crying and having to respond for it.

Amazing was not enough to describe the Armory.

Glacial and Rock had to sacrifice and entire month of a quarter of their food rations so that the rest of the Guard would allow Spike into the 'off-limited for civilians' armory. Still, Spike couldn't help but wince everytime their hard eyes glanced at him. The Armory, or rather the Royal Guard's quarters for the matter, located inside the surprisingly wide grounds of the Krussian Imperial Castle, were a row of two-stories high rectangular buildings, with even more rows of dragon-sized beds accommodated like the beds in a military camp.

The actual armory was inside the castle, in a large room with worn-down bricked walls, with only a window to look into the conifer forest around Kruscow, and two metal doors, one leading into the winter-stricken outdoors, and another leading into the Entrance Hall of the castle. Obsidian-made spears, swords and medieval styled weaponry were accommodated unto wooden rafts, categorized by length, sharpness and type. Spike had only seen obsidian in the Crystal Empire when King Sombra attacked, but he never thought he would see such fearsome crystal being used in such an elegant way.

"Do you ever use these?" Spike inquired, trying to touch one of the spears, but withdrew his claw when Glacial smacked it with his tail.

"No touch! Commander Whiptail and King Bittercold insist that they are only to be used in matters of dire emergency!" he replied.

"Besides, look at these," Rock proudly unsheathed his claws and pointed at his sharp teeth. "Who needs spears when we have these babes at our disposition at everytime? Too bad I can't say the same thing about you, denysh."

Spike was not sure what that word meant, but judging by his tone, it meant something close to 'baby' or 'lad'. He had never liked being referred to as a baby dragon by anypony, but he never voiced his opinion about it, not wanting to upset Twilight or the others. What he didn't like right then was the Temnokt, including Rock and Glacial, treating him like he was a helpless little child who needed to be accompanied by an adult all the time. The soldiers coming in and out of the room looked at him coldly, or didn't glance at him at all, like he didn't exist.

"Hey, guys…" Spike tried his best not to growl as he spoke. "Why is everytemnokt treating me like this?"


Frowning, Spike waved his claw at a passing by drake, but was paid no heed. "See? Everytemnokt is ignoring me!"

"Oh, that." Glacial Fire let out a sigh. "It's because you have no Age Marks."

"Age… I think Fukkuteru spoke of them once. They're some sort of coming of age, right?"

"Da. If you don't have them, you're still seen as a hatchling, and as such, your opinion doesn't count."

Before Spike could protest, the Armory's air suddenly went silent and rigid. Every soldier inside straightened up with blank expressions; only Rock Dust and Glacial Fire's faces had a strong sight of fear and nervousness. Spike became confused to this sudden change of the atmosphere, but as he stepped back to look up at the two drakes' terrified expressions, he felt something against his back. He had bumped backwards into sometemnokt. As he turned around to apologize, the baby dragon froze too upon seeing the fire in front of him.

It was a burly but slim drake, wearing a regal silver armor like every other dragon in the army, but this drake had an air of authority and coldness he had not seen in the rest. The drake's underbelly was a contrasting brilliant amaranth, equal to the spiky mohawk upon his helmet. His mohawk had a few pale, light grayish amaranth-colored tufts of hair, and when Spike saw his folded wings, he realized the drake's left wing was colored like his underbelly, while his right wing had the same color as the lighter-toned tufts in his hair. Unlike most other Temnokt, this one had only one pair of horns on the right side of his head; all remaining of the other pair was the stubs where they once were. But that was not what made Spike tremble, no. What made Spike shudder was the sight of his face. The dragon's right eye was completely normal, colored a brilliant blue violet, but his right eye was…

How to explain it? Part of the left side of his face was covered up by his mask-like helmet (maybe that was the reason his helmet was different from the others'), but the baby dragon could manage to see burned, scorched scars from around his eyes and in the area around the left side of his snout, it looked a dark grayish blue violet color. There were still a few spots of black upon the scarred flesh. The dragon's eye was open wide, like somekuros had cut off a little part of his eyelid, with a black outlining around it, but what made it even creepier was the fact that his pupil and iris was enlarged, occupying a large part of the white sclera. The pupil was light gray, while the iris was a more medium gray.

"Commander Whiptail!" Both Rock and Glacial stuttered, saluting the higher-ranking dragon with their wings. "Reporting for duty, sir!"

Whiptail didn't say anything, but his hard gaze setting on the pair was enough to make them whimper in fear. Whiptail looked down, noticing Spike, but like the drakes before him, paid the baby dragon no heed. When he finally spoke, it was in a tone that demanded both respect and seriousness. "Takim obrazom, vy , nakonets, reshili pokazat' vash cheshuychatoy ​​stalkivayetsya zdes'?"

Spike blinked in confusion. The drake was speaking in Krussian, a foreign language.

Glacial Fire gulped. "S- ser, my mozhem ob"yasnit' eto-" He flinched when Whiptail snapped his teeth.

"YA ne khochu nikakikh opravdaniy! Kogda ya dayu vam prikaz, ya ozhidayu, chto vy sledovat' yemu!" Whiptail hissed. "Vy dolzhny byli prosto dostavit' pis'mo, i vozvrashchaysya ko mne, chtoby dat' mne otvet! Razve vy ne mozhete dazhe sdelat' eto pravo?!"

Rock Dust tried to get on the Commander's good side. "S-komandir, my vozvrashchalis' k vam, no my nashli etot ptentsa zdes' ." Rock patted Spike's head. "On pogib, a poetomu, my prinesli yego s soboy po krayney mere, poka my ne mogli poluchit' yego domoy."

Whiptail looked down at Spike coldly, making the baby dragon shiver and try to hide behind Glacial Fire's leg. With a humorless snicker, Whiptail set his hard eyes on Rock and Glacial. "Tem ne meneye, eto ne opravdyvayet vashu zaderzhku . YA budu zabotit'sya o tebe eva pozzhe." Whiptail narrowed his eyes. "V moyem ofise. Vy uvoleny."

Spike's panic commenced when the two drakes left, not before giving the commander the mandatory salute. Spike stepped back in fear when Whiptail set his eyes on him, cold like the ice in the Frozen North back in Equestria.

"You're not from around here, are you, denysh?" he asked, in Equestrian, taking Spike by surprise. "I suppose you're part of the Equestrian delegation, am I right?"

It took a few minutes for Spike to say anything. "Y-you can speak Equestrian?"

Whiptail simply replied. "Yes. My apologies for the…. circumstances in which we met, but those two are a thorn at my side! I don't know why I still keep them here! But you have not answered my question, denysh."

"Oh! Sorry! Yes, I came here with Twilight and the others! But Discord asked me to follow Screwball and Stormfly and-"

"That's all I need to know." Whiptail snapped. "I don't care about your errands."


"I suppose you're staying in the same place as Lady Sparkle, right?"

Spike nodded.

Whiptail turned towards the door and yelled using the Krussian Roaring Cry. "Stormchaser! Needlemouth! Poluchite vash cheshuychatyye zadnitsy zdes', pryamo seychas!"

Within seconds, two more dragons rushed into the armory, and saluted. One had moderate cerulean underbelly and not-so-spiky mohawk with traces of pale, light grayish gold locks, combining with his vermillion eyes, and two pairs of straight, slightly curved horns. The second had more wild-looking hair, shaped like lighting of moderate indigo, with light indigo thunder-shaped highlights. His underbelly was brilliant indigo, and his emerald eyes were open wide, with pupils shrunk. The indigo colored drake had an air of unpredictability about him, as if there was another dragon hidden within. The two wore the Royal Guard armor, but the drake with the crazy hair had no helmet.

"Na sluzhbu, ser!" The two said simultaneously.

"Voz'mite etu ptentsa zdes' v dom Temnogo Klana." Whiptail replide sharply, his air of hardness back.

"Da, sir!"

Whiptail gave Spike one last glance before walking away, probably to punish Glacial and Rock. But being left alone with two other drakes made him feel rather uncomfortable. His nerves spiked when the two set their eyes on him.

"He's the strangest hatchling I've ever seen." The wild-haired dragon commented, lifting Spike off the ground and sniffing him.

"D-Don't d-do that!" The other drake stuttered, obviously nervous. Spike could tell he was new in this job. "You'll m-make him angry!"

"Oh, come on! He's a hatchling! What could a hatchling possibly do?"

"H-he's a foreigner, r-remember? What if his p-parents get angry?"

Yup. He was definitely a newbie.

Author's Note:


Lake Wave: Pochemu ty tak mnogo govoryat, kobylu?!
Trans: Why do you speak so much, mare?!

Conversation between Commander Whiptail, Glacial Fire and Rock Dust.
CW: So, you're finally decided to show your scaly faces around here?
GF: S-Sir, we can explain it-
CW: I don't want any excuses! When I give you an order, I expect you to follow it! You were supposed to simply deliver a letter, and return to me to give me the reply! Can't you even do that right?!
RD: C-Commander, we were returning to you, but we found this hatchling here. He was lost, and so we brought him with us at least until we could get him home.
CW: Still, that doesn't excuse your delay. I will take care of you two later. In my office. You're dismissed.

CW: Poluchite vash cheshuychatyye zadnitsy zdes', pryamo seychas!

Na sluzhbu, ser
Translation: Reporting for duty, sir!

Voz'mite etu ptentsa zdes' v dom Temnogo Klana
Translation: Take this hatchling here back to the Shadowfang Clan's house.