• Member Since 16th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 12 minutes ago


I love to write, and I'll write just about anything. I seem to be most well known for my stupid little comedy pieces though...


When Luna first fell, and became Nightmare Moon, her mind split. Her memories shattered like glass, and were stitched back together. And when Nightmare Moon was defeated by the new bearers of Harmony, the fragile balance that had been crafted vanished, like a puff of smoke. While Luna, the pony everypony else knows and sees, may be fine, the rest of her, the majority of her, is still fractured, still broken.
It's going to take help from everypony who can help, both those closest to Luna, if they ever find out, and those trapped in her mind, if they can ever escape.

This is a total rewrite of my previous story by the same name. I've taken that one down and am separating this one so it can stand alone, and earn its own place. Stargazing Together was my most well known story, and I want this version of it, which hopefully you all will agree is better, to have a chance to be something else, not tied up by the expectations of the other story.

Cover art is by the wonderful TehJadeh on DeviantArt, used with permission.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 98 )

We approve! We have never heard of this side of Nightmare before and We love thy idea. Keep up thy scrolls!

~ Thy Princess.

The story was a bore, well written, but couldn't keep interest. Even the blue text felt scattered and out of place; using italics for Luna's thoughts and words would of probably been more appropriate.

3219873 Well, A) the story isn't finished. B) there is a good reason for the blue text, and it will become more apparent when I get the next chapter up.
At the same time, thank you for your honest, calm opinion.

3232125 I'm working on more. They're not easy chapters to write.

damn. colors don't really work on epubs. a tiny bit confusing.

I know it will take a lot of time but I will wait until this Story is complete so I can compare both versions for the whole plot, and not just chapter by chapter.

3237235 It also won't let me right justify stuff... makes it that much harder to make this work. I'm considering some serious format changes.

3243749 Well, from what I've got so far, this will likely, hopefully, be loner than the other version. Though I hope I can write faster than I have been.

On one side it's sad to hear that, I will have to wait alot longer till this story is complete, but on the other side it's one of the Best News this Month for me :pinkiehappy: If its Longer then the First one so I have more to read and more heart shards to glue together in the End. Oh i cant wait:pinkiecrazy:

How do people find these divided pictures? I want to find them...

3342815 They're on DeviantArt, just search for "two sides of XXX"

I'm loving this... MOAR!:flutterrage: please?:fluttercry:

3358470 I'm working on it, calm your hooves.

3358789 Yay! I needed a distraction from my own story.:twilightsheepish:

3358835 Ohh... then no, no updates for you. GO WRITE YOUR STORY! PONYS DEPEND UPON IT!:pinkiecrazy:

3358942 Working on it right now, i just need to kill Blueblood horribly than I'm done. :pinkiecrazy:

Well.... this is an interesting new look at things^^ I'll enjoy this^^

Okay I havent finished reading this chapter yet but I have a question that I'd like to have answered. It occured to me after that chef pony just randomly ran off.

fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/149/0/8/luna_by_mihaaaa-d3hiptn.png <--- Luna

img3.joyreactor.cc/pics/comment/full/my-little-pony-%D1%84%D1%8D%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%8B-mlp-art-discord-415473.png <---- "Nightmare" Luna


3554745 No, both look exactly the same, and look something like the first one.

3555926 thought so^^ but the thought was so random and kinda awesome that I just needed to ask^^

I am really liking this story so far. An interesting concept for sure .
Too bad I didn't read the previous version... Does someone still have it ? It would be interesting to compare the two.

Oh and "smilling weekly" , I think you meant "weakly"... that or Celestia just used her only smile for the week ... Sorry Twilight , your beloved ruler is not allowed to smile anymore , so have a pokerface instead.

3610719 Well, this is Trollestia. She would do it. And if you want the old version, check my blogs.

I found this chapter a little too long when considering what it's only purpose seemed to be.

Quiet Thoughts nodded, her smile relaxing as she realized the princess of the night wasn’t going to do anything rash. “I meet with her on a bi-monthly basis. Though, to be honest, I don’t need to be meeting with her that often. Unless I had some specific worry, I’d be content to meeting just once every six months, or even once a year.” Quiet Thoughts finally relaxed into the chair, smiling gently.
“Ohh yes, I regularly meet with them as well,” Quiet replied. “I make sure to meet with everypony working in the castle every few months. The guard, however, has their own psychologist, somepony who specializes in helping those who serve or have served.” Nightmare nodded, keeping up her fake smile as Quiet finished. The two sat and smiled at eachother before Quiet spoke up again. “So, is there anything you would like to talk about, your highness?”

Feel like there should be something in between those two paragraphs

3849463 Thanks for noticing that. Somehow I lost a whole paragraph in the transition. It's fixed now.

Well... that was an incredibly awkward conversation. I feel a little sorry for Quiet^^ but only a little. What I find more interesting is that NIghtmare is actually able to talk so casual about things like this. Im most fics shes shown as cold and emotionless, having no use for things like love or sex. Its nice to see her like this for once^^ Hmm... I wonder how much Luna heard from this conversation^^

3854523 You have just earned many internet points. YAY FOR YOU. Have a cookie.

3853612 I've often seen Nightmare Moon depicted, at least in stories where both Nightmare and Luna exist together, and the more carnal side, concerned with instant gratification...

3854700 well then you and me have not read the same stories^^ lol^^ care to link me to a few good ones? Nightmare needs more love^^

what is this? A story that hasn't been updated for 3 years gets an update?! Can't wait to read it when I have time!


There's still hope.
Thanks for updating.

YAyyyyyyyyy:yay:, an update after so long.:pinkiehappy:

8382344 8382430 8382492

Thanks for sticking by it. I’ve got a blog post coming tomorrow I think that explains more.

There's an update?? ooooh.

Still on Hiatus?

I recently found this and so it's great to see it moving forward.

Thank you for the update. I really appreciate the slower pace. I enjoy the therapy sessions with Quiet Thoughts.
I hope that the next update is not gonna take another 3 years though.

Noice, while i don't remember the old version very well, I do believe I remember it well enough to say I like this version better, less drama

well, that was fun^^ I really do like your version of Nightmare^^ I wonder how long it'll be until she decides to tell Twilight that she isnt "Luna", and I wonder how Twilight will react to it... *is looking forward to more updates*

I asked the librarian if she had any books on Pavlov’s dogs, or Schrödinger’s cat. She said the names rang a bell, but she wouldn’t be sure until she checked!

... Sad thing is, I actually got the joke and it made me chuckle. :twilightsheepish:

Also, Nightmare having Nightmares is like Twilight reading Twilight, you know something is seriously wrong because it shouldn't ever happen. :trollestia:

Yay! Glad someone got the joke! :trollestia: I was considering explaining it, but didn’t want to ruin it.

Is it the bell? Just checking!

Both the bell and having to check.

Oh, of course. Should have added "no pun intended" next to my second statement haha

You know.... What nightmare is planning to do here kinda reminds me of Mir from Ar tonelico... Lets just hope that Twilight and Celestia will be able to be her Croix and Shurelia, otherwise things could get.... problematic.

Also.... did I miss some things here? I remember Twilight being a bit scared of Luna cause nightmare once carried her home and dared to steal a kiss on Twilight cheek as she put her down to bed andd twilight later writing a letter to Celestia, asking her to keep Luna away from her for a time. And now twilight is having a friendly chat with Luna/Nightmare again? So either I have unkowingly skipped some chapters or this story got a rewrite I didnt know about... Or im confusing this story with a completely different one and am being stupid once more :twilightsheepish:

I pulled down two chapters, and did some huge changes overall. Right story though, glad to hear you remembered after all these years. :)
That might still happen, but not for a bit. I felt I needed to slow down the story as a whole.

Ahh I see. so what i remember happening hasnt actually happened just yet? That'd also explain why nightmare was so shocked when she heard her own lusty voice^^

Thanks for clearing that up for me^^ Got really confused there for a moment^^

It is good to read more of this story.

I like this side of nightmare. Having freshly read the whole story so far I'm definitely keen for more soon. Hoping for some Tuna too :twilightsmile:

Why Nightmare cant talk with Celestia and get some more responsibility with ruling Equestria?

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