• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 10,334 Views, 819 Comments

Growing Pains - Peroth E

Action-Adventure with Romance and a hint of Horror, features all the Mane Six and some Backgrounders

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The Following Morning

“Twilight Sparkle, your time has come! Your thieving ways are coming to an end! I have been personally charged to take you back to my Lord Galio, dead or alive using any manner I deem fit. If you give up and hoof yourself over, I will not be forced to harm you or your precious country, but if you try to fight I will not hesitate to burn this place to ash! Make your choice now, Sparkle, or suffer!”

Balla glared hard at herself in the mirror, her eyes narrowed until it hurt, her mouth twisted into a growling grimace, her stance not that of a pampered little court unicorn but of a warrior, ready to spring into action at the slightest provocation. Then she let out a high pant, her legs trembling as she steadied herself and watched her reflection with worry. “No no no that simply won’t do, far too long. She could retaliate!” The purple unicorn slowly paced around her well furbished room, muttering to herself rapidly. “But all such information is relevant. If I don’t warn her then that might be dishonorable, although she is a nasty little thief…”

“I guess I could cut some of it out.” She looked to herself in the mirror, in the silk gold and bronze robes she wore, a sapphire-laden circlet sitting on top of the stub of her horn. “But how can I do so without coming off as brutish?”

She whirled around and stared in the mirror, holding herself tall, fashionable, beautiful, her one exposed eye narrowed in disinterest, displeasure, and impatience as she sized herself up. “Twilight Sparkle, you will come with me to atone for your crimes or I shall personally turn all of Equestria into a smoldering crater!” She stared for a moment longer, than slunk back around her coffee table and sipped from her cup.

“No no no, what if I can’t back that up if she doesn’t come? I’ll look like a laughing stock! Oh Shallom, Rukafelth, what would you two say?” She paused, turned to her mirror, and jumped towards it viciously, landing with a face contorted with rage and persecution. “Drop your weapons or die!” She roared at her reflection, then sat up with a squeak, covering her mouth. “No no no, too vicious. Unicorns don’t use weapons often anyways. Hmm…”

She turned around, stood up straight, took a deep breath to puff out her chest, then turned back around to stare at her reflection with passive interest. “Twilight Sparkle, if you would please come with me I would like to present you to the law so you may repent for your crimes, resisting will force me to use drastic measures. Do not make me hurt you Miss Sparkle.”

She eased herself into her normal stance and shook her head. “No no no, far too nice! Twilight Sparkle must understand that Balla will never compromise. What about you Lord Galio?” She rubbed her chin in thought as she lifted her coffee cup to her lips and drank idly, then set it down quickly. “Of course! You always said the best way to defeat your opponent is to disarm them or to surprise them!”

She leapt towards the mirror and shouted, “Twilight Sparkle I love your hair! And that’s when I set her on fire! Hm, but it might not surprise her enough, just scare her into raising a shield. I need to say something really surprising.” She went back to her coffee table and looked over her notes. “Studious, seems sheltered, magic reveals intact hymen, seems uncomfortable around colts… Hmm, perhaps she’s never had a relationship. Or she has but it’s only been with Fillies! That’s,” she paused, and coughed, “kind of kinky. Perhaps if I surprised her with sexual flattery, or appealed to her innate love of mares…”

She charged over the table again, stomping her hooves down, “Twilight Sparkle, I wanna slap that hot flank of yours!” She stared at herself in the mirror, and blushed heavily. “No no no far too stupid far far FAR too stupid.” She mumbled and began to pace furiously.

She then paused, looked to the ceiling, and sighed. “What if I just shot her? Quick, easy, one dead thief to be harvested for later. She wouldn’t even have to see it coming. An arcane bolt infused with elemental lightning fired at sonic class speeds between a twenty-to-eighty degree angle from cloud-level should be enough to sever her spine immediately, if not just cripple her, then she’d be easy to collect. Ah, but there’s no honor in that…”

She approached her window and stared down at the bustling activity below, watching as thousands of soldiers gathered in the courtyard of Brehmin. “Maybe it will come naturally.” She mused, but then shook her head. “But I’m no good if I don’t think ahead,” she thought back to the last whim she’d followed mindlessly, “ah those poor pasta dishes! Maybe if I tried combining them…”


“Sleep well?” Twilight felt a blanket drop on her back, and she chuckled a little as she watched the sunrise from the top of her tower. Below her, Laputa hovered quietly, completely motionless. It made for a calm, peaceful sight just next to Canterlot’s palace. She’d been introduced to her own personalized bed just last night, and found it had been perfect.

“Perfectly. How about you?” Twilight turned to face Rainbow Dash, who had an easy, calm look and a good amount of syrup on her face. Breakfast had been provided for them when they woke up. For Twilight, celery sticks in peanut butter dotted with raisins, with a thin layer of honey coating the bottoms. For Dash, it appeared to be lot of pancakes.

“This place has its good points. I’m not wearing any of that frou-frou stuff though, all I need is my holster.” Dash nodded to the sword holster she was wearing and sighed a little, watching the sun with Twilight. Last night had been exhausting, longer than they had expected. They had to finish the story, they had to show off their gifts, they had to answer dozens of questions of what to look out for and how to get prepared if they even knew how to get Equestria prepared, and it had taken hours before Twilight and Rainbow Dash finally began to beg to be let go so they could go rest. Celestia had understood and dismissed them and the court immediately, but there were still many questions hovering through the air, but it could wait. Twilight had chosen to go back to Laputa, and her friends had followed suit. The moment she got to her room, she collapsed on her bed and fell asleep, with Dash doing the same in her room. She imagined the others either did the same or hung out in their little break room. She had to admit, this place knew how to provide for them and keep them comfortable, but she was already feeling lazy.

“Yeah, good luck making me wear all that royal stuff. I looked in my closet this morning and it looked like it went on for miles. There must have been a ton of dresses to choose from.” Twilight chuckled a little as she snuggled into the blanket dropped on her. “It’s getting me accustomed to comfort that I can’t afford right now.”

“I bet Rarity’s just marveling over how marvelous everything is. I bet she actually reconsidered going once she got a good look at her room.” Dash joked, stretching out on the stone and yawning loudly.

“Oh don’t be so tough on her. You know she’s not like that, she’s a good girl.” Twilight watched the clouds beneath them. They looked fantastic in the golden light. It felt like the dawn of a new era, but the rational, understanding part of her knew that a new era was not a good thing in the already peaceful, prosperous Equestria.

“Maybe. I’m just not sure they know what we’re getting them into.” Twilight turned to face Dash as she smacked her lips. “We have actually seen and dealt with the enemy, we had to escape by ourselves, and I felt the sort of magic we’re up against. We saw the creatures that Anemone was talking about floating around the ocean floor and we dealt with those screwed up mind games. They just heard us talk about them. I can defend you Twilight, but I’m a little afraid of having to save them too. I can only make so many copies and can only give one to each of you guys and that might not be enough.” The Pegasus sighed, holding herself up straight as she stared down at her hooves. She turned her head as she felt a leg wrap around her shoulders, and saw Twilight’s smile.

“I understand Dash. I thought about it this morning and I’m scared for them, for us, but they aren’t children, they’re capable, mature adults who can take care of themselves. I’m certain we can depend on them.” Twilight assured her, making Dash look up at the blue sky.

“I guess. I just don’t want anypony getting hurt. Not like we did.” Twilight nodded and pressed her cheek to Dash’s neck. Dash had suffered the most, and she wanted to protect her from getting hurt again, even if she was assigned to be her Guardian.

“I plan to keep that from happening. Somehow, someway, I’m will make sure we walk out with as few bruises as possible.” Twilight kept her smile, and Dash tenderly wrapped a leg around Twilight’s back. Twilight was too kind for this. Dash felt like she might be able to go through with it, maybe, but Twilight was just so soft, her body weak. A strong mind was a good thing - probably - but the future didn’t look like it would have any astronomy tests anytime soon.

“Have you two slept well?” Both the girls nearly flew away from each other as they turned to face a voice that everypony in Equestria knew. Princess Celestia had a very small, easy smile on her face, but Twilight could see the hesitation in her step. She didn’t know how to approach her student, and in a way, it stung a little.

“Great. This stupid castle is big and weird but it has really soft beds.” Dash answered, offering the Princess a bow. A hoof touched her chin, lifting her back up.

“Please do not bow. You are a guardian of this world, much like myself, apart from our age, I see us as equals.” Dash stared at her with a surprised look as Twilight’s jaw dropped a little.

“Equals? But Princess, we’re just-”

“I said Rainbow Dash and I are equals, Twilight.” Celestia’s smile turned into a naughty little grin. “You are still my student, and I expect you to act as such.”

“Act as such? Princess Celestia, you can’t be serio-”

“Tsk tsk Twilight, are you taking a tone with the Princess? I’d keel you over my knee and spank you myself if I wasn’t afraid of dirtying my hooves with your peasantry.” Dash held herself tall and straight, an expression of cocky pride all across her grin.

“Dash! What are you saying!?”

“Twilight Sparkle!” Celestia admonished in mock surprise. “Are you questioning the intentions of my fellow guardian!? I thought I taught you better, to treat your superiors with the respect they deserve!”

Twilight’s jaw fell, and her eyes widened in confusion as she glanced back and forth between them, her lip quivering as they glared at her… And then began cackling. “You-!” Twilight gasped, stamping her hooves like a child. “You’re both jerks!”

“I dunno, I think I kinda like being higher and mightier than her.” Dash snickered, nudging Twilight’s side while the unicorn pouted.

Celestia cooed quietly as she stroked her student’s mane with one hoof, while Twilight’s ear flapped in annoyance. “She’s adorable when she gets all flustered, isn’t she?”

“What, with the big bottom lip stuck out and her eyes getting shaky?” Dash clung to Twilight as the unicorn began to tug away.

“You guys are mean! I’m going back to my room!”

“Don’t let the door hit your rump on the way in, Queenie!” Dash barked out a sharp laugh as Twilight left with her nose and tail high in the air with what little dignity the unicorn could scrape together.

Celestia smiled down at Dash as the rainbow-maned mare bounced in amusement. “She’ll be back in a few moments.” Celestia chuckled, and turned around to watch the rising sun with Rainbow Dash at her side. “You’re rather friendly with her.” She chatted idly, not sure what to say to one of Twilight’s friends. She had only heard about them through Twilight’s letter, but had never personally interacted with any of them but Fluttershy. It was a little awkward, she felt, as while she knew everything about Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash probably knew next to nothing about her.

Dash stood stock-still for a moment, wondering if this was another test. Of course she was friendly with her, she’d gone through the most trying moment in her life with her and it was only going to get worse. Was this a test of her friendship with Twilight? She’d always said that Celestia liked to make little tests of everything. She’d heard so many things about Celestia, but what would Twilight have told Celestia about her? Princess Celestia probably knew nothing of her, she had much more important things to do than hear about one of Twilight’s friends. “Well, of course I am. She’s a good friend.”

Celestia nodded slowly, and glanced to the Pegasus’ wings. “I’m having several doctors look into ways to regrow your wings. They may be restorable.”

“They’re not. The cuts were too sloppy, the nerves were probably destroyed.” Dash sighed, staring back at what was left of her wings with a frown. Celestia nodded quietly.

“You can get prosthetic replacements grafted on. Leather wings with plastic joints?” Celestia offered, looking up to Dash, who sighed.


“No?” Celestia raised an eyebrow.

“They took my wings, they took flight from the greatest flier in all of Equestria. I remember what it was like to fly so fast I could shave off the stray and loose hairs just by moving. Doing loops, dives, corkscrews, spinning the clouds away, making little tornados…” She gave a deeper, angrier sigh. “Sure I could fly again with fake wings, but not even close to how I could before. I wouldn’t even be able to get stronger or better, and they’d break so easily. It’s just a bad reminder, you know? Besides, I have magic now. Magic I can practice with and get better at.”

Celestia understood now. Dash was all or nothing, she was a trainer, she worked hard to make herself better. If she couldn’t improve it, there wasn’t a point in using it. She gently stroked Rainbow Dash’s back and sighed quietly. “I think I understand, but the option will always be there. It may improve too. Sometime in the future. What about magic? There are several restoration spells that are a simple step from working with wings, the modifications wouldn’t be diffic-”


Celestia stared at the girl next to her as she narrowed her eyes at the sunrise. “Dash, I’m offering to give you your wings back.”


“Why not?” Celestia raised an eyebrow in surprise, feeling there was something she was missing. She watched Dash squeeze her stubs tightly to her body and tense up.

“Just no. I don’t want you to.” Dash answered simply, trying to not look at the Princess.


“Just no. Please Princess Celestia, it’s not that I don’t trust you,” she didn’t, “I’m just not comfortable with the idea yet, okay? I don’t want anypony else to touch my wings.”

Celestia stared at the Pegasus, not understanding this time. Hadn’t it always Dash’s goal to become the best flier? Wouldn’t the best way to accomplish this be to get them back as soon as possible? Was it possible she didn’t actually trust her Princess? None of the options made sense until she considered it from Dash’s perspective; she had been taken against her will, her wings tampered with without her consent, cut up, abused, hurt… Maybe she just didn’t feel comfortable letting other ponies touch them? Still, it was a very selfish, silly reason, but this wouldn’t have been the first time a phobia prevented her from taking logical action. It was only after several moments of hesitation she answered, “Okay Dash, I won’t try just yet, but we will bring your wings back one way or another. And we’ll do it nicely.” Celestia bowed her head slightly.

Dash just nodded quietly, still very uncomfortable. She just denied the Princess. Was that a sin or something? She couldn’t remember, but it made her feel guilty. Still, she had her reasons for this, reasons she planned to address soon. Her ear cocked when she heard hoof steps, and turned to see Twilight sulkily coming back, trying hard to glare. Dash smirked, and Twilight screamed as she was tackled and tickled.

Celestia just smiled, glad the awkwardness was gone. Not to mention it was cute watching Twilight try to wiggle away as Dash roughhoused with her. Celestia decided to slip away at this moment, let them have their fun. She might just go see Twilight’s castle itself, and maybe puzzle out Dash’s wing predicament.

It took several moments of wrestling, shouting, and tussling for the two to finally notice Celestia was gone. Dash glanced around slowly, her wings flapping softly as she looked down to Twilight. “Hey, Twi?”

Twilight was panting heavily, but she cracked open an eye to look into those of her friend while squirming a little. “Y-yeah I give up. Just, enough, please? Lungs burn…” She mumbled, and Dash slid off her to watch as the girl stood up.

“It’s not that. I was wondering, do you think you could try growing my wings back? The Princess and I were talking about it, and she said magic might be able to do something for it…”

Twilight got to her hooves, and shook a little as she took a few deep breaths. “Well…” She stared at Dash’s wing stubs, and finally got her legs to stop trembling. “I’ve never worked with nerves or feathers before, but with a few minutes of study and some testing, possibly.” She looked to Dash’s wings, then paused. “Why not ask Princess Celestia or Luna to do it? They would know more about wings.”

Dash gave a slow blink, then glanced down at her hooves in shame. Twilight frowned, something was bugging her. “I don’t trust anypony around my wings. They can look at them, I don’t mind that, but I just don’t know if I trust them to use magic on them. My wings were clipped by that Golding jerk. I don’t know what he did with those scissors or if there was more to it. What if Celestia’s magic doesn’t react well to whatever happened to me? What if it’s not enough?” Dash slowly approached Twilight with a completely honest and somewhat frightened face. “You understand the magic, you understand what happened to me, and you’re the smartest girl I know and the only pony I trust to try anything with them. I want you to look at them before I have to ask the Princesses.”

“Dash…” Twilight took a step back as Dash let all her feelings out, and she grit her teeth a little. “I don’t know anywhere near as much as they do…” Maybe their magic wouldn’t be enough, maybe it could only be counteracted with old magic, but that was only if it wasn’t a normal clipping, and there was no reason to believe it was.

“We were too busy for me to ask you before, but now we have a while before we leave. Please look? Please try?” Dash turned, presenting her wings. “You’re my best friend, and you know what it was like, and what happened to me. Use that friendship magic you have. I trust you.” She smiled a little, and Twilight knew there was no way in the whole world that she could ever turn her down now. She stepped forward and sighed as she studied the painfully small, painfully jagged wing just in front of her.

“Only for you Rainbow Dash.” Twilight murmured, her horn glowing as she began to scan the wing. She fought every instinct she had telling her to go find the Princess to do this. To her, it was more important that Dash was comfortable, and that she kept her trust. She smiled slightly to herself at the thought, since, deep down, she knew Dash would do the same. “Now hold very still, if you can.” She challenged playfully.

Dash smiled hugely, and stood, for perhaps the first time in her life, excited and still at the same time. She waited patiently as Twilight looked close at her wings, and her horn glowed brilliantly as she did.

And she stood there for a while with her horn glowing, staring at Dash’s wing. Dash remained as motionless as she could manage, certain that Twilight could do this. Twilight was the smart one, the magic one. Nothing to worry about.

“…” Twilight straightened up to look Dash in the eyes. “Dash, are you using any magic?” Twilight asked, leaning back down to study the wing again, her horn flaring brighter.

Dash frowned a little and shook her head. “No, you told me to stay still, so I figured I shouldn’t do anything. Why?” She didn’t like the confused look on Twilight’s face.

Twilight stayed quiet for a moment, and gently rubbed the wing presented to her. “It…” She lowered her head again, her horn’s glow slowly disappearing. “It’s like… I can see your wing, but my magic can’t…”


“Twilight Sparkle, turn that hot, nasty piece of flank over to me before I burn it off of you!”

Rukafelth, using the many years of his training at the monk’s monastery, kept a stoic expression and did not change the speed of his stride as he walked under Balla’s room’s window towards the announcement balcony that graced the Brehmin Palace’s front, above the mighty armored double-doors that served as the entrance to the enormous building.

The stone structure around him calmed him. It wasn’t just an Earth Pony thing, though a majority of Earth Ponies didn’t even like to be below the ground, it was a monastic thing. It reminded him of a peaceful time before Lord Galio had found him. The hard stone floors, the isolation from the world, surrounded only by his kin whom all subsisted on what they built or grew. It made him regret enjoying the fineries of things like cushions, beds, and servants, but as a General that much was expected of him. Still, the morning rituals served as a healthy reminded of where his fighting prowess had come from.

He pawed quietly at the stone beneath his hooves while in thought, before realizing the silence wasn’t him toning out the world, the entire courtyard was lined up and quiet. He looked up, smiled sheepishly at his lack of attention, and stared down at his many soldiers, his many allies. He knew only a few in the line-up beneath him, did not know who had a family or not, and couldn’t pick them out from where he stood, but they all looked identical in their armor, and they numbered in the thousands. He was still not used to such a cold, informal stance on leading an army, but he didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. He wished he could go down and shake each one’s hoof personally before he sent them to fight in their Lord’s name, but time was a valuable commodity when snooping under the noses of a suspicious foreign kingdom.

He took a deep breath, and raised his hooves to the top of the stone guardrail and lifted himself high, making his imposing presence seem all the larger. The army before him watched him with rapt, absolute attention. “There is a reason failure is what it is. When you do not succeed, when you fall so far below expectations that your mission falls flat, the results can be disastrous, especially during a time like this. Once. Just once I have failed Golding. I have failed Lord Galio, I have failed my oldest friend Shallom, and I have failed you, my people.” He let the words hang in the air, and the soldiers seemed to tense.

Down below, many of them were uncomfortable. Not with his abilities, but with him blaming himself. Rukafelth had never been anything but a dedicated community-minded man who lived to make the ponies around him live comfortable, long lives, and he always blamed himself the hardest when something went wrong. They stood straighter, ready to show their Captain they were still ready and willing to serve under him.

“This failure has cost us the secrecy we had been so careful to maintain, but even worse it has cost us one of the ancient Alicorn lords. Restoring Golding does not need all three of the brothers, but my failure has given the youngest of them to Equestria. They are aware of our presence here, and now they are aware of the nature of our power. It is unfortunate, but war is now an inevitable factor. Equestrians are not like the Coltriallens, nor the Steedests. They are unused to war, true, but they have discipline and dedication on their sides. Despite their lack of experience, they have proven to be exceptional opponents. This is why we all must be prepared to face unpredictable, intelligent opponents. We cannot focus on just raw offense, we must practice a mobilized defense and prepare for the unexpected.” He spoke loud and clear, and there was a ripple of nods of agreement from the crowd below. “We must practice all stages of our martial tradition, and prepare all the weapons available to us. Shallom’s soldiers will no doubt draw attention now, and a counter-force will be sent to find them. That is why we must prepare to step in, protect, and if need be, conquer, in Golding’s name, in Galio’s name.”

“WE HEAR!” The shout was deafening, and Rukafelth closed his eyes. These ponies had been training for years and years, and had been fighting on many fronts to protect Golding and smite their gluttonous, greedy neighbors. They were nothing short of determined to fight for their land and their king.

“I do not expect us to use our military presence to suppress the simple trades towns, but we must be ready to do whatever it takes. That said, I must request each one of you to show restraint in the face of our enemies. Equestria does not understand our mission nor our plight, Equestria is not sinful land, nor is Equestria a violent land, they are unfortunate victims between us and our true goal. The citizens are innocent peddlers, their soldiers are loyal men and women trying to defend their peace. If we have to fight, aim to intimidate, not kill. If we must take residence in one of their towns or encounter their citizens, do not bring harm to them. We must hold our honor, even during the darkest times and during our darkest deeds.”

“WE HEAR!” They answered as one, the standard of Golding’s morals slipping off the guardrail to bow his head to his soldiers in respect as they did the same.

“Then, for ourselves, for our citizens, and for Lord Galio, let us bring honor and plenty back to Golding.” He shouted, and the courtyard briefly erupted into a storm of noise from the cheers of agreement and national-pride. When it died down, Rukafelth smiled quietly. “Then let us begin our practices. We will not start with the spearhead assault. If you remember your training, then enter the Snapping Turtle formation.”

Each block of soldiers below him turned into mess of movement as they worked their way into their war stance.


Dash took several deep breaths as Twilight scanned again. Then again. Then once more, but stood up straight, looking confused. “What do you mean Twilight? My wings are right there. Don’t play with me, okay?” Dash began to paw at the ground nervously.

“I’m not playing.” Twilight whispered, watching Dash with a confused look, only to remember last night. The tips of her wings were the only part of her that hadn’t glowed…

“Dash, I’m going to try something. I’m going to coat you with magic. It’ll be harmless but it may feel strange. I want you to tell me what you feel in your wings.” Twilight ordered. Dash held still again, trying to not panic as she considered what she was told. She did not mind the magic surrounding her, she did not mind the grip of this “tyrant”, it was careful and worried, if somewhat claustrophobic.

Twilight stared closely at the tips of Dash’s wings. No magic went around them. The aura of purple light covered Dash’s body all over except around the tips, where it simply cut off and did not stray past. She tried another scan with the magic all around her. “What do you feel in your wings?”

“Um… Warm.” Dash answered, carefully bending and unbending her wings. “Except the tips. They feel really cold for some reason.”

The scan didn’t show any magic being conducted through Dash’s wing tips. They were bare, cold, completely blocked off from magic. She stood there for a moment, a moment of terror passing her as she turned around. “Dash, stay here, I need to go get the Princess.”

“Wait!” Dash cried out, catching up in a small bound, “What’s happening? What’s wrong? What do you mean your magic can’t see my wings?”

Twilight waited, bit her lip, and looked into Dash’s eyes. “Dash I… I think that unicorn did more than just clip your wings. They can’t be touched by magic. The Princess needs to take a look, she’ll know better than I will about what’s going on.” She rushed downstairs, leaving Dash standing alone on the tower. She turned slowly and stared at the sunrise.

She couldn’t blame Twilight for this. She was angry at herself for nearly doing so, she had tried. She was still trying. Still, she didn’t want anypony else involved. It made her feel twitchy just to think about anypony touching her wings. She pulled them tightly to her side and grit her teeth. She just had to tell herself it was the princess.


“You’re a farm girl, Applejack. Ya’ll don’t need the fancy life.” The orange-coated pony told herself as she walked out the front door of the massive castle. Wearing a sweeping morning gown with comfortable leather boots and saddle, all adorned with apples. Her hat from yesterday was even changed out to a floppier gardener’s fedora, though she still had the remnants of apple tarts on her chin. She had been in sort of a rush since during the time she’d been escorting Twilight to bed and she’d laid down herself, she forgot all about Hayseed!

She quietly told herself she didn’t need to be in Laputa anymore, no matter how comfy, attentive, and fancy it was. She’d left Manehatten because the fancy life wasn’t for her, she’d get bored of Laputa too. Eventually.

She stood on the floating island’s paved walkway, in front of the statue of Celestia that graced the front courtyard, and she sucked in a little breath. “My, don’t we look dashing?” Applejack’s whistle shorted out as she turned quickly, spotting Rarity just behind her with an easy smile on her face. “I always knew that everypony had some sense of taste, I just always figured yours would take some digging.”

Applejack snorted, and looked back at her fancy clothing, unable to deny she was actually wearing them what with Rarity being right there. “I just figured that if Twilight’s gonna provide ‘em for me, I could at least show my appreciation some.” She blushed, slipping the hat off her head to hang around her neck.

“Oh Applejack…” Rarity tittered in amusement, walking closer to reset the hat on her head, making Applejack mumble something in embarrassment. “It’s certainly not a bad thing to enjoy having some fancy, er, duds as you would put them. They certainly look appropriate for farm work, even the gown is thick enough to stand some wear and tear.” Rarity walked in a slow circle around the farmer pony, who just sighed heavily.

“I ain’t gonna be takin’ this home to work in it, I work just fine without clothes and just my hat.” Applejack waited just a moment after realizing it to point it out as she looked over Rarity with a highly raised eyebrow. “Although I don’t think ya’ll got an excuse. Ya’ll probably have a closet full of the best stuff there is, why ain’tcha wearin’ any of it?” Applejack asked with a highly confused look.

“Oh it was all very nice.” Rarity admitted, then her smile grew just a little bit too wide as her eye twitched. “Really really really nice. But I can’t bring myself to wear what I haven’t made myself. It feels like cheating, especially since I didn’t pay anypony to do it. That said, I’m not above taking a few outfits home and basing a few designs off the,” she gulped loudly and sighed, “marvelous designs this castle has made. When the time allows for it of course.” Rarity wiggled her hoof as if dismissing the issue.

“If ya say so. Why are ya up so early anyhow? Ya’ll think we’re leavin’ today?” Applejack’s tone sounded curious, as if she didn’t know herself. She never got a memo if there was one, and she hadn’t seen Twilight all morning. Something to go poking around about after getting Hayseed.

“I couldn’t sleep too easily.” Rarity’s smile was a bit tense, and Applejack nodded. “After hearing first hand what happened to our dear friends and learning what we’re going to be going up against, I just couldn’t stop twisting and turning. I’m kind of scared…” The unicorn seemed ashamed to admit it, but felt a hoof touch her back.

“Look Rare, ya’ll ain’t the only one. I know we’re all puttin’ on our brave faces but I’m feelin’ no better. I’ve never wanted to leave Ponyville, much less Equestria and I never planned on ridin’ no dragons or nothin’. Then I know Pinkie Pie’s actin’ all cute and fluffy as usual but she nearly got herself gutted by some monster clown in the woods on the way there and she only got better after somethin’ tore its face open.” Rarity winced, but Applejack continued, “And o’ course there’s Fluttershy. Looked in on her this mornin’ and she wouldn’t come out from under the covers, but she’s still insistin’ that she wants to go. Lastly, there’s Twilight and Dash. I mean, sure they’ve done more than us by now, but they’re volunteerin’ to go straight from the pot and into the oven, not even waitin’ to tell everypony that they’re goin’ out. Ya’ll think they could stand t’wait a week, but they’re riskin’ themselves again.”

Rarity sighed quietly, nodding as she followed Applejack to the edge of the island, the star-specked transparent stairs still connecting the island to the Palace garden. Animals still stood out on the grounds, watching Laputa as if they couldn’t believe it was here, but none dared come up. “Oh I know. It’s just so hard to believe this is actually happening.” Rarity watched Applejack raised her snout to the air, and let out a sharp, high whistle that made her wince. “What exactly are you herding this morning, Appleja-”

She jumped in front of Applejack when she heard a heavy smash behind her, and she turned her head to stare wide-eyed at the big, curious looking raptor-dragon that landed behind her. “Mornin’ Hayseed, didja miss mama?” Applejack smiled as she approached the big reptile, which leaned down and bowed its head for Applejack to rub. “Oh yes you did my big boy, you’re just all sorts of lonely ain’tcha?”

“… Good lord Applejack, that’s a dragon, not a child. Or a tree, for that matter.” Rarity took a few uneasy steps back as Applejack snuggled her dragon. “I still can’t believe it just picked you to let you ride him.”

“Well, it’s like Fluttershy always said, sometimes it just takes a little bit o’ kindness to turn a big beastie into a new friend. Ya’ll hungry? I’ll bet you are. Some nice juicy gem stones sound good right about now, don’t they?” Applejack cooed in adoration as Hayseed nodded his enormous head. “That’s right my big boy. Let’s go get you some breakfast.”

“Honestly Applejack, you choose to adopt the strangest things.” Rarity shook her hand, staring as the dragon turned, spread its great wings, and lowered its haunches to let Applejack climb aboard.

“Oh he’s just a big friendly lizard is all. Ya’ll wanna come with? Saddle can chaff a bit but the flight’s smooth and relaxin’.” Applejack scooched up, opening some space on the saddle.

“No thank you, I was just about to go back inside and take a look for some sort of storage shed to prepare for our journey. Besides, chaff my inner thighs? Please, if I was desperate for some coat removal I’d go get it done with precision, not with leather.” Rarity walked around the dragon, giving it a wide berth as Applejack chuckled.

“Whatever ya want princess. Alright Hayseed, giddy-up!” Applejack took the reins and gave them a sharp snap, the noise making the dragon leap into the air with a flap of his great wings, turn, and fly towards the tip of the mountain Canterlot was set it, where the dragons were making their nests.

Rarity watched with a sigh. Applejack was a different sort of pony. She supposed that was a different sort of dragon as well. She needed to busy herself before she thought about what she was to get herself into. No need to panic on such a bright, fine morning such as this.


He heard the sound of slicing air all around him, followed by the rush of wind pushing him from behind as Schola swooped overhead, followed closely by six other Pegasi in an arrow-head formation, before they quickly flew upwards and looped, diving into a cloud and slipping in cleanly, disturbing it only a bit without destroying their cover as they flew around the airfield they had taken as their base.

Shallom took a deep breath and opened his eyes. He had a lot to learn about Equestrian weather, he realized. He stood easily on the cloud, but he stared down at it carefully. Golding never had to change its own weather, the seasons came and went by themselves and Golding adjusted to it. He stomped on the cloud, and his hoof fell through like there was nothing there.

How did the Equestrians do it? He assumed it had to do with the innate magic every Pegasus had in them, but Golding Pegasi never used that for more than standing on top of the clouds. He hadn’t seen anypony push clouds without the old magic until he came here. He had done some scouting work around Cloudsdale and had found entire teams of Pegasus adjusting the weather in seconds, knocking out clouds, or pushing them over areas to rain. It confused him when he tried to imitate it.

He stood on the cloud and concentrated on his hooves. To him, it felt like he was walking on marshmallow, but whenever he tried to push downwards he would just sink through. That meant, in order to imitate the turn the Captain had used, he had to tap into the innate magic nopony outside of Equestria had ever learned since the world shifted itself into a self-caring entity bent on survival of the fittest.

“Alright.” He approached a small, free-floating cloud carefully, feeling another sweep of air as team eight practiced the Sparrow-Beak dive just above him. He pressed his hoof to the soft thing and felt it catch him, then he pushed. He sunk through it, and pulled out. It stayed solid up until the point he tried to control it. He pressed his hoof to it again, and lined it with the old magic, and pushed. His hoof entered the cloud, which began to light up with sparks of lightning, until it discharged onto the cloud below him.

Was this really so complicated? The Equestrians controlled the weather easily, so why couldn’t he, a disciplined soldier, a master of his personal magic, get a cloud to move? He silently cursed just how offensively based said magic was. Sure he could smoke out and burn away anypony who crossed him, but he couldn’t move. A. Stupid. Cloud!

He watched a pair of hooves appear in his vision as somepony landed on the cloud he was currently attempting to boss around. “Any luck, sir?” Schola asked with a pleasant smile. Shallom sighed, and shook his head.

“It’s easy enough to stand on a cloud. Moving them? Effort.” He stated. Schola looked down out the cloud she was on, raised a hoof, and pushed it clean through the fluff with a blink.

“You’d think it was easy.” She stated, her team landing several meters away to get some water.

“You would think, but no. We’re out of touch with our inner talents.” Shallom hummed, pressing his hoof into the cloud again, but he fell through easily.

“Not that we’ve ever needed them.” Schola pointed out.

“While true, watching that Captain use them to turn so quickly has inspired me some. Any way to increase my capabilities in the air is worth looking into. I would just very much like this cloud to move for me.” He mumbled, pushing his hoof into the cloud.

Schola blinked as she was scooted away from her now surprised Captain. “… You did something.” She stated, looking down at the floating cloud. Shallom approached, pressed his hoof against it, and pushed, but found his hoof going through it again. “Now you didn’t do anything. Do something again.”

“Have I ever told you how unhelpful you are Schola?” Shallom snorted, taking his hoof out. What had he done right? All he did was ask it to… “You have got to be kidding me.”

“What?” Schola blinked, looking down at the cloud as Shallom approached it.

“Move for me.” He ordered, and pushed at the cloud, but sunk through. “Okay, would you move for me please?” He pushed it again, and it scooted away.

“Would you move for me pretty please with a cherry on top and a lot of cuddles?” Shallom groaned as Schola pushed the cloud, and grinned as it fell into the clouds beneath them. “Aww, you just have to be nice to the pretty clouds.”

Shallow stared at another cloud and gave it a push, in his mind asking for its assistance in allowing him to move it, and it did so. He groaned out loud, and Schola began to snicker at her Captain’s annoyance. “C’mon Captain, it’s kind of funny.”

“It’s stupid is what it is. Clouds are stupid. Equestria’s stupid.” He snorted, stamping his hooves indignantly. Schola just giggled as she pushed a cloud into one of her surprised subordinates.


Celestia could not form a valid explanation for what she was seeing. Her horn glowed softly as she scanned Dash’s little wings, but though she could perfectly see what was happening with her eyes, her magic touched the wings and… Nothing. She stood up straight and passed her hoof to her chin as she stared.

Dash stood, trying to stay still but she was shivering as Celestia came so close to her wings. She didn’t like this. The attention was humiliating, and the amount of magic Celestia was putting out made her wings stand on edge and every nerve in them was panicking.

She had to focus on Twilight’s eyes to keep herself from leaping away from Celestia’s attention. “I think I see what you mean, Twilight. The tips of her wings just aren’t there…” Celestia hummed in thought, frowning to herself as she tried to consider what it meant. She thought she remembered hearing something like this before, but she couldn’t place exactly where.

“O-of course they’re there!” Dash said in a panic, staring back at her small wings, while Twilight gently pulled her head back to face her. How couldn’t their magic “see” her wing tips? What did that even mean?

“Dash, that unicorn did something to your wing tips. I don’t know what happened but…” Twilight paused, and sighed, staring at her wings carefully before speaking again. “They have some sort of anti-magic, I don’t know, shield around them I guess.”

‘Anti-Magic Shield…’ Celestia thought to herself, then froze as it hit her. The report of what happened to Horshire, its attacker, some sort of evil thing that wasn’t affected by magic. Celestia sucked in a slow breath, then let it out as she realized this wasn’t an isolated thing. Golding was using anti-magic against them.

All of Equestria was magic. Anti-magic could easily destabilize the land around them. “Twilight, I believe you are right. If you’ll excuse me, I need to go make a report to the court unicorns, and I think it would be best if you left for your mission soon. This anti-magic shield is not the first one I’ve heard of.” Twilight and Dash stared to Celestia as she actually ran towards the edge of the tower. “Go. If you lost your magic, we’ll lose our shot.” Celestia whispered, then took off towards the palace.


The little yellow mare opened the door softly, stepping inside only to peek as she continued to hear the rattling noises. Fluttershy stared as she saw Rarity standing next to a small pile of saddlebags while going through drawer after drawer, pulling things out like ropes, knives, and canteens. The packs, Fluttershy could see, were overstuffed as it was but Rarity still had a pile of things she seemed to want to bring laying next to them.

The room they were in seemed to be a big supply closet, but it didn’t have just needles and thread and spare blankets, but it had things like grappling hooks, spare cotton sheets, carving knives, rulers, Space Ace, and pillow cases. It had everything they needed for any situation they’d encounter. It was a strange thought, but the castle itself was already a head case and a half to figure out. When she’d woken up, she’d found herself holding an armful of little dressed pony dolls, that looked just like her old favorite doll, Alice. She thought she’d put Alice away years ago in her closet to give to some lucky little foal.

Then again, when she was young and she was scared, she’d always hold Alice so tightly to her chest for a sense of comfort. Finding the dolls in her arms wasn’t as scary as you’d assume though, not in this time when she felt so nervous and scared, so unsure of what the future held. She was scared for Twilight and Rainbow Dash and the pains they’d endured, she was scared for Applejack and Pinkie Pie and Rarity and for herself because they were going to be following Twilight and Dash into something that could be beyond dangerous, more so than an adult dragon, or a manticore, or… Maybe not more dangerous than Nightmare Moon, but she was still terrified. She was also scared for Equestria, for the danger that it would be in soon.

Yet when she’d woke up holding the Alices, when she took a bath and heard Rainbow Dash shouting at Pinkie Pie for trying to steal her pancakes, and when she saw Twilight peacefully leave her room looking well-rested and even a little happy, she knew better than to be scared. She had friends to look after, and a world to protect. The thought of that responsibility was heavy, but surrounded by the five ponies she cared about most, it felt so much more easy.

Watching Rarity just soothed even more of the stress, because she felt that Rarity had all the best intentions, yet was still stressing enough to make a few silly mistakes. It made her want to hug the graceful Unicorn just for sharing the same feelings. “Um, I think you may be packing just a little, uh, little too much.” She said with a shy smile as Rarity whirled around, a machete in her mouth.

“Oh!” She dropped the large knife with a clatter, and chuckled nervously. “You surprised me Fluttershy. My apologies, I was just thinking about the things we might need and after taking a look I just figured all of it looks like it could be useful at many points. I found medical supplies and exploring supplies as well as spare paper and thread and blankets and pillows and so on and so on. What do you think?” Rarity opened a pack by its clip, causing the top to spring open as the over-packed materials erupted out.

Fluttershy covered her mouth with one hoof while Rarity gave an embarrassed grin. “M-maybe unpack a little?” Fluttershy offered, making Rarity gasp. “Sorry…”

“I can’t unpack any of this! What if we need this!?” Rarity held out what appeared to be a crescent scoop with a bit for the mouth, and Fluttershy hid a little giggle.

“That’s an ice cream scooper, Rarity.”

“But it could double as a shovel if we needed it to do so!” Rarity insisted, waving the scooper around as she stared at the packs with a downed expression.

“Surely there must be a trowel in here somewhere. Maybe if we just looked-”

“I did look!” Rarity interrupted, nodding rapidly.

“Oh…” Fluttershy rubbed her chin in thought. “Um, okay, so if there aren’t any trowels-”

“There were trowels.” Fluttershy looked up with a raised eyebrow. “Only seven of them though! We only have one replacement between the six of us, we have to take the scooper!” The fashionista insisted, trying to stuff it back into the pack.

Fluttershy walked over, and with a kind smile pushed Rarity back, away from the packs. She took the scooper and went and shoved it into a drawer. “Come now Rarity, let’s step back and think carefully about this, alright? Will you let me go through the packs and take out what we probably won’t need?” She asked, and Rarity took a deep breath.

“That would probably be for the best. Oh I’m just so worried. Maybe I shouldn’t go, maybe I’d hold everypony back. I’m just acting so foolish and I know nothing of adventuring.” Rarity mumbled, and Fluttershy just smiled understandingly as she unloaded four frying pans and a wok.

“You read all those romance novels, you know more than I do. If anypony would hold everypony back, it would be me.” She paused in her movement, and kept unpacking. “I-I’m so shy and hesitant and, I would freeze up and get scared…”

“Oh sweetie, you’re perfectly fine. Other than Pinkie Pie, you’re one of our best cooks, and you can mend a wound, and communicate with the wildlife, and you’re the most terrifying one of us when given half the chance…”

“But you’re much better at preparing for the worst and you wouldn’t even think of holding back what somepony needed, and you can perform magic and would know just what to say or do, and you‘re so precise…”

“Please Fluttershy, I’m a fashion designer, I stitch and sew and hope Canterlot is wowed enough by my designs that I can make up for the lost materials. I can lift something forty pounds at best and my precision is with a needle and thread, something I’m sure you’re used to doing anyways since you can stitch a cut on a rabbit’s soft little arm…”

“And I’m just a veterinarian, I can reset and cast bones and stitch cuts and take care of you until you’re not sick, but the most I can do is hold it still and wait for it to get better. I’m not a doctor like my dad, I’m more of a nurse. I get so nervous at the sight of blood and bone I have to have a pot of tea ready just to calm my nerves, and if I get so much as a little blood on me I end up at the sink for so many minutes when I’m finished trying to wash it away. I’m confident I can help a little animal but another pony? If I saw Dash or Applejack or you looking at me the way my little animals do I would just cry…”

“That doesn’t make you a bad pony Fluttershy, you’re worried about your friends, that’s what matters. Besides, you’re a marvelous young mare, and so careful in your treatment. Maybe you get nervous and scared, but that’s natural, even for a professional, but you push through it. I go through the same thing every time I get an order that seems utterly impossible, but once I stop fretting and get to work, I end up with plenty of free time.”

“See Rarity? You’re so wonderfully confident once you work past your fears. Even past all mine I’m still so shy and nervous and-”

“Absolutely monstrous?” Fluttershy looked up, her face a mask of shock and surprise. “You used the Stare on me once, and only once. You’ve only ever had to use it once on me. And when the chips are down you will stare down… Oh what was that creature’s name? Ana-something, you will stare down the very gate of hell itself until it gives in. A cockatrice, a dragon? When pressed against anything that has harmed the ponies you love, you become an absolute monster. Nothing on this world is scarier than you are.”

“What about you?” Fluttershy asked, smiling quietly as Rarity’s eyes widened. “When something threatens your beautiful image you attack it until it leaves you alone. You made an entire scene in front of Princess Celestia to protect your dress at a small party to keep it safe, and you tore a scale from a sea serpent with your bare teeth to get something to cut off your tail just so the serpent would have a part of his moustache again.”

“Oh please, a melodramatic sea serpent is one thing, but a dragon?”

“To be fair, he seemed rather cowardly when an equally powerful force presented itself, backing him down, most likely as a result of an inferiority complex that was tripped when I showed no fear.” Rarity blinked twice, and Fluttershy blushed. “I-I did some studies in psychology to help a mouse deal with his marital problems and an owl with a fear of the dark. I try to not let it get in my way when I talk to you guys.”

Rarity snickered. Then she chuckled. Then she began to laugh, unheeded, as Fluttershy began to smile a little at Rarity’s joyous laughter. “Oh Fluttershy…” Rarity sighed, wiping her eyes with a smile. “Maybe neither of us are suited for this. Not alone. But you know what, we have each other and the others. We have Twilight’s intelligence, Applejack’s strength, Rainbow Dash’s speed, Pinkie Pie’s joy, your care.”

“And your attentiveness.” Fluttershy offered, blushing at Rarity’s wide smile.

“Altogether, as long as we stay as one, and give it our all, nothing can stop us.” She leaned over and pressed her cheek to Fluttershy’s, and the two smiled. Fluttershy felt comfortable once again. Rarity was right. “Now, um, are you sure we don’t need the hedge-trimmers?”

Fluttershy giggled, and snuggled more. “Positive.”


His stride was long and measured, every bit as beautiful and graceful as he himself was, but it held that very sense of unfaltering sense of duty he brought to hearts and minds of the men and women, young and old, naturally born or adopted to his rule. He was tireless, which was not the same that could be said for the two red-adorned guards that stood by his side every waking moment of their lives and loved it, knowing it was the most important thing to be asked to do in the entire kingdom, that his safety hinged on their alertness.

The professionally trained red-cloaked unicorns kept to their Lord’s side nearly every waking moment, spending their few off hours training their swordplay, or testing their senses. The moments they weren’t with Lord Galio were rare and few, but judging by the direction he was going, they were about to be granted a short reprieve.

The staircase they were walking down was dimly lit and deathly silent. The door was insulated by an old enchantment, and even when open no sound entered or exited the stairwell. It had come to their understanding quickly that this was a path to a torture chamber, as no reasonable pony would ever come down here for any sort of pleasure. It far too unsettling.

Though a torture chamber may be useful in the future, it served a better purpose for now. As Galio approached the door, he looked to his two gold-masked guards and gave a slight nod. “You may return to your rest spots for now.” He told them kindly, and the two guards saluted quickly, and head up the stairs. They heard him open the door, and heard the screaming and shouting of what laid beyond until it was shut tightly.

“Direct. On time. No waste. To be expected. Hello.” Galio turned his head away from the figure on the table in the middle of the room to stare at the hooded old mare that sat surrounded by books at a desk that had, as far as anyone could tell, never been there before she had.

“Good morning, Wrexial.” Galio bowed his head quietly to the old mare, who merely shifted one of her old books to pull out a new one, trying to drown out the noise coming from the middle of the room. “I trust things have been well.”

“Adequate.” She answered tersely, sweeping her hood back to look up to Galio, her milky white eyes baring no pupils but many red veins, and her twisted, gray hair falling short of the chair’s seat. She wore a circlet on her forehead, much like he did, but it had a ruby in it. “You came for her?” Wrexial pointed a hoof towards the middle of the room, and Galio nodded rapidly. “Can’t. Not cured. Soul in turmoil. Still in requirement of the False One.”

Galio sighed softly and stepped towards the middle of the room, towards the strapped down mare with a coat of platinum and a mane of snow, and eyes that blazed with rage as she kicked and struggled as hard as she could against the manacles. “You said you were looking into a way to improve her condition without getting the Soul back.”

“My apologies, Lord Galio. Sellina is resilient. Magic difficult around her. Resists, counters, attacks every attempt made. Need the soul to complete her. Need her to access the leylines.” Wrexial explained rapidly, pushing aside another book. “Information found by Shallom proving useful. Perhaps a soul completion spell soon. Unlikely, mostly offensive, little utility, foresight of Alicorns lacking.”

“Of course.” Galio looked down at the mare in the table as she screamed angrily at him, spitting curses and jangling her binds as she tried to lunge at him. He took a deep breath and let it go. Things would be fine. They would retrieve the Soul, and they would get it in Sellina again. His army was competent, powerful. If they weren’t enough, he himself would personally retrieve Twilight Spar- the False one.

It was all that mattered. If they did not access the leylines soon, everything they had been working for for the past ten-thousand years would perish in an instant. He sucked in a deep breath, and let it out while resting his hoof on little Sellina’s forehead. The mare stopped, gold eyes wide with confusion, and then she lunged. Her teeth did not hurt, but knowing his little girl was so intent to hurt him stung him elsewhere.


Pinkie Pie finished placing the basket at the end of the bed and smiled as she stood back to see exactly how her reorganized room looked. In her mind, everything was perfect now, except for the kitchen but that would come later. Her bed had been shifted into the corner along the wall where the door was, the table that held the bowls of candy and snacks was now in the middle of the room, easy to walk in and just grab a few. Her dresser was now at the foot of her bed, and best of all, Gummi’s bed was right on top. When she put him to bed and slipped in herself, all she’d have to do is open her eyes to see his little cushioned basket and him resting in it.

The thought brought a little smile on her face. Gummi would like it here, she knew it. He did not like being out in the open like Ponyville was, so being inside a palace would make him the happiest little gator ever! They just had to complete this one little quest before she could bring him here.

Except… It wasn’t so little, was it? Pinkie walked to the bathroom to wash the sweat off, and the entire time she stared at herself in the wall mirror set up on the side of the shower that did not have the showerhead. As she stared at herself, her head cocking back and forth as she evaluated everything she was, she allowed the weight of the situation to hit her.

She had seen first hoof the power and the brutality the enemy had, between that insane clown thing that had hunted her all the way to Twilight, that had nearly gutted her and used the shadows to keep her down, the dragons they had tamed and rode over the water, unashamed of trying to kill their opponents, and the big Pegasus had knocked out Princess Luna…

She covered her eyes and grit her teeth as dark, mixed emotions curled into her stomach, fear clawing at her chest, threatening to choke the air out of her, but she sucked in a breath involuntarily when the burn became too much to bare. She played happy for her friends, for Twilight and Dash since they had gone through worse, but deep down, she was scared. She had volunteered to come because they were her friends, and if she just let them go she would never be able to forgive herself.

But she was terrified, she was absolutely petrified at seeing her own image. She couldn’t see herself going through with this. If she met another clown monster, what would she do? She had frozen up twice both times she’d been attacked by the first one, and was nearly killed both times until Applejack and then Rainbow Dash intervened.

“Damnit.” She hissed, smacking a bottle of shampoo against the wall, ignoring the mess it made as she climbed out of the shower. She shouldn’t think like this, or say such harsh words, she had to get out of the shower, out of that tight confined place.

Back in her room, she was still shaking with fright. She was lucky, that was it. That was all it was, lots and lots of luck. It was her friends who did the heavy lifting. When had she ever actually done anything useful? Lead the Parasprites out of town? Celestia was literally seconds away from fixing it herself. The hydra? She’d let Twilight go distract it by herself. Even handling Gilda all she’d done was hurt Dash’s friendship with the Griffon. Even when helping them deal with Nightmare Moon all she’d done is help them laugh at an illusion. She didn’t fix a Manticore, she didn’t push away her greatest dreams, she didn’t help a sea serpent, she didn’t catch a falling friend, all she did was help them get rid of an illusion. It was scary but harmless.

What could she do on this trip? She was not a fighter or a thinker, she just made them laugh and smile. Two totally useless skills on a journey that promised to be incredibly dangerous. She could go talk to Twilight. She could talk to her about leaving. She couldn’t do this, she couldn’t handle this sort of trouble. But the pain would come back and haunt her, knowing she’d let her friends down, let them go alone. She wanted to be there to assure herself they’d be okay. But she would just drag them down, wouldn’t she? She was useless. Cupcakes and pies wouldn’t help them on their journey, jokes and songs wouldn’t save them from the shadows, parties wouldn’t stop the dragons from attacking.

Nothing would save them from the jester.

She turned and charged towards a mirror on the wall, leaping up to press her hooves against the sides so she could see her stomach. She remembered every mark, every line of blood the jester had made. They weren’t there. They were never there. There wasn’t a single thing wrong with her. Somehow it scared her even more, like it had been a trick of her imagination, like she had dreamed of seeing the clown slice up all the Dashes when Luna had fallen on her, but she knew it was true. It had to be true.


She lowered herself from the mirror, and slowly walked her way out of her room. She padded up the staircase that would lead to the top of the tower, to Twilight, where she could make her pathetic excuses to get out of this, go home, and beat herself up daily over not knowing if her friends were alive or not because she was too scared. Too scared of herself to help her best friends in the whole world, the girls who she partied with all the time, who always had the best intentions in mind when avoiding her, who accepted her strangeness as it was…

Her legs shook as she climbed the steps, wanting to weep at her own weakness, wanting to scream at her own fear, wanting this whole situation to just stop and get better…

“I guess I am kind of scared…” Pinkie Pie looked up. She was on the roof of the tower now, well at least near the top steps. She could have sworn she heard Rainbow Dash… But why would Dash be talking about being scared? Dash wasn’t scared of anything.

“I’m so sorry…” She walked around the dais, and stopped when she saw Twilight holding Dash close. “I should have looked sooner, I should have done more…”

“It would just be the same story, Twi. I still wouldn’t have my wings…” Dash had nestled her head into Twilight’s chest, and looked woefully pained. Pinkie’s heart clenched. This was the sort of thing she’d been scared of, seeing her friends hurt, with her unable to do anything.

“I’m so sorry Dash…” Twilight whispered, stroking her back, stroking her little wings. Twilight had her eyes closed, and looked like she was kicking herself over something.

“It’s not your fault.” Dash whispered.

“It is.” Twilight shook her head a little. “If I’d just stayed close to Ponyville, If I hadn’t gotten this magic or this stupid horn…” Twilight choked out the last two words, and grit her teeth as she squeezed her friend.

“They wouldn’t have stopped just because you were in Ponyville. You saw those guys, they were ruthless. I was with you at least.” Dash sighed, opening her eyes as she flapped her stubby wings. A chance at flight again, swept from beneath her hooves. Nothing else would do. She would just have to dedicate herself to magic for as long as she had it.

“I think you were the only one that pulled me through that whole thing. If I was alone, they probably would have-”

“Don’t finish that.” Dash squeezed her eyes shut. “I don’t want to think about anything bad happening to you. After everything we’ve been through, it’s scary thinking that you could get hurt.” Pinkie stared at them, and considered slipping away. This was a private moment…

“I know how you feel…” Twilight sighed, letting her face relax. “I don’t want you or the other girls getting hurt. You all mean so much to me.” Pinkie’s lip quivered.

“You and I both have to go, they don’t you know…” Dash whispered, looking up into Twilight’s eyes.

“I know. They’d be safer here, in Equestria, but, well… I think I want them all to come with us…” Pinkie sat as slowly and quietly as she could, watching the two as Dash gently tugged out of Twilight’s hug, and sat next to the unicorn. “When I’m around all of you at once, I feel so safe, and like we can do anything.”

“Is it the elements?” Dash asked, touching Twilight’s chest. Pinkie’s fear alleviated as she watched them. The two had grown so close since they’d been kidnapped. It made sense, but she never knew Twilight or Dash to be the physically cuddly sort. They liked to talk, and compete at what they were good at. Hugs were one thing, but cuddling was something else.

“Sort of. It’s more like they inspire me. Fluttershy is so quietly strong, Applejack is so powerful and stubborn, Rarity is dedicated and efficient, and, y’know, I think of all the ponies I’d want with me on this sort of journey is Pinkie Pie.” The pink mare sucked in a deep breath, glued to the spot. Why? Why her? Why was she the important one? She was a scared, useless little-

“Why’s that?” Dash asked, letting Twilight stroke her wings gently.

“She’s so insistent on being happy and optimistic. Whenever I got stuck back during Anemone’s tests I just thought of her and pushed through. She makes me smile and laugh and forget about the stressful things.” Twilight sighed. It came back to her being a happy pony. Well she wasn’t happy now. She knew she was useless, no help…

“She can also do a lot. You can count on her to do just about anything. Did you know she actually helped me settle into Ponyville? She got me all the right paperwork and walked me through each step of it, helped me count out the amount I owed the town and even loaned me some bits I needed to pay off the airspace with.” Pinkie Pie remembered that. Dash had looked so lost that day that she’d done everything she could just to see her smile.

“Applejack told me she learned to trust the Pinkie Sense since she sometimes gets Pinkie out to help with a harvest if it stormed the day before. Said she worked hard, never complained, and always made picking lively. I helped her buck a field once and oh Celestia that took stamina. I had to start using magic twenty minutes in, but Pinkie helped clear the whole field without magic. So she’s smart and strong.”

“So we wouldn’t have to worry about her. She can take care of herself and anything we asked her to do.”

“And she’d keep us happy and looking at the silver linings. If the rest of this adventure is like the past few days have been, that’s going to be real important…” She murmured. Pinkie Pie sat still, not sure what to say, or even to think. Did they really rely on her that much? Think of her as being that useful? No, she couldn’t be, she was weak, she was scared…

And already her friends were smiling just thinking about her. “What if she gets hurt though?” Dash asked suddenly, and Pinkie Pie leaned forward, alert. Yes, what then? She couldn’t be happy or strong or smart if she was hurt…

She watched Twilight’s face slowly twist to an expression of pure, stony determination. She did not hesitate to speak, “Nothing will hurt Pinkie Pie. Nothing will dare touch my friends. If they do, they’ll have to answer to me and I will make them pay for it. Then I will make sure she’s okay, and do everything I can to get her back to health. Nothing will hurt you guys.”

Pinkie stared at Twilight as she made this declaration, she stared as Rainbow Dash’s smile stopped when she saw Twilight wasn’t kidding, and she felt so… Blessed. Nothing would hurt them. Twilight would help them. No, they’d help each other. That was what made them the elements, they all worked together…

Dash turned her head quickly as she sensed movement, and Twilight’s head followed after. The two stared as Pinkie Pie slowly walked around the dais towards them both. “Pinkie…?” Dash whispered as the pink mare, with the most serious, honest expression they’d ever seen, came forward.

“…” Pinkie hesitated, stopping just a foot away from them. She turned to stare at the floor, and they watched as she worked her jaw. Then there was a flash of pink as they were suddenly pulled into a hug. “I love you guys…” Pinkie whispered so softly. “I wasn’t sure I could make it, but as long as I have you guys and the other girls, I think I’ll be okay. I think I’ll make it.” Pinkie whispered, trying to hold back the sobs, but they came freely. She didn’t want to hide it anymore. She was scared. She was so scared. But they wanted her, no they needed her. She couldn’t make them happy if she wasn’t there, if she wasn’t happy herself. She had to let the pain out somehow.

“Pinkie…!” Twilight and Dash whispered together as they felt the normally happy, laughing mare shake. They wrapped their legs around her instinctively, holding her close as Pinkie openly sobbed.

“I’m so sorry guys, I’m so sorry… I was going to ask to leave! I was going to abandon you guys because I’m scared, I’m just so scared of what’s going to happen. B-but I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I heard you guys talking and I listened and… And you’re right!” She was pressed between them, held quietly as she began to cry. “We all need to be there, it’s important. I didn’t think you guys were scared but… But we’re all scared I guess… Not just me…”

Twilight gently pressed her snout to Pinkie’s ear and sighed. “You’re right Pinkie. I’m scared to death. I’ve been scared since I woke up, I’ve been scared since I was told what I needed to do. The only time I wasn’t scared was when you guys were up here with me, or when we were all together in the palace. But I have all of you with me…”

“I don’t think I’ve ever been more scared, y’know?” Dash admitted, rubbing Pinkie’s back slowly. “But I need to protect this place. Equestria. I need to protect you guys too, and of course…” She cast her gaze to Twilight, and smiled softly. “I need you guys too though. We can count on you for anything after all.”

Pinkie Pie shook between her two friends, and pulled them into a tighter hug. They held her, stroked her hair and back, and whispered encouragement, and she let out all the fear and sadness she’d been hiding.

When she was empty, she could fill herself up with happiness again.


“Oooh!” He leaned down and sniffed the tin bowl, and lifted his head up. “Pineapple and oranges and sweet sauce? I think we’re getting spoiled. What’d you get?” Ziel leaned his head over towards Malta, who had what looked like a bowl of white liquid filled with mush.

“Potato soup.” He said through a mouthful of the stuff. “I taste herbs.” He mentioned idly. “Grain and hay for two months straight and we finally get real food from the enemy. Something’s wrong here.” He hummed after swallowing the soup and glancing around. Everypony present was currently unarmored and had their faces in their bowls. Each one had a different meal, which was apparently their favorite.

“Please Zoloa, just take a few bites. You need your strength.” A male in the back insisted as the tall female he stood next to lifted her nose and snorted.

“I will accept no fineries from the enemy. This is a trick, an attempt at flattering us to make us more amiable to speaking on their terms!” Zoloa sniffed, even as she did everything she could to ignore the apple-crumble cake sitting just in front of her.

“Unless they’re trying to kill us. It could be poisoned! Go on, at least you’ll die in Galio’s name.” The male insisted. Zoloa’s stomach growled loudly.

“Absolutely not! I won’t take the chance of it not being poisoned and living with the guilt of accepting the enemies’ flirtations! I will wait to watch the rest of you heathens keel over under the weight of your sins before I dare ingest even the slightest amount of-”

“Shove a blade down it Zoloa!” Somepony else called, while Zoloa snorted.

“Surrounded by heathens and sinners and betrayers of Galio’s vision!” She snorted again, pushing the cake away.

“Typical women. Get them all righteous and passionate about something and they start ranting and raving until we bow down.” Malta snorted.

Ziel chuckled. “Of they’re not that bad. Only thing my lady ever got in a tizzy about was what to name the kid.” He grinned at the memory.

“Oh right, you were planning to name him Galio weren’t you?”

“Galileo, actually, sounds cooler, more artistic. Lahmia started freaking out because she thought I was trying to show up the Lord. Took me two days and a half to convince her I was just, uh,” he paused, blinked, then frowned, “wait, I forget what I told her.”


“That’s it! I was inspired by Lord Galio. No way, no how was I trying to show him up.” Ziel smiled in triumph.

“And she went for it?”

“No, that’s our informal name for him. She picked his true name on a whim, she said. I like it, it’s kind of fancy.”

“And it is…?” Malta raised an eyebrow.

Ziel cleared his throat, and then spoke it with a perfect accent, “Ilinut’a’yomun.” He smiled with pride, up until Malta snorted. “What?”



“I think I love your wife.”


“That name is Coltriellan.”

“Okay, yeah, so?” Ziel raised an eyebrow as Malta began to snicker.

“It means ‘son of an idiot’.”

“…” Ziel narrowed his eyes at Malta, who burst out laughing. “Not. Cool. Lahmia.”

A shadow cast down the take-off balcony, and all heads turned to face a golden armored Pegasus. All ponies present stood up slowly, watching their guard warily as he surveyed them. “First point of notice, we apologize for delivering you food so late. We have been trying to figure out the kitchen and only today did it turn up all this food. We will attempt to be more on time in the future.”

The Golding ponies glanced to each other hesitantly. “Is this guy serious?” Malta whispered, narrowing his eyes at the pony guard as several more joined him, carrying chains and manacles, or spears and swords. One by one they were hooked up.

“Why, what’s wrong?” Ziel asked with a quick blink, even as he held out his hooves one by one to be bound. “Just sounds like he’s trying to be nice.”

“You normally don’t try to assure your enemy that you’ll be taking good care of them.” Malta explained while Ziel rolled his shoulders.

“The second point of notice, we will be transporting you to a more secure location. Please do not attempt to fight us, you may get the dragons curious.” Malta narrowed his eyes further, but then his ear perked up as he heard… Nothing.

The activity behind them had stopped . “Do not touch me, Equestrian.” They heard Zoloa growl. They all turned to look as the gold-armored guard held up a handkerchief, and Zoloa reared back, snarling.

“Are you sure ma’am? Your mouth is a bit of a mess.” Everypony stared closer. Her mouth was speckled with crumbs, and a bit of applesauce.

She stared around at everypony, quickly pushed her face into the handkerchief, and looked around while mustering all of her dignity up. “Which one of you thieving foals stole my cake!?” She shouted.

She was met with silence.

Then the guards leapt away from the crowd of Golding ponies as they all nearly fell over laughing.


The old cells of the Equestrian palace had never seen use. They were surprisingly well lit, and the stones had recently been cleaned. The bars were firm, sturdy. They were also enchanted, nothing short of a close-range sunblast would disturb the bars. The cells themselves had comfortably mattressed beds with blankets, a simple toilet, a table that would not break, was stuck where it was, and was soft as rabbit fur when it sensed hard enough pressure being applied to it. Each table had a deck of cards, and there was a small bookshelf full of books of all genres.

While Hero wasn’t particularly proud that they had to use the cells, he could at least feel better about knowing they were tough and efficient. The Golding Ponies were put in two to each cell, most partners picked by the prisoners themselves. He wasn’t sure giving them that sort of free reign was wise, but none of them possessed any amount of magic, or the strength to break the cells, and a majority of them seemed to just accept they were prisoners. Of course, getting them to talk was going to be the hard part.

“Pardon.” He turned his head to his left. One of the prisoner’s was holding a red pillow. “This pillow is too bright for me to sleep on, may I trade for his blue one?” Hero turned his head to see another prisoner holding a blue pillow. Hero took the presented edge of the blue pillow and pushed it through the bars of the first prisoner’s, then did the same to the red pillow for the other cell. “Thanks.”

Hero just nodded slowly. Was this what taking prisoners was like? It felt less like ending their free lives and more like giving them a comfortable hotel stay with limits. He felt incredibly out of his element. Then again, these ponies were soldiers, disciplined, trained, and sharpened individuals rather than common filth peddling Dust in a back alley.

It still made him feel uncomfortable. He stepped out of the cell block and went up a series of stairs that allowed him to pass through the door above, rather than send him through an endless loop of staircases that never seemed to end. The technicians who made it seemed content to call it “The Loop”, but some of the younger ponies were more inclined to call it “The Bowser Staircase”.

He stepped into the long, guarded hallway of the guards’ block, situated just underneath the Equestrian palace that exited into the well-guarded inner sanctum, that was essentially a long hallway that eventually connected to the only slightly less guarded Block Entrance. He was now sort of glad it took them forever to get from the palace itself to the Guard Block. If anypony somehow, someway escaped, they had quite a fight ahead of them.

He turned his head as he heard hoof steps approaching, and saw Silly Cupcakes and a now very healthy looking Maize Picker approaching. “We have two pieces of news Captain. Both good and bad.” Maize announced.

Hero grunted slightly, and turned to show them his full attention. Silly started first. “I’ll tell you the bad news first. The guards that died during the battle were announced to their families.” Hero grit his teeth, not visibly, but just enough, and he nodded. “We’re holding a formal ceremony this afternoon, where they will be put to the earth in the cliff garden.”

“Sounds appropriate. How did their families take it?” Hero watched Silly’s face. It did not move, but she did not say anything. He felt his heart hammer for a few moments, but showed no emotion before letting out a great sigh. “I will apologize to them personally for this incident.”

“At least you’ll be able to reach them on a personal level.” Maize smiled quietly as he held up an ankle pack with a scroll in it. Hero stared, his eyes widening a little. “We just got the papers now to be delivered, and she herself is being readied to be picked up. Little Connie Tortion-Cloudbreaker is waiting for you.” Hero did not waste any time in grabbing the adoption papers and rushing out of the building.

Silly kept her composure the whole time until he was out the door, then she sighed softly, her face breaking out into a dreamy look. “I love a dedicated father.”

“Don’t be creepy.” Maize shivered at the look on her face.


It hurts. It hurts. It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it





Awake. Air. Breath. No vision. Blank blank everything so blank so blank and white. Air. Breath. Awake.


Awake. Air. Breath. Alive. No vision. Everything blank.

Hooves. Feel them. Yes, yes they are there. There are the hooves. On the ground. Grass. Grass everywhere. All over. Smell it. Feel it. Can’t see it. Awake.


No vision. But grass. Water. Hear it. Hear the water. Go to the water. Forward. Forward. Left forward. More left forward. Forward. Hear it. Feel it. Water. Then taste.


Water. Grass. Awake. Air. Breath. Alive. Once more. Water. Grass. Awake. Air. Breath. Alive.


Vision coming. Black and white. Shapes of things. Leaf? No. Flower. Column. No, tree. Forest. In a forest. See the trees. Flowers. Leaves? Yes, leaves. See it. See the leaves. See the trees.

Color! Green, so much green. Green everywhere. Brown now, brown too, trees. Tree are brown and green. Flowers are red. No, purple. No, blue! Red, purple, blue. Different flowers. Different colors. Grass is green. Leaves are green.


Water. Thirsty. Find it. Water is blue. Water is shaking. Watch it. Watch it.

Stopped shaking. What is seen? See the skull. Know that skull. Smile.

The skull smiled back.

I remember adoring doing this chapter. It's also the start of my "leap between various perspectives" habit.