• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 23,499 Views, 639 Comments

Along Comes Twilight - Spacecowboy

An emotionally distant Celestia begins to reconnect with her ponies thanks to a young filly called Twilight Sparkle. (A Celestia adopts Twilight story)

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Chapter 2 - A Morning Visit

The pale moonlight streamed through thin curtains, the shimmering light faintly illuminating the dark room. On the bed Celestia lay on her side, the light playing across her pale pink mane as she lay on the edge of consciousness. Memories of the distant and recent past plagued her mind, causing sleep to elude her. Giving up on the thought of rest, she rolled out of bed and made her way to the washroom. With how early the hour was, Celestia had ample time to forego her usual gauntlet of cleansing spells in favor of the real thing.

Turning on the hot water, the steam began to turn the large room into a sauna as her thoughts meandered around her head. Along one side of the wall products from all over the country were arranged by their purpose, while the opposite side held a large mural. Gems embedded in the wall came together to form the image of two ponies embraced in a hug, their manes and tails freely flowing in the wind. She ran a hoof across the surface where the face of the darker pony was at, letting her hoof linger on the surface. To either side of the sisters in an embrace laid various other ponies, some newer than others.

Celestia dropped her hoof from the wall, ignoring the fact that the basin was now draining into the overflow as she let her thoughts drift to every pony detailed on her wall. Each one was dear to her at one point or another, and only after their passing did she herself add them; a way of forever immortalizing them.

"Luna. It seems that although I've been watching over our little ponies in your absence, I've lost something along the way." Her eyes drifted towards the pony depicted immediately to her sister's left side. "Starswirl was the first friend and lover I lost after your imprisonment. This time though, there was no shoulder to cry on, nopony else who truly understood where I was coming from after his passing. His death left such a void within me, and there was no way to heal it this time." Celestia walked along the wall, taking in each carefully crafted image as she walked by them.

"I still don't know if you can hear me from up there. Are you awake, aware of every moment that passes? Or are you asleep, a thousand years simply a blink of an eye to you? For awhile, talking to your moon about their losses helped some, but they weren't enough." Tears fell from her eyes even as the steam began to mat her fur.

"After Moonbright, I swore to myself I was done. Every loss left despair behind, and Equestria could ill afford a monarch who spent more time in a cemetery mourning than running the affairs of the country. I swore I would just make sure our ponies were kept safe and prospered so that you would have something wonderful to return to." Celestia backed away from the wall, daintily stepping into the hot water as she turned the knobs to their off positions.

Quickly dunking her head under the surface, she blinked the water from her eyes as it mingled with her tears. "Have I really become so distant though? I hadn't even noticed it, but my thoughts last night made it very obvious. It's been over six hundred years since Moonbright, the last mare I took to my bed. Three hundred and twenty-seven since I last called a pony friend, somepony to confide in. And the last time I took a student... it's been well over a century."

Picking a random shampoo from the wall, it floated over surrounded in her golden glow. A small amount came out and she began lathering her mane, the bottle finding its place back on the wall as she continued brooding. Even with Cadance, I've been distant. Another alicorn, and I haven't even given her a chance to get to know who I am underneath the facade I put on for my ponies... Maybe it's time to start bridge that void. Unceremoniously dunking her head beneath the surface once more, Celestia sat on the bottom of the bath, holding her breath.

And now, this little filly, Twilight Sparkle. She has just as much potential as Cadance, and is also orphaned. I need to keep her close, and making her a Ward of the Crown is the best way to do so, but... it has to be for the right reasons. I've known for a long time now that I cannot replace those who I've lost, but perhaps it's time to allow myself to make new memories...

Celestia resurfaced, exhaling the last of the stale air as she took in a fresh breath. A feeling in the back of her mind alerted her that the sun was soon due to rise, and so she made haste in finishing her bath.

The last of her cleaning finished, Celestia relished the fading warmth of the water one last time before pulling the plug with her magic as she quickly dried off. Walking back to her main bedroom, she put each of her vestments on and reactivated the magic that gave her mane its ethereal quality before going to the balcony. The moon laid low in the morning sky, the image of the ‘Mare in the Moon’ staring back at her.

As she heralded in the new day with the sinking of the moon below the horizon, she swore that the image moved to look directly at her, as it often seemed to do. The last of the moon dropped from sight as the sun’s ray pierced the light fog that hung over the valley at the base of the mountain. With a small sigh, Celestia turned from the balcony, her eyes lingering a moment longer on the sun as she began another day.

Before she could open up the door, a solid knock emanated from it, a voice speaking at the same time. “Princess Celestia, do you have a moment?”

Celestia opened the door, revealing Captain Shield who was already adorned in his full uniform. “I was just on my way to breakfast, Captain. What do you have for me?”

Shield moved out of the way, falling in behind Celestia as she began navigating the corridors towards her private sitting room. “We’ve prepared a full brief on the Highmount situation for immediately after the lunch hour. The Third Company has been mobilized and is ready to move out at your word; the estimated time to be prepared for action comes to approximately twenty-two hours.”

"Thank you, Captain. I hope it only comes to a show of force at the worst, but it never hurts to be prepared. I believe I have how I want to handle this in mind, but that can wait for this afternoon." Celestia quietly sighed, thinking about her solution. I knew that when the son took over Highmount, he'd be a problem. I'd rather the whole aerie burn, but it's best not to let anger cloud my judgement... I just hope it works out for the best. "Anything else, Captain?"

Captain Shield quietly hummed to himself, a sign that he was thinking. "Just one more thing, Princess. We received post from the aeries surrounding Highmount as well as a few others further out. They all offered their support in any decision that we come to. It seems that their king even managed to destroy all of the relations that his father had established with his own kind."

"That's good to know." Celestia stopped in front of a single door, grasping its handle in her magic. "Dismissed for now, Captain. I'll see you at the meeting."

The Captain walked away as Celestia entered the small room. Four cushions surrounded a small table in the center of the room, the only other furnishings small decorations and tapestries lining the walls.

"Good morning, Aunt." A quiet voice called out, greeting Celestia as she closed the door. The speaker stood up and gave a small bow, her pink coat and multi-hued mane standing out just as much as her wings and horn.

"Good morning as well, Cadance." She quietly greeted her adoptive niece, taking a seat at the head of the small table. Already present on the surface was a veritable feast of breakfast food. Grasping a muffin and pouring some tea, she let out a pleased sigh.

Cadance returned her attention back to her mostly eaten pancakes, an awkward silence filling the air like most mornings. "Any plans today, Aunt?"

"A few, Cadance. I'm sure you've heard about the situation with Highmount?" A quick nod from the smaller alicorn prompted her to continue. "Well, I have a meeting this afternoon to discuss how to handle our response." She paused a moment, a thought coming to the forefront of her mind. "Cadance, what do you think of foal sitting?"

Cadance's eyes widened in shock as she coughed in an attempt to dislodge the piece of pancake stuck in her throat. "Why do you ask that? I mean, I think I'm pretty good with foals from the few visits you've had me make to some of the classes and orphanages, but..."

"There's a filly in the hospital right now who survived the attack from Highmount, but she was left orphaned. I'm thinking of making her a Ward of the Crown, it just seems... wrong to put her into an orphanage after what she lived through." Celestia hesitated, unsure if she wanted to reveal her true motive. "She also has a lot of potential, and I think having you around would be a good thing for her."

Cadance's breakfast was ignored as she listened, shock running through her. "I suppose I could..." She stuttered, not really sure what else to say.

"That's good to know." Celestia smiled, taking a small sip of her tea before asking Cadance another question. "Any plans for yourself today?"

Cadance collected herself, standing up and setting down her now empty glass. "None in particular, Aunt. I'll see you later?" She asked, moving for the door.

Celestia nodded once, a smile once more on her face. "Very well. Have a good day, Cadance." A nod was the only reply she received moments before the door opened and closed, leaving Celestia to her tea, muffins, and the newfound silence in the room.

With a sigh, the last piece of parchment joined others in an ever-growing stack as Celestia sifted through the mortal enemy simply known as paperwork. A quick glance at the clock showed that it was only ten thirty in the morning, and she thought on what to do to pass the time until lunch.

Climbing to her hooves, she left her study behind and walked towards where she had found herself the afternoon prior. With purpose in her strides, she found herself outside the hospital in just a fraction of the time it took yesterday.

As she entered the lobby, an attendant greeted her. "Good morning, Princess! What brings you here today?"

Walking towards the hall housing the patient's rooms, Celestia replied without breaking stride. "I'm here to pay a quick visit to the young filly being treated here. No need to show me the way, I know which room she's in." She walked through the double doors, cutting off the attendant's reply.

The smell of antiseptic lingered in the air; not even the castle's hospital was free from that dreadful smell. The hallway was empty, the quiet clicking of Celestia's shoes the only sound greeting her ears. As she drew closer to the room, she noticed the door was open and heard voices from within. Pausing, she listened.

"Tell it to me straight, Doc. How is Twily gonna be?" A mature male voice called out.

Celestia heard the sound of a clipboard being messed with before the next speaker started. "Truthfully, the worst is behind us. Her horn was severely damaged; its tip was broken. However, after much work we were able to do the best we could and it shouldn't give any problems in her future. Sadly, it may never grow out to its full size, but we're giving her supplements to encourage its growth."

"And the cuts? That's a lot of bandages on her sides."

"Mostly superficial, a few of them were deep and required stitches. Your sister may have a few scars where fur doesn't regrow, but overall she'll be fine. I'm truthfully more concerned about her mental well-being."

Celestia walked the last bit to the door, clearing her throat and quietly knocking on the open door. "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

"Aunt! What are you doing here?!" Cadance called out as both herself and Celestia looked at each other in shock.

"I was merely coming to check up on Twilight, Cadance." Celestia took note of the young stallion standing next to her who had yet to recover from her entrance into the room and addressed him. "I take it you are the brother of Twilight, then?"

While Shining opened and closed his mouth without a response, Cadance gently put a hoof on his shoulder. "Shiny, don't worry. She won't bite or anything, I promise!" His face turned a shade of red as she giggled at his expense. Celestia simply looked on, an eyebrow raised at the interaction before her.

After composing himself, words finally came forth. "I'm Shining Armor, Princess. And yes, I'm Twilight's brother." He was nearly shaking, nervousness clearly visible.

"You can relax, Shining Armor. As my niece stated, I will not harm you." She noticed as the doctor quietly slipped from the room, leaving the three of them alone as he quietly shut the door behind him. "Although it's rather interesting to run into you here, Cadance. A rather large coincidence, no?"

Cadance blushed a bit as her eyes roamed to the stallion who was looking at his sister once more. "Well... remember that colt I told you about who got his cutie mark when he protected me from some falling glass?"

Celestia paused, letting her mind sift through the many conversations that she had held with Cadance over the years. It settled on one particular memory from a few years ago, when Cadance had been out shopping. "Yes, I recall that. Something about a pegasus dropping a shipment of glass shards on its way to be recycled?"

Cadance shook her head as Shining continued to tune them out, his focus solely on Twilight as his hoof delicately stroked her mane. "Yes, that's it. Shiny was nearby and threw up a barrier around me and the other ponies who were caught up in it. Ever since then, we've been really good friends."

Celestia caught the stress Cadance tried putting into the word friends and wasn't fooled in the least by it. "I see. We should talk about this later at lunch. The three of us, your friend is also more than welcome to come along." She took her focus from a flabbergasted Cadance and looked at Twilight as she addressed Shining. "How is she doing?"

Shining didn't move his attention from Twilight as he replied, all nervousness forgotten. "The doc said she'd be awake soon, maybe a day or two longer at the most. She should be fine physically, but it sounds like she saw both of our parents get killed..." He clenched up a few moments and took a deep breath, calming himself. "I'm not sure what's going to happen though, our parents were our only family."

Celestia awkwardly placed a hoof on his shoulder in reassurance, causing him to jump slightly as his gaze turned and met her cerise eyes. "Don't worry, I'd actually like to talk to you about that. I have something in mind... Would you like to join Cadance and I for lunch?"

Celestia removed her hoof and walked to the door, noting that Cadance still looked dazed. "Cadance, Shining Armor. Would you two join me?" Noting his hesitance, she spoke reassuringly to him. "Don't worry, we have the best professionals here that'll be keeping an eye on your sister. After lunch, you'll be free to come right back here."

Shining hesitantly left Twilight's side, poking Cadance as he nervously walked towards the door. Shaking her head, she followed him out as well, both of them looking into the room one last time before closing the door.

"So, Shining Armor. Tell me, what do you plan to do when you're older..."

Author's Note:

Hopefully this helps to clear up any lingering confusion with Celestia's distancing. It was meant to be on a personal level only, never had any intentions of her seeing ponies as toys, possessions, etc. I'll be taking another look through Chapter 1 soon as well, just in case. If you have any questions, comments or critique, please feel free to drop a comment or PM me about it.

Hope you all have enjoyed this chapter. Next one should wrap up anything dealing with Highmount (Afterall, gryphons aren't the focus here, Twilight and Celestia are). Those of you hoping to see her rain fire down on them, or something equally destructive, sorry to disappoint.
