• Published 22nd Aug 2013
  • 586 Views, 9 Comments

Repeating Repetitions - Uncr3at1ve

History repeats itself, so what then is the use of immortality?

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Repetitious Repeats

It's relatively common knowledge who I am, insofar as that I am a princess of Equestria. I never believed Celestia when she said that all of my accomplishments would be for naught, oh, how I should have listened then. For history has a nasty tendency to repeat itself, not in any way that makes living an immortal life seem redundant, but so that familiar patterns begin to emerge from the woodwork. It's no surprise to me now how Celestia could remain calm under any circumstance: as the saying goes 'You see one millennium, you've seen them all.' Events just stop being surprising.

Discord forgets why he gave up chaos, nothing wrong with that, he has chronic chaos disorder. Not as uncommon an illness as one would think. Although it does get frustrating from time to time, but now he'll make a nice statue until another pony as kind and thoughtful as Fluttershy comes along. Not that it'll work a second time but so that he'll remember it working the first time... so I hope, chaos can be tricky. But it's always nice to know that there will be something interesting to look forward to in the coming centuries.

Though predictable it's always interesting to see who embodies the Elements for the next couple of centuries, after extensive research it appears that they are inert until such a time as there is a pony to represent each Element engaged in friendship with each other that they become active. The longest period of inertness coming from the period of Nightmare Moon, at least the recorded period, who knows how they were created or how long Celestia's group took to discover them. Speaking of which, apparently alicorns come from the embodiment of harmony which is only present in high enough quantities in the Bearer of Magic. Of course not every set of elements gets an alicorn Magic; otherwise we'd have more goddesses than wolf mythology within just a couple millennia.

It's not like it matters, I've seen too many groups of elements to care anymore about getting to have a little sibling of my own. The only one I remotely cared about was Silver Skies, the first male Element of Magic... that'd I seen anyway, history is too predictable for him to be the first. But no matter how many hints Celestia dropped he couldn't seem to see the true magic of friendship, and after twenty years I believe it was Loyalty who perished first, an unfortunate accident involving fire and a distillery. Nonetheless the Elements became inert once again, and time took that which mortals are renowned for.

But now there is Starlit Night who, thanks to history repeating itself, reminds me of myself. Always studious, never stopping to consider that life is short. It's not that I'm completely sure but everything ends up the same anyway. Though, with Celestia's warning, I cannot tell Starlit of my suspicions or else she will never be able to fulfill her role. But I can feel Discord's hope through my chamber walls, a rather unpleasant sensation. However, it's been far too long since the last national crisis, so I'll soon see if my suspicions are correct within the next several years.

It's sad really, how little time changes things, there's nothing left to understand and just to keep things interesting every couple millennia the Immortals change the written history of Equestria. Not anything drastic of course but just a few changes to the timeline and then everything is different, all knowledge of Starswirl is rendered obsolete because now he's a mare who instead of learning the secrets of the world through observation, learned through divine sources from before even Celestia's time. The fun part is that it's a cautionary tale to those who seek to learn more than they should as she went insane at the end of her research.

I've asked Celestia about the truthfulness of my knowledge several times, but she always answers cryptically that knowledge and information is just perceived and derived from fact, an interesting theory as how do we know we exist if we can only view the world from our pathetically lacking senses. The knowledge remains the same even if the perceived facts are different, just another game that the Immortals play. Some millennia we're at peace, others at war, but at the end of the time period we all sit around and literally change history. The only constant being the Elements of Harmony, to which all of us have intimate knowledge of, even Discord. Although that's the only truth I've gotten out of Celestia, that the elements were made before time existed, that they were the driving force behind creation, and that they control everything.

Morality is such a petty thing when it comes to eternity, the elements gave us the powers the elements can take them away, in all reality they should be the true gods. I'm not yet bored of my existence but I feel my time growing short, all that I must do is ask the elements to take me away and they will. To where, I haven't the faintest clue, just the fact that I'll be finished will be reward enough for me, nothing was meant to last forever and the fact that history has already erased my time from existence leaves little to be finished. I'm not needed anymore, not in the woe is me sense, but in that everything I do was done before me.

The names on everyone's lips are not the Elements of Harmony I was a part of but the names of the Elements far past my time, why even remember Rainbow Dash when you have Flash Fire fulfilling the role of Loyalty? Why Pinkie Pie when Gilded Truffles? Rarity when Snappy Suit... Why Twilight Sparkle when you have infinite others to remember? When Celestia said my accomplishments would mean nothing, that's exactly what she meant. That with time, no one will remember me, no one will remember that I chose to move on from the mortal realm when the next alicorn was created, because in just another six-hundred seventy-two years, history will be rewritten once again.

There will be nothing left but the fact that history will repeat itself again and again and again until the end of time. I just hope that when I get to the afterlife I'll be able to finally have a break from the grand scheme and just sit with my hooves in the sand with the only ponies I've learned I ever cared about; those who taught me the virtues of Charity, Compassion, Devotion, Optimism, and Integrity.

Author's Note:

Well, here it is, my first story. Something I should have gotten around to writing a long, long time ago. Nothing too impressive or ambitious I just wanted to get something out there to give me a benchmark to grow from. I basically sat down and streamed my conscious so hard onto the page that it probably looks more mangled and pointless than a fine powder of sawdust... Oh I also find that I write best when exhausted so there's probably a couple thing that I forgot to wrapped-up but again benchmarks. (and yes I realize that doesn't truly count as an excuse) Also, do any of you think this warrant an AU-tag?

Comments ( 9 )

Well written. I don't know if it should have the Random tag or not. The last line really drove the point home. Bravo.

Poor Twilight. So timeless, so bored, so alone. You captured all of that quite well, good job!

You're asking whether this should be AU-tagged. I saw people writing about the future of Equestria while using the tag, and equal number not using it, so it's up to your personal preference. And I agree with Copperus - the story sounds more like Slice of Life than actual Random.

Hiya, Uncreative. I'm reviewing your story on behalf of the Good Grammar Directory- well, I would be, if your descriptions didn't both have a grammatical problem. Please add a question mark to the end of both of them, since they're questions.

Resubmit your story to the GGD when you've done that, and we'll take a look at it.

You would not believe the degree of palm hitting face that just occurred in my room...


Hey, don't worry about it. I've seen worse. I'll get around to reviewing your story soon.

Hi, Uncreative. Please don't submit stories you clearly haven't bothered to edit at all.
Let's take a look at all the issues in your first 500 words, shall we?

...oh how I should have listened then.

*oh, how I should have listened then.
Commas: how do they work?



not in anyway that makes living an immortal life seem redundant but so that familiar patterns

*not in any way that makes living an immortal life seem redundant, but so that familiar patterns

circumstance, as the saying goes 'You see one millennium, you've seen them all' events just stop being surprising.

*circumstance: as the saying goes, 'You see one millennium, you've seen them all.' Events just stop being surprising.
I'm also fairly confident no one (or, rather, nopony) has ever said that before.

Speaking of which

*Speaking of which,

You know what? I'm not doing this. Edit your own damn story, at least before submitting it to a group that deals with good grammar.

Once more unto the breach?

I've fixed all of the mistakes that you mentioned (and several more) so I'm hoping that now it shouldn't have too many mistakes to qualify, that is assuming multiple submissions are permitted. I guess I've learned never to ask a friend to tell me if anything is wrong, and then not look through it again myself afterwards, I'm sorry to inconvenience you due to my over-confidence/ exceeding laziness. Although, I must say that I'm relieved that a lot of the errors stemmed from punctuation, rather than misspellings and sentences not making sense.

Hey, congratulations

Your story made it into the Good Grammar Dictionary. Your story had the following requirements

- 2 or less spelling/grammar/general errors in the first 500 words
- A well-rounded interesting story
- A nice easy set-out
- Overall nice writing style and grammar

Find your story in the 'Slice of Life' folder. Thanks for contributing to the Good Grammar Dictionary.

- Radical

Hi! I read one of your stories because you followed me. This is a good idea for a story. Conventional wisdom would say that you should "show, don't tell" this entire story, meaning pick the most-important conclusions Twilight draws, and instead of having her narrate it, show 2 or 3 instances of it within a story, meanwhile filling out the story with other story-stuff (other characters having their own moments). That would make it much longer. I won't say it would make it better, but it would give it a better chance of becoming popular.

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