• Published 12th Jul 2013
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Zenith - The Descendant

Once upon a time, Spike went for a walk.

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Chapter 5: The Drowning Pool

Chapter 5: The Drowning Pool

Spike could see the book in his mind. It sat there in the theology and mythology section, fifth case from the door, on a bottom shelf that was awkwardly sized, just a touch taller than all of its neighbors.

Its binding was gold and red, and inside were all sort of interesting things to learn about practices and beliefs that were not of Equestria. He had spent an afternoon flipping through the tome, learning about the marvelous ways that lost cultures had practiced their beliefs.

Most had been benign, interesting, even engaging.

Then he had found the illustration, and had read the accompanying text.

In some cultures that made sacrifices, offering up ones that were unblemished with cuts or covered in blood was considered sacred. These ancient races had used a water altar… a simple, elegant way to drown the sacrifice.

He remembered how the illustrator had even taken the time to show a dark form beneath the surface, the implication of what had happened to it horribly clear.

He remembered closing the book, and then going to stand near Twilight, just being close to her for the usual comfort of her presence, to try to forget what he had seen and read.

Now the image was becoming all too real.

The pool, the water altar, reflected their images weakly across its fetid surface.

“No! Nooooo!” he called again, yelling at the serpents as the realization of what was about to happen to Twilight, what they were seeking to do, sank through him. “Stop it!”

To his utter shock, they did.

The two vipers, one of black tendrils of magic and the other of green, drew her to the end of the pool, and then went still. Spike looked up to them, disbelief sitting in his expression. At first he blanched, but soon the emerald of his eyes shone with a newfound fury.

A jet of flame erupted from his lips, reaching out for the snakes.

“I… I said leave her alone!” he cried, stepping forward even as he held Twilight’s head up from the stones. “G-get out of here!”

The snakes regarded him balefully, their tongues whipping out of their mouths and their heads bobbing back and forth. They hissed in unison, sending Spike reeling back, the sound falling through him.

They regarded him once more, and to Spike it seemed as though they were smirking, as though they were regarding him as a curiosity. In a single movement they wound around one another, their two shades merging into a single twist of black and green, and then they disappeared into the waters of the pool.

Spike gulped, and then stepped forward, sliding anxiously towards where the serpents had disappeared. To his surprise the dark, algae-filled waters now circulated with ribbons of black and green.

Even as he stared deep within there was another thrum, and the waters bounced in place.

“That’s not good,” he said aloud, “that ain’t good at all! Twi, we have to go! We have to…”

Spike looked over his shoulder. Instead of finding Twilight fighting to her hooves, preparing to fly away or attempt to again teleport to safety, she simply lay there, breathing heavily.

“Oh, Twi,” he said, gently lifting her head. He looked down over the crumpled form of the alicorn. She was bleeding. Her mane was a wild frenzy of purple, pink, and lavender. Her wings seemed to stretch, shake, and then recoil, feathers hanging out of them at odd angles.

“Oh, Twi,” he repeated, knowing that he must look almost as bad. He brushed away some of the dust, and as Twilight moaned he looked into her eyes again. They were still distant, and he knew that whatever physical hurts had been placed upon her, the magical battle that she’d been fighting had stolen even more out of her.

“Spike,” she whimpered.

“It’s okay, Twi, we’re gonna get out of here. You’re gonna be okay, like I promised,” he said, pulling her into a quick hug. Moving as quickly as his tired, wounded body would allow, he placed her head across his shoulders, and his arms under her forelegs. “Okay, Twi, here we go… let’s, ummmphhh…”

The dragon began to pull, began to tug her away from the edge of the pool and the ribbons of black and green that awaited her there.

He groaned, strained against her weight, and suddenly he remembered just how much larger than him she was. Now he remembered just how much taller she’d become as an alicorn, let alone before.

His knees buckled beneath him, and as he groaned he was reminded of just how wounded he was himself. His leg pulsed with pain, and his ribs burned inside of him. He cursed under his breath, turning his head so that the invective didn’t fall into her ears.

He heaved, strained. While his body called out in pain he began to pant, and as he tried to heave once more some strands of her hair caught in his mouth. “Blegh!” he said, trying to clear them away. As he did, his eyes fell across his progress, measuring how far he’d gotten, how far to safety he’d managed to carry her.

It was about four paces.

Spike collapsed, Twilight’s great mass still weighing heavily in his arms. “Okay, okay, okay,” he repeated anxiously, looking all around himself as he wrung his hands, looking up and down the space beside the pool. He needed a cart. He needed a rug. He, he…

… he needed to be anyone but himself.

He needed to be anything other than a useless little dragon that couldn’t…

Nearby, something splashed through the pool, and he jumped back to his feet in alarm, tugging at her once more. All hope was gone, there was nothing else he could do. Nothing except…

“Heeeeelllp!” he cried aloud, his words filling the space around the pool, echoing off of adjoining courtyards.

“Heeeeeeelllllp!” he called again, louder than before, louder than he could remember calling in all of his young life.

“Somepony help, please! Heeelllp!” he shrieked, his voice becoming hoarse as he held the sound for as long as he could.

The thrum met them again, and his feet slid beneath him. Spike startled and gripped tighter to Twilight.

The thrum arose again… and he and Twilight were pulled backwards towards the pool.

“No, no!” he cried, his feet slipping along the surface of the courtyard. At once he dug in his claws, making them scratch against the paving stones, a loud scraping sound rising from where they left their smooth, deep marks.

“No, nooo!” he called over and over. “Twi, ya gotta try to move! Ya gotta try your magic again!”

Twilight’s legs came up beneath her, but whatever battle she’d been fighting inside her own mind had drained her, had stolen so much out of the alicorn. Her hooves skidded across the stones, joining his claws in their slipping and sliding.

Together they fought, struggled, battled to keep from being drawn towards the pool, towards the shallow altar where the cords sat patiently awaiting her.

“Hellllp! Heeellllpppp!” Spike called anew, his voice lifting into the clear sky of the city. Even as he did flashes of her magic erupted around them again, heavy buffeting blows of it that smacked across his senses.

All too soon his foot caught on something, on the very lip of the pool. He leaned forward, enlisting every force he could muster in the struggle to save Twilight, fighting for each little inch. “Twi! Twi! Ya gotta do something!” he called, screaming into her ear.

At once there was a whine, and the deep magic of her very being came alight in her, fighting through her, her eyes coming open and flashing with a lavender light that…

There was another thrum, a deep one, and the pool bounced behind them. The note of it cascaded over them, and as they both screamed the dome of one of the nearby buildings exploded into shards. They yelled in alarm at the sound of it, at the rain of masonry and plaster crashing to the earth behind them.

Twilight’s magic sputtered. It fell down, down, down, until it was the faintest of purple hazes… and then it was gone.

Spike’s claws dug deep, and the marble surface of the pool shrieked beneath his feet. There came one, two sputters of Twilight’s wings… and then she collapsed across his shoulders.

He felt her head move, felt her sweet breath falling across the side of his face. Suddenly, there were words. There were quiet words that were both wonderful and terrible to hear.

“Spike,” she whispered, her voice beyond tired, beyond the limits of even an alicorn. “Spike, I love you. Goodbye.”

Spike went stock-still. The hopelessness in her voice, the clarity of understanding that… that she was about to die, it swept across him. It filled him, and for an instant he was able to stand there, Twilight’s head across his shoulder, as his most perfect nightmare began to come true.

With that, they were swept into the pool.

Water… water crashed over him. It was putrid, vile, and something moved within. He tried to stand, to swim, to make a motion of any kind, but he was pinned in place. His hands searched through the green slime, through the brackish waters until it settled across what was holding him down.

The familiar feel of Twilight’s coat met his touch, and her mane settled over him.

There was a stream of bubbles, and emerald light shone through the pool. Spike lurched to the surface, his eyes alive with the features of a dragon beyond reason, beyond anything except emotions.

In his hands, Twilight’s head broke the surface. “Breathe, Twi! Breathe!” he roared, and her eyes come open again, and a breath pulled through her.

At once something wrapped around her, pulled her down, and he felt them coiling upon her.

“No, please, no!” he called, feeling her slip from his grip. At once he was under the water again, the water filling his nose, rushing into his mouth. He groped through the water, searching for her, brushing away a few coils that fought his hands.

A moment passed, and then a shock of his flame erupted into the water before being instantly consumed. Yet, it had served its purpose.

They rocketed back up to the surface, and together they coughed and hacked. They fought to keep their heads above the water, fought to breathe. Fought to live.

“Heeellllpppp!” he screamed again, his voice shredding as he tried to lift it higher and higher. His muscles burned, his body became one continuous, living ache that tore at him… but Twilight’s head was above water.

That was all that mattered. She was the only thing that mattered. She was drowning. His world was drowning.

She slipped his grasp again, her one cry of terror diving through him. He groped through the water, pulling at her hair, grasping around before plunging into the fetid pool once more.

“Raaawwwwrrrrrr!” he cried, the little roar spilling out of him as bubbles and then a cry of rage as it met the air. All that was left in him pushed his body to the surface, his legs shaking beneath him, his arms and chest burning with pain.

Twilight did not come with him.

In his surprise, he looked down to find her eyes staring back at him from just beneath the surface, her head held in his claws as the coils of black and green wrapped themselves tighter to her body.

Just like the illustration in the book.

“No! No, no, no!”

Spike dove in once again, and came to the surface with nothing. He opened his mouth, calling with some feral sound to summon some way, any way, to bring strength back into his tiny body… to save her…

“Graaaaaahhhhhh!” came a cry, a fierce one, but it did not arise from him.

There was a spray of water, a rush of motion, and Spike felt something powerful around him. Shining Armor’s massive frame burrowed beneath Spike’s outstretched arms, and at once Twilight exploded to the surface.

“Twily! Twily!” the stallion called, and at once his magic scythed through the air, snapping the coils. As water and algae poured out of both of their manes it splashed across Spike, the dragon blinking in the sunlight, his body shaking around him.

The sound of Twilight’s coughing and wheezing, her shrill cries of alarm, they both horrified him and filled him with the tiniest bit of hope.

Hope that was nearly squandered as Shining Armor, too, felt the lash of the coils. They reached up to claim Twilight once more, and she and her brother both were drawn beneath the waters.

Spike surged forward, but inside a moment the stallion had reared up to the surface again, the form of his sister across his neck. Once again she strained for air, and now the stallion too was breathing heavy.

The coils reached up through the waters, made to grab for their prize once more. There was another scythe of magic, and Shining Armor’s magic draped across the scene, the feel of his magic like a greatcoat across Spike’s scales.

“What in the Well are these things?!” called the stallion, trying to keep them at bay. At once they whipped beneath him, sending the stallion falling into the waters, and once more Twilight seemed about to be pulled beneath.

There was more magic, more motion around him, and Spike suddenly felt many legs pushing by him. Shining Armor roared to the surface, and Spike dodged around, searching through the forest of limbs for Twilight.

“Don’t let her go under!” Spike heard Shining Armor cry, and soon hooves were under Twilight, and myriad auras of light and color fell around the dragon.

“Majesty! Majesty? Can you hear me?” came a voice Spike did not recognize, and a shriek of pain met his ears. It was awful... the awful sound of Twilight’s pain and fear.

There was a burst of color, and deep, dark magic erupted around the ponies. One flew back, landing against the wall on Spike’s left, another bounced off the slab behind him, soaring over his head and crashing against the representation of Celestia’s mark.

“It’s a killing curse! She’s been enchanted!” called another unicorn, and at once more ponies were in the water, pulling on Twilight. Spike fought to grab a hold on her too, fought to find some place amid the great tall legs of the ponies.

At once a shot of pain went through Spike, and one of the ponies came crashing down atop of him, driving him beneath the waters once again. He clawed to the surface, hacking and sputtering the rancid waters once more.

“Get this kid out of here!” called the Lord Mayor, the pony fighting his way back into the fray. As Spike held his head he realized he’d been stepped on. Now, he realized, that in this effort to save Twilight, in this great heaving mass of ponies racing to the aid of their sovereign, he was just in the way.

He was just in the way… he couldn’t help her anymore.

New explosions of magic ripped across the scene, and as Spike fought to regain his senses he saw the tiniest glimpse of Twilight. The familiar shock of pink in her mane stood out amid the foaming waters, whipping cords of black magic, and the bodies of a dozen ponies.

“No, no! I can help! Please, please let me…”

His hands fought for some place upon her, fought to protect her, to keep his promise. But, as he did, something came loose, and once again he felt the tread of pony hooves upon him.

As he yelped in pain, Spike looked down into his clawed hands. There he found her crown, the crown of the Principal of the Elements, of Procer Twilight Sparkle Harmonia. As the water sloshed around him, as powerful spells bounced uselessly along the surface, he drew it slowly closer to himself until it rested against his chest.

“Get the child away! Dammit, don’t let him see her like this!” brayed the Lord Mayor, and at once Spike felt teeth clench around the sensitive spade of his tail.

“No!” he called, both through the shock and the pain. “No, I can help her!”

The mass of ponies didn’t hear him. Instead, commands flew around, each pony calling to somepony else, each one taking and giving orders. “Dispel! Does anypony know how to dispel a curse?!” cried one. “Keep her head up, keep her head up!” called another.

Soon the crowd issued a great collective moan, and their energy seemed to drain. The curse was not fading away, and their collective strength was leaving them.

Above it all arose Twilight’s cries of pain and fear. Each one stung at Spike, burned in his guts, drawing pain from inside of him that he could not even begin to name.

“Let me go, let me go!” he cried, spinning around on his back, clutching at her crown. He looked up to find that it was Shining Armor himself who was dragging him away. The stallion released Spike for an instant, and in one motion Spike leapt to his feet.

“Twilight! Twilight!” he called, limping back to the pool as fast as his wounded body would let him. In a moment, he felt Shining Armor’s magic around him, dragging him away from her again, dragging him away from his Twilight.

Spike dug at the ground with his free hand, his tears falling across the torn earth as great wet splatters. “Lemmee go! Shiny, lemmee go! I have to help Twili…”

The stallion pulled harder, drawing him away from the crowd, away from the frothing waters that sloshed around in the pool. Drawing him farther and farther away from Twilight…

“Bro, stop it! Stop it, Shiny! I can help! I need to help Twi…” he began, but inside a second he felt himself pressed into Shining Armor’s chest, and the big stallion’s forelegs folded across him. “I need to help,” the whelp pleaded. “I p-promised her I’d keep her safe. I promised her…”

“Shhhh, dude, shhhh…” spoke the stallion, drawing his hoof across Spike’s scales. “It’ll be okay, Spike. It’ll be okay.”

But it wasn’t okay. It was awful. Together they sat there, each jumping a little as her fading cries erupted again and again, as the slosh of water drew ice across their souls.

Something wet fell across the dragon, and soon Spike realized that Shining was bleeding too. A hard knock across the edge of the pool had sent blood pouring from his nose and, even as the two stood there, Spike could not help but draw his hands up and down the stallion’s foreleg.

Together the two sat there, comforting one another as they did one of the hardest things in the world… let those who knew better than themselves how to lend Twilight aid do their work.

“Sun and moon, I’ve never seen such a strong enchantment!” called a pony, stopping to cough up some of the putrid waters that had entered her mouth.

“We have to convince the enchantment that she’s dead!” called another.

That word. That word brought Spike back to his senses, speaking to fears that already sat very near and raw in his thoughts. He spun around inside Shining’s embrace, the Element of Magic still held close to him.

Very near Spike a caster, an immensely powerful unicorn, sat heaving for breath. “We have to induce a coma,” she began. Spike watched the unicorn as she stood and returned to the pool. “We have to induce a coma. We have to convince the enchantment that it’s won.”

Spike looked upon her, and a cutie mark of magic erupting from a mortar and pestle showed her to be adept at magical healing.

A word she had said, it fell through him… coma. They were going to put Twilight into a coma.

“No,” he breathed.

“No,” he repeated to himself.

“Majesty!” the pony called out, fighting to get the attention of the alicorn. “Majesty, we must put you into a coma. Can you understand me, Majesty?”

Spike wrestled free of Shining’s forelegs, spinning about in place. He went down onto his knees, still clutching the crown. He peered underneath the legs of the ponies, searching back and forth through the limbs to find Twilight.

“Majesty,” came the voice of the caster, of the powerful unicorn healer. “Majesty, do you understand?”

Spike caught sight of Twilight just as she blinked, as her gaze met that of the unicorn. She was on her back, prone, defenseless... helpless. Her wings flopped around beneath her, sticking out at odd angles. She looked broken, defeated.

She looked so tired. She looked deflated, small... ready to give up. She looked so terribly, terribly tired.

Oh, Twilight.

Twilight nodded to the unicorn with a weak motion, without any power, and inside an instant the caster had begun charging her horn.

Twilight’s eyes flew around, and Spike went closer to the ground, trying to see what she was looking for. As he peered through the legs of all of the ponies that surrounded her, that sloshed back and forth through the pool, he saw her searching for something, searching for somepony.

Her tired, fearful, panicked eyes swept across the assembly once, twice… and then found him.

Their eyes met through the sea of confusion, past the dozen bodies that sat between them, across the great roar of ponies that still fought to keep her above the foul waters.

Tears streamed down both of their faces, and he went closer to the ground to see her more clearly. Twilight’s eyes were withdrawn, distant, filled with pain and tiredness… but firmly on him, firmly on her little dragon.

Her tired eyes were fixed upon her great little guy.

His worried eyes reached back to the pony that meant the most to him in the world.

There, that moment, that instant as the spell charged and all around them seemed to move slower, that they shared. The two friends, the closest in their lives, both bloodied, torn, broken… in that moment they were the only two people in their little, familiar world.

It was a world of the library, of bedtime stories, of shared memories, of breakfast at seven and little jokes that only they knew.

It was a world that was collapsing around them.

It was a world that was shattering.

His hand came up, reaching for her.

Her mouth moved, and “Spike” drifted from her lips.

An arc of silvery light lifted from the caster’s spell, and all were encompassed by it as a high whine fell over the scene.

With that, the little world of Spike and Twilight Sparkle flew into pieces, the shards bouncing along before lying horribly still and quiet.

All opened their eyes to find the wreckage of Princess Twilight Sparkle floating in the brackish waters of the pool, the ruined remains of an alicorn bobbing in the filth.

For an instant, nopony dared to breathe. As one mare lifted Twilight’s head the crowd all gazed over horrific sight of a crushed, ruined Equestrian princess.

“She’s breathing!”

Shining Armor looked on as a dozen ponies or more suddenly all jostled for position, all trying to draw nearer to the princess. At once there was a scream, and as ponies pulled backwards, two great long serpents escaped through their midst, streaming towards the vast open chamber behind them, a long, shallow ramp that seemed to discharge dark magic across the city on an ill wind.

Shining Armor charged his horn, but the serpents flew by without regard or care for the masses. It seemed as though the serpents stopped only momentarily, to gauge the still, unmoving form of Spike. They seemed to smirk at him, to regard him as a curiosity, and then slide across the ground before disappearing in wafts of dark magic.

“They were just the magica visibilis!” came a voice, the same unicorn who had cast the spell. “The enchantment is still on her! We must get her to Canterlot, now!”

“Do we have any unicorns who know how to teleport?!” called the Lord Mayor. Murmurs went through the crowd, and soon the voice of the mayor rose again, calling for fast pegasi and flying carts.

Soon all was a blur of motion. In a moment, her body was lifted into the air, and more hooves reached for her.

Shining Armor demanded to see his sister, and as the cart stood motionless he looked down over her rumpled, dirty form. There was one faint, fast instant to whisper to the princess, to his baby sister whom he had tickled and whose bedroom he had protected from monsters. He kissed her, and then the cart was in the air, already flying away towards Canterlot.

He watched it go, ten thousand thoughts flying around in his head, none of them good.

Shining Armor worked his way back towards the monolith, back towards the hill where the pool sat. Ponies milled about, but slowly the crowd thinned.

“I want guards placed on the gate below and this ramp here,” he said, catching the attention of an officer. “Nopony goes in or out until we know what happened.”

He turned about as the officer went off to begin placing his sentries. Shining Armor then began to engage in crowd control, encouraging ponies to be on their way, when he tripped over something.

Or, someone.

He looked down to discover Spike still sitting where he’d last seen the child. The dragon simply sat there, sat there with his one arm still outstretched towards the pool, the other still clutching the crown to his chest.

“Oh, dude,” Shining said, slowly sitting behind the dragon. “Dude, it’s… it’ll all…”

“Hey, you saved her!” came a voice, a crystal pony trotting up to where the erstwhile brothers sat.

Shining smiled down over Spike, hoping to see the pony’s praise lift the dragon’s spirit.

“It was very, very fortunate you were there,” continued the pony as she trotted past them. “Who knows what would have happened! Thank Celestia for you, Prince Shining Armor!”

Spike’s hand fell to the ground, and Shining Armor’s expression dropped. His eyes fell across the dragon before turning to call to the pony who had passed by.

“Naw, it was… it was Spike…”

She was already gone. The entirety of the crowd was indeed thinning out, too, and as the ponies began to fade away all that the stallion could do was move closer to Spike.

The dragon said nothing. He barely moved. There Spike sat, wavering back and forth, his arms wrapped around the crown, his eyes lifting up to the pool again and again before falling back to the torn, broken earth around them.

Shining Armor wasn’t a complicated stallion. He wasn’t that deep, and intellectually speaking he knew he wasn’t the top shelf model. He had always known what he wanted though, and his single-minded drive had won him many things.

In this moment, what he wanted was to make Spike say something, to do something.

“Dude, bro… c’mere,” he said, pulling the dragon whelp into the space between his body and his forelegs. “Spike… bro?”

The dragon lay there for a great long time, simply breathing, simply trying to come to terms with all that had happened over the last hour.

Trying to come to terms with...

“I couldn’t keep my promise.”

Spike had whispered the words, and the sound of his voice was distant and filled with pain. “I promised to p-protect her. I p-promised and I c-couldn’t…”

“Oh, hey, Spike, it’s okay,” Shining said, the brotherly part of him coming awake, fighting to make sense of something that he did not understand. “She… well, she…”

“I promised! I promised her!” Spike wailed, falling over into the chest of the stallion. A high whine arose from the dragon, one that became a continuous shriek. It was a long, horrible note of grief, of a very real and personal suffering.

He had failed. Twilight had been in pain, in danger, and… and he had failed.

As he sat there, Shining Armor felt himself move from brotherly to fatherly, grasping the little dragon whelp in his forelegs.

“Oh, Spike, shhhhh… shhhhh,” he whispered over and over, trying to soothe the child. He rocked Spike back and forth, slowly swaying with the whelp as the tears grew stronger, as Spike’s cry lifted out from the space beside the pool.

Shining Armor felt tears running down his own face. They were tears for his sister, for his baby sister who had gone through so much, who was now perhaps fighting another battle beyond their ability to help her.

His coat was growing wet with tears, but not his own. Beneath him a child cried aloud in wild, injured tones, pressing the tears into Shining’s chest.

“Twilight! Twilight!” Spike brayed, his voice shredding once more. Spike invoked the name over and over, crying for her, crying her name aloud until pain rippled through his throat.


“Shhh,” Shining Armor said, rubbing the boy’s back, tucking him closer into his chest. “Shhhh.”

In Shining Armor’s mind, he remembered patrolling Twilight’s room for monsters, his baby sister peeking out from beneath the bed sheets as he declared the room “clean”. He closed his eyes. As he did he tried to imagine what it would have felt like to watch some of the imaginary demons become real, to watch them drag her off, to try to understand what Spike must have just undergone.

To be unable to save her…

This little one, this brother of a kind, had seen all that Twilight had seen, it seemed. He too had suffered, had been hurt. In the end, Spike’s reward had been to watch strangers carry her broken, deflated body through the streets.

“Shhhhhh, Spike, shhhhh…” Shining said as he sat there, rocking the child.

The unfairness of it sat in Shining Armor’s throat, burning like acid. Spike’s voice arose again, his voice reaching out over the city as high shrieks, the dragon calling for Twilight again and again and again. Shining Armor rocked him some more, shushing him gently, and kept doing so for a great long while.

But, for Spike, there was no comfort. Instead, his tears rolled down him until his face hurt, until he devolved into a coughing, blubbering mess that wailed Twilight’s name over and over and over.

That was how the little dragon stayed for hours. Pressed close to the stallion, Spike’s whimpers fell out across the ancient ruins of the city, catching in courtyards and plazas as the night sky unveiled itself in a blanket of purple.

In time, the light of the distant stars fell across him, finally forcing him to accept his exhaustion, and then fall away into troubled dreams.