• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2013
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River Road

Writing Comedy, Adventure and Slice Of Life. Desperately trying to keep up with all the crazy stories my brain comes up with.


After the Straw Hats' battle at the Shabondy Archipelago, Sanji finds himself on an isolated island inhabited by ponies. There are a lot of problems to solve before he can find his captain and crew, but at least he has two extra legs to use now.

A continuation of Fullmetal Pony's Set Adrift story about Sanji. Disclaimer: This story's Sanji entered Equestria as a pegasus instead of a unicorn. It really doesn't change anything about FMP's chapter.

Check out the original story about Luffy for more background information that might only be implied in this one.

Rated Teen for the usual One Piece manga violence.

Edit: Wasn't easy to find a blue pegasus Sanji, but here we go. A placeholder until the purely hypothetical day that I commission a better picture.
I don't think the guy (or girl?) who drew this will ever be aware of my story, or my use of his picture, but I will nevertheless credit him and link to his Tumblr. Because it's the honorable thing to do and I don't want to be an ungrateful plotface.

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 227 )

Yay! A spin-off to my absolute fav story on this site! I'm so faving this! :pinkiehappy:


*GAAASP* A comment! :pinkiegasp:

You have no idea how long I have waited for one of those! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.


I didn't even notice that I was your first.

I don't have any questions, but I am surpised that I'm the first.

I just don't know what went wrong...

Regarding your other comment, I will probably keep some elements from FMP's original story. But there are a lot of original ideas that you can look forward to.

2887039 Emma ivelli you ARE river roads first


At least I didn't go "FIRST", right.


Are we going to see Sanji have a cook-off with Gustave le Grand?


I didn't even think of that.
Actually, that will most likely not happen, for several reasons. The first reason is that I'm not really good at writing filler scenes, at least not intentionally. Second, I literally have the whole story planned out already and I want to get as far with it as I can before I start college in six weeks. And the last reason is that I am German. English is not my primary language and cooking terminology just isn't in my standard vocabulary. I did my best to make at least one longer scene about Sanji's "special talent" in Chapter three, and that will probably be the most I'll ever write about it.

If I ever make it to the epilogue, there's going to be a whole long chapter with jokes like this, interaction between the pirates and the Equestrians and even another comment on Sanji's chef skills (because every author needs to write one Derpy-loves-muffins joke). The chapter is all but written out in my head, so that will definitely happen.
P.S.:The epilogue will also (in the funniest way possible) contain foreshadowing to two seperate sequels that I have also started to plan out already. I wish I could write as fast as my brain can dish out the ideas.
P.P.S.: If I ever really make it that far, watch out for that last chapter, because I have decided that I will celebrate it with a contest where you can win a personal chapter in one of the sequels.

Yeesh, that was long. Better get back to writing on the next chapter.

Chapter Four is out! I can't say I'm entirely pleased with the beginning of the chapter, but the story is moving along.

Writing Celestia monologuing is fun. Writing Celestia in dialogues is hard. Writing Celestia trying to hide something is torture. You can't use her point of view if you want to keep some subtle (and I do love me my subtle), and every other pony only knows her as their ever-good benevolent ruler. Even I don't know how many more signs Twilight has deliberately ignored in this chapter.

Oh well, half of this chapter was just a good excuse for Rainbow Dash characterization, anyway.


The last bit... perfect!


I couldn't write this story without at least one of those jokes. :pinkiehappy:

The next chapter will be mainly exposition, though. Prepare to hear the real truth about Nightmare Moon. :rainbowderp:

Gaaah! So... much... exposition.

Seriously, keeping all the details straight was hard and trying to split the monologue between Luna and Celestia didn't help. Still, I did my best to make this chapter as not-boring as possible. Only one more chapter before we pick up the pace again.

I probably forgot some detail in there that I'll remember just when it's too late. The part about weather magic was supposed to come up two chapters earlier. :facehoof:

I probably forgot more than one detail that I wanted to put into this comment, too. *sigh*

2924678 personally i think this chapter wasn't bad, exposition is always good for a story, i think though we need some more sanji though.


The exposition wasn't bad, but writing it was hard. :raritydespair:

I know the title says that this story is about Sanji, and that's what I wanted to write at first, but somehow that's a lot harder than I'd expected; Even in the manga Sanji doesn't get a lot of spotlight unless he's kicking ass (literally) or going crazy over women (or when he's cooking, maybe). After all, he might be the only Straw Hat beside Robin who actually sits down to listen and make plans.

The first four chapters had Sanji at his best, but now more and more other characters will pop up with exposition and or improbable side-plots. I think in the whole remaining story I have only three more chapters that really focus on Sanji.

I can only do what I can to not completely forget about him, and promise you that the other characters that will be introduced will make up for the lack of Sanji. :pinkiesmile:

This... this... is beautiful. Finally the Sanji set adrift story is being continued.

Now if only someone would continue Chopper or Nami.

reading this makes me want to try writing a continuation to one of the set adrift stories, i just dont know which one or if i can pull it off.


Robin and Brook are my favorite Set Adrift chapters. I think Robin's chapter sets the bar quite high, though, so it would be a bit of a challenge.

I suggest that you read through the chapters once more and see if something clicks. This whole story started only because the thought of Sanji without cigarettes drove me to come up with the Poison Smokes idea and think about the consequences and possible applications, as I explain in this blog post (*cough* shameless plug *cough*).

If you decide to write a continuation I'll be glad to offer my help. :twilightsmile:

Interesting story, but there's a problem with him being a pegasus. With wings there's no reason for his skywalk. I think Earth Pony suits Sanji best.

Hmm, Sanji teaching Sweetie to cook. Now I definitely want to see that.


The main reason that Sanji is a pegasus, and not an earth pony or - as in FMP's original chapter - a unicorn, was that he needs his legs to fight. As far as I'm concerned ponies can stand on their hind legs, but without something to balance them (or being Pinkie Pie) they can't do it for very long. As I explained Sanji used his wings to keep his balance even when he didn't know how to fly yet.
Another bonus I realized when writing the second chapter was the weather magic he can control as a pegasus, which fits his Diable Jambe fighting style.
Furthermore: since he won't be stuck in the ´Okama Kingdom´ in this continuity, I figure that having been a pegasus and having been taught how to fly properly is another good basis for learning the Sky Walk.


Well, I'm not that confident in my writing yet, nor do the characters really have the time for that right now. If nopony else picks up on the idea (*nudge* *nudge*) I might try to make a short story or a bonus chapter out of it at some point.

So you're changing the storyline of OP... Good for you, finally someone decides to take a risk.


Well, not yet I haven't. After all, the Boa Sister's escape from Mariejois was barely more than a side note in One Piece and nothing showed the Amazon Island after Hancock and Luffy left.
But yes, Sanji will reach the Impel Down, and exactly 19 hours after he enters the prison continuity will go to hell. :pinkiehappy:

2935909Well Sanji going to Impel Down is already changing the storyline. Still, eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

Well I have the itnernet and downtime durring my vaction...

Either way good chapter.

Okay... tgus us gwtting good!

2938766 2938780

Yay! :pinkiehappy:

(*eerie music* Spellcheck is going to get you when you sleep.) :pinkiesmile:


It won't get me in my sleep because it knows of my disabilities...


I surprised Sanji didn't mention his captain punch one of the celestial dragon.


I don't think Sanji would brag about his captain, especially since Luffy's actions are usually just as stupid as they are awesome.
I considered adding a part about how Luna sneaks into the secret office from time to time to go through the newspapers and that she found out that way. But then I realized that
A) Luna is the one who holds a grudge against the Tenryubito, but unlike Hancock she hates only them and those who protect them (World Government and Marine) and she would have tried to help Sanji simply because he is a pirate.
B) Breaking into the Impel Down is pretty much on par with punching a Celestial Dragon, so we filled our quota of unbelievably-stupid-things-Luffy-has-done-or-is-going-to-do either way.

I'm still not sure if I made the right decision, though, because I had this cool line for Luna about how Sanji isn't the only one who punched a dragon.

This seems like a fantastic opportunity for a cliffhanger. :pinkiehappy:

Not much to say about this one, only that I hope changes happen soon


I'm not completely sure what you mean... What kind of "changes" would you like to see?

I've got scene changes, Changeling Queen, Changeling resistance (the secret level 5.5).

(Seriously though, if you have suggestions, tell me. I'll see if I can fit them in)


I can't think of anything... well other than a nod to canon involing Iva.

Rather interestng chapter but not much to say about it...


I just subverted the Big Bad from A Canterlot Wedding, staying completely in-canon, and people have "not much to say about it"... :pinkiecrazy:

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, or right, but it seems like I'll never get a lot of comments on this story, no matter what I do. :facehoof:

(I don't blame you or anypony, but this is making the transition from "strange" to WTB (What The Buck) now.)


Well I should remind you that I'm also recovering from my vacation.


Ah, you're back already? Did you have a good time? :pinkiesmile:


It was SO AWESOME! I went to so many places and to J-World... less than a month after it opened!

The down side is that I'm still a little exhasuted and I'm still suffering from some jet lag.


People were probably expecting more Sanji fights, right? The next fights will focus more on other ponies...
And hopefully not just the ponies you were expecting. :pinkiehappy:

P.S.: Thank you for keeping this comment section alive. :raritydespair:


You have some impressive timing. :pinkiegasp:
I'm just submitting the next chapter. It should be up in five to ten minutes. :pinkiehappy:

It was a shrot chapter but still cool none the less...

I did like Sanji wanting ti poke a changlings mane (even it is Iva).


"shrot"? Is that a germanism?

And yes, ponies just can't resist poking poofy manes. :pinkiehappy:
That's why all poofy-maned ponies must have an un-annoyable personality that prevents them from prohibiting any poking of the poof.


I know right!


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