• Published 9th Jul 2013
  • 2,377 Views, 67 Comments

Lyra and Bon Bon Screw Up - bahatumay

Take picture. Make wedding announcement. Send to everypony. Sounds simple enough, right?

  • ...

Chapter 1

One of the advantages of a long-term relationship is the patterns that emerge. For example, every morning at seven o'clock sharp, Bon Bon would wake up, stretch, and lean over to kiss Lyra good morning (whereupon Lyra would stir, but never wake up). After that, she would shower quickly, and head downstairs to start her day. She would start with some quick organizing; and when she was done with that, she would begin mixing chocolate, and after that, would make breakfast. When she was done, she would head back upstairs and wake up Lyra. Sometimes she would nuzzle her awake, while other times she would kiss her until she woke up. On some days, when Bon Bon's patience was wearing thin, she would drag her out of bed by her tail. And on really good days, Lyra woke up with Bon Bon's head between her legs. Her forelegs, that is. See, Lyra had a strange fascination with raspberries being blown on her stomach. It was one of her many quirks that made her different, yet strangely endearing.

That was, in a nutshell, their normal morning routine.

So it came as a major shock to Bon Bon when she was woken up almost an hour ahead of schedule by a unicorn horn prodding her. She tried to ignore it; but Lyra was relentless, and she finally gave in. “What?” she demanded blearily, turning to face Lyra.

Lyra's eyes were still closed, but she answered, “There's somepony at the door and they won't go away. Go see who it is.”

As if on cue, a loud series of raps sounded through the house.

“Why don't you?” Bon Bon asked grumpily.

Lyra gave a cheeky smile, even as her eyes remained shut. “Because I'm asleep. Duh.”

Groaning, Bon Bon dragged herself out of bed and mentally determined that today she would wake up Lyra by dragging her out of bed by her ear. She stumbled down the stairs, running into a wall once or twice, and grumbling and muttering to herself the whole way. She finally reached the doorway and threw open the door violently.

“What?” she growled. With her eyes still half closed and a really bad case of bed mane, she was quite the scary sight.

The gray pegasus that had woken her up was not put off by her attitude or appearance. She produced a long, thick envelope. “Special delivery!”

Bon Bon's voice was flat. “You woke me up... for that.”

The mailmare smiled broadly, blissfully unobservant of the discomfort she had caused the candy pony (and the terrible annoyance burning in her eyes). “Yep! You told me to deliver this as soon as I could as soon as it got here, and it got here,
and so you're my first delivery of the day!”

Bon Bon muttered something under her breath that vaguely sounded like where she would like to shove said envelope before she settled on grabbing it and examining it. She squinted to read the address label.

Her attitude quickly pulled a 180 and she gave the mailmare a tight hug. “Thank you thank you thank you thank you!...”

This was, surprisingly, the first development to startle the pegasus; and she stood there awkwardly, unsure how she should feel about this. After all, everypony loves hugs; but Bon Bon was kindof taken currently by a mare, and the pegasus definitely preferred stallions. “Just... doing my job?” she said hesitantly.

“Oh, I'm so excited!” Bon Bon pulled back and shoved the envelope back into the mailmare's forehooves. “Can you deliver these to everypony in town?”

“You want me to...”

“Yes! They're our wedding invitations!”

“Wedding invitations?! I love weddings! Congratulations!” (1) And now it was Bon Bon's turn to be seized in a hug she wasn't sure she wanted.

The mailmare's hug was long enough and tight enough for Bon Bon to realize just how much she missed Lyra's personal smell before the gray mare pulled away. “So what were you asking before?”

“I need you to deliver these to every pony here in Ponyville!”

The pegasus cocked her head. “...you want me to open your mail?” she asked.

Bon Bon sighed and reverted back to her regular level of snark. “Go to the next pony's house on your route. Open the mailbox. Open the envelope. Take one invitation out of the envelope. Put it inside the mailbox. Make sure the mailbox is shut. Go to the next house. Repeat.”

The pegasus saluted. “Can do!” She turned and flew off.

Giggling like a filly, Bon Bon shut the door and ran back inside. She sprinted up the stairs and launched herself into the air, landing on the bed—and sending Lyra skyward. The unicorn had not been expecting an early-morning flight, and let out a scream of fright. She crashed back onto the bed, sending the sheets and pillows flying.

She pulled a pillow off her face and glared. “What was that all about?” she demanded. Any further words she tried to get out were muffled by Bon Bon's lips pressed against hers.

A minute later, Bon Bon finally released Lyra. Upon finding herself in control of herself again, Lyra licked her lips contentedly and said, “Not that I'm complaining or anything; but if you're going to wake me up like that again, I'd really like it if you skipped the first part and just went straight to the second.”

“I know, and I'm sorry, but...”

“No, you're not.”

Bon Bon was slightly taken aback, but Lyra still smiled.

“And neither am I,” she finished, gently dragging her hoof under Bon Bon's chin.

Bon Bon suppressed the shudder of pleasure that coursed through her body at her lover's touch, shook her head, and spoke again. “Our invitations came!”


Bon Bon nodded excitedly.

Lyra raised an eyebrow. “And you're this excited over a Pinkie party?”

That was interesting. Lyra had never seen her marefriend facehoof so hard.

“No!” Bon Bon sputtered. “Our wedding invitations!”

Lyra's expression went from mildly amused to wide eyed and excited. “Really?”

“Really, really!”

Lyra tackled Bon Bon in a hug, which in and of itself isn't a bad thing; except she had forgotten how close she was to the edge of the bed. Both ponies crashed onto the floor, with Lyra somehow landing on top.

“That's amazing!”

“I know! We have to get ready!”

“We have so much to do... Hey! Can I see them?”

Bon Bon grimaced. “Uh... I kindof just told Derpy to just pass them out. But I remember the design we chose.”

“I know. It was my favorite.” Lyra thought back to that day. It had been a bit messy and awkward at the outset (with a few rocks thrown here and there), but it had ended well, with a nice and tender shot of them together backed by the sunset. She smiled and returned to the present. “I just wanted to hold it, to make it real.”

“Trust me. It's real.”

Lyra lay her head down against the other mare. “It's real,” she repeated.

Bon Bon nodded as she gently ran a hoof through Lyra's mane. “It's real.”

“This calls for a celebration.”

Bon Bon gave Lyra a deadpan look.

“Hey," Lyra defended herself. "We're up early today.”

Bon Bon still glared... but her mask was cracked as Lyra gently kissed her on the forehead, then her nose, then her lips.

“And I can think of the perfect way to celebrate,” Lyra said, before continuing her trail of kisses down her neck, and then her chest, and then...

* * *

“Look, I'm sorry, ok?”

“I know, and it's not entirely your fault, but still!” Bon Bon rushed downstairs in a terrible hurry. She was going to be late opening her shop! It wasn't fair. The chocolate hadn't been mixed yet, the cream hadn't been taken out early enough and would have to thaw longer, she was running out of apples again but what else was new, and most importantly there was no pony behind the counter! She skidded to a halt behind the counter right as the clock struck eight.

“Perfect,” she panted. “Right on time.”

Lyra walked in to stand beside Bon Bon, managing to keep perfectly calm as her marefriend freaked out. “Everything's ready?”


Lyra smirked as her horn glowed and she flipped the door sign to read 'Open'.

“Knew I was forgetting something,” Bon Bon muttered.

Lyra shook her head at Bon Bon's antics. “It's not like anypony is going to come in this early anyway.”

“It's not that I might miss a customer; it's the principle of the thing! I provide a valuable service to every pony here in Ponyville...”

“To me especially,” Lyra added under her breath as a sly smile crossed her face. She flicked Bon Bon's flank with her tail playfully.

Bon Bon chose to ignore that remark, but her cheeks did take on a slightly reddish hue as she continued, “And so it is of the utmost importance that I am here on time and ready to serve.” She sighed with self importance, before her eyes widened in shock. “And since today is Tuesday, in about five minutes, Mrs. Cake will come in for her regular order of...”

She was cut off by the bell on the door ringing, and the entering pony yelling, “Hiya, Bon Bon!”

“Mrs. Cake has lost weight,” Lyra said under her breath, as her eyes met the smaller, pinker, and (defying all logical explanation) slimmer earth pony.

This earned her a glare and a light kick in the ribs. “Good morning, Pinkie,” Bon Bon said, mentally kicking herself for forgetting an order. She decided to attempt to play it off smoothly. “Are you here for the Cakes' order?”

Pinkie Pie smiled one of her trademark super-wide smiles. “Yep! She usually comes herself, but today she asked me to do it.”

Bon Bon turned to begin putting together her order. Usually, she was on top of things well enough to have checked her schedule and to have had it ready to go, but since she was... 'otherwise occupied' this morning, she had to put it together now, and had to make small talk. “Huh. Is she feeling all right?”

“Yep! Though she did look a little sick after seeing your wedding invitation.”

Bon Bon froze with a tray in her mouth. She knew there was no pleasing some ponies—she'd learned that lesson first hoof a long time ago, having cleaned up more than her share of graffiti and eggs off her apartment walls in Canterlot—but still. Ponyville had been fairly accepting of their relationship, but some things just don't ever change.

“Really?” Lyra asked, trying (and failing) to hide her intense interest in this conversation.

Pinkie wasn't looking at either of them, because she was distracted looking at all the displays on the tall counter (it was almost as tall as she was! That was a lot of chocolate! Ooh—what if you built a house made of chocolate? Could you live in it? You would probably end up eating it all first, huh?) and was oblivious to the reactions of the two mares. “Yeah, and then she wouldn't let me see it. She did show Mr. Cake, though, and he looked kindof funny, too. I wonder why?”

Lyra cleared her throat awkwardly. “Well, Pinkie... You know that we're—me and Bon Bon, that is—we're together, right?” (2)

Pinkie met her eyes, smiled, and nodded expectantly.

“Like, together together?”

Pinkie nodded again, the same expectant smile still spread on her face.

Lyra tried again. “No, like, really, really together. Like super special somepony together?”

Pinkie nodded again. “And?”

“Well... you know... some ponies don't like that.”

Pinkie nodded again, still poised as if waiting for something.

“And... that doesn't seem to bother you.” Lyra's voice trailed off flatly.

“Oh, I don't care who you fall in love with,” Pinkie said dismissively, “I just think it's fantastic when ponies do. And I don't think Mrs. Cake cares too much, either, because she has a cousin in Las Pegasus that also likes mares and she doesn't seem to mind. Besides, I've got bigger things to worry about! Like birthday parties to plan! And late night parties to plan! And making sure we don't run out of sugar again because that was really awkward last time.”

Bon Bon cringed as she remembered that day... Being a fellow baker, she was the only pony in town with the sugar reserves that Sugarcube Corner needed. Unfortunately, Pinkie had come during their lunch break—and it wasn't just food they were eating at the time... (3)

Her thoughts were interrupted by a flash of pink and blue as Pinkie lay up against the counter and glared at Bon Bon with one accusing eye. “But I WILL be offended if you don't invite me to your reception,” she growled.

Bon Bon was too taken aback to speak, so Lyra answered. “Actually, we were hoping you would plan it for us.”

Pinkie Pie did a double backflip from a standing position and cheered in triumph—before tackling the two in a hug.

From her new position on the ground underneath the spazzing party pony, Bon Bon looked over at Lyra (who had also been on the receiving end of the tackle) and raised a question. “Wasn't she in front of the counter a second ago? How'd she get back here?”

“Just... don't ask,” Lyra suggested.

Bon Bon lay there for what felt to her like a long time. It had probably only a few seconds, but she had had enough of undesired hugs today, and the day had barely started. “Pinkie? Let me up.”

“Oh. Sorry.” She popped back to her hooves, still vibrating with happiness. “I just got so excited!”

Bon Bon rolled her eyes as she got up, and turned her attention back to the fruit she was dipping. As she completed that set, something occurred to her. “So... you knew about us being together?”

“Yep! And I remember your anniversary, too!”

Bon Bon turned and gave Lyra a look. “Do you, now?” she asked, talking to Pinkie but still looking at Lyra.

Lyra could take a hint. “I first met you April first, late evening, after one of my street concerts. We didn't actually go out on a date until Nightmare Night, and you didn't let me kiss you until two weeks before Hearth's Warming Eve, and then you let me move in on Hearts and Hooves day the next year.”

Mollified (and more than a little bit pleased), Bon Bon turned back to Pinkie, who had continued talking. “But, I mean, it's blindingly obvious for anypony to notice that you two are together together, like the reeeaally together together. I don't know how they wouldn't have known.”

“Yeah,” Lyra mused, remembering some of their fonder times together. Quite a few involved being out in public, just enjoying each other's company. Nothing too physical, of course. At least, not when there were foals around. “It's not like we've been hiding it or anything.”

Pinkie Pie shook her head. “Nope. You're not good at hiding anything.”

Not sure if she should be offended or pleased (and not wanting to risk another tangent), Bon Bon settled for ignoring that comment. She quickly finished the last part of her order, and set the bag on the counter. “Well, there you are. Have a good day, Pinkie.”

“You too! I'd say 'have a good morning', but it looks like you already have.”

Bon Bon flinched. “What's that supposed to mean?” she asked, masking her embarrassment with anger.

Pinkie playfully ran her tongue along the front of her teeth and flicked her tail suggestively, making both Lyra and Bon Bon blush.

“Wh- what makes you think that?” Bon Bon stammered.

Pinkie grinned. “You mean besides the fact that you both have baaaaad makeout mane and you have little red marks on your right flank and Lyra's tail is a mess and that you didn't have my order ready when I got here? Oh, nothing, really. Have a nice day!” And she turned and trotted out of the store. Even from behind, it was obvious that Pinkie was grinning widely and trying hard not to laugh.

Bon Bon turned to Lyra. “You said I looked fine,” she accused.

“You do!”

“Pinkie obviously thinks differently.”

“Pinkie is Pinkie! She thinks a lot of weird things!”

Bon Bon shook her head. “I'm going to go brush my mane and coat. Hold down the fort while I'm gone. Then you go shower, too. I need you to go shopping this morning and I don't want you broadcasting our love life to the whole town.”

Lyra took her spot behind the counter and sighed. Hopefully this didn't bode badly for the rest of the day.

Author's Note:

Spoiler alert: It does.