• Published 16th Feb 2012
  • 2,079 Views, 15 Comments

Lazy Eye for Fluttershy - azile0

Derpy Hooves gets caught in a love triangle.

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Chapter One- The Party

Happy Birthday
Ponyville in high autumn was an extremely beautiful sight. Trees burned with fierce color, their red-gold leaves blown along with the dawn wind driven by the pegasus weather brigade. Derpy Hooves watched in awe as in one gust a tree was completely blown bare. The package in her grip slipped, and subconsciously she dipped to catch it, her gaze never breaking from the trees. Eventually she had to force herself to move, but her lazy eye stayed on the trees for several seconds after she had turned to continue flying.

At this time Fluttershy was awake and tending to her animals. As she pranced lightly between rabbit burrows, bird and squirrel nests, the yellow pegasus was singing sweetly, her voice carried on the wind to the approaching mailpony. Derpy was enchanted by its magical sound. It took her a moment to realize birds were singing along in tune, making a perfect harmony. The lazy-eyed pegasus spotted Fluttershy weaving in and out of a flock of furry or feathered creatures. The pink-maned pegasus’ eyes were half-closed as she immersed herself in her own world.

“The sun is up, it’s time to wake up,

The day is warm and fine.

So come on, my furry little friends,

Get to breakfast on time!”

At the sound of approaching wingbeats, Fluttershy broke herself out of her song and looked over to see Derpy approach and set the package down just inside her yard and land nearby. The gray pegasus grinned a bright, happy grin that made Fluttershy think of one of her dogs that grinned when he accomplished a task. Derpy’s slow but still cheery voice drew her nearer.

“Hey there, miss,” Derpy said, “This package is in for ya.”

Fluttershy smiled her shy, pretty smile. “Thank you, Miss...”

“Derpy, ma’am. Derpy Hooves.”

Oh, right, Fluttershy thought, I’ve seen her around town. Being far out of the way of Ponyville, she didn’t get a lot of mail. She approached and began inspecting the package, a gaudy pink box wrapped in a blue ribbon. It practically screamed out ‘Pinkie was here’. Fluttershy looked up at Derpy and noticed something odd. One of Derpy’s eyes seemed to trail just behind the other in a wavy and incoherent pattern- as if it had a mind of its own. The gray pegasus was looking around Fluttershy’s property, fascinated by all of the animals wandering around.

“They’re all so cute!” said Derpy. As a flock of birds took off, she moved her head quickly to one side to follow them. Her lazy eye trailed along at its own pace, taking time to admire the scenery. Fluttershy then saw Derpy’s gaze follow the bunnies as they began to hop to their favorite grazing area. The yellow pegasus smiled when she saw Derpy bobbing her head in step with them. Since the gray pegasus didn’t seem to be in any hurry to leave, Fluttershy decided to try and strike up a conversation. She was always happy to make new friends. But then something occurred to her.

“Derpy, um.” she said in her quiet ‘I don’t mean to be rude BUT’ voice, “Isn’t it Sunday? There isn’t supposed to be mail today.” This got Derpy’s attention, who gave Fluttershy a ‘I know a secret and I’m not telling’ look; however, she did give up a hint. “Special delivery. Go ahead and open the package, Miss Fluttershy!”

“Just Fluttershy, please.” the gentle pony replied humbly. Biting the string off the top of the box, it burst open like a jack-in-the-box and sent six balloons flying into the sky. Fluttershy shrieked in surprise, leaping back and huddling behind her wings. Derpy watched, her mouth open as the balloons floated up and away. She noticed that they were each a different color: one was white with a purple srtipe, another purple with a black stripe, and the others were pink, cyan with a rainbow stripe, pale yellow with a pink stripe and orange with a straw-yellow stripe. Even as they floated away, the gray mailpony could see smiley faces drawn on them.

After a few seconds of staring at the escaping helium-devils, Derpy noticed Fluttershy. Worried, the mailpony flapped her wings to become airborne and glided over next to her, draping a wing over the trembling pony. “Hey, it’s okay,” she said soothingly, “Look at the box now.” Peeping between Derpy’s feathers, Fluttershy saw the box had unfolded and was now laying flat. Confetti fell like rain around a cake that lay on a plate, already cut into six slices. It was frosted white, but the inside was orange and brown. Fluttershy also saw five other ponies approaching her house. She stopped trembling when she recognized them: Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. A baby dragon was riding on the librarian’s back, waving.

When they got close, Pinkie became excited, bouncing up and down and cheering. “Happy birthday, Fluttershy! Did you like the balloons? It was really really really hard to get them in the box! I had to steal some of Twilight’s Magic-” she lowered her voice to sound sneaky, but everypony heard her anyway “Don’t tell her.” Twilight tried to demand an explanation, but Applejack cut her off with a flick of the tail.
“Happy birthday, sugarcube. Hope Pinkie’s prank didn’t scare you too much. But it looks like it worked out alright,” she finished with a smirk, noticing Derpy and Fluttershy standing so close together.

Fluttershy blushed, but didn’t move away. The yellow pegasus noticed Rainbow Dash glare at Derpy, but she didn’t get a chance to mention it. The mailpony nudged her towards the cake and said, “Happy birthday, miss Fluttershy. Have a good day.” The mailpony backed off from the yellow pegasus to get some wingspace before taking off and beginning to fly away. A pang of loneliness suddenly hit her as she flew. She hadn’t been to a party in.. A long time. She didn’t have the kind of friends who would throw her one. In fact, she didn’t have any friends. Not after he left, and took away her confidence and her vision. But he had given her something. Dinky.

Thinking of her daughter cheered her up, as it always did. She was so lost in thought that she almost missed Fluttershy’s soft voice over the sound of her wings. “Wait, Derpy..” She looked back and saw the yellow pony laying on the ground in a circle with her friends. The other ponies were busy eating their cake, but Fluttershy had saved half of her slice. Fluttershy tossed her head towards the ground nearby, her pink mane making a swish sound. The gray pegasus floated in the air for a moment before turning back. She had to fly away slightly so she could have enough room to glide in without blowing dust in their faces

Landing between Fluttershy and Rarity, Derpy laid down on the lush grass. Her belly itched for a moment, but the sensation passed. Fluttershy pushed half of her slice of cake in front of the gray pegasus. Derpy waited for both of her eyes to lock onto the morsel, then took a bite. It was delicious! “Pinkie Pie made it,” Fluttershy said. Derpy turned her eyes up to the party pony and smiled. Pinkie grinned back. She had been waiting to share the recipe all day.

“Yep! It’s made of apples, carrots, chocolate and friendship!” The party pony began rambling about her cake. Derpy had never heard a pony talk to fast. Pinkie’s words seemed to meld together into one long sentence. “See, when I was thinking of the perfect cake for today, I thought to myself, ‘It’s gotta be good. More than good, it’s gotta’ be great! More than great, it’s gotta’ be fantastic! More than-”

Rarity interceded. “Yes, dear, we understand.” Pinkie’s mane deflated slightly at the interruption, but when she saw Derpy take a bite it filled up with manic energy again. The gray pegasus had never tasted such divine cake. Each bite seemed to taste slightly different, so every new mouthful was an adventure. The overpowering taste of carrots sat heavy on the tongue, but as she chewed the apples and chocolate would blend into a fantastic mosaic of sweet, bitter and savory.

Derpy and Fluttershy shared the last of the cake in a battle of generosity. Neither pony wanted to take more than the other. The other ponies, with the exception of Rainbow Dash, watched in amusement as the pegasi would quietly debate over who has had more cake. ‘No, I had the last bite. You go on.’ was quickly followed by ‘But I had half before you even got here’, and so on.

There was nothing left on the plate but crumbs, now. Neither pony wanted to leav so much uneaten cake, so they began to distribute the tiny chunks of bread and frosting. It quickly became apparent that this would be a battle in itself as both ponies wanted to give the other more crumbs than themselves.

“It’s your birthday,” Derpy said resolutely. The other ponies noticed that her voice was just slightly slower than other ponies, and they found themselves hanging on the edge of each word. Derpy glared, one eye steadily locked on Fluttershy, but the other one struggled to stay straight. It wobbled up and down, overcompensating for each direction.

“Yes, but I’m sure I had more already,” replied Fluttershy. The yellow pegasus was giving Derpy the closest thing to a glare as she could manage; however, it came out as more of a ‘bad indigestion’ look. Her mouth was downturned in a weak frown that only enhanced the look.

Unable to stand any more of the passive-aggressive food sharing, Rainbow Dash jumped to her feet with an exasperated sigh. “Look, just split the crumbs evenly and finish up! We’ve been waiting for five min- Uck!”

Applejack hooked the cyan pegasus around the waist with her foreleg and yanked her back. Her intervention came too late, as both Derpy and Fluttershy were looking up at them and noticing for the first time that their friends’ plates were clean. “Uh, don’t mind her, you two. Go ahead and take yer time.” said Applejack, trying to salvage an already bad situation.

Looking back at each other, the yellow and gray pegasi smiled and drew an even split down the middle of their crumb pile. Then, in unison, they bent over and licked them up. Enough crumbs for each of them to get a final taste of Pinkie’s most creative confection. Waves of ecstasy rolled through their bodies. Their plates gleamed in the morning sunlight, completely free of food.

Derpy looked up at the sky. The sun had risen above the trees, and they basked in the warm glow of its golden light. She had told Dinky that she’d be home at least a half-hour ago. She stood up and stretched her legs, and sighed as she felt the tension dissipate. Smiling at the group, she said, “I’m going to head home and tell my daughter I’ll be out for the day. I’ll be back in a half-hour or so.” The other ponies in the circle waved goodbye. Dash looked pleased to see her leave.

Derpy got a running start before leaping into the air and beating her wings to get her moving. She pitied unicorns and earth ponies, they would never know the joys of flying. Her powerful wings surged up and down, carrying her effortlessly through the air. Before her eyesight was crippled she could hold her own in any race. Carrying heavy mail sacks all day had given her lean, strong wings.

Fluttershy watched her new friend disappear into the distance, and turned back to the group when Derpy was no more than a black smudge. Rarity caught her gaze and smiled. Fluttershy returned it meekly. Rarity’s horn glowed as she cast their private mindspeak spell.
I know that look, said Rarity telepathically to Fluttershy. What’s on your mind?

That pony.. Fluttershy replied, She was really nice. But did you see that scar on her right temple next to her lazy eye? I don’t think she was born like that.

You’re right, dear. And don’t think I didn’t notice the way you two were smiling at each other. You like her, don’t you?

Fluttershy blushed and remained silent. Twilight Sparkle raised her eyebrows, sensing the magic between the white and yellow ponies. The librarian pony briefly wondered what they were doing, but put it out of her mind when Pinkie asked her a question.

Dust rose around Derpy’s hooves as she landed in front of the post office. Dinky was playing out front with her friends Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. The four fillies were on yet another quest to make their cutie marks appear. From what the gray pegasus could tell, this mostly involved running in circles and getting dirty. When Dinky spotted her mother, she bounded over happily. The other fillies waved.

“Hey, honey.” Derpy said, pressing her forehead to her daughter’s. The purple unicorn’s horn was smooth as polished marble and cool to the touch. Dinky nuzzled back, their blond manes flowing together.

“Hey, mom. Turns out my talent isn’t making tornadoes.” Dinky said, wobbling slightly from dizziness. She closed her eyes for a moment and put a hoof on her mother’s shoulder to help get her balance back. Her mother took this as a chance to attack.

Dinky and her mother had a running game going where one pony would exercise their racial differences to play with the other. In this case, Derpy seized her daughter and shot into the air. Dinky laughed and giggled as her mother clutched her to her chest and began to fly through the air. At the height of one spin, Dinky stopped breathing and let the world wash over her.

Her mother’s arms and knees locked her into a protective cage as they flew. With each stroke of her wings, Derpy’s chest would deflate and then expand when she took another breath. The rhythm lulled Dinky into a light doze. She raised her hoof and stroked her mother’s chest, and at once they entered a dive, spinning towards the ground. Dinky became dizzy with the sensation of freefall.

She felt heavy when Derpy pulled up out of the dive, as they decelerated. From her cage, the unicorn could see they were circling around the post office. Her friends were laughing and cheering below.

“Man, she can fly almost as good as Rainbow Dash!” exclaimed Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom nodded, watching with wide eyes.

“Even with that weird eye..” the red-maned filly said without thinking. She felt bad about saying it immediately after, but luckily neither of her friends seemed to hear.

Derpy carried her daughter with pride. The bundle in her arms was her pride and joy, the finest piece of work she had ever created. Tucking her wings in for a final spiral back down to the ground, she considered writing another poem about it. Her home was already strewn with dozens of poems about her daughter. Her heart felt ready to burst with love every time she saw Dinky and her blond mane, and the only way to relieve the pressure was to write about it.

The gray pegasus swooped over the ground and pulled up sharply, tossing her daughter a short ways forward. Dinky landed on all four hooves, to the cheering of her friends. Derpy landed nearby and walked back to her daughter. Mother and daughter nuzzled, and Derpy muttered,

“I’m going to a friend’s party. I’ll be back tonight, okay? Scootaloo’s been asking to have you stay the night for a long time, right? Go ahead and do that.” Dinky was too surprised to say anything. Her mother had never gone to a friend’s party. In fact, the unicorn didn’t even know her mother had friends. Nuggets of hope blossomed in Dinky’s heart. Her mother was finally moving on since her father was arrested.

“Okay, mom.” she managed. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

Derpy nodded. She started to stand straight, but Dinky threw her hooves around the pegasus’ neck and kissed her cheek. “Love you, mom.”

Tears welled up in Derpy’s eyes. “Love you too, muffin.”

The mailpony trotted a way from the group before leaping into the air. A giant plume of dust billowed out from where she took off. Scootaloo oohed and ahhed as Derpy spiraled and looped. “Wow,” the orange filly said, “Your mom is a really good flier.” Dinky nodded. Yes, she was.

Derpy soared high above Equestria, almost touching the clouds. She wasn’t in a huge rush to return to the party, and flying near the clouds was the best way to kill time. Morning was reaching its peak, and noon was only a few hours away. Far below, the gray pegasus kept her eyes in sync long enough to find Fluttershy’s house. The ponies had moved the party inside, so she flew straight up, tucked her right wing to her side, and banked to her left. The ground opened up before her like a second sky as she plummeted head-first in a steep dive.

Tucking her other wing to her side, Derpy dropped like a stone. This was her favorite maneuver, and one she hadn’t been able to do since she became a mailmare. Her insides felt like they were being dragged into her hooves, and her lazy eye fell further out of sync; it didn’t matter, since her eyes were closed. The wind blasted past her ears in a deafening roar, but she could hear the faint echo of the approaching ground. Her body was locked in tight- wings by her side, hooves tucked to her chest, eyes firmly shut.

The pitch of the wind changed, got lower. That was her cue. Derpy unfurled her wings, stretched her hooves in front of her and snapped her eyes open. She was still a few hundred feet off the ground, but the house was dead ahead. She gradually pulled out of the dive until she was flying parallel to the ground, just a few inches away from the dirt. Her lazy eye was lolling to the side, but she only needed her one good eye to avoid the shrubs and trees between her and her goal. Fluttershy’s house loomed in front of her. w

She was flying straight at the side of the house at breakneck speed, blades of grass whipping against her belly. Before she smacked into the tree that formed the house (which would probably have blown the building apart) she banked right. The bridge crossing the moat whipped past her. Inside the house, she saw a few pony shapes. Someone was home, anyway.

Looping back, the gray pegasus began to spiral around the house to kill speed. Her muscles trembled with exhaustion, but she flew steadily until she collapsed to the ground in front of Fluttershy’s door. Moments later, the yellow pegasus opened the door.

“That was great! Oh my,” she said, when she saw the exhausted pony, “You should come in.” The pink-maned pony ducked under one of Derpy’s hooves and helped the mailpony into the living room where the party had moved to. They had been lounging on the carpet, talking and telling jokes. A cheer went up when Derpy entered.

“Wow!” said Twilight, “That was a really cool move! The windows were rattling when you went by.”

Rainbow Dash was the only one who wasn’t impressed. “Not that big of a deal..” she muttered, but nobody seemed to hear her. Fluttershy helped the mailpony lie down on a soft bit of fabric. The gray pegasus sighed.

“I haven’t done that in a looooong time~” she said wistfully. The carpet under Derpy’s belly was soft and warm. A cupcake was presented before her on a white porcelain plate. Pinkie Pie was beaming at her, anxious for the mailpony to take a bite. Derpy raised her eyebrows.

“Another one of your experiments?” she asked, suddenly slightly nervous. Pinkie was notorious for her ‘hit and miss’ experiments. The hits were always delicious, but the misses were sometimes hazardous. Applejack once found herself in the hospital because of Pinkie’s ‘Super-Duper Knockout Spicy Cake’.

Going against her better judgment, the gray pegasus took a bite of the cupcake. The outside was a non-descript white, but as soon as her teeth broke through the frosting the cupcake exploded. Balloons burst out of the cupcake like they had burst from the cake box earlier. They had the same color scheme as the previous balloons: one was white with a purple srtipe, another purple with a black stripe, and the others were pink, cyan with a rainbow stripe, pale yellow with a pink stripe and orange with a straw-yellow stripe. They also had smiley faces drawn on them.

Everypony except for Pinkie Pie and Spike leaped back. Even Derpy was on her feet, with cupcake frosting covering her face. Her right eye was trying to roll back into her head, which gave her a piercing headache.

“Pinkie!” Rarity yowled, “You simply MUST stop making balloons explode out of benign objects!”

Pinkie Pie seemed indignant, “But I had so much leftover magic after I did the box, I wanted to use the rest of it up!”

This time, Applejack didn’t interrupt as Twilight demanded, “How in Celestia’s name did you steal my magic!?”

Pinkie rolled her eyes sarcastically. “I used a magic extractor, duh.”

This explanation answered none of Twilight’s questions, but she realized she was trying to get blood from a stone. Instead, she turned her attention to the balloons hovering around the ceiling. Their blank stares and smiling mouths were slightly unnerving. Spike was the one to point out,

“Are those ponies supposed to be you guys?” And once the connection was made, each pony was able to identify their own likeness. The party pony then released a new balloon: it was gray with a yellow stripe. Its eyes were crossed. Derpy looked at Pinkie in surprise, but the pink earth pony just smiled and shrugged.

The party rolled on, and Applejack removed a dozen pies from her saddlebags near the door. With a little magical assistance from Twilight and Rarity, the pies became piping hot once again; however, on the first bite Twilight realized they had made the pies too hot. A moan went up from the group. Pinkie Pie was the most vocal, adopting a very Rarity-like melodramatic swoon.

“Why don’t we open presents, instead?” Applejack offered. There was a general consensus. Twilight nodded, and then her horn began to glow. A sound like distant windchimes was followed by a stack of presents appearing in the center of the room with a ‘Poof!’. Fluttershy walked over to the multi-colored stack.

Fluttershy picked a present out of the pile at random. It was a plain green box with apple print. On top of the box was a notecard that read, “From your favorite Applejack”. The earth pony had gotten Fluttershy a wooden bunny figurine. Derpy had never seen a more detailed piece of woodwork. The craftpony had taken the time to chisel each whisker, each tuft of fur, and its eyes seemed to sparkle with a living glow. “Ah made it myself,” she proclaimed proudly. Fluttershy beamed and placed it on top of the shelf in the middle of the room. A stream of ‘Thank You’s and ‘Oh, I Just Love It’s flowed from her.

Rarity’s present came next. The box was a white cylinder that was filled with fluffy packing paper. Within the protective stuffing was a stunning silver tiara. The metal was smooth and curved, studded with pink diamonds. “Put it on, darling.” said Rarity. Fltutershy picked up the jewelry and placed it on her forehead. As soon as it was on, the diamonds began to glow. Fluttershy’s fur rippled as the accumulated dust and grime of the day vanished. In a few seconds, Fluttershy’s pelt gleamed with a pristine glow. Fluttershy shuddered as she was bathed magically, and she stretched out her wings. Against Derpy’s face, the yellow pegasus’ feathers were silky soft and smelled of roses. Fluttershy gasped with delight. “Oh, Rarity! I love it!”

She removed the tiara and placed it inside of the glass case containing her Gala dress, the tiara continued to glow with pink light, and the Gala dress shimmered as the tiara cleaned and polished the already exquisite dress. Everypony in the room kept glancing back at it, and each time it seemed to look more beautiful and vibrant.

Twilight’s present was, predictably, five books. But as Fluttershy examined them, she realized they were the most popular suspense series in Equestria next to Daring Do. Fluttershy had wanted to get her hooves on them for ages, but the nearest bookstore to carry them was in Manehattan. The series was titled ‘Discovery’ and was about a colt who grew up in a small town and was working to discover who killed his parents. Fluttershy placed the books on the bookshelf, in a place where she would see them often and remind herself to read.

Rainbow Dash’s gift was surprising, considering her personality: A seed. It sat within a finely crafted wooden box. “It’s a cloud tree,” Rainbow said. “It grows cloudfruit, which are really sweet fruit filled with mist. “ Placing the box near the door, Fluttershy said that she would plant it later that day. Rainbow seemed pleased with the birthday pony’s reaction.

The final present was from Pinkie Pie. The box was a gaudy, fuzzy pink and before Fluttershy could open it with her hooves, Pinkie stopped her. “No, no no! You gotta EAT the box!” Fluttershy blinked in confusion. Then she cautiously licked the box. She sucked on her tongue afterwards then took a large bite. Fibers of sugary cotton candy came loose in her mouth. Leave it to Pinkie Pie to make a box out of candy. When Fluttershy saw what was inside the box, she stopped in her tracks. A grin broke out across her face.

“Pinkie Pie!” she exclaimed, seizing the box and tearing it apart. Wispy tufts of cotton candy were thrown across the room in Fluttershy’s uncharacteristic frenzy. Inside was the most dazzling hairpiece any pony in the room (excluding Rarity) had ever seen. It was made out of a green stone shaped into a flower. The inside of the flower was made of a blue stone that absorbed the light around it to make the flower seem alive and full of shadows. It contrasted with her pink mane but at the same time augmented it.

The group blinked. One by one, grins covered their faces. Rainbow Dash and Derpy blushed deeply as Fluttershy showed off her new jewelry. The yellow pegasus swept her mane to one side and the flower caught a beam of sunlight. The green part of the piece glinted emerald green, deep and luscious. The blue centerpiece still seemed to drink in the light, remaining a dark and lovely blue. But when Fluttershy’s head moved into the shadows again, the blue center of the flower released the light it had been accumulating.

The flower glowed with a blue, shimmering light. It made Fluttershy’s entire body radiate with peaceful eminence. Within the flower, a soft white sparkle glimmered. Pinkie seemed the most impressed with the gemstone.

“You know when I said I used all of the stolen magic on the balloons?” she said
breathlessly, “Yeah, I didn’t. I actually used it all on that.”

“Pinkie Pie..” breathed Rarity, “When you requested the jade flower with a sapphire core, I knew you had something in mind. But this...” she trailed off. All eyes were wide, fixed on the beautiful sight of Fluttershy standing in the noon sunlight with the enchanted hairpiece making her glow with a subtle blue light.

Fluttershy stood, totally enraptured by her reflection in the mirror. She tilted her head each way, examining her present. Nopony was smiling, but every one of them felt joyful emotions building in their hearts. Derpy was the one who broke the silence. She said what they were all thinking.

“Fluttershy, you’re beautiful.”

Everypony in the group nodded numbly. Fluttershy had always held a cute demeanor, but now she was bathed in another light entirely. Derpy’s words shook them out of the thick of their stupor; the party continued once the trash was cleaned up. In the interest of avoiding distracting her friends all night, she placed the hairpiece with the tiara and her Gala dress. It returned to being dark, solemn flower.

Pinkie retrieved her ‘Party-To-Go’ kit and soon had tables full of cookies and cupcakes laid out. The now pleasantly warm apple pie was placed there as well, and hungry ponies took fresh slices.

Pinkie and Applejack had a knack for making snacks that tasted great and didn’t make you feel sick. You could fill up on their sugary delights and be hungry again in a few hours. Since Pinkie only used natural, local ingredients they were all incredibly healthy. In this case, Derpy had never tasted such divine apple pie. The crust had an earthy taste and it crumbled in her mouth. The pie filling was rich and sweet, surrounding her tongue and assaulting it with fabulous taste. Like with the cake earlier, Derpy savored each bite for several seconds before swallowing.

Fluttershy and Derpy began chatting over a slice of pie with a cup of apple cider- Applejack’s strongest booze, not the public apple juice variety. Eventually they wandered off on their own and talked quietly. Hours began to roll by as they sat on the couch and talked. One by one the group left. First to go was Applejack, who promised to help Applebloom with another one of her cutie mark schemes. Twilight was the next to leave, taking Spike with her. She said she needed to begin composing a letter to Celestia about a personal matter.

Pinkie Pie left when Rarity whispered something in her ear. That left the fashionista pony alone with Rainbow Dash, who was sulking in the corner and throwing moody glances at the two pegasi talking quietly on the couch.

“So, um,” Fluttershy began, looking down at the couch shyly. Derpy had seen her staring at her scar and lazy eye. “What happened? If you want to talk about it, anyway. I mean, you don’t have to you don’t want to.”

The gray pegasus sighed. Her scar began throbbing as memories of that painful day began filtering back into her mind. Instead of answering directly, she said,

“I’ll tell you.. If you’ll agree to having dinner with me tomorrow night. As a date.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened into huge circles, a blush staining her face a magnificent shade of red. Then she whispered, “Yes.. I mean,” she cleared her throat, “I’d love to.” She looked back up at Derpy and smiled a bashful smile. The mailpony pressed her forehead to Fluttershy’s, and began to tell the story of how she got her lazy eye.