• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 36,241 Views, 2,154 Comments

Celestia's Tiny Student - CommanderX5

Twilight is unable to control her powers during the entrance exam to the School for Talented Unicorns, and in order to reduce the damage caused by her power surges, Celestia shrinks her down until she would later learn how to control her powers.

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Bonus Ch - My Little Medic

Celestia’s Tiny Student


Bonus Chapter

My Little Medic

When the landing pad emptied, leaving only Celestia, Spitfire, Spike, Twilight and three shackled Wonderbolts, the alicorn stomped her hoof with sharp CLANG. “What are your names!?”

Two of the shackled pegasi gulped as their relaxed friend pushed forward to speak for the group. “My name is Whirlwind, Your Highness.” He tried to point his hoof towards his friends, only for the chains to remind him of the situation he was in. “The stallion on my left side’s name is Winter Wonder, while the mare on my right is called Hurricane.”

Celestia turned to Spitfire and asked, “What are their charges?”

“Mental and physical assault against your student, Your Highness,” Spitfire said when suddenly Twilight appeared on the captain’s muzzle in a flash, standing on her rear hooves as she tried to get her mentor’s attention.

“Actually, it was kind of my fault,” Twilight said, “I got angry at their teasing and pushed one of them with my levitation, they just defended themselves!”

Spitfire, now forced to look at Twilight cross eyed, cleared her throat, not realizing that the action would cause the little mare to fall on her flank and try to anchor her rear hooves against the sides of her muzzle. “They provoked you, Twilight, and the idea of them defending themselves against a mare of your size is just stupid.”

“Wait, so you three hurt Twilight?” Spike asked with half-closed eyes and a stomp of his leg as smoke emerged from his nostrils. “Why would you do that you jerks?”

Whirlwind frowned at the insult and answered sharply, “For being a showoff. She levitated herself around as if she owned this place. I would not tolerate a tiny brat who decides to show everyone how superior unicorns are to pegasi, especially in our very headquarters.” Spike lunged at Whirlwind for calling his mom a brat, but was quickly pulled away by Twilight’s magic while the two Wonderbolts behind their representative bit their lips and started to sweat. Whirlwind frowned before continuing, “All we did was put that little rat in her place so she wouldn’t bother our captain for the next month.”

Spitfire stomped both of her hooves as Hurricane flinched, though Whirlwind stood his ground with a passive expression. “Because of you, Twilight was avoiding me like the plague for an entire week! If you want to keep your rank in the Wonderbolts, don’t do me any favors ever again, is that clear?” Spitfire shouted, but her speech brought about the opposite effect she had hoped for, as the Wonderbolt just gave her a satisfied smile. As Captain of the Wonderbolts, she knew her subordinates better than anypony else, and what she admired in Whirlwind was his honesty as he always spoke his mind, but his attitude always angered her.

Celestia cleared her throat to capture everyone’s attention and spoke, “I think I’ve heard enough. Guards!” The two pegasi on her side saluted as she pointed her hoof at the trio of Wonderbolts and added, “Escort them to Canterlot and lock them in an interrogation room. I will decide a proper punishment on my way back.”

The guards looked at eachother, wondering if it was safe to leave the Princess unguarded, when suddenly a purple flash appearing over Celestia's nose, catching their attention. Celestia narrowed her eyes at Twilight, who was now standing on her rear-hooves, forelegs curled under her neck and staring at the alicorn with wide eyes. “Please go easy on them Princess! It was just teasing, and I hardly felt anything when they pressed me against the bed, please!”

Despite her sharp and strong mind, Celestia could hardly resist the puppy stare of her student, more or less refuse her plea. She was about to answer, but Whirlwind beat her to the punch. “That’s right, it was just some harmless teasing, just like your pet said, Your Highn–” His speech was cut of by his teammates, who shoved their hooves on his mouth as much as their shackles allowed them to, which resulted in some rather awkward positioning.

“Please, do not listen to him, Princess. He is not thinking clearly, lack of sleep and all,” Hurricane spoke.

“Yeah, he probably drank far too many hard ciders last night,” added Winter Wonder, only to get a ‘shut up’ glare from Hurricane while Spitfire face hoofed.

Celestia raised her eyebrow before levitating Twilight onto Spike’s head and said, “I think I’ve heard more than enough.” As the alicorn was about to capture the trio in her levitation field, with her attention focused on the most talkative one, she was beaten to it. Celestia could only stare at the awkwardly levitating Wonderbolts who looked back at her from their upside down position.

“You may not like me, you may not respect me, but there is only so much rudeness I can take. I am Twilight Sparkle, the Princess’s Protege, and I am like this because of my talent, power, and hard work!” Twilight shouted while giving the trio an enraged glare. “Would a pet or a living toy the size of a large rat be capable of levitating you all in front of the princess?” Upon noticing their shaking heads, a golden aura replaced her lavender one. Twilight released her breath as her frustration receded. Spike quickly fist-bumped her for showing the bullies who the boss is, though the little mare hesitated, realising what she had just done. Twilight turned towards her mentor who looked at her with an amused smile. She bowed and said, “I apologize for my outburst, Your Highness. I let my pride get the best of me. I didn’t mean to lash out like that, and I still forgive them, please, I beg y–” but was cut off by the gesture of Celestia’s regal hoof.

The proud alicorn looked down at Twilight and spoke, “I will take your plea to go easy on them into consideration, Twilight. Rest assured,” Celestia then turned towards her prisoners, speaking fervently, “You three should be thankful for my student. If it wasn’t for her, I would not tolerate such a lack of respect in as prestigious an organization as the Wonderbolts.” She smirked towards the one who called her student a pet. He will make a wonderful target for practice. Hopefully it will teach him a lesson or two.

The rest of the Wonderbolts, now in clean uniforms and Soarin' no longer in his pajamas, landed at the platform, achieving a new academy record for cleaning and changing clothes, only to take a step back at the scene in front of them. Princess Celestia continued without pausing, “-For the disrespectful act of mental and physical violence against my student, I am personally going to escort Winter Wonder, Hurricane and,” her glare hardened, “Whirlwind... to Canterlot Castle. There I shall contemplate their punishment.” The group’s attention focused on Twilight, who tried to hide behind Spike’s head by hanging to his scales, as the princess knelt to her student and spread her wing. “Hop on Twilight. Your studies regarding pegasus magic are over. Let’s return to the castle so you can share your experiences and learned lessons with me.”

Celestia waited patiently for Twilight to climb up on her wing, but the little mare didn’t budge. She became concerned as it was evident that Twilight was not moving. Perturbed, she asked, “Is something wrong, Twilight? I already told you that I will not be to harsh on those who wronged you.”

As the sad smile on her student’s face didn’t change, it made the alicorn uneasy. She moved her wing to lightly stroke her student’s back and asked, “Whatever is bothering you? Please tell me.”

Noticing her little friend’s hesitation, Spitfire walked closer and spoke, “Your Highness, I have a request that involves your student.” Celestia looked between Twilight and the captain before she nodded. Spitfire continued, “I would like to ask for your permission to let Twilight work for me… as a medic.”

Celestia blinked in confusion, her muzzle almost touching Twilight’s face as she searched for confirmation. Her student just nodded and said, “Can I, Princess? I know that I still have a lot to learn, but I never had a chance to put my knowledge and power to use. Working as a medic will help me learn more about pegasus magic and anatomy first-hoof.” Twilight’s hold on Spike’s scales strengthened as he started to move his head. Surely the idea of being without Twilight any longer didn’t please him.

Celestia rose her head to Spitfire’s level and asked, “Are you sure that my student can handle this responsibility, Captain? Twilight was not planning to dispel the effect of the shrinking spell anytime soon.”

Spitfire nodded and said, “I am confident in her abilities, and that her size will help her perform hazardous operations.”

“I promise to work hard, Princess. But if you don’t want me to…” Twilight added as Celestia closed her eyes, losing herself to a storm of thoughts.

There is only one year before my sister’s return, I need Twilight in Canterlot on standby by then… but I cannot hold my student back, and she can learn a lot about teamwork from the Wonderbolts… surely such lessons would help her befriend the other potential bearers that live in Ponyville...

The group of Wonderbolts began whispering to one another while Soarin' started to bite his own hooves as they awaited Celestia’s decision. As the silence ensued, Spike decided to break it. “You can’t be serious, Twilight. You left me for an entire month, and now this?” He frowned and crossed his arms, annoyed that his mom was attached to the back of his head and yet, she’s still out of his reach.

Twilight climbed onto his head and stroke it before moving to the edge. “Sorry Spike, I should’ve considered your feelings first, but what would you say about accompanying me… as a medic assistant?”

Spike’s mood lightened up like lava in an erupting volcano as his eyes looked up at Twilight’s head. “Really? I can really stay?”

“If the princess agrees, that is.”

Celestia looked down at Spike’s pleading expression, though compared to Twilight’s, it was nowhere near as effective. Suddenly her eyes opened wide as an idea struck her. Celestia knelt, her horn surrounded by a golden aura as she send wave of magic through the confused drake, while Twilight started to examine the spell with a thoughtful expression. “What was that?” Spike asked.

Celestia smirked. “You will find out in a moment,” she stated, levitating a small piece of a Wonderbolts’ uniform, only for it to disintegrate mid air. Suddenly Spike burped as the same uniform part appeared from his green flames. “S-sorry.. wait, what just happened?”

“Woow…” Twilight said, her mouth agape. “I have never seen a teleportation spell like this before. How did you do it, Princess?”

Celestia didn’t responded as she levitated the piece of material back to Spike and pointed at it. “Now Spike, I want you to blow your flames at this material, but while doing so, think about sending it to me. The spell should recognize your desire and work accordingly.”

Spike nodded and did as he was told, only for the piece of clothing to disappear and then rematerialize in front of the princess.

After receiving several stares, pleading for an explanation, she spoke, “I have enhanced your flames, Spike. Thanks to this, we can communicate with one another. I am counting on you to keep Twilight company on her new job and send me her letters with reports on her progress.”

The alicorn giggled as she could swear that Spike’s and Twilight’s eyes were filled with stars. No words were needed as their expressions told her that she made the right choice. With her attention focused on Spitfire, she spoke, “While I agreed to let Twilight work for you, Spitfire, as it will be very beneficial for her, Twilight’s studies under my guidance are not yet over. I will expect her to return to the castle in half a year. Do you find these terms satisfactory?”

After receiving a nod, Celestia spread her wings and embraced Spike and Twilight, pressing the drake against her chest while the tips of her wings moved Twilight up to her muzzle. She nuzzled her student who returned it affectionately before hugging princess's muzzle in a firm hold.

“Even though I missed you princess, and will miss you even more for the next six months… Thank you! I will work really hard and report my progress regularly!”

Spike blushed and pushed himself out of the group hug. Although he felt warm and safe between Celestia’s strong wing and soft chest, he also felt slightly embarrassed. “Yea, thanks. And if somepony would dare tease or capture Twilight, I’ll burn their flank!”

Celestia chuckled before releasing her student and her adoptive son as Twilight landed on Spike’s head. “I am sure you will. Now, if you'll excuse me,” she said before pointing her hoof at the still awkwardly levitated Wonderbolts. “I have some lessons to teach.”

Twilight and Spike waved goodbye as Celestia took off, her guards and levitated Wonderbolts by her side. The little unicorn kept waving until she felt a hoof pat her on the back, almost throwing her off Spike’s head, her forelegs grabbing his scales just in time.

“Welcome aboard Twilight, or should I say, Miss Wonderbolt Medic,” Spitfire said with an encouraging tone as the captain’s hoof straightened towards her. With growing excitement, Twilight embraced the hoof and shook it energetically, only to feel Spitfire’s muzzle touching her ear as she whispered, “By the way, congratulation on standing up for yourself. I knew you had guts when it came to facing dangers, but to stand up against those who bullied you takes real courage.”

Twilight lowered her head slightly as her ears drooped. “I… I didn’t mean too. I had forgiven them for bullying me, but when he called me the Princess’s pet, in front of her… I… I just couldn’t restrain myself."

“I take it that was not the first time somepony called you like that?”

Twilight nodded in response and said depressingly, “The nobles often did until after Blueblood’s party, and it always really hurt. I always tried to not be angry, but…”

“I understand. It is not good to bottle your emotions inside. No matter how humble you may be, sometimes you must defend your pride,” Spitfire said as Twilight’s smile returned to her the moment she heard the clapping of somepony’s hooves. The smile vanished in an instant as only Soarin' was clapping for her accomplishment, while almost every other Wonderbolt looked at her with open hostility and distrust. Ears flattened against her lowered head and her confidence crushed, she gulped as her fears that the other Wonderbolts may dislike or even hate her became reality.

Author's Note:

I would like to inform everyone that a sidestory "My Little Medic" is now complite.

This sidestory expand upon the events between chapter 20 "Camping Trip" and chapter 21 "Twilight's Birthday" where Twilight work for the Wonderbolts as a medic. While the quality of this sidestory is not as high as in main stories, for those who are interested in reading about Twilight's adventures as a medic, here is the link: "My Little Medic"