• Published 28th May 2013
  • 5,712 Views, 346 Comments

Flu Season - The Fields of Ice

The flu, a simple annoying virus we catch every winter. Something we've come to see as common. However, this misconception will prove to be utterly false for all of Equestria, and maybe the world. For this is the story of the next great pandemic

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Chapter Three: Epidemic

Day Nine
Infected: 353,175
Dead: 159,582

Sweetie Belle awoke this morning, from a rather pleasant dream. It was about a day, not too long ago, that her and Spike had decided to put off their plans and just go out for the day. It brought a smile to her face, thinking about the memory. However, she quickly adjusted to the present upon realizing that she had not awoken in her bed, but Applebloom’s.

Sweetie Belle yawned and stretched before making her way out of bed and downstairs. Once she had entered the living room, she saw Spike and Applejack discussing something. As she drew closer, she could begin to hear what was being said.

“Applejack,” began Spike, “I don’t want to freak you out, but if things get too bad in Manehatten, we may have to come out here. I just need to know that you’re okay with that.”

The orange cowpony nodded. “Of course, Spike. You and Sweetie Belle are always welcome here. And don’t ya worry about eating our food. We’ve got enough to last two dozen ponies a year.”

Spike smiled. “Just make sure to stay safe, okay AJ?”

“Okay Spike,” she replied before the two embraced.

Sweetie Belle was a little confused as to why she wasn’t informed of Spike’s plans, but she assumed he would have told her sooner or later. So she decided to make herself known and trotted into the living room.

“Good morning,” said Spike as him and Applejack separated.

Sweetie Belle smiled sleepily. “Good morning you two. Any flu news?”

“Oh, I hadn’t even thought of turning on the TV yet,” replied Applejack as she reached for the remote.

The old television took a moment, but it eventually adjusted to show a clear picture. On it was a brown pony in a blue suit looking down at a sheet of paper and back to the camera occasionally. Behind him was a map of Equestria with several red areas.

“Again, the cities affected by the black flu are Cloudsdale, Canterlot, Manehatten, and now Vanhoover, Baltimare, and Fillydelphia. We do however; expect this list to grow as time goes on. Also, we have an estimate of those infected to be roughly two hundred fifty thousand to three hundred thousand and those dead to be around one hundred thousand. But we stress that these numbers are likely low due to delays in reporting infection.”

As Applejack turned away from the screen, she saw Spike looking over to her. “It’s time to get Applebloom home.”

The cowpony nodded.


Fluttershy desperately raced up and down store aisle trying to gather as many cans of food, medications, and disinfectants as she could. She planned to take no chances when dealing with this flu; she just hoped she had already prepared enough. However, it appeared that she wasn’t the only one who had come to this conclusion, for the entire store was packed with ponies, all trying to gather as many supplies as they could. Unfortunately, this was nothing compared to what was to come.

“Okay, I think that’s everything,” she said as she looked over the shopping cart.

Suddenly, a blue colored colt rushed past Fluttershy, his hoof was full of cans and rice, but he still managed to steel a few boxes of medicine right out of her cart. “Sorry,” he said in an uncaring tone.

Despite her normally kind nature, Fluttershy found herself rather irate with the pony and knowing that she greatly needed those pills, she wasn’t about to let some bully just take them. So she quickly pushed the heavy cart forward, striking the stallion in his rear legs, immediately knocking him to the ground.

Casually, the yellow Pegasus trotted over to where the colt had dropped her medicine and picked it up. “Sorry,” she said as she went back to her shopping cart.

Not wanting to deal with anymore pests like the stallion, Fluttershy took her cart and went over to the cash register. However, upon paying, she was in for quite a shock.

“Five bits per can?!” she exclaimed.

The grey mare at the register nodded. “Yes, I’m sorry, but Celestia has put in several trade restrictions. This is going to be the last shipment for at least another week.”

Fluttershy sighed. “Okay, so how much do I owe you in total?”

The pony punched in a few buttons on the register before the number shown on the digital display.

“397 Bits”

The Pegasus tried her hardest to not let her mouth drop. So she took in a deep breath and reached for her pouch. Angrily, she threw it onto the counter. “Just take the whole thing. I know there’s a little more than four hundred bits.”

Before the pony could even say another word, Fluttershy took her bags and walked right out of the store.

“What? I get robbed in the store and at the counter?” she mumbled to herself.

“Hey Fluttershy!” said a familiar draconic voice.

The Pegasus turned towards its source to see Sweetie Belle and Spike looking at her cheerfully. Fluttershy beamed as she rushed over to them.

“Spike? Sweetie Belle? What are you doing here?” she asked, wrapping them in an embrace.

The pair chuckled as they hugged her back. “We were just checking up on AJ,” replied Sweetie Belle.

“Oh? What for?” she asked as she picked up her groceries.

“You know this flu stuff. It took a good kick in the rear for her to get it through her head.”

The Pegasus nodded. “Yeah, she is rather stubborn like that. So, are you two still living in Manehatten?”

“Yup, we were just heading back,” replied Spike.

Fluttershy made a concerned expression before reaching into her bag. “Then take this,” she said, holding up a box of twenty N95 respirators.

Spike instantly put up a claw. “No, we don’t want to take your things, Shy.”

“Please,” she pleaded, “Things are going to get bad, Spike. This is just the beginning of something much bigger.”

The dragon raised an eyebrow. “What makes you say that?”

Fluttershy sighed. “It’s just; I’ve been researching this virus since I heard about it a decade ago. I just didn’t want any bird flu getting my feathered friends. Then I started seeing that it had been infecting ponies, sixty percent of them dying. Now, you tell me what would happen if sixty percent of those infected with the feather flu, died.”

Spike was a little shocked at both Fluttershy’s knowledge and grim prediction. So, not needing anymore convincing, he easily took the box of masks off her hoof. “Do you really think it’ll get that bad?”

“Spike,” she began, her tone utterly serious. “It’s too late to stop it now. Billions are going to die. I suggest you get out of Manehatten as soon as you can. And remember, there’s always room for you two at my cottage.” Fluttershy then grinned. “I just hope you know how to use a crossbow.”

Sweetie Belle and Spike just stared at the Pegasus, mouth agape. Of all the ponies they had known, Fluttershy would seem like the last one to own a weapon.

“What?” she asked, still grinning slightly. “I may be the element of kindness, but I’m not going to let ponies just walk all over me; especially not with what’s coming.” Giggling slightly, Fluttershy added. “Just a few minutes ago, I rammed my shopping cart into the back of some colt who was trying to steel my antibiotics.”

Spike and Sweetie Bell thought their mouths couldn’t drop anymore, but after hearing that last sentence, they were proven wrong.

Fluttershy giggled and began walking back home. “Well, it was nice seeing you two again, but I’ve got to get going. Bye guys.”

Still in shock, the couple waved. “Bye,” they said in unison.

Once Sweetie Belle was sure Fluttershy was well out of earshot, she looked up at the young dragon. “Spike, when did Fluttershy become such a badass?”


As the couple exited the train to Manehatten, they passed a conductor who was wearing a mask similar to the ones Fluttershy had given them earlier. At first they simply thought that only public transportation workers were wearing them, but as they stepped out onto the crowded streets, it was clear that a startling new fashion trend was beginning to spread. Suddenly it seemed that surgical masks had become the new “must have” accessory.

The pair decided that now was a good time to adorn their own masks, so they opened the box and quickly placed the respirators. They made sure that the metal clip at the bridge of their nose had been properly molded to their faces to prevent any unfiltered air from entering.

“Come on,” said Spike, taking Sweetie Belle by the hoof. “I don’t wanna be out here any longer than I need to.”
Sweetie Belle nodded and began to quicken her pace.

After a few moments, the couple made it to their apartment and quickly took off their masks. Despite the fact that it was somewhat cool out, these masks grew rather hot after a while, and the decreased amount of airflow wasn’t very fun.

“Finally, I can breathe again!” declared Sweetie Belle.

“Yeah, well don’t touch anything until you wash your hooves,” replied Spike as he locked the door behind them.

Sweetie Belle nodded and made her way into the kitchen. Spike went for the bathroom. At first the water was cool, but Sweetie Belle quickly turned it on hot with the glow of her horn. She was careful to scrub thoroughly and made sure she had taken at least thirty seconds. Despite the fact that only fifteen seconds of hoof washing was recommended by the EDC, she wanted to be extra safe.

Once she had dried off her hooves, she turned around to see Spike already standing behind her. He was about to say something, but was quickly cut off as the unicorn wrapped her hooves around him. Gradually, he lifted his arms around her as well.

“What’s wrong, Sweetie?”

Sweetie Belle sighed. “Nothing, it’s just, you don’t think this will get as bad as Fluttershy thinks, do you?”

Spike thought a moment, trying to put together a response that was both honest and reassuring. “I don’t know, it may or may not. But I promise nothing will happen to you.”

Instantly, Sweetie Belle threw herself off of Spike. “You keep saying that, but what about everyone else? What about the world? Is this really it? A hundred thousand are already dead, Spike. A hundred thousand out of only three hundred thousand.” Sweetie Belle’s eyes began to fill with tears of fear. “Things are going to bet bad, very bad.”

Spike rested a hand upon her shoulder. “You don’t know that. Maybe we’ll find a vaccine. Or maybe it’s not even that bad.”
“Spike, you’ve seen the news and it sure as hell looks that bad!”

The dragon turned away, starting to get annoyed. “I don’t know! Just try not to think about it! Damn!” Immediately, Spike felt bad for raising his voice at Sweetie Belle.

“I’m sorry,” he began, “It’s just, there’s nothing we can do about it so let’s just see where it goes from here. There’s no point in worrying about it now. And hey, at least our friends are okay, plus Rarity will be out of the hospital soon.” Spike then shot her a reassuring smile.

The unicorn nodded. “I’m sorry, too. And don’t worry about me getting sick. That’s all I ever hear you talk about.” Sweetie Belle smiled. “But if you get sick I’ll kill you long before the flu.”

Spike let out a light chuckle. “Thanks, I’ll remember that.”


Day Fourteen
Infected: 5,715,982
Dead: 3,490,016

Spike sat before the television, listening to the news pony going on about a drug named “Tamiflu.” To Spike, this name was of little importance, but to the health care community, it was gold, and they were running out.

“As the death toll continues to skyrocket worldwide, it is feared that Equestria, and many other nations’, stockpiles of Tamiflu are beginning to run very low. It is believed that we only have two to five more days’ worth in Equestria. After that point, we will no longer have any effective treatment against the black flu virus. However, more and more strains are being reported to actually be resistant to all antivirals.”

‘More of the same,’ Spike thought to himself. ‘Just bad news.’

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Quickly, he flicked off the television and adorned his face mask. Upon opening the door, he saw Twilight, who was wearing a face mask as well, standing there holding a box of respirators similar to the ones Fluttershy had given him previously. However, instead of a yellow “N95” being inscribed on the box, there was a light red “P100.”

“Oh hey Twilight!” Spike exclaimed.

Twilight smiled. “Hey Spike, it’s really nice seeing you again.”

“You as well. Now I would give you a hug, but that’s a habit I’m trying to break.”

Twilight giggled as she entered and closed the door. As she did so, Spike caught sight of two royal guards standing behind her, each of them wearing gas masks. He honestly, felt a little creeped out by their new wardrobe addition.

“These are for you,” said Twilight as she placed the box onto a nearby counter. “They’re the highest grade of face mask protection available, and pretty much cleaned out of every store.”

Spike smiled. “Thank you, Twi… But do you think you could score me some of those gas masks. They’d make for an awesome Nightmare Night costume.”

The Alicorn laughed. “We’ll see. Celestia’s been issuing them to the royal guard like candy… So where’s Sweetie Belle at?”
“I’m over here,” replied Sweetie Belle as she trotted out of her bedroom. “I heard you come in and was trying to find my mask.”

Twilight smiled briefly before looking down at her hooves. “Listen you guys, there is another reason for me being here than just masks.”

Spike raised his brow. “Oh?”

“You see, things are getting bad in Canterlot. They’re beginning to dig mass graves outside of the cities and even burring bodies in some cases. We’re even afraid that we’re about to start running low on body bags.”

“But why are you telling us this?” asked Sweetie Belle.

Twilight sighed. “So you’ll be ready for some of the things you’re going to see. Things are going to start happening soon, very bad things; house to house corpse disposal, food and water shortages, even the closings of full hospitals. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.”

Author's Note:

In this chapter, I'd like to point out the importance of face masks and the protection they provide. Let me make it very clear that simple ear loop face masks offer no protection, neither do the dust masks. You must have a Niosh N95 mask or higher. They are as follows in order of lowest to highest protection; N95, R95, P95, N99, R99, P99, N100, R100, P100. I would recommend that you go with the P100 style face mask with 99.97% efficiency vs. a N95 with only 75-95% efficiency, however they are more expensive and harder to find. Also, make sure you put them on correctly. Believe it or not, misuse will be a large cause of infection during a pandemic. Firstly you put the two straps behind your head with one over and the other under your ear. Next make sure your chin isn't obscuring the mask. Your chin should be inside of it providing no obstruction. Lastly, make sure you form the metal piece on the mask to the shape of your nose. This prevents any unfiltered air from entering. Also, these masks are disposable, but you don't have to throw them away immediately after. Mostly because you will run out during a pandemic. Is it recommended that you reuse them? No, but you may not have a choice, so use them only a few times before disposing of it.

Also, the topic of hand washing is very important. You need to use an antimicrobial soap and wash your hands in hot water for 15 seconds or more. Personally I prefer 30 seconds, but that's just me. And do this as frequently as possible.

Another important topic is social distancing. Try not to hug or shake hands with people. This is a key way that the virus may spread. And do not touch handles or frequently touched areas if possible, this includes door knobs, water fountains, light switches, water faucet knobs, escalator handles, elevator handles or buttons, refrigerator handles, stair handles, toilet levers. Anything you can think of that people touch a lot. Any of these things in your own home need to be disinfected with alcohol or bleach based cleaners regularly.

And try to avoid stores if at all possible. They will likely be emptied out in the first few weeks of the pandemic, especially in the larger cities and places where there are large clusters of infection. However, if you must go into a store, try to touch as little as possible, for much of it may be contaminated, especially shopping carts. Honestly, you should just stay away from them in general. But you should also know when your local store receives deliveries. This will be when you need to be there, other wise what you need may have already been taken by someone else. And don't count on getting a respirator at Home Depot or even Walmart. At the most they'll only have fifty of them available (they are usually sold in two packs) and they will be gone very quickly. You should have enough on hand before a pandemic begins.

Now, corpse disposal as I described it may sound a little foreign and rather unbelievable. Unfortunately, this isn't the case. If the death toll were to climb very fast, for instance a few million in two weeks, we would see services like this begin to become routine. They may even use dump trucks for the disposal of bodies in massive holes similar to landfills. Honestly, death would become so common place that many would have no regard for the dead other than getting them into the ground or burnt.

One last thing, today I did find out some rather unsettling news. Apparently, H7N9 may only be one mutation from going airborne. You see, the mutation we fear is in the hemagglutinin of the virus. It's a protein that allows the flu to bond with and enter your cells. If it were to mutate it may cause the virus to have the ability to enter cells in the upper respiratory tract, just as the swine flu and seasonal flu do. This would almost certainly cause an influenza pandemic. Also, this mutation may make all current H7 vaccines much less effective.
Here are links to two of the news articles explaining this in greater detail: Link 1 Link 2